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1. A fnme ii deftned u Jwr,1 4-§ mer ID the following optiOOJ.

(A) a Ust of poual>le daca value s
L Qualitative data
(B) a lilt&om wbic b• anpl .e b dnw n IL Quantitative data
(C) a bcuJcdown ofcbl populadon Into m. Di-=rellldala
poup t (V. Cominuoua data
(D) an enclolure wilb ••o fnana• or
nwnben 4. The m.mbar of p«90 m who attended the
Jaz conc ert lut week ia an example of
U!m.1 refen to tt. foUowina table whic h (A) I aod m oaJy
ahowa the 11wn1Nr of 1oab tc0N d by (B) I and IV only
a footbaU team ill the 20 ~ of a
(C) U md Ul onJy
tlDurnamenl. (D) U and IV only

N. .ber of
Goals 0 I 2 3 4 5. The daiF ofth e bouae io a development
ii an example of
N. .1ieror
Matl:MI l s 6 ◄ 2 (A) I only
(B) u only
1. The mocs. oflh e distt,1,ution it
(C) DJ only
(D) IVon ly
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) s
(D) 6

3. Which oftbe followina atatements ii true of

ahis topm ?

(,\) TIM ban always start at zero.

(B) The ban always touch each othe r.
(C) The bars are alwa ys the sam e
(D) The ban arc alwa ys the sam e
Items 6-7 refer to tbe fo1Jowin1 cumulari,e frequency curw which illl.lSU'ltes the results of an

.... #

... -- ,./
Il - --

J ""
i I
iI -·-
. -- /
" . L/
.. 0' ...
;~ I sp 'P 1P •
tp l 0

6. How many students ,cored ao mon dwi 70 rrwb?

(A) 60
(B) 61
cq 10

7. How many students scored blther than the upper quartile?

(A) 30
(B) 33
(C) 67 •
(D) 90

Item I rofen to the f'ollowin1 bmt-end-wbimt diapwn (itot t1raw,r to ,col•).

' • JJ

I. 'JbeiD terqlm tiJem npil

(A) ll
(B) 10
(C) I
(D) 6

10. The BEST meuu n of ceDtnl tenden cy

lcem 2 ref-as to tbe follow iq otive which when 0.. an aD•rae vuw ill Ibo dm
shows pert of the dooations • class of SS set is the
lllldea ta collectlld on a ,pomored walk.

~r'· (A)
(C) . . fflND
. '.""±f:::"'."r~..;.....:.-F.-~~~.;::;:x:,1
(D) standard dmadon

s 15 JS l5 ,s 55
....,. coa-c.s (S)

9. Thi aumber ofIIUdeatl who colledllld moN

than S30 ii

(A) lS
(B) 3.0
(C) lS
(D) 20
Items ll-13 refer to the foUowing table whlch shows tho •P distribution of the 200 students o f
• dance school.

Aa•(ia S-7 1-10 11-13 14-16 17-19

Naaberof 26 42 64 S1 16

ll . The BEST d1qram tx, show tlli1 diltributioo is a

(A) bat chart

(8) pie dlalt
(C) bi◄■ -•o
(D) •M➔N-leaf diapwa

U. The l"ediao ~ of the l h ~ t l in the dance school ii

(A) 9
(8) 12
(C) 1S
(D) 11

13. Tba mean ap of the children in the dance school iJ

(A) 11 .1.5
(8) 12
(C) l3
(0) 13.70

Items 14-15 re.fer to the following box..and-wbiskm plot

71 IO
0 10 20 30 40 50

1◄. 1be imerquuti le ranp la

(A) 10
(B) 30
(C) 40
(D) 10

15. Thedilmb utioais

{A) normal
(B) symmetric
(C) neptivcly sbwed
(D) poaitively skewed

Items 16-17 refer to the followin1 17. P(A I B) iJI

(A) 0.2S
• that
Two events, ..t aod B, are such (B) 0.20
P(A) • 0.2, P('4 u B) • O.S and P (B) • 0.4 (C) 0.17
(D) O.Jl
16. P(,4f"IB) is

(A) 0.01
(B) 0.10
(C) 0.12
{D) 0.30
If eveou X and r are independent and 11. Which of 1be followina scatta- diqram s
lbows nealisible comlat ioa?
P(X) • ~ , P(X n 1') • l~, then P(Y) • (A)
I •
• •
135 • • •

• •
s • •

(C) l
IS (B) ,
19. • •
A and Bare mutually ex.elusive oventa such •
that P(.() • 0.2 and P(B) • 0. l . • •
• • •
P(,4 uB')• •

• •
(A) 0.2
(B) 0.3
(C) 0.7
(D) 0.9

(C) ,
Wbeo the aonnal distribution is to be •
used u an approxim.atioo to the binomial • • •
diflribution, the P(40 <X~ 4S) bocoa,es • •
• • •
• •
(A) P(40.S <X<44 .S) •
(B) P(l9.S < X < 4S.S) • • •
(C) P(40.S <X< 4S.S) •
(D) P(39.S <X<44.S)

(D) ,

11. Thi PfOPietor or a school cantND uk1 h1m1 25- 24 ,-fer to the rotlow in1
IO randomly Nlected madenta to uata lnlonnation.
the amount or monty they apend dally on
lmch. The ,-u1t1 an llll'llffllriud by lf X- Bin C,,, 0.4) aod P (X• 0) •0.1296,

J:x • 94.42 J:xl • 921.14
25, The value of" 11
U11baiaed . . .,_. for the me111 and the
vwi111ce, to 1 dlc:lmal ptac.a, . . (A) I
(8) 2
(A) man • 9.44, varience • 1 .04 (C) J
m..n • 9.44, vari - • ,.IS (D) 4
(C) fflMD • 10.,9, vlriaftce • 1.04
(D) fflNII • 10.,9, varian ce•,. 15
2'. E(X) Is

(A) 2
UmJS JHi rem to th• followia1 trN
(8) 1.6
(C) 1.2
(D) I

27. Which oftba rollowina ldiviti a Ulusttaes

I a probt.bilicy?
(A) Study in1 the woi1b t1 or IS
pumpk in• to determ iat the
w1i1ht1 of pumpkin• ft0m a
A particular CtOp
(B) Otcarmwna bow likely it II that,
pumpkin will -iati man than
s poundt
• (C) Dctlm' the apec:te d aumber
of penona that will attend a
13 P(L) is concert
(D) Couatm1 lbe numbec or red can in
(A) 0.450 a car park
(8) 0.342
(C) 0.192
(D) 0 .150 21. 1M proNbility of ID event is always

(A) lallha n0
14. P(L' I B') i, (8) in tho nnp O to 0.5
(C) in the rma• O to 1.0
(A) 0.75 (D) pater than 1.0
(B) 0.60
(C) 0.4S
(D) 0.20
33. The mean 11e of tuehe rs in a certa in
Jtcrgs lH I refer to tho follow iA1
ioformatioo. couaCry Is 30 yan . Aran doau ampl e of 49
tw:b ln yieJda a mlUl ap of33 .0I yeus.
Two indepoadentneats,A ud B, are auch U•ina a populadon mndlrd deviation of •

that P(B) • 0.1 I aod P(A 18) • 0.42.

12 ,-rs . a Helt at the S% tlpifint.aee
Jafli WU oonduct8d wi1b ff.: I' • 30 and
29. P(,4) • H, : ~ ~ 30. Tbe tat lladll ic or the mean.
to 2 decimal pllca . la
(A) 0.12
(A) 0.49
(B) 0.52
0.42 (B) t.04
0.11 (C) 1.IO
(D) S.21

30. P(A nB)•

3'. Tbe t-tcrt statis tic it u,ed to test the
(A) 0.3444 popuJadon mean when the variable Xis
(B) 0.2436
(C) 0.1044 (A) nonna11)' dilcn', iU population
(D) 0.0756 varia nce unlca owa aad the
ampl e sin m,all
(B) nonnally clislribulld. hi popil atioa
31. A n.ado m ampl e of 81 i1eml produced a variance known and the sample
9S% co~ iota .aJ for the population lizia either wp or 1111&1.1
mean of 573.08. If 40 such samp le. were (C) not norm ally distr ibute d, its
.,....,med.bow many ot'them a-. expec hd popu lation varia nce unkn own
and the lll'Dple lize amall
to coacain I trDe populatioo mean?
(D) oonnaJly disan"bumd. its pop.iladop
(A) 2 ?aria nce unkn own and tbe
(B) 4 sample size tarp
(C) 31
(D) 40
- 35. A I-cat is u,ed b) llllt whether IOlat coils
last aa averap of7 yen. A 11mple of 10
32. The value oft for I 6 dep-e a of freedom of these solar coils have a mean lite of
and a P(T St)• 0.90 is 6.7S years and a standard devia tion of
O.S y.n . Tbe vaJuo of the test statis tic, t,
(A) l.746 ii
(B) 1.337
(C) -l.74 6 (A) -s
- 1.337
(B) -1.SI
(C) l.SI
(D) s
36. If the produ ct-moment corre lation 39. The repeaion lioe y on :.c
codnc itat between a persoo'• welaht and
annuaJ iDconw is 0.9, it cowd be coacluded (A) mrnimizrs,J,c sumoftbe dilf'ae.lOCI
that betwMn die pe.ind:.r aody vah111 •
(B) ii uted to estimaia :.c for a riwn
(A) u i11com1 lncre&Ns a peno o'• value o()' iD I SitmtiOD where :.C
welafrtdectasel and}' ■n not dep1n+at on each
(B) u income decreuu a penon'a ocher
weishlw.NUee (C) cnwmlz.a tbc sum of tbe aqua,a
(C) u income incre ucs a penoa •• of the d.ilremices bocween dw recordtd and predicted valuu
(D) u income iACreaHI 1 .,.non•• ofz
weilflt doee not chaq e (D) i, med to ntbnaae y Cor • riven
value ofX in a situarion where :.C
l7. ii the independalt variable ■nd
A balloon manufacturin1 company claima y ii the dependent variable
thu at least I0% ofitl baJioona ara blue. A
raadom sanple of200 oftha o ballOOOI ii
tabn, Ind 16 ara !ouod robe blue. Whicb
of the foUowiJla testa would be MOST
lttm1 1H l refer to th• follo wio1
approprim tor est■blilhina whether the
balloon company aHds to chan1e itJ
cJaim? A XJ Int of iadependlOCI Is carried out
llliog a coatiqeaoy lllble widl 4 rowa and S
(A) cohllMS.
t.-t ofa populalion mean
(B) Oii-tquare teat of independence
40. The cumber ofdqree s ofhed om ii
Two-Giled .r-test of a population
(D) (A) I
On..cailed .r-tqt of a popul ation
(B) 9
(C) 12
(D) 20
ll. Which of th• followina conditions•
satisfied few the UN of the cet!1raJ limil ,u.
theorem? The critical value at the S% sianiftCIDCe
level appropriai.e to this test is
(A) The !up amp la we taken from
(A) S.226
non-oomw populations. (B)
(B) The anall aarupl• IR taken from 9.431
(C) I 1.07
noa-oormal popolations.
(C) (0 ) 21.03
The small umpl es are talc.ea from
nonnaJ populations.
(D) The Ampl e cu be of any size
from normal or non-n ormal
Jtmn 'l refers to tbe followina con&iopacy '"· When uain1 a small ample of size, "•
table which aivet the raultt or a foodlall to contauct a confideace interval for Ibo
Clam over 4'0 matches. population man. Ibo number of duaa H
of hedom for lbe t-dimibution iJ
Good Bid
TocaJ n-2
W•ther w.tta... (A)
(B) ,,_,
Wla 13 s II
(C) "+ I
Draw 1 I 10 (0) ,r+2
Loee l 10 u
Toal 17 23
'° 45. To conatluct a ~dence int.ervaJ tbr the
41. r
A tat of lnclepen(lmce ls CODducled ID population proportion, p, which of the
detmnifte if Ibo ..«IIIMr bu Ill eff'ect on following mutt be true tor a sample of tize
the result of the mmha. 11?

lbe calculation for lbe expected number of (A) np>Sandll(l-p)>S

loaes in bed Wlll1her is (B) np > Sand 11(1 - p) < S
10 X 12 (C) np <.Sand 11(1 - p) > S
(A) (0) 11p<Smdn(l-p)<.S

(B) 23 X 10

(C) 23 x 12

{D) 23 x 17

43. Tho weilfita of iron rods m a n u ~

• c:ctai:n company .,. normally dben1ued
with • standard deriation of 3.4 q . A
rmdom um.pie of3S iroa rods wi1h mean
weiabt of 40.2 q iJ 1elected. A 99%
oaaMenoe ilSlerYIJ tiJrtbo population mean

(A) (31.7, 41.7) kg

(B) (31.9, 41.5) ka
(C) (4 I.S, 31.9) q
(D) (41.7, 31.7) kg

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