Kabouter Games - d66 Rumors

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…no, not with Stevie Nicks.

d66 Tables for Fantasy Roleplaying Games

selection of d66 tables for randomly selecting rumors is an excellent asset to
your GM tool kit. Sow them in your game world, let the players pick them
up. You don’t have to decide which are true and which are false; on the
contrary, it’s a great idea to see which ones interest your players and build
adventures around them!
There are six d66 tables in this book. You can use the tables in a number of
ways. They’re “d66” tables, which means you only need a d6 or three to use them.
To generate a d66 result, roll two different six-sided dice. One is tens, the other ones. It’s
like percentile dice, but with six-siders. For example, if the “tens” die comes up 3 and the
“ones” die comes up 4, your result is 34.
As there are six tables in the book, roll 1 d6 to randomly tell you which table to use.
Then roll d66 to generate a random result. Or you could just read the Quirks, find one (or
a couple) that strikes your fancy, and use it. It’s up to you!
There are six d66 tables in this book. You can use the tables in a number of ways. They’re
“d66” tables, which means you only need a d6 or three to use them.
To generate a d66 result, roll two different six-sided dice. One is tens, the other ones. It’s
like percentile dice, but with six-siders. For example, if the “tens” die comes up 3 and the
“ones” die comes up 4, your result is 34.
As there are six tables in the book, roll 1 d6 to randomly tell you which table to use.
Then roll d66 to generate a random result. Or you could just read the Rumors, find one
(or a couple) that strikes your fancy, and use it. It’s up to you!

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you’d have gotten this book for free long before you could get it elsewhere! Patrons get
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Design: R P Davis
Editing: K A McGann
Executive Producers: Angela Reese & Robin Williams
Cover Image by cottonbro via Pexels
Interior Art: Bob Greyvenstein; Some artwork © Grim Press, used with permission. All
rights reserved; Some artwork © 2016 Christina Stiles Presents, used with permission. All
rights reserved; Nathanaël Roux & Barkalot Designs
©2022 Kabouter Games - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without express prior permission in
writing from Kabouter Games or as permitted by law.
Any resemblance or similarity between characters or situations described in this book, and persons living or dead, or any situations in real life, is purely coincidental and completely unintentional.

Rumors 45 If you’re ever at The Happy Halfling ask for the
Bredelgen red wine. It’s not on their menu
d66 Rumor 46 The priests at the temple know everyone’s secrets
11 The general store clerk hasn’t been acting herself in this town. Some say they run this place.
lately 51 A group of pilgrims has discovered a lost city in the
12 The Duke’s coffers are running empty. He’s having Mawry Forest.
trouble paying his soldiers and the watch 52 Dwarven miners have stumbled on a forgotten
13 Annielle’s potions are especially potent. Well vault in the Woeful Fells.
worth the price premium 53 Ilin the lampwright has spent all his gold on ale
14 The Baron is unhappy with Agella over there in the and consorts.
corner 54 The gem appraiser Arisyn never gives a fair value.
15 I might know something about that. Fancy a hand Take your valuables elsewhere.
of cards? 55 The ravens of the Thorn Hills have gained
16 If you want to get into a card game ask for Caitalie sentience and speech.
there two tables over 56 There aren’t enough militia or city guards around
21 Someone struck gold upriver. Azivaro for one here to keep the peace. This town is a powder keg.
found a few fat nuggets 61 Lord Raudsa lost his entire estate gambling at the
22 There have been some markers moved over at the Bloody Dagger.
graveyard 62 The old mill burned down last night. Didn’t you
23 If you want any special attention from any of the hear the commotion?
girls upstairs, ask for Naral. She’s better than any 63 The master of the Merchants’ Guild is conspiring
of the others to overthrow the king.
24 I know Kara over there knows a cure for that thing 64 A star has fallen into the Desolation of Hebila.
on your cheek if you have the coin
65 Verinia’s son is not in a good way. Been bedridden
25 You seem like a fine fellow. If you need anything for weeks. Can’t shake a fever from a giant rat.
from Benson’s general store, tell them Marlyn sent
66 A caravan of merchants has discovered a lost city
you. They’ll give you my discount.
in the Byny Plains.
26 Tomorrow night Lamland the bard is coming to

this inn. Can you believe it?
The King’s been through three food tasters this
More Rumors
month, from what I hear. Not a very secure job. d66 Rumor
Three cooks too, I suppose.
11 The chancellor of the courts has been murdered
32 They say the wizard Davicy is looking for a rust by a red-robed assassin.
monster carcass. For what I can’t say.
12 The chancellor of the courts is the real power
33 George Jackridge secretly bribed the Sheriff. He behind the throne.
doesn’t want to lose his moonshine still.
13 Something has been delving a network of
34 Vergun publicly insulted Martisone several days catacombs beneath the town.
ago. Belvarin says there’ll be a duel.
14 Lady Elias is also the master of the Assassins
35 Codo Brushdigger is missing. They were last seen Guild.
drunkenly arguing with people near the old mill.
15 The town magistrate is conspiring to overthrow
36 A demon appeared out by the standing stones a the king.
couple nights ago. Nareg Ghostbone saw it and
16 The cavernous lair of an ancient dragon lies
was stricken dumb — at least they haven’t said a
somewhere beneath the Dark Temple of
word since.
41 Adado Quickeye said there’s a hidden treasure at
21 Alded the peddler deals in stolen goods.
empty riverbed for anyone stupid enough to go
after it. They say a werewolf guards it. 22 The old monastery on Drake Hill is haunted by
42 Yeah, I found some unusual tracks out by my barn.
Had a horse missing too. 23 The queen is dying of an incurable affliction.
43 That medicine Kebur the Magnificent was selling 24 Ghosts walk the ramparts of Minas Elumin
last week didn’t do a bit of good. He said he was during the full moon.
going to Thistleton this week. Someone should go 25 Magic is altered in strange ways within the Nala
over there and confront him. Crags.
44 If you’re interested in the gladiator fights, bet 26 Jamun is the champion hatchet thrower in the
against Rostan — I hear the fix is in. town, but he cheats

31 Did you hear about the festival coming next Even More Rumors
month? We’re going to have jousting knights!
d66 Rumor
32 The freelancers at Nadia’s are cheap; it’s the
11 Kil’ith said Adaine the miller secretly cheated
cure for whatever you catch from them that’s
Yeoman Brannog.
12 Ulond said there’s a ghost in the coastal caves
33 War is brewing on the eastern borders. You
near Caer Peerlen that guards a pirate treasure.
mark my words.
13 The blacksmith’s boy went missing last week.
34 The renowned sage Brellin is researching the
They found his body a day later, but with those
history of an enchanted crown.
gashes on him I wish they hadn’t.
35 A mysterious traveling merchant sells faulty
14 Hedyn the merchant says there’s a new gang of
magic items and then sneaks away.
robbers attacking wagons on Barn Way. They’re
36 A large pack of mastiffs has been spotted probably camped out in the ruins of the old
lurking around Ebonleaf Wood. Be prepared! priory.
41 Varen the paladin was seen leaving Burnton at 15 A magic sword appeared last night, stuck in the
night and heading toward a nearby village. blacksmith’s anvil. They say whoever can pull it
42 Walking trees have surrounded a castle west of out will win wealth uncountable.
Fermenham. 16 Witch’s Knob is haunted by a hag who raises
43 Sani the Corpulent has challenged Lord Aisoz to demonic goats.
a duel. 21 Pasco the tanner’s neighbors are complaining
44 Lord Lansam has spent all his wealth on an about the smell. Yeah, he’s a tanner, but this is
impregnable stronghold. different.
45 The king plans to levy a new tax on adventurers, 22 A shepherd boy was found dead out on the
starting next week! Downs. Ripped limb from limb.
46 The Crossed Candles has a magical portal 23 Talwynn, the hermit woman who makes healing
hidden in its cellar. It leads to a fantastic potions? When she was younger she was a
treasure. powerful dragon-worshiping cultist.
51 Schimia has been seen leaving Bexley at night 24 Every full moon, the blacksmith disappears
and heading toward a nearby temple. into the forest overnight. Some say he prays to a
dead god.
52 A ranger’s been hunting giant rats south of
Barncombe, but it became too dangerous for 25 The dragon in Ebonleaf Wood is really a wizard
them to tackle alone. using magic to transform himself.
53 The Earl of Draycott accepts bribes. 26 Last night, everyone in the town had the same
dream: a dragon swooping down, burning and
54 The cleric Serala is searching for a lost temple
killing, on the night of a new moon. That’s only
east of Blencathra.
a few days away.
55 A secret cabal of warlocks meets regularly in
31 The Cult of Zog has taken over the local temple.
Scorched Scar.
The priests look normal, but…
56 A mad hermit who lives in the Foundry Hills. He
32 A will-o-the-wisp floated through the Market
can see the future.
Square at midnight. At dawn, Lady Katel was
61 A pack of aberrant cultists loyal to a dead god found dead in her bed.
lurks in the ruins of Caer Sawy.
33 Wyverns are responsible for all the livestock
62 The magistrate is a descendant of Nabuma the gone missing lately. Cadel the Forester found
Merciless. No wonder he has that humongous their next in Ebonleaf Wood.
34 When the next full moon rises, all the wizards
63 A warehouse in Slate Alley, down by the docks, will die. Thus spake the prophecy.
contains a flying ship.
35 Lord Borlas took a bribe and convicted the
64 Someone — or something — is giving eldritch wrong person to hang.
powers to common street waifs.
36 There’s a merchant in the bazaar whose spices
65 Khrazz the druid was dragged from his grove make you taste colors!
near Glimmerfalls and beaten half to death.
41 Mellin Trewin is marrying Jenefer Sambell, and
the whole town is invited. Let’s hope Mellin
66 Avoid drinking the tea at Onryx’s tavern in doesn’t take to drinking again; when he’s in his
Wallowdale. You will become lovestruck! cups, he likes to fight.

42 A little rat-faced man came into town yesterday 54 An earthquake caused a landslide that covered
and bought all the rations in the shops. Said he the King’s Highway. The town is cut off until it
needed them “when it all goes sour”. What did can be dug out.
he mean? 55 You know Saskia, who just got married? It turns
43 They say this neighborhood was built on out she’s a runaway. Her family just turned up to
an ancient graveyard. They even used the take her back home, and she doesn’t want to go.
headstones as building material. That might 56 They say a headless man rides up and down the
explain the noises. Forest Road every midnight, looking for a head
44 Guanna the Seer says Lord Wulfstan is going to replace his.
to be assassinated by someone dressed all in 61 There hasn’t been a birth in town in the last
green. three years. And it isn’t for lack of trying!
45 Lord Aelfhelm staggered through the Market 62 Dieter and Bruno of the Brewer’s Guild are
Square last night at midnight with his fixing prices. You can’t get a drink for less than
underwear on his head raving about how he twice what it was last week.
should be king.
63 A company of knights on some kind of quest
46 The old lady at the end of the market is selling has taken over the inn, making all kinds of
rag dolls that talk — and tell secrets about their demands. Where do they think they are, the
owners. city?
51 Lady Elfilda is secretly a werewolf. That’s why 64 A band of giants has set up camp outside the
the town’s chickens are attacked every full town. They say they’re peaceful and just want
moon. to trade.
52 You know that old man who started showing 65 Two strange-looking men are in the market
up in the tavern? If you talk to him for more selling lumps of a weird gray metal that’s always
than a few minutes, you forget everything that warm to the touch.
happened that night.
66 Volkhar swears he was in the woods the other
53 The king has issued a proclamation: all able- day and saw a bear walking on two legs and
bodied people are to join the army at once and smoking a pipe.
march to the border of the Badlands.

These Rumors Are More-ish 36 Mistress Jelena’s cat has started talking, its yowls
forming words. Nobody understands it, but it’s
d66 Rumor
definitely talking.
11 A dragon is attacking ships and villages along the
41 There’s a house in town that hides a portal to
coast to the north.
another dimension in its basement.
12 A gang of desperate outlaws escaped the Sheriff’s
42 Somewhere deep in Ebonleaf Wood is a nest of
men, and they’re heading this way.
birds with feathers of pure gold.
13 Zan the Magnificent, a legendary sorcerer, has
43 When business is slow, the Nuskern brothers
sent a letter to the town demanding tribute or
— the local undertakers — sometimes poison
he’ll come in wands a-blastin’.
14 You know Zalagga the Bard? He died two years
44 A schism is forming among the clergy. Someone
ago, or so they say. Out of nowhere he strolled into
nailed a bunch of accusations to the temple doors!
town yesterday. For a dead guy he doesn’t look half
bad. 45 Bishop Venucius was discovered in a
compromising situation with one of his flock
15 Every night for the past few weeks, someone
during his most recent “alms distribution”.
has been painting white skulls on the side of the
Magistrate’s house. Nobody can catch the vandals, 46 If you pay the right servant, they can get you into
either. a back room card game that all the richest nobles
play in.
16 An abandoned mine in the Foggy Downs was
reopened, but nobody’s seen the miners in a few 51 A platoon of the Baron’s Guard are heading this
weeks. way with grim determination. Who are they
looking for?
21 The Guildmasters don’t like how the Baron
is running the city. They’re quietly hiring 52 You know that bard who’s playing the Dog &
mercenaries and bribing people. There’s a coup Trumpet? I hear she’s having an affair with Lady
coming. Tarullia.
22 One of Lady Anzili’s chambermaids 53 The beer at the Knuckles is watered down by
singlehandedly saved a farm family from goblins. something, but it ain’t water.
Skill like that doesn’t come out of nowhere. What’s 54 You know Beornwulf the tinker? He used to be Sir
she hiding? Viranus, the famous paladin — at least, before the
23 Lord Maldwyn disappeared last week, and scandal.
yesterday a young woman claiming to be his 55 The Red Skeleton gang buried all their loot
daughter turned up out of nowhere. What’s her somewhere in Ebonleaf Wood before they were all
story? captured and hanged. No one ever found it.
24 The Scurlock family haven’t allowed their 56 Every year at midnight on Midsummer’s Eve,
daughter Eryn out of their house for weeks. someone disappears, never to be seen again. Who
Derwen the Carter says he heard screaming will it be this year?
coming from the east wing when he was there
61 Just beyond the mountains, through Gryffyn Pass,
yesterday delivering wine.
is a village populated only by children. They exile
25 Macsen Camm has been quietly stockpiling anyone who turns 16.
weapons, preserved food, healing potions, and
62 Farmer Jenkins has hired a druid to magically
holy water. What does he know that we don’t?
create bigger animals for market.
26 Lord Mirko has been visiting Mama Jelena’s
63 If you eat enough of Farmer Jenkins’s chicken,
orphanage an awful lot. Some say he’s hiding a
you’ll grow wings.
bastard child in there.
64 If you pat Farmer Jenkins’s pig and give it a turnip,
31 The entertainers at tomorrow night’s ball are
it’ll grant you a wish.
convicts. If they don’t perform well, they’ll be
executed. 65 Deep in the forest there’s a bird that builds its nest
from sticks made of solid gold.
32 A few days ago, Old Man Stitch heard weird noises
coming from his well. 66 Huw Trevethan was missing for three days. Now
he’s back, dressed in fine clothing in the latest
33 Last night Nokol’s daughter Marija was seen
fashion, with a purse full of gold, and he says he
near the temple, whispering strange rhymes and
has no memory of where he was, how he got there,
clutching a bloody knife.
or how he got home.
34 Henrick swears when that last squall came
through, it rained fish on his vegetable garden.
35 Last night a ghostly figure was seen dancing in a
ring of mushrooms over by the woods. It’s another
full moon tonight; wonder if it’ll come back?

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