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will imagine to himself a flower, for instance, a common wild-rose, or
the blossom of an apple-tree, as consisting of a series of parts
disposed in whorls, placed one over another on an axis. The lowest
whorl is the calyx with its five sepals; above this is the corolla with its
five petals; above this are a multitude of stamens, which may be
considered as separate whorls of five each, often repeated; above
these is a whorl composed of the ovaries, or what become the seed-
vessels in the fruit, which are five united together in the apple, but
indefinite in number and separate in the rose. Now the morphological
view is 471 this;—that the members of each of these whorls are in
their nature identical, and the same as if they were whorls of ordinary
leaves, brought together by the shortening their common axis, and
modified in form by the successive elaboration of their nutriment.
Further, according to this view, a whorl of leaves itself is to be
considered as identical with several detached leaves dispersed
spirally along the axis, and brought together because the axis is
shortened. Thus all the parts of a plant are, or at least represent, the
successive metamorphoses of the same elementary member. The
root-leaves thus pass into the common leaves;—these into bracteæ;
—these into the sepals;—these into the petals;—these into the
stamens with their anthers;—these into the ovaries with their styles
and stigmas;—these ultimately become the fruit; and thus we are
finally led to the seed of a new plant.

Moreover the same notion of metamorphosis may be applied to

explain the existence of flowers which are not symmetrical like those
we have just referred to, but which have an irregular corolla or calyx.
The papilionaceous flower of the pea tribe, which is so markedly
irregular, may be deduced by easy gradations from the regular
flower, (through the mimoseæ,) by expanding one petal, joining one
or two others, and modifying the form of the intermediate ones.
Without attempting to go into detail respecting the proofs of that
identity of all the different organs, and all the different forms of
plants, which is thus asserted, we may observe, that it rests on such
grounds as these;—the transformations which the parts of flowers
undergo by accidents of nutriment or exposure. Such changes,
considered as monstrosities where they are very remarkable, show
the tendencies and possibilities belonging to the organization in
which they occur. For instance, the single wild-rose, by culture,
transforms many of its numerous stamens into petals, and thus
acquires the deeply folded flower of the double garden-rose. We
cannot doubt of the reality of this change, for we often see stamens
in which it is incomplete. In other cases we find petals becoming
leaves, and a branch growing out of the centre of the flower. Some
pear-trees, when in blossom, are remarkable for their tendencies to
such monstrosities. 82 Again, we find that flowers which are usually
irregular, occasionally become regular, and conversely. The common
snap-dragon (Linaria vulgaris) affords a curious instance of this. 83
The usual form of this plant is “personate,” the corolla being divided
into two lobes, which differ in form, and 472 together present
somewhat the appearance of an animal’s face; and the upper portion
of the corolla is prolonged backwards into a tube-like “spur.” No
flower can be more irregular; but there is a singular variety of this
plants termed Peloria, in which the corolla is strictly symmetrical,
consisting of a conical tube, narrowed in front, elongated behind into
five equal spurs, and containing five stamens of equal length,
instead of the two unequal pairs of the didynamous Linaria. These
and the like appearances show that there is in nature a capacity for,
and tendency to, such changes as the doctrine of metamorphosis
82 Lindley, Nat. Syst. p. 84.
83 Henslow, Principles of Botany, p. 116.

Göthe’s Metamorphosis of Plants was published 1790: and his

system was the result of his own independent course of thoughts.
The view which it involved was not, however, absolutely new, though
it had never before been unfolded in so distinct and persuasive a
manner. Linnæus considered the leaves, calyx, corolla, stamens,
each as evolved in succession from the other; and spoke of it as
prolepsis or anticipation, 84 when the leaves changed accidentally
into bracteæ, these into a calyx, this into a corolla, the corolla into
stamens, or these into the pistil. And Caspar Wolf apprehended in a
more general manner the same principle. “In the whole plant,” says
he, 85 “we see nothing but leaves and stalk;” and in order to prove
what is the situation of the leaves in all their later forms, he adduces
the cotyledons as the first leaves.
84 Sprengel, Bot. ii. 302. Amœn. Acad. vi. 324, 365.

85 Nov. Con. Ac. Petrop. xii. 403, xiii. 478.

Göthe was led to his system on this subject by his general views
of nature. He saw, he says, 86 that a whole life of talent and labor
was requisite to enable any one to arrange the infinitely copious
organic forms of a single kingdom of nature. “Yet I felt,” he adds,
“that for me there must be another way, analogous to the rest of my
habits. The appearance of the changes, round and round, of organic
creatures had taken strong hold on my mind. Imagination and Nature
appeared to me to vie with each other which could go on most boldly
yet most consistently.” His observation of nature, directed by such a
thought, led him to the doctrine of the metamorphosis.
86 Zur Morph. i. 30.
In a later republication of his work (Zur Morphologie, 1817,) he
gives a very agreeable account of the various circumstances which
affected the reception and progress of his doctrine. Willdenow 87
quoted 473 him thus:—“The life of plants is, as Mr. Göthe very prettily
says, an expansion and contraction, and these alternations make the
various periods of life.” “This ‘prettily,’” says Göthe, “I can be well
content with, but the ‘egregie,’ of Usteri is much more pretty and
obliging.” Usteri had used this term respecting Göthe in an edition of
87 Zur Morph. i. 121.

The application of the notion of metamorphosis to the explanation

of double and monstrous flowers had been made previously by
Jussieu. Göthe’s merit was, to have referred to it the regular
formation of the flower. And as Sprengel justly says, 88 his view had
so profound a meaning, made so strong an appeal by its simplicity,
and was so fruitful in the most valuable consequences, that it was
not to be wondered at if it occasioned further examination of the
subject; although many persons pretend to slight it. The task of
confirming and verifying the doctrine by a general application of it to
all cases,—a labor so important and necessary after the
promulgation of any great principle,—Göthe himself did not execute.
At first he collected specimens and made drawings with some such
view, 89 but he was interrupted and diverted to other matters. “And
now,” says he, in his later publication, “when I look back on this
undertaking, it is easy to see that the object which I had before my
eyes was, for me, in my position, with my habits and mode of
thinking, unattainable. For it was no less than this: that I was to take
that which I had stated in general, and presented to the conception,
to the mental intuition, in words; and that I should, in a particularly
visible, orderly, and gradual manner, present it to the eye; so as to
show to the outward sense that out of the germ of this idea might
grow a tree of physiology fit to overshadow the world.”
88 Gesch. Botan. ii. 304.

89 Zur Morph. i. 129".

Voigt, professor at Jena, was one of the first who adopted Göthe’s
view into an elementary work, which he did in 1808. Other botanists
labored in the direction which had thus been pointed out. Of those
who have thus contributed to the establishment and developement of
the metamorphic doctrine. Professor De Candolle, of Geneva, is
perhaps the most important. His Theory of Developement rests upon
two main principles, abortion and adhesion. By considering some
parts as degenerated or absent through the abortion of the buds
which might have formed them, and other parts as adhering
together, he holds that all plants may be reduced to perfect
symmetry: and the actual and constant occurrence of such incidents
is shown beyond 474 all doubt. And thus the snap-dragon, of which
we have spoken above, is derived from the Peloria, which is the
normal condition of the flower, by the abortion of one stamen, and
the degeneration of two others. Such examples are too numerous to
need to be dwelt on.

Sect. 2.—Application of Vegetable Morphology.

The doctrine, being thus fully established, has been applied to solve
different problems in botany; for instance, to explain the structure of
flowers which appear at first sight to deviate widely from the usual
forms of the vegetable world. We have an instance of such an
application in Mr. Robert Brown’s explanation of the real structure of
various plants which had been entirely misunderstood: as, for
example, the genus Euphorbia. In this plant he showed that what
had been held to be a jointed filament, was a pedicel with a filament
above it, the intermediate corolla having evanesced. In Orchideæ
(the orchis tribe), he showed that the peculiar structure of the plant
arose from its having six stamens (two sets of three each), of which
five are usually abortive. In Coniferæ (the cone-bearing trees), it was
made to appear that the seed was naked, while the accompanying
appendage, corresponding to a seed-vessel, assumed all forms,
from a complete leaf to a mere scale. In like manner it was proved
that the pappus, or down of composite plants (as thistles), is a
transformed calyx.

Along with this successful application of a profound principle, it

was natural that other botanists should make similar attempts. Thus
Mr. Lindley was led to take a view 90 of the structure of Reseda
(mignonette) different from that usually entertained; which, when
published, attracted a good deal of attention, and gained some
converts among the botanists of Germany and France. But in 1833,
Mr. Lindley says, with great candor, “Lately, Professor Henslow has
satisfactorily proved, in part by the aid of a monstrosity in the
common Mignonette, in part by a severe application of morphological
rules, that my hypothesis must necessarily be false.” Such an
agreement of different botanists respecting the consequences of
morphological rules, proves the reality and universality of the rules.
90 Lindley, Brit. Assoc. Report, iii. 50.

We find, therefore, that a principle which we may call the Principle

of Developed and Metamorphosed Symmetry, is firmly established
475 and recognized, and familiarly and successfully applied by
botanists. And it will be apparent, on reflection, that though
symmetry is a notion which applies to inorganic as well as to organic
things, and is, in fact, a conception of certain relations of space and
position, such developement and metamorphosis as are here
spoken of, are ideas entirely different from any of those to which the
physical sciences have led us in our previous survey; and are, in
short, genuine organical or physiological ideas;—real elements of
the philosophy of life.

We must, however imperfectly, endeavor to trace the application of

this idea in the other great department of the world of life; we must
follow the history of Animal Morphology.

~Additional material in the 3rd edition.~


Progress of Animal Morphology.

Sect. 1.—Rise of Comparative Anatomy.

T HE most general and constant relations of the form of the

organs, both in plants and animals, are the most natural grounds
of classification. Hence the first scientific classifications of animals
are the first steps in animal morphology. At first, a zoology was
constructed by arranging animals, as plants were at first arranged,
according to their external parts. But in the course of the researches
of the anatomists of the seventeenth century, it was seen that the
internal structure of animals offered resemblances and transitions of
a far more coherent and philosophical kind, and the Science of
Comparative Anatomy rose into favor and importance. Among the
main cultivators of this science 91 at the period just mentioned, we
find Francis Redi, of Arezzo; Guichard-Joseph Duvernay, who was
for sixty years Professor of Anatomy at the Jardin du Roi at Paris,
and during this lapse of time had for his pupils almost all the greatest
anatomists of the greater part of the eighteenth century; Nehemiah
Grew, secretary to the Royal Society of London, whose Anatomy of
Plants we have already noticed.
91 Cuv. Leçons sur l’Hist. des Sc. Nat. 414, 420.

But Comparative Anatomy, which had been cultivated with ardor

476 to the end of the seventeenth century, was, in some measure,
neglected during the first two-thirds of the eighteenth. The progress
of botany was, Cuvier sagaciously suggests, 92 one cause of this; for
that science had made its advances by confining itself to external
characters, and rejecting anatomy; and though Linnæus
acknowledged the dependence of zoology upon anatomy 93 so far as
to make the number of teeth his characters, even this was felt, in his
method, as a bold step. But his influence was soon opposed by that
of Buffon, Daubenton, and Pallas; who again brought into view the
importance of comparative anatomy in Zoology; at the same time
that Haller proved how much might be learnt from it in Physiology.
John Hunter in England, the two Monros in Scotland, Camper in
Holland, and Vicq d’Azyr in France, were the first to follow the path
thus pointed out. Camper threw the glance of genius on a host of
interesting objects, but almost all that he produced was a number of
sketches; Vicq d’Azyr, more assiduous, was stopt in the midst of a
most brilliant career by a premature death.
92 Cuv. Hist. Sc. Nat. i. 301.

93 Ib.

Such is Cuvier’s outline of the earlier history of comparative

anatomy. We shall not go into detail upon this subject; but we may
observe that such studies had fixed in the minds of naturalists the
conviction of the possibility and the propriety of considering large
divisions of the animal kingdom as modifications of one common
type. Belon, as early as 1555, had placed the skeleton of a man and
a bird side by side, and shown the correspondence of parts. So far
as the case of vertebrated animals extends, this correspondence is
generally allowed; although it required some ingenuity to detect its
details in some cases; for instance, to see the analogy of parts
between the head of a man and a fish.
In tracing these less obvious correspondencies, some curious
steps have been made in recent times. And here we must, I
conceive, again ascribe no small merit to the same remarkable man
who, as we have already had to point out, gave so great an impulse
to vegetable morphology. Göthe, whose talent and disposition for
speculating on all parts of nature were truly admirable, was excited
to the study of anatomy by his propinquity to the Duke of Weimar’s
cabinet of natural history. In 1786, he published a little essay, the
object of which was to show that in man, as well as in beasts, the
upper jaw contains an intermaxillary bone, although the sutures are
obliterated. After 1790, 94 animated and impelled by the same
passion for natural 477 observation and for general views, which had
produced his Metamorphosis of Plants, he pursued his speculations
on these subjects eagerly and successfully. And in 1795, he
published a Sketch of a Universal Introduction into Comparative
Anatomy, beginning with Osteology; in which he attempts to
establish an “osteological type,” to which skeletons of all animals
may be referred. I do not pretend that Göthe’s anatomical works
have had any influence on the progress of the science comparable
with that which has been exercised by the labors of professional
anatomists; but the ingenuity and value of the views which they
contained was acknowledged by the best authorities; and the clearer
introduction and application of the principle of developed and
metamorphosed symmetry may be dated from about this time. Göthe
declares that, at an early period of these speculations, he was
convinced 95 that the bony head of beasts is to be derived from six
vertebræ. In 1807, Oken published a “Program” On the Signification
of the Bones of the Skull, in which he maintained that these bones
are equivalent to four vertebræ); and Meckel, in his Comparative
Anatomy, in 1811, also resolved the skull into vertebræ. But Spix, in
his elaborate work Cephalogenesis, in 1815, reduced the vertebræ
of the head to three. “Oken,” he says, 96 “published opinions merely
theoretical, and consequently contrary to those maintained in this
work, which are drawn from observation.” This resolution of the head
into vertebræ is assented to by many of the best physiologists, as
explaining the distribution of the nerves, and other phenomena. Spix
further extended the application of the vertebral theory to the heads
of all classes of vertebrate animals; and Bojanus published a Memoir
expressly on the vertebral structure of the skulls of fishes in Oken’s
Isis for 1818. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire presented a lithographic plate to
the French Academy in February 1824, entitled Composition de la
Tête osseuse chez l’Homme et les Animaux, and developed his
views of the vertebral composition of the skull in two Memoirs
published in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles for 1824. We
cannot fail to recognize here the attempt to apply to the skeleton of
animals the principle which leads botanists to consider all the parts
of a flower as transformations of the same organs. How far the
application of the principle, as here proposed, is just, I must leave
philosophical physiologists to decide.
94 Zur Morphologie, i. 234.

95 Zur Morphologie, 250.

96 Spix, Cephalogenesis.

By these and similar researches, it is held by the best

physiologists 478 that the skull of all vertebrate animals is pretty well
reduced to a uniform structure, and the laws of its variations nearly
determined. 97
97 Cuv. Hist. Sc. Nat. iii. 442.

The vertebrate animals being thus reduced to a single type, the

question arises how far this can be done with regard to other
animals, and how many such types there are. And here we come to
one of the important services which Cuvier rendered to natural

Sect. 2.—Distinction of the General Types of the Forms of Animals.


Animals were divided by Lamarck into vertebrate and invertebrate;

and the general analogies of all vertebrate animals are easily made
manifest. But with regard to other animals, the point is far from clear.
Cuvier was the first to give a really philosophical view of the animal
world in reference to the plan on which each animal is constructed.
There are, 98 he says, four such plans;—four forms on which animals
appear to have been modelled; and of which the ulterior divisions,
with whatever titles naturalists have decorated them, are only very
slight modifications, founded on the development or addition of some
parts which do not produce any essential change in the plan.
98 Règne Animal, p. 57.

These four great branches of the animal world are the vertebrata,
mollusca, articulata, radiata; and the differences of these are so
important that a slight explanation of them may be permitted.

The vertebrata are those animals which (as man and other
sucklers, birds, fishes, lizards, frogs, serpents) have a backbone and
a skull with lateral appendages, within which the viscera are
included, and to which the muscles are attached.

The mollusca, or soft animals, have no bony skeleton; the muscles

are attached to the skin, which often includes stony plates called
shells; such molluscs are shell-fish; others are cuttle-fish, and many
pulpy sea-animals.

The articulata consist of crustacea (lobsters, &c.), insects, spiders,

and annulose worms, which consist of a head and a number of
successive annular portions of the body jointed together (to the
interior of which the muscles are attached), whence the name.

Finally, the radiata include the animals known under the name of
zoophytes. In the preceding three branches the organs of motion
and of sense were distributed symmetrically on the two sides of an
axis, 479 so that the animal has a right and a left side. In the radiata
the similar members radiate from the axis in a circular manner, like
the petals of a regular flower.

The whole value of such a classification cannot be understood

without explaining its use in enabling us to give general descriptions,
and general laws of the animal functions of the classes which it
includes; but in the present part of our work our business is to exhibit
it as an exemplification of the reduction of animals to laws of
Symmetry. The bipartite Symmetry of the form of vertebrate and
articulate animals is obvious; and the reduction of the various forms
of such animals to a common type has been effected, by attention to
their anatomy, in a manner which has satisfied those who have best
studied the subject. The molluscs, especially those in which the head
disappears, as oysters, or those which are rolled into a spiral, as
snails, have a less obvious Symmetry, but here also we can apply
certain general types. And the Symmetry of the radiated zoophytes
is of a nature quite different from all the rest, and approaching, as we
have suggested, to the kind of Symmetry found in plants. Some
naturalists have doubted whether 99 these zoophytes are not
referrible to two types (acrita or polypes, and true radiata,) rather
than to one.
99 Brit. Assoc. Rep. iv. 227.

This fourfold division was introduced by Cuvier. 100 Before him,

naturalists followed Linnæus, and divided non-vertebrate animals
into two classes, insects and worms. “I began,” says Cuvier, “to
attack this view of the subject, and offered another division, in a
Memoir read at the Society of Natural History of Paris, the 21st of
Floreal, in the year III. of the Republic (May 10, 1795,) printed in the
Décade Philosophique: in this, I mark the characters and the limits of
molluscs, insects, worms, echinoderms, and zoophytes. I distinguish
the red-blooded worms or annelides, in a Memoir read to the
Institute, the 11th Nivose, year X. (December 31, 1801.) I afterwards
distributed these different classes into three branches, each co-
ordinate to the branch formed by the vertebrate animals, in a Memoir
read to the Institute in July, 1812, printed in the Annales du Muséum
d’Histoire Naturelle, tom. xix.” His great systematic work, the Règne
Animal, founded on this distribution, was published in 1817; and
since that time the division has been commonly accepted among
100 Règne A. 61.

[2nd Ed.] [The question of the Classification of Animals is

discussed in the first of Prof. Owen’s Lectures on the Invertebrate
480 Animals (1843). Mr. Owen observes that the arrangement of
animals into Vertebrate and Invertebrate which prevailed before
Cuvier, was necessarily bad, inasmuch as no negative character in
Zoology gives true natural groups. Hence the establishment of the
sub-kingdoms, Mollusca, Articulata, Radiata, as co-ordinate with
Vertebrata, according to the arrangement of the nervous system,
was a most important advance. But Mr. Owen has seen reason to
separate the Radiata of Cuvier into two divisions; the Nematoneura,
in which the nervous system can be traced in a filamentary form
(including Echinoderma, Ciliobrachiata, Cœlelmintha, Rotifera,) and
the Acrita or lowest division of the animal kingdom, including
Acalepha, Nudibrachiata, Sterelmintha, Polygastria.] ~Additional
material in the 3rd edition.~

Sect. 3.—Attempts to establish the Identity of the Types of Animal


Supposing this great step in Zoology, of which we have given an

account,—the reduction of all animals to four types or plans,—to be
quite secure, we are then led to ask whether any further advance is
possible;—whether several of these types can be referred to one
common form by any wider effort of generalization. On this question
there has been a considerable difference of opinion. Geoffroy Saint-
Hilaire, 101 who had previously endeavored to show that all vertebrate
animals were constructed so exactly upon the same plan as to
preserve the strictest analogy of parts in respect to their osteology,
thought to extend this unity of plan by demonstrating, that the hard
parts of crustaceans and insects are still only modifications of the
skeleton of higher animals, and that therefore the type of vertebrata
must be made to include them also:—the segments of the articulata
are held to be strictly analogous to the vertebras of the higher
animals, and thus the former live within their vertebral column in the
same manner as the latter live without it. Attempts have even been
made to reduce molluscous and vertebrate animals to a community
of type, as we shall see shortly.
101 Mr. Jenyns, Brit. Assoc. Rep. iv. 150.

Another application of the principle, according to which creatures

the most different are developments of the same original type, may
be discerned 102 in the doctrine, that the embryo of the higher forms
of animal life passes by gradations through those forms which are
481 permanent in inferior animals. Thus, according to this view, the
human fœtus assumes successively the plan of the zoophyte, the
worm, the fish, the turtle, the bird, the beast. But it has been well
observed, that “in these analogies we look in vain for the precision
which can alone support the inference that has been deduced;” 103
and that at each step, the higher embryo and the lower animal which
it is supposed to resemble, differ in having each different organs
suited to their respective destinations.
102 Dr. Clark, Report, Ib. iv. 113.

103 Dr. Clark, p. 114.

Cuvier 104 never assented to this view, nor to the attempts to refer
the different divisions of his system to a common type. “He could not
admit,” says his biographer, “that the lungs or gills of the vertebrates
are in the same connexion as the branchiæ of molluscs and
crustaceans, which in the one are situated at the base of the feet, or
fixed on the feet themselves, and in the other often on the back or
about the arms. He did not admit the analogy between the skeleton
of the vertebrates and the skin of the articulates; he could not believe
that the tænia and the sepia were constructed on the same plan; that
there was a similarity of composition between the bird and the
echinus, the whale and the snail; in spite of the skill with which some
persons sought gradually to efface their discrepancies.”
104 Laurillard, Elog. de Cuvier, p. 66.

Whether it may be possible to establish, among the four great

divisions of the “Animal Kingdom,” some analogies of a higher order
than those which prevail within each division, I do not pretend to
conjecture. If this can be done, it is clear that it must be by
comparing the types of these divisions under their most general
forms: and thus Cuvier’s arrangement, so far as it is itself rightly
founded on the unity of composition of each branch, is the surest
step to the discovery of a unity pervading and uniting these
branches. But those who generalize surely, and those who
generalize rapidly, may travel in the same direction, they soon
separate so widely, that they appear to move from each other. The
partisans of a universal “unity of composition” of animals, accused
Cuvier of being too inert in following the progress of physiological
and zoological science. Borrowing their illustration from the political
parties of the times, they asserted that he belonged to the science of
resistance, not to the science of the movement. Such a charge was
highly honorable to him; for no one acquainted with the history of
zoology can doubt that he had a great share in the impulse by which
the “movement” was occasioned; or that he 482 himself made a large
advance with it; and it was because he was so poised by the vast
mass of his knowledge, so temperate in his love of doubtful
generalizations, that he was not swept on in the wilder part of the
stream. To such a charge, moderate reformers, who appreciate the
value of the good which exists, though they try to make it better, and
who know the knowledge, thoughtfulness, and caution, which are
needful in such a task, are naturally exposed. For us, who can only
decide on such a subject by the general analogies of the history of
science, it may suffice to say, that it appears doubtful whether the
fundamental conceptions of affinity, analogy, transition, and
developement, have yet been fixed in the minds of physiologists with
sufficient firmness and clearness, or unfolded with sufficient
consistency and generality, to make it likely that any great additional
step of this kind can for some time be made.

We have here considered the doctrine of the identity of the

seemingly various types of animal structure, as an attempt to extend
the correspondencies which were the basis of Cuvier’s division of the
animal kingdom. But this doctrine has been put forward in another
point of view, as the antithesis to the doctrine of final causes. This
question is so important a one, that we cannot help attempting to
give some view of its state and bearings.

The Doctrine of Final Causes in Physiology.

Sect. 1.—Assertion of the Principle of Unity of Plan.

W E have repeatedly seen, in the course of our historical view of

Physiology, that those who have studied the structure of
animals and plants, have had a conviction forced upon them, that the
organs are constructed and combined in subservience to the life and
functions of the whole. The parts have a purpose, as well as a law;—
we can trace Final Causes, as well as Laws of Causation. This
principle is peculiar to physiology; and it might naturally be expected
that, in the progress of the science, it would come under special
consideration. This accordingly has happened; and the principle has
been drawn 483 into a prominent position by the struggle of two
antagonistic schools of physiologists. On the one hand, it has been
maintained that this doctrine of final causes is altogether
unphilosophical, and requires to be replaced by a more
comprehensive and profound principle: on the other hand, it is
asserted that the doctrine is not only true, but that, in our own time, it
has been fixed and developed so as to become the instrument of
some of the most important discoveries which have been made. Of
the views of these two schools we must endeavor to give some

The disciples of the former of the two schools express their tenets
by the phrases unity of plan, unity of composition; and the more
detailed developement of these doctrines has been termed the
Theory of Analogies, by Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, who claims this
theory as his own creation. According to this theory, the structure
and functions of animals are to be studied by the guidance of their
analogy only; our attention is to be turned, not to the fitness of the
organization for any end of life or action, but to its resemblance to
other organizations by which it is gradually derived from the original

According to the rival view of this subject, we must not assume,

and cannot establish, that the plan of all animals is the same, or their
composition similar. The existence of a single and universal system
of analogies in the construction of all animals is entirely unproved,
and therefore cannot be made our guide in the study of their
properties. On the other hand, the plan of the animal, the purpose of
its organization in the support of its life, the necessity of the functions
to its existence, are truths which are irresistibly apparent, and which
may therefore be safely taken as the bases of our reasonings. This
view has been put forward as the doctrine of the conditions of
existence: it may also be described as the principle of a purpose in
organization; the structure being considered as having the function
for its end. We must say a few words on each of these views.

It had been pointed out by Cuvier, as we have seen in the last

chapter, that the animal kingdom may be divided into four great
branches; in each of which the plan of the animal is different, namely,
vertebrata, articulata, mollusca, radiata. Now the question naturally
occurs, is there really no resemblance of construction in these
different classes? It was maintained by some, that there is such a
resemblance. In 1820, 105 M. Audouin, a young naturalist of Paris,
484 endeavored to fill up the chasm which separates insects from
other animals; and by examining carefully the portions which
compose the solid frame-work of insects, and following them through

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