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Internship Report II

I- Challenges encoutered during the internship:

The internship phase has been an important one and a must during our master’s program, since it has

provided me with the necessary practice that helped me master my instructional design skills. However,

some challenges have aroused during the first and second phase of the internship.

In the first phase, I had to revise and correct lesson plans that were already prepared by some teachers.

Most of the lesson plans did not have well developed learning objectives and none of the verbs used to

develop the learning objectives, derived from Bloom’s taxonomy. The learning activities were not

actually in alignment with the learning objectives, which made the effort to exert from my end double

as I had to develop the apropriate learning objectives and create new learning activities in a way that

best align with the learning objectives of each lesson.

In the second phase of the internship, I had to study the English language lebanese curriculum that is

used in the public schools in grade 8. That matter itself presented a considerable challenge, because I

had to write lesson plans in an engaging and interactive way that employ the most important

methodologies in education, along with providing extra resources like worksheets, videos and materials

that should be at the disposal of the majority of the teachers that will be mainly from the different public

schools in Lebanon and that are known for having very limited resources.

II- Strategies used to overcome the challenges:

To overcome the first challenge, I started first with developing the appropriate learning objectives by

using Bloom’s taxonomy verbs that were completely lacking. Secondly, I followed the learning

methodologies and applied the suitable learning strategies that we have learnt about during my master’s

program, in order to choose the correct learning activities that best align with the learning objectives.
As for the second challenge, I had to create learning activities that require the least effort from the

teachers who will be provided with these lesson plans, and prepare the appropriate resources that will be

at their disposal with an ease of access and use, all by respecting the learning methodologies and

strategies that best serve the learning process of the learners.

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