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CHAPTER SUMMARIES during those two days.

She plans that her friend could keep

Chapter 1 the minister occupied while she and Odili go on about their
The narrator Odili Samalu is a young school carnal (sensual) reunion.
teacher who awaits the arrival of Minister Nanga at Anata On Thursday evening, Mr. Nanga and Odili picks up
Grammar School. Chief Nanga, formally known as Chief the Elsie from her workplace. Elsie tells them her girlfriend
Honorable M.A. Nanga, is a former teacher in the said cannot come because she's not feeling well. Mr. Nanga
school (but now a politician). The Minister is expected to doesn't mind which astonishes Odili.
address the staff and students in the afternoon. Chapter 7
The villagers are excited to see Nanga, but Odili is Chief Nanga had prepared in advance that Elsie
not. He considers Nanga’s political methods as unethical. should sleep in his wife's bedroom.
Chief Nanga emerges from his Cadillac wearing Odili is the first to retire to his room after dinner.
demask and gold chains. The school principal introduces the Elsie follows suit to her assigned room, and Nanga is the
Minister to the teachers. As Chief Nanga immediately last to retire to his room. Odili waits till Nanga leaves the
recognized Odili's name, the Minister invites Odili to his sitting room. He purposes to walk towards Elsie's room,
house after the school is closed for the holiday. take her with him to his room. Hopefully, Nanga wouldn't
Although Odili is angry about the national know of it.
government, he is quickly charmed by Chief Nanga's As Odili ascends the stairs to Elsie's room, he
enthusiasm and charisma. Odili’s dislike towards Nanga realizes that Chief Nanga and Elsie are sleeping with one
begins to fade after Nanga gives a speech. It is revealed that another. He dozes till a few minutes past four in the
Chief Nanga is considered by everyone to be the titular morning. He packs his things on his suitcase. He changes to
"man of the people." his clothes, and leaves the room by the private door.
Chapter 2 He walks for hours, then returns to Nanga's
Despite Odili's personal politics, the teacher residence. He meets Nanga outside the gate. He can't
accepts Chief Nanga's invitation to stay at his home in the believe the Minister slept with his girlfriend. Chief Nanga
country's capital, Bori, for the holidays. Odili had been doesn’t understand why this makes Odili angry.
fortunate in that his secondary and university education He takes his suitcase, hails a taxi to drive him to
were catered for through scholarships. They discuss the Max's place. He meets his Anata Grammar School's
possibility of Chief Nanga organizing for him a scholarship classmate, Maxwell Kukumo, who is a practising lawyer.
to go study in England. Odili had hinted to the Minister that Chapter 8
he had applied for a scholarship to study a postgraduate Odili settles inside Max’s house, but he began
Certificate of Education in London. The Minister had, in thinking about how Chief Nanga gets on his way and
return, told him they'll pay the Minister of Oversees humiliates him, and decided to to make revenge by looking
Training a visit at his home when Odili comes to the city. for Edna, the young and beautiful woman that Chief Nanga
Before leaving, the Minister gives him the address intends to make her as his wife. At night, there are 8 people
of his residence. who arrived at Max’s house to discuss the political situation
Chapter 3 of the country and the formation of the political country,
A month after the Minister’s invitation, Odili the Common People’s Convention or CPC, this includes
arrives at his luxurious private residence in the morning. Max’s fiancée and Eunice, and he was enrolled at the party
Odili discovers that his suspicions are true. Though Chief as a foundation member.
Nanga prides himself on his egalitarianism, he lives Chapter 10
luxuriously and reaps the benefits of his corrupt Odili came again to Mr. Nanga’s house at the
governmental position. Anata village in the morning, hoping that he could see Edna
He's warmly welcomed by the Minister, and but she can’t see her. 2 hours pass and Edna arrives while
greeted by his wife and children. At about five in the being inside Mr. Nanga’s car. Rushing to Mr. Nanga’s room
evening, they leave to see Mr. Simon Koko, Minister of that is reserved specially for VIP members, carrying a tray
Overseas Training. that has a bottle of beer and a glass. He immediately talked
Ironically, Odili finds concrete evidence that Chief to her and convince her why she shouldn’t be married to
Nanga knows very little about his nation's culture. Mr. Nanga, wrapping his arms around Edna’s waist, but she
Chapter 4 immediately turned him down.
The next morning, the Minister wakes Odili stating Odili is summoned by Max for a consultation for
he's going to his office. Later, Mrs. Nanga tells Odili that she them to talk about how Mr. Nanga's People's Organization
and the children will be leaving in 3 days for Anata (the Party (POP) opposes Max's Common People's Convention
hometown of Odili and Chief Nanga as previously (CPC), they primarily discussed about their political strategy
mentioned). Odili is happy that he'll be able to bring his on how they will turn Mr. Nanga down. And right after it,
casual girlfriend, Elsie, who works as a nurse in the city. Mr. Nwege called him to his School office, handed him a
Chapter 5 & 6 month salary and a dismissal letter after he know that he’s
Mrs. Nanga and the children leave for Anata on contesting Mr. Nanga.
Saturday. Odili visited Elsie at the hospital the day after he Odili decides to visit Mrs. Nanga's place. She's
arrived in the city to confirm whether she’d come with Odili furious at seeing Odili due to the fact Odili will be
to the Minister’s house. Because Elsie knew that the contending against her husband. To show his care and
minister’s wife was not going to be around, Elsie had support for Edna’s family, he goes to the hospital where
organized for one of her nurse friends to accompany her
Edna's mother is hospitalized but didn’t see Edna’s mother,
so his next stop is at Edna's home.
Edna pleads with Odili to leave because her father
is angry, but Odili ignores her despite her terror. When her
father arrives with a machete, Edna calls for her mother,
fearing for Odili's safety. An hour later, Odili leaves for his
car, and although Edna wants to see him off, her father
threatens to beat her if she does.
Chapter 11 & 12
Odili chooses his village as a safer base for his
campaigns and enlists four local bodyguards. Chief Nanga
visits Odili's rural home to dissuade him from challenging
his position, offering money and a scholarship. Despite his
father's advice to accept the offers and respect Chief
Nanga, Odili firmly refuses both.
The next day, Max and his campaign team arrive at
Odili's home with several vehicles and loudspeakers to
launch their campaign. Despite Odili's concern about his
father being the local chairman of the opposing party, his
father dismisses the worry. After the campaign, Odili visits
Edna, who angrily tells him to leave and insists she will
marry Nanga, suggesting he return to his city girlfriend,
Chapter 13
Odili attends Chief Nanga's inaugural campaign
meeting. He disguises himself by wearing a hat and
sunglasses. A local trader and a man of Chief Nanga,
however, manages to identify Odili. He tries to escape
when Chief Nanga told the crowd to stop the thief. Nanga
instructs him to get on the stage. While there, the Chief
slanders Odili and explains how he is disappointed in his
former student. Odili, intent on exposing Chief Nanga's
corrupt behavior, takes to the microphone. However,
before Odili can finish his opening sentence, he is slapped
by Nanga and later ambushed by the entire crowd. He loses
consciousness and wakes up in a hospital bed.
During his recovery, Odili discovers that he has lost
the election and that Max has been killed by Koko during
the night of the election. This is after he began investigating
an illegal activity carried out by Chief Koko's wife. Max was
killed in a car accident by Minister Chief Koko’s men; after
Chief Koko learned that Max had information that could
ruin his career as a politician. Max’s fiancé, who was with
him during the accident, managed to shoot and kill Chief
Koko and was subsequently arrested.
Although Chief Nanga’s party wins the election,
the aftermath is unrest and chaos, and ultimately the young
army overthrows the government through a coup. Then the
people of the country come forward and talk about how
terrible the former government was, despite their support
for the same elected officials when they were in power.
They asserted they'd return the nation to the civilians when
the country returns to normalcy.
Eunice was later released after the coup, and Max
was labeled a national hero for all the work he did fighting
corruption in the country. Edna stands by Odili through his
recovery. Odili manages to pay Edna's dowry even though it
took several tries before Edna's father accepted Odili to
marry her.

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