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Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly

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The Role of Electrolyte Additives on Passivation

Behaviour During Copper Electrorefining

Michael S. Moats & J. Brent Hiskey

To cite this article: Michael S. Moats & J. Brent Hiskey (2000) The Role of Electrolyte Additives
on Passivation Behaviour During Copper Electrorefining, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly,
39:3, 297-306, DOI: 10.1179/cmq.2000.39.3.297

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Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol 39, No 3, pp 297-306, 2000

© Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Published by Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Printed in Canada. All rights reserved



Copper Research Center, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,

University of Arizona, 4717 E. Fort Lowell, Tucson, Arizona, 85719, USA

(Received July 1999; in revised form January 2000)

Abstract — Additives, such as chloride, thiourea and glue, are commonly added to electrorefining elec-
trolyte to control deposition structure and morphology. Very few studies have been performed to observe
their effects on anode passivation. Chronopotentiometry was utilized to observe the passivation behav-
iour of commercial copper anodes in synthetic electrolyte. The effect of chloride, thiourea and glue were
investigated individually. A simulated electrolyte containing all three additives was used in conjunction
with twenty commercial copper anode samples to determine possible interactions between additives and
anode composition.

Résumé — Des additifs, tels que du chlorure, de la thiourée et de la colle, sont généralement ajoutés à
l’électrolyte de raffinage électrolytique afin de contrôler la structure et la morphologie du dépôt. Il existe
très peu d’études de leur effet sur la passivation de l’anode. On a utilisé la chronopotentiométrie pour
observer le comportement de passivation d’anodes commerciales en cuivre dans un électrolyte
synthétique. On a étudié individuellement l’effet du chlorure, de la thiourée et de la colle. On a utilisé un
électrolyte simulé contenant tous les trois additifs en conjonction avec vingt échantillons d’anode
commerciale en cuivre afin de déterminer les interactions possibles entre les additifs et la composition
de l’anode.

INTRODUCTION al. demonstrated that passivation time decreased with

increasing nickel added as nickel sulfate [23]. The nickel
Anode passivation in copper electrorefining has received addition also aggravates copper sulfate precipitation by the
increasing attention as industry pushes to higher current increased sulfate and increased viscosity which lowers the
densities which can accentuate this detrimental behaviour. diffusivity of copper ions [49].
Most of the recent research focuses on the role of anode
impurities on the passivation mechanism. This has been Several recent studies have focused on the effect of
accomplished through microstructural [1-22] and electro- additives on passivation in laboratory experiments. Hiskey
chemical [23-45] investigations. The role of the electrolyte and Cheng showed that thiourea has a strong influence on
composition has not received as much focus. the time to passivation of a commercial copper anode [47].
For a small addition, 1-5 ppm, thiourea improves the passi-
From the studies that have occurred, it is readily shown vation behaviour, but for a large addition, greater than 15
that electrolyte composition and temperature have a signif- ppm, the tendency towards passivation increases. Jin et al.
icant impact on passivation phenomena. Anode passivation showed that the addition of amino acid chelating agents can
has been shown to be aggravated by increasing the copper inhibit passivation. In particular, ethylenediaminete-
concentration, the sulfuric acid concentration, or decreas- traacetic acid (EDTA), diethylenediamine-pentaacetic acid
ing the temperature[23,39,44-46]. These factors all (DTPA) and triethylenediaminehexaacetic acid (TTHA)
increase the likelihood of copper sulfate precipitation show some benefit. All three exhibit an optimal concentra-
which can act as a passivating film. Noguchi et al. showed tion for extending passivation times[48]. Jin and Ghali
that time to passivation decreased with increasing Sb3+, studied the effects of several aromatic nitro compounds.
As3+, Bi3+ in the electrolyte [42]. The accelerated passiva- The most beneficial toward inhibiting passivation were 3, 5
tion was attributed to an increase in slime formation. Abe et - dinitrosalicylic acid and 3, 5 - dinitrobenzoic acid.



In this current investigation, a more systematic evalua- taining all three additives) was used in conjunction with 20
tion of the three most common electrorefining additives, different anode samples to determine interactions between
thiourea, glue and chloride, is performed with a focus on additives and anode composition.
their effects on anode passivation. Each additive was inde-
pendently and collectively investigated to determine possi-
ble interactions. Other experiments were conducted with Chronopotentiometry
several anodes to observe interactions between additives Chronopotentiometry (CP) was performed to observe the
and anode composition. effect of compositional and electrolyte variables on the pas-
sivation response during anodic dissolution. The CP tests
were performed in a one liter three-electrode cell purchased
EXPERIMENTAL from EG&G Instruments Inc. The working, auxiliary and
reference electrodes were a cylinder from an anode sample,
Electrolyte a length of high purity copper rod and a saturated mer-
A synthetic electrolyte was utilized for all electrochemical curous sulfate electrode (MSE), respectively. The working
testing. The electrolyte was prepared by using ACS reagent and counter electrodes were prepared by polishing with sil-
grade chemicals with no further treatments (except glue icon carbide paper from 180 grit to 600 grit and cleaning
which was obtained from BHP Copper) and 18.2 MΩcm with 18 MΩcm deionized water in an ultrasonic bath for
deionized water. A standard electrolyte composition of 40 g five minutes. The electrodes were rinsed with a copious
l-1 Cu (0.63 M) and 160 g l-1 H2SO4 (1.66 M) was used at a amount of deionized water and transferred to the elec-
temperature of 65 °C +/- 0.5 °C. The copper source chem- trolytic cell containing one liter of synthetic electrolyte
ical was CuSO4•5H2O. Additives that are known to decom- held at 65.0 °C +/- 0.5 °C.
pose with time in the electrolyte, such as thiourea and glue,
were added just prior to heating the electrolyte. The electrodes were allowed to equilibrate with the sys-
tem by being held in the electrolyte at open circuit potential
There were two categories of experiments performed: for five minutes. A constant current density of 3820 A m-2
1) single variable and 2) additives versus anode composi- was then applied using an EG&G model 273
tion. In the single variable experiments, chloride, thiourea Potentiostat/Galvanostat controlled by HEADSTART soft-
and glue were investigated individually using a minimal ware for the duration of the test. A selection of 3820 A m-2
number of anode samples. A simulated electrolyte (con- was used based on previous work by Cheng and Hiskey[29]

Table I – Selected Impurity Concentrations (ppm) for Commercial Copper Anodes

Anode Se Te Pb Ni As Sb O Ag

MCCA-2 20 16 387 3456 654 1069 1548 352

MCCA-3 623 108 140 1188 815 179 474 1280
MCCA-5 372 137 432 3353 717 348 2516 1740
MCCA-9 404 124 659 3904 656 353 3518 1700
MCCA-17 154 30 8 24 2413 173 1572 398
MCCA-18 100 25 693 1033 103 59 1108 257
MCCA-21 910 38 809 2835 590 89 2129 837
MCCA-23 901 39 749 2824 579 87 2076 822
MCCA-25 113 17 104 178 778 879 1795 511
MCCA-28 1705 569 2516 1389 1257 933 1883 1937
MCCA-35 457 41 39 124 210 39 2177 342
MCCA-40 455 38 114 183 1050 61 889 357
MCCA-42 565 181 691 1651 497 166 3598 1074
MCCA-45 779 389 1927 776 1576 712 1752 1853
MCCA-48 345 47 989 819 681 282 2083 344
MCCA-50 350 37 1259 978 479 216 1544 284
MCCA-54 577 76 580 2834 2521 467 3496 511
MCCA-57 538 71 610 2884 2430 440 2084 520
MCCA-65 303 26 88 74 801 182 3046 333
MCCA-72 404 25 49 59 826 201 2995 334



which illustrated that this current density results in enough

sensitivity to observe the effect of anode composition on
passivation in an acceptable time frame. Other current den-
sities were employed to study the effect of that parameter
on passivation characteristics of anodes and pure copper.
Potential-time (E-t) responses were collected as averages of
two-second intervals. The experiments were typically run
for 3600 seconds. All tests were conducted in air under sta-
tic conditions.

Small approximately cubic sections were removed from

the body of commercial copper anodes to furnish the sam-
ples for research. Working electrodes were carefully
machined from these sections into cylinders of 1.1 cm in
diameter and at least 1 cm in height. If possible, each elec-
trode was taken from the “set” side of each sample.
Electrical contact was provided by soldering a copper or Fig. l. The Effect of Chloride in the Electrolyte on Time to Passivation
aluminum wire to the back surface (away from the “set” for Two Selected Anodes. 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04, 65 °C, 3820 A m-2
side) of the cylinder using a lead-tin low temperature melt- no agitation, atmospheric conditions.
ing alloy. The electrode was then mounted to a length of
glass tubing (1.2 cm ID) with epoxy resin. The resin also sivation was observed in the one hour time frame of a nor-
protected the copper piece from electrolyte contact except mal chronopotentiogram. To conserve the working elec-
for the circular face of the cylinder. This exposed face had trode from MCCA-25, these experiments were not repeat-
a surface area of 1 cm2. The glass tubing provided rigidity ed for longer times.
and protection from the electrolyte for the contact wire.
Several other anodes were tested with electrolyte con-
Selected chemical analyses for the twenty commercial taining chloride. Anodes exhibiting a positive response to
copper anodes utilized in this investigation are presented in chloride are shown in Figure 2, while those indicating min-
Table I. imal or slightly negative effect are in Figure 3.

RESULTS Thiourea
The effect of thiourea on tp for MCCA-23 and MCCA-25 is
Additives are commonly introduced to copper refining displayed in Figure 4. Thiourea appears to have a positive
electrolytes to control the cathode deposit characteristics. effect at low concentrations and a negative effect at high
The most common additives are chloride, thiourea and glue concentrations. These results confirm those of Hiskey and
[50]. These reagents were evaluated at various concentra- Cheng [47] as shown by the curve for MCCA-23 in Figure
tions using two anodes MCCA-23 and MCCA-25. These 5. A similar response indicating a slight increase in tp at low
two anodes were selected because of their short and long thiourea concentration and a pronounced decrease at high
passivation times in the standard electrolyte which were
measured to be 1015 and 2375 s, respectively. Other anodes
were also examined to provide supplementary information
concerning the effect of thiourea and chloride.

Chloride is typically the only non-organic electrolyte addi-
tive used in electrorefining. Chloride levels of commercial
tankhouses vary between 20 and 70 ppm. Experiments
were performed with in electrolytes containing 0, 10, 30, 50
and 75 ppm chloride. Figure 1 illustrates the positive effect
of chloride on time to passivation for MCCA-23 and
MCCA-25. Anode MCCA-23 exhibited a slight increase in
tp up to about 50 ppm chloride and then a sharp increase to
75 ppm. Anode MCCA-25 displayed a noticeable increase
in time to passivation with the addition of 10 ppm chloride.
Experiments were also conducted with MCCA-25 in elec- Fig. 2. Anodes Exhibiting a Positive Effect to Chloride in the Electrolyte.
trolyte containing 30, 50 and 75 ppm chloride, but no pas- 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04, 65 °C, 3820 A m-2, no agitation, atmospheric



Fig. 3. Anodes Exhibiting a Neutral to Negative Effect to Chloride in the Fig. 5. Comparison of Effect ofThiourea on Time to Passivation for
Electrolyte. 40g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04, 65 °C, 3820 A m-2, no agitation, Anode MCCA-23 and a Commercial Anodes Tested by Hiskey and
atmospheric conditions. Cheng [47] Under Similar Conditions.

concentration was also observed for anodes MCCA-35 and Glue

MCCA-28. The influence of glue concentration on passivation time for
anodes MCCA-23 and MCCA-25 is summarized in Table
Previously Hiskey and Cheng [47], using the same pro- II. Both anodes appear to exhibit a maximum tp around 1
cedure as the current investigation, detected cycles of pas- ppm. Higher concentrations appear to have little or no
sivation and reactivation prior to Region IV of chronopo- effect. Interestingly, potential oscillations were observed
tentiograms for a commercial copper anode in synthetic for both anodes in Region IV as shown in Figure 6 for
electrolytes containing 15, 50 or 100 ppm of thiourea. The anode MCCA-23 in an electrolyte containing 20 ppm glue.
tendency towards cyclic passivation-depassivation was Interestingly, the large oscillations occur after a “stable”
accentuated by allowing the electrolyte to stand for 24 beginning in Region IV. This is significantly different than
hours before initiating the CP test. This behaviour was not the passivation to reactivation potential behaviour observed
detected for any of the four anodes tested at any of the by Hiskey and Cheng [47] for electrolytes containing
thiourea concentrations utilized. The role of thiourea in thiourea which clearly showed that the oscillations were
reactivation is not fully understood; it may be related to prior to Region IV. The cause for the potential behaviour in
thiourea degradation products. Region IV caused by electrolytes containing glue is not
fully understood at this time.

Simulated Industrial Electrolyte

An electrolyte of 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2SO4, 30 ppm Cl,
1 ppm thiourea and 1 ppm glue was used to study the
effect of a simulated industrial electrolyte on twenty dif-
ferent anodes. The times to passivation for each anode in
standard electrolyte (40 g l-1 Cu and 160 g l-1 H2SO4) and

Table II – Time to Passivation as a Function of Glue


Glue Concentration Time to Passivation

(ppm) (sec)

0 1015 2675
1 1426 >3600
Fig. 4. The Effect of Thiourea in the Electrolyte on Time to Passivation 5 916 2143
for Two Selected Anodes. 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04, 65 °C, 3820 A m-2,
no agitation, atmospheric conditions.
20 1290 2177



Table III – Time to Passivation for Selected Anodes in Standard and Simulated Electrolyte at 65 °C with a
Current Density of 3820 A m-2

Response to Additives Anode Standard tp (sec) Simulated tp (sec)

MCCA-17 2253 4111

MCCA-18 1846 2463
MCCA-23 1015 3015
MCCA-28 770 1154
MCCA-45 846 1044
MCCA-50 1525 1828
MCCA-54 1233 1804
MCCA-57 1221 2229
MCCA-65 1874 2839
MCCA-72 1363 1648

MCCA-2 977 956

MCCA-5 1014 1148
MCCA-9 939 1174
No Measurable MCCA-21 1034 1036
Difference MCCA-25 2675 2480
MCCA-35 1358 1422
MCCA-40 2120 1924
MCCA-48 1128 1108

Decrease MCCA-3 1673 1044

MCCA-42 1319 1020

simulated electrolyte are listed in Table III. Of the twenty is that anodes with high As (>1200 ppm) experienced
anodes tested, ten indicated a definitive increase in passi- large increases in tp. If the high arsenic and high nickel
vation time, eight remained about the same and two (>2800 ppm) anodes are removed from consideration, the
exhibited a significant decrease. remaining data reveals a negative trend with increasing
silver as shown in Figure 8.
The effect of anode composition interacting with the
additives in the electrolyte was examined. The fractional
change was calculated according to the following formu-

(SIM - STD) / STD (1)

where SIM is the tp in the simulated electrolyte (40 g l-1

Cu, 160 g l-1 H2SO4, 30 ppm Cl-, 1 ppm thiourea and 1
ppm glue) and STD is the tp in the standard electrolyte (40
g l-1 Cu and 160 g l-1 H2SO4). The fractional change was
compared to each significant impurity identified by mul-
tiple linear regression for STD. The best correlation
between fractional change and composition for all of the
Fig. 6. Reactivation Detected in Region ~V in the Presence of 20 ppm
data was found with arsenic. That trend is plotted in
Glue in the Electrolyte for MCCA-23. 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04, 65 °C,
Figure 7. The most significant observation from this trend 3820 A m-2, no agitation, atmospheric conditions.



passivating effect. There does appear to be an optimal con-

centration at which passivation is delayed for both glue and
thiourea, but exceeding that level can be detrimental.

Interactions Between Anode and Electrolyte Compositions

The experiments conducted with twenty different anode
samples in simulated electrolyte illustrated that interactions
occur between anode composition and electrolyte addi-
tives. This was shown in Table III by the fact that some
anodes experienced an increase in time to passivation while
others decreased. The fractional change in tp, (SIM-
STD)/STD, was compared to each impurity element. The
strongest correlation was found for arsenic. High arsenic
Fig. 7. The Effect of Arsenic Concentration of the Anode on the Change anodes, MCCA-17, MCCA-54 and MCCA-57, exhibited
of Time to Passivation with the Introduction of 30 ppm C1-, 1 ppm the largest normalized increase. This seems to indicate that
Thiourea and 1 ppm Glue to the Electrolyte. 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04, anodes with arsenic respond favorably to additives in the
65 °C, 3820 A m-2, no agitation, atmospheric conditions. electrolyte. Excluding these anodes high in arsenic, most of
the remaining anodes show a decreasing trend in time to
passivation with increasing silver. The few anodes that do
not exhibit this behaviour are those with high nickel.

At this time, it is not fully understood why anodes with

higher arsenic respond so favourably to the introduction of
additives to the electrolyte. In pure electrolyte the effect of
arsenic has been related to possible changes in localized pH
at the anode surface. While the change in pH could affect
the complexing equilibrium between the additives and
cuprous ions, arsenic could also have an effect by provid-
ing a beneficial redox couple. Thiourea (Tu) which com-
plexes cuprous ion according to the following reaction

[ ]
Cu + + 4 Tu → Cu(Tu) 4 K f =2.44 × 1015 (2)
Fig. 8. The Effect of Silver Concentration of Anodes with on the Change
of Time to Passivation with the Introduction of 30 ppm C1-, 1 ppm
Thiourea and 1 ppm Glue to the Electrolyte. 40 g l-1 Cu, 160 g l-1 H2S04,
65 °C, 3820 A m-2, no agitation, atmospheric conditions. can also oxidize and form formamidine disulfide (FDS)
around 0.5 V vs NHE.

2 Tu → [ FDS]2+ + 2 e - E O ≅ 0.5 V (3)
While organic additives, such as thiourea and glue, exhib-
ited a positive effect at low levels, higher concentrations of
these compounds tend to accelerate passivation. Thiourea is
especially harmful at high concentrations (i.e. 20 – 50 The structures of thiourea and FDS in the fully protonated
ppm). This phenomenon is thought to be caused by the form are shown in Table IV.
adsorption of these compounds or their degradation prod-
ucts on the anode surface. The adsorbed film would block The dissolution of arsenic involves several reactions
active surface sites just like slimes or copper sulfate lead- depending on the phase present within the anode.
ing to passivation. In the case of thiourea, it is believed that Regardless, the terminal species of arsenic in the highly
formamidine disulfide (FDS) and ultimately elemental sul- acidic electrolyte will be arsenate in the form of H3AsO4
fur act as the blocking species. However, for glue and its which is generated from arsenite with a reduction standard
degradation products, it is unclear at this time how the potential of 0.575 V.
adsorption occurs or what species are responsible for the



+ (4)
H 3 AsO 4 + 2 H + 2 e → -
This investigation studied the effect of common electrore-
H 3 AsO 3 + H 2 O E O = 0.575 V fining additives on anode passivation behaviour. The major
conclusions from this research are:

The arsenic oxidation coupled with the reduction of 1. For most anodes tested, chloride had a significant posi-
FDS could result in more Tu present at the anode. This tive effect by extending the times to passivation.
would increase the amount of cuprous ion complexed by
thiourea and extend the time to passivation. 2. Both glue and thiourea appear to be an optimal concen-
tration (approximately 1 ppm) at which an increase in tp
observed. If the glue or thiourea concentration significant-
[FDS]2+ + H 3 AsO 3 + H 2 O → ly exceeds the optimal concentration, then a decrease pas-
H 3 AsO 4 + 2 Tu + 2 H + (5) sivation time is observed.

3. Two relationships were detected between a electrolyte

The detrimental effect of silver on the response to addi- containing all three additives at normal industry concentra-
tives in the electrolyte is believed to be related to its influ- tions (simulated) and twenty commercial copper anodes of
ence on the cuprous ion concentration. Impedance spec- varying composition.
troscopy of the passive surface indicated that the resistance
of the adsorbed intermediate (cuprous ions) decreased with 4. The first observation was that anodes with high arsenic
increasing silver content within the anode. The addition of (>1200 ppm) exhibited a significant increase in time to pas-
75 ppm chloride to the electrolyte had minimal effect on sivation when tested in the simulated electrolyte versus the
standard electrolyte (no additives).

Table IV – The Structures of Thiourea and Fully 5. The second relationship was that anodes with arsenic
Protonated Formamidine Disulfide less than 1200 ppm and nickel less than 2800 ppm dis-
played a negative response to the additives in the elec-
trolyte with increasing silver.
Compound Structure


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