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ASEAN’s security and cooperation

(word count:441)

The article titled "ASEAN's economic security and regional economic cooperation: Past,

present, and future" by Su-Hyun Lee discusses the concept of economic security and its

relevance to ASEAN's regional economic cooperation. The article examines the history

of ASEAN's economic cooperation, the current state of economic integration in the

region, and the future prospects for ASEAN's economic security and cooperation.

From the reading, I learned about ASEAN’s economic cooperation, economic security

and economic integration. ASEAN's economic cooperation has a long history, dating

back to the 1970s, and has evolved over time to include various agreements and

initiatives aimed at promoting economic integration in the region. Economic security is

an important concept for ASEAN's regional economic cooperation, as it involves

ensuring the stability and sustainability of the region's economic growth and

development. ASEAN needs to strengthen its economic security by promoting greater

economic integration and cooperation among its member states, including through the

implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025.

The article mentions the importance of ASEAN's economic security, but it is not entirely

clear what specific measures or policies are needed to achieve this goal. The article

briefly mentions the challenges and limitations of ASEAN's economic cooperation, but it

does not provide a detailed analysis of these issues. The article focuses primarily on

ASEAN's economic cooperation and does not discuss other important aspects of

regional integration, such as political and social integration.

I used to think that ASEAN's economic cooperation was a relatively recent development,

but the article showed me that it has a long history dating back to the 1970s. I used to

think that economic integration was primarily about reducing trade barriers. Still, the

article showed me that it also involves other aspects such as investment, services, and

labor mobility. I used to think that ASEAN's economic cooperation was mainly driven by

economic considerations, but the article showed me that it is also influenced by political

and strategic factors.

What specific policies or measures can ASEAN adopt to strengthen its economic

security? How can ASEAN address the challenges and limitations of its economic

cooperation, such as the development gap between member states and the lack of

institutional capacity? How can ASEAN balance economic integration with other

important aspects of regional integration, such as political and social integration?

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of ASEAN's economic

cooperation and its relevance to economic security in the region. While the article raises

some important questions and issues, it also highlights the potential benefits of greater

economic integration and cooperation among ASEAN member states. Overall, the

article provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing ASEAN's

regional economic cooperation.

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