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Materials Loam Cotton Water

( x ,−x )2 ( x ,−x )2 ( x ,−x )2

16.33 cm 13.50 cm 14.25 cm 0.03 0 0.40
16 cm 13.49 cm 12.98 cm 0.03 0.0 0.41

Mean: 16.17 Mean:13.50 Mean: 13.62 0.06 0.0 0.81

I: Length of the plant

k = treatment group (3)

n = population (6) ; N = number of participants in each row (2)
SSW: Σ = 0.87

x g 16.17 + 13.50 + 13.62 = 43.29

SSB: 2(16.33 – 43.29)^2 + 2(16 – 43.29)^2 + 2(13.50 – 43.29)^2 + 2(13.49 – 43.29)^2 + 2(14.25 –
43.29)^2 + 2(12.98 – 43.29^2) = 10,017.5

MSSB => SSB/k-1 = 10,017.5 / 3-1 = 10,017.5/2 = 5,008.75

MSSW => SSW/n-k = 0.87 / 6-3 = 0.87 / 3 = 0.29
Ms s B
= 5,008.75 / 0.29 = 17, 271.25
Ms sW

DFw / DFb Fcrit PL DEC VL

6-3 = 3 Ha is A
3-1 = 2 9.55 0.05 Ho is R S
Materials Loam Cotton Water
( x ,−x )2 ( x ,−x )2 ( x ,−x )2

2.5 2.3 2.5 0.06 0.01 0.25
2 2.5 1.5 0.25 0.01 0.25

Mean: 2.25 Mean: 2.4 Mean: 2 0.31 0.02 0.50

II: Average number of leaves per mung bean

k = treatment group (3)

n = population (6) ; N = number of participants in each row (2)
SSW: Σ = 0.83

x g 2.25 + 2.4 + 2 = 6.9

SSB: 2(2.5 – 6.9)^2 + 2(2 – 6.9)^2 + 2(2.3 – 6.9)^2 + 2(2.5 –6.9)^2 + 2(2.5 –6.9)^2 + 2(1.5– 6.9)^2 =

MSSB => SSB/k-1 = 264.82 / 3-1 = 264.82/2 = 132.41

MSSW => SSW/n-k = 0.83 / 6-3 = 0.83 / 3 = 0.28
Ms s B
= 132.41/ 0.28 = 472.89
Ms sW

DFw / DFb Fcrit PL DEC VL

6-3 = 3 Ha is A
3-1 = 2 9.55 0.05 Ho is R S
III: Increase of production

Materials Loam Cotton Water

( x ,−x )2 ( x ,−x )2 ( x ,−x )2

434 373 420 529 256 1,936
480 357 332 529 64 1,936

Mean: 457 Mean: 365 Mean: 376 1058 320 3,872


k = treatment group (3)

n = population (6) ; N = number of participants in each row (2)
SSW: Σ = 5,250

xg = 457 + 365 + 376 = 1,198

SSB: 2(434 – 1,198)^2 + 2(480 – 1,198)^2 + 2(373 – 1,198)^2 + 2(357 – 1,198)^2 + 2(420 – 1,198)^2 +
2(332 – 1,198)^2 = 7,684,732

MSSB => SSB/k-1 = 7,684,732/ 3-1 = 7,684,732/2 = 3,842,366

MSSW => SSW/n-k = 3,842,366/ 6-3 = 5,250/ 3 = 1750
Ms s B
= 3,842,366 / 1,750 = 2,195.64
Ms sW

DFw / DFb Fcrit PL DEC VL

6-3 = 3 Ha is A
3-1 = 2 9.55 0.05 Ho is R S

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