03 Wonsan

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[Music Starts]

Today on the Korean Atlas and History: Major North Korean Cities. Wonsan.

[Music Fades]

Wonsan is a port city and naval base located in the Gangwon province of

North Korea, on the eastern side of the Korean peninsula. Its port opens into the

East Sea, or Sea of Japan. The port of Wonsan was opened in 1880 by Japanese

forces occupying the region. Wonsan has been known by different names to

different cultures. It has been called 용훙항 Yuan Shan in China, Genzan in Japan,

and Port La za reva or Port Lazareff in Russia.

The area of the port city is 269 square kilometers, or 104 square miles. To the

west of the city lie Mount 창독 and Mount 낲알. More than 20 small islands

surround the coastal area. The city is also located near 금강산, or Mount 금강, which

has been an important cultural location for Koreans since ancient times. The city of

Wonsan is divided into 45 동, or neighborhoods, and 14 리 or villages.

Historically, Wonsan has been a place of habitation for humans since the

Neolithic period and bronze age. Pottery from these ages has been found in the

village area of 충푱동 of Wonsan. The area later came under the rule of the 고구려

kingdom and was called 어울매. It was later incorporated under the Silla dynasty in
681, and renamed 중촌 county. Sometime around 935, Kin Taejo of 고려 conquered

the region, and it was renamed again as 용주. Then in 1108, it became known as

의주 and a fortress was constructed there. From 1258 to 1356, the area of Wonsan

became part of the 싼성 Prefectures. In 1258, the Yuan dynasty invaded south from

China into the northern part of the 고려 kingdom. Then, they set up the 싼성

Prefectures, which were part of the Yuan dynasty of China’s plan to conquer and

dominate the northern 고려 territory. Their plan was to accomplish this together

with the 동녕 prefectures to the west, which they had previously established. During

this 100 year period, 6 castle structures and 54 forts were created to conquer the

northern 고려 area. However, in 1356, the ruler of 고려 at that time, 공민, appointed

류인우 to invade the 쌍성 prefectures. Spies inside the 쌍성 prefectures, opened the

gate to allow the 고려 military to enter. 고려 conquered the 쌍성 prefectures and

returned control of the area to 고려.

In the modern area, Wonsan was opened as a trade port in 1880. In 1914, the

평원 and 경원 railway lines were opened, connecting the port city of Wonsan to the

capital city of 평양 and Seoul. During the Japanese occupation of Korea, the city

served as an import point in the distribution of trade between Korean and mainland

When the Korean War began, American and South Korean troops capture

Wonsan on October 10th, 1950, during their northern drive. American and South

Korean forces then lift the city in expectations of a Chinese counter attack, and the

city fell under Chinese control on December 9th, 1950. This event led to the famous

Blockade of Wonsan during the Korean War.

The Blockade of Wonsan lasted for 861 days, from February 16th, 1951 to July

27th, 1953. It is the longest naval blockade in modern history. During the Korean

War, Wonsan was a strategic point, having a large harbor, an airfield, a petroleum

refinery, several artillery batteries, 75,000 people, and as many as 80,000 troops. This

operation began after the Battle of Incheon, in which UN forces recaptured the

South Korean capital of Seoul and pushed northward. Under the command of

General Douglas MacArthur, X Corps was to make a landing at Wonsan and move

west to link up with the Eighth Army. After linking, the two groups would advance

toward 평양, the capital of North Korea.

One major obstacle to overcome during this operation was the destruction of

mines deployed by the North. North Korean forces were well supplied with sea

mines by the Soviet Union and China. Operation Wonsan began on October 10th,

1950, with the goal of removing mines just ten days before the landing was

scheduled. Rear Admiral James H. Doyle commanded Task Force 90 during the
operation. On October 12th, 1950, two days after the start of the operation, mines

sank the sweepers USS Pledge and USS pirate, while the ships were under accurate

fire from North Korean shore batteries. Twelve men died and dozens more were

wounded, along with other vessels taking some damage. The United States Naval

Fleet responded by beginning production of new minesweepers in the largest

shipbuilding program since World War II.

Operation Tailboard was the codename for the landing operation wat

Wonsan. On October 15th, 1950, 30,184 marines embarked transports in Incheon and

moved outside of the landing zone, arriving on October 20th. However, clearance of

the mine field was still taking place, so X Corp and the 1st Marine Division were

forced to remain on the transports and wait for Operation Wonsan to complete. By

the time October 25th arrived and Operation Wonsan was completed, the North

Koreans had already withdrawn from the area and British and South Korean forces

were securing Wonsan. The landing was unnecessary and General Douglas

MacArthur was criticized for not using the X Corp in the pursuit of the retreating

North Korean Army. 6 days prior, on October 19th, 1950, the South Korean Army had

already captured 평양, so rather than move on 평양, the American army moved

north along the coast to occupy 흥나 m, a district of 함흥, the second largest city of

North Korea, as well as the Chosin Reservoir. The 3rd Infantry Division landed at

Wonsan as reinforcements. However, they wouldn’t hold it for long. A massive

Chinese intervention in the war caused Allied forces to evacuate Wonsan on

December 9th, 1950. General MacArthur’s plan was to regroup in Japan and launch

another offensive while continuing to hold the Busan Perimeter. While the Americans

were doing this, North Koreans and Chinese forces rebuilt the city defenses in a

more formidable way, as well as added additional sea mines and erected new

artillery batteries.

On February 16th, 1951, the blockade of Wonsan began and lasted until the

armistice in July, 1953. During this time, the United States Navy ships and aircraft

engaged shore batteries repeatedly. The United States forces targeted everything

used by the communists, and caused heavy damage. From May to September 1951,

the codename for the bombardment of Wonsan was Operation Fireball. On the

evening of May 21st to the morning of May 22nd 1951, intense fighting was seen.

Two American amphibious Landing Ship Medium Rocket type vehicles, or LSMRs,

fired 4,903 rockets in thirty-five minutes, causing heavy damage to the city’s


On June 12, 1951, the destroyer class USS Walke was struck on the side by a

torpedo. The explosion severely damaged the Walke’s hull, and killed 26 men,

leaving 40 wounded. USS Harry E. Hubbard and USS Bradford reported two

submarines in the area on which they dropped depth charges, but the chase was
eventually discontinued. The USS Walke was later repaired and returned to Korean

waters the following year. In July, the United States and North Korean forces

exchanged heavy bombardments in what was called the Battle of the Buzz Saw, but

the American vessels suffered no serious damage.

Late June through August 1951 saw Operation Kickoff, a series of invasions

into the small islands around Wonsan, including 초도, 황도, and 국도. British Royal

Marines installed mortars on 황도 for use in countering North Korean shore

batteries. Operation Kickoff proved to be a success as the number of attacks on

blockading ships decreased for some period of time.

September of 1951 saw the renewal of minesweeping operations around

Wonsan. The operation would continue for months as the UN ships constantly swept

various areas to ensure that no new mine fields were laid. Occasions of shore

batteries hitting allied ships became less common as well during this time. By

November, the minesweeping operation was 80% complete.

Late 1951 and early 1952 saw a increase of North Korean strength in Wonsan.

The North had been building sampans for minelaying and had also been preparing

offensives against the islands around Wonsan. MiG aircraft were being reported in

larger numbers and large artillery bombardments were being conducted. American
forces retaliated with bombardments on the city. By the on year anniversary of the

blockade, bombing Wonsan occurred on a daily basis.

April of 1952 saw the most effective North Korean shore batteries to date.

North Koreans were using hidden guns which were difficult to locate. On June 19th,

1952, the USS Parks caught 300 enemy troops repairing a damaged railroad and

fired twenty-eight rounds at them, inflicting 74 casualties, as well as hits on railroad

tracks as well as a railroad bridge.

The first and only naval air battle at Wonsan and 흥남 happened on October

7th, 1952. MiG-15s attacked TF-77 aircraft three times. No damage was reported by

either side. Later, four MiG-15s attacked a flight of F4Us, and two other MiG-15s

attacked eight American AD aircraft. Again, there were no casualties. In a final attack,

later in the day, a single MiG-15 destroyed one of four F4Us.

January 2nd, 1953 marked the first day in a large-scale North Korean

bombardment of the UN held islands in Wonsan Harbor. The bombardment lasted

until May, but the United Nations named the attack a failure. 90% of the North

Korean shore batteries were active against their own friendly islands rather than the

blockading fleet. During this period, only four friendly soldiers were killed, with

fifteen wounded. February 16th, 1953 marked the second anniversary of the

blockade. Wonsan was mostly in ruins, but still remained a key transportation hub
for communists. Because of the constant threat of amphibious assault by United

Nations forces, approximately 30,000 North Korean soldiers and 6,000 civilians were

pinned down in Wonsan and could not be used in the front line. On July 27th, 1953,

the USS Saint Paul fired the last American shots of the battle against shore batteries.

With the signing of the armistice, fighting came to an end. United Nations ships at

Wonsan achieved a significant goal by maintaining a blockade against hostile

territory for so long. UN naval forces inflicted heavy casualties on the North Korean

forces while sustaining comparatively few casualties of their own. The North Korean

artillerymen who defended Wonsan were mostly ineffective and thousands of

dollars' worth of artillery shells were wasted. Wonsan was destroyed and remained

so for years after the war, but due to its location, it was eventually rebuilt and is still

an important strategic point.

The current city of Wonsan has an aquatic product processing factory, a

shipyard, chemistry enterprise, a cement factory, and is home to North Korea’s

largest railway rolling stock factories, 4 June Rolling Stock Works. In 2013, it was

announced that Wonsan would be converted into a summer destination with resorts

and entertainment. Kim Jong-Un spent a large portion of this childhood in the city

and has expressed his wish to further develop the region. In order to do this, he

construction has finished on the Wonson Airport, equipped with dual runways. North

Korea’s first public airshow, the Wonsan International Friendship Air Festival, was
held at Wonsan Airport in September 2016. Wonsan also houses the terminal for the

망용봉-92 ferry, which is the only direct connection between Japan and North Korea.

But, the service was cancelled in 2006, when Japan banned North Korean ships. A

Korean Central Broadcasting station in Wonsan maintains a 250-killowat

mediumwave transmitter broadcasting on 882 AM. A trolleybus system with two

lines currently operates in Wonsan. In 2020, three new trolleybus lines were being

constructed in the city. Recent construction has also seen the completion of a tram

line at the resort area at Wonsan, although passenger service has not yet started, as

the resort itself is incomplete.

Wonsan is also home to Songdowŏn University, Kŭmgang University, Tonghae

University, Jong Jun Thaek University of Economics, Wŏnsan University of Medicine,

Jo Gun Sil University of Engineering, Wŏnsan First University of Education, Ri Su Dok

University, and the Maritime Patrol Academy. The 은파산 Sports Club, a soccer team,

is located in Wonsan as well. Wonsan is a popular tourism destination for both

North Koreans and International visitors. It houses SongDoWon beach, which

maintains exceptionally clear and clean water. Pine trees are abundant in the

surrounding area and it has been designated a national sightseeing point. The

Wonsan Special Tourist Zone is planned as well, covering more than 400 square

kilometers. It boasts 40 historical relics, 10 sand beaches, 680 tourist attractions, 4

mineral springs, and several bathing resorts and natural lakes. As part of this
development is the 마식룡 ski resort, which was built in 2016. A golf course is

planned outside the city.

[Music Starts]

Thank You for listening to this episode of the Korean Atlas and History. Most

of today’s information was taken from the 나무 Wiki and Wikipedia. All of our

episodes can be found and downloaded from koreanatlasandhistory.com. Thank

you for listening and we’ll see you next time.

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