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Amenity horticulture is a branch of horticulture that focuses on the creation and maintenance of

attractive and aesthetic landscapes for public or private use. It involves the cultivation and
management of plants, including flowers, shrubs, trees, and turf, with the aim of enhancing the
visual appeal and recreational value of an area. This form of horticulture is closely related to
landscaping, as it encompasses many of the fundamental principles and techniques used in
creating beautiful outdoor spaces.

Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with growing plants used by people for food
and medicine, as well as gardens and other forms of ornamental plants. This includes everything
from fruits and vegetables to ornamental plants to spices. Anyone who works in any kind of
garden is contributing to horticulture (Arnold, 2017).

Horticulture is a branch of plant agriculture and it mainly deals with garden plants such as
vegetables, fruits, and ornamental ones. It is very easy to start horticulture but gets quite intense
to maintain to reap benefits. The scale of horticulture can fall somewhere between homegrown
gardens and commercial fields. The success of horticulture depends on a few factors such as the
weather, rain, soil quality, and terrain (Schumann, 2017).

Horticulture is basically a blend of science and art, it requires years of practice growing plants in
different environments to master it. All individual plants that are grown horticulturally require
intense individual attention. So horticulture is for people with passion and patience to pursue it.

Horticulture is divided into several different branches, and each one is categorized by the kind of
plants and activities that they involve. But there is no evidence of when the horticulture was
started. Horticulture is started for the pleasure of human and it also shows the dominance of
human over nature. Initially, horticulture was done as agriculture, for the fulfillment of basic
needs but later it is done more for pleasure and to show the wealth of people. In this paper, the
evolution of horticulture and its history will be discussed more. The evolution of garden was
from large-scale agriculture and forestry in Egypt for the first time (Marschner,2012) .

Horticulture is derived from the Latin word ‘Hortus’ which …show more concontent.The from
the river was used for the irrigation of agricultural land and the gardens. Besides the agricultural
land, there was evidence of planting trees and shady trees. The Assyrians left documentary
evidence of the planting of trees, and on relief sculptures, pictures of gardens and fruit trees
appear; one illustration seems to depict the manual pollination (Marschner,2012).

For instance, people in most parts show the great interest in the tree for the palace gardening and
they were for the matter of pleasant and imported from another country. Courtyard garden
enclosed by a wall in all side was also seen in the history of garden. Besides this palace garden
is another type of garden in this area. Basically, there were two types ( Hartmann,2014) .

Furthermore, Hunting parks: They were mostly enclosed park in a grid pattern with densely
planted trees. They used the irrigation for plants. In hunting park, there were artificial hills with
temples. The hunting park was mainly for the hunting purpose of wild animals (Prasad, 2019).

In addition, cultivated different types of crops, fruits like date palms, grapes, figs, melon, and
vegetables like eggplants, onions, radishes, beans, lettuce, sesame seeds. They follow the
symmetry in every aspect such as the agricultural production was also done in symmetry and in
very regular form so that the irrigation for the crops and fruits would be easy. They started the
cultivation by irrigating from the river for the fulfillment of foods later when they became richer
they started as a matter of pleasure( Hartmann,2014) .

On the other hand ,the main objective of amenity horticulture is to design and develop
environments that improve quality of life by providing aesthetically pleasing and functional
landscapes. It involves the careful selection, placement, and maintenance of plants to create
visually appealing compositions, while also considering factors such as spatial planning,
environmental sustainability, and user need,( Hartmann,2014) .

Furthermore, One of the key aspects of amenity horticulture is landscaping. Landscaping refers
to the art and science of modifying the visible features of an outdoor area, such as gardens, parks,
or urban spaces, to create visually pleasing and functional landscapes. It incorporates various
elements, including plants, hardscapes (such as pathways and structures), water features, and
outdoor furnishings, to create a harmonious and purposeful outdoor environment.

In addition, in the realm of landscaping, several basic principles are followed to achieve
desirable results. These include; Unity: Creating a sense of oneness and coherence in the
landscape by using similar or complementary elements throughout the design. This can be
achieved by repeating certain plants, colors, or patterns ( Hartmann,2014) .

Moreover ,Balance: Achieving visual equilibrium by distributing visual weight evenly across the
landscape. It can be achieved through symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements of plants,
structures, and other elements. Proportion: Ensuring that the size and scale of elements are
harmonious with each other and the surrounding environment. This helps create a balanced and
visually pleasing composition (Prasad, 2019).

According to (Hartmann,2014) . horticulture was once a labour intensive industry, requiring

relatively large numbers of people carrying out a multitude of physical tasks ranging from skilled
work, such as tree surgery and pruning, to heavy labouring work such as digging or moving
heavy loads of soil and rocks.

Engineering and scientific innovations, particularly since the mid 20 th century, have changed the
nature and scope of work in amenity horticulture. Innovations have not been the only factors in
bringing about change though. Changing fashions, different lifestyles, economic pressures, and
environmental changes have greatly impacted on the types of facilities and services used by the
amenity horticulture industry, and also influenced what people want and expect from amenity
horticulture( Hartmann,2014) .

In addition, contrast: Using contrasting elements, such as colors, textures, or plant forms, to add
visual interest and create focal points within the landscape. Rhythm: Incorporating repetitive
patterns or sequences to create a sense of movement and flow within the landscape. This can be
achieved through the strategic placement of plants or structural elements (Prasad, 2019).

In conclusion Functionality: Designing the landscape in a way that meets the needs and
requirements of the users. This includes considerations such as accessibility, safety, and usability
of various outdoor spaces.These principles serve as guiding factors in amenity horticulture and
landscaping, helping professionals create visually appealing, functional, and sustainable outdoor
spaces. By combining expertise in plant selection, horticultural practices, and design principles,

horticulturists and landscape architects contribute to the development of beautiful and
environmentally friendly landscapes that enhance the well-being of individuals and communities


Hartmann, T. and Kester, D. (2014) Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices. Upper Saddle
River: Prentice Hall.

Arnold, H. and Schumann, A. (2017) Plant Disease: An Advanced Treatise, Volume I: How
Pathogens Interact with Plants. St. Paul: American Phytopathological Society.

Marschner, H. (2012) Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants: London: Academic Press.

Prasad, M. (2019) Climate Change and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance. Hoboken: John Wiley &

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