IIT Jammu - Business Analyst - Assignment Brief

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Assignment Brief for Business Analyst Role

Sprih, a forward-thinking company, is aiming to engage with top management of companies

in various sectors (Automobiles, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and IT), to explore potential
sales opportunities. You have been tasked to prepare a sector-specific presentation aimed
at convincing companies why Sprih will be their best partner for meeting their sustainability


Choose one sector from the above list and compile a comprehensive presentation. This
presentation should include, but not be limited to, the following elements:

● General Sector Overview:

Provide an insightful analysis of the chosen sector's current approach to reducing carbon
footprint. Highlight key trends, challenges, and innovations shaping sustainability
practices within the sector.

● Top Companies' Sustainability Initiatives:

Research and present data on how leading companies within the chosen sector are
addressing sustainability. Include information on their greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, ongoing green initiatives, and future sustainability plans. Analyze their
strengths and weaknesses in sustainability practices.

● Sprih's Value Proposition:

Articulate Sprih's unique value proposition tailored to the specific sector. Demonstrate
how Sprih can address the sustainability needs and challenges identified in the
sector overview and company analysis. Provide concrete examples, case studies, or
testimonials showcasing Sprih's capabilities and success stories.


Your submission should consist of the following components:

A presentation (PDF format, max. 12 slides) including:

● Title slide with visually appealing design elements representing Sprih's
branding and the sector chosen for the proposal.
● Detailed content covering the sector overview, analysis of top companies'
sustainability efforts, and Sprih's value proposition. Use clear and persuasive
language to effectively convey your arguments.
● Visual aids, charts, and graphs to support your data and insights, making the
proposal engaging and easy to digest.
● Ensure proper formatting and organization for readability and
Supplementary Document:
● Include any miscellaneous data, visuals, or content that didn't make it into
the final proposal but is relevant to the topic.
● Provide a list of references used for research purposes.

Parameters on which you will be assessed:

● Comprehensive Sector Analysis: Depth and accuracy in analyzing the chosen sector's
sustainability practices.
● Thorough Company Research: Quality of research on leading companies'
sustainability initiatives within the sector.
● Alignment with Sprih's Value Proposition: Effectiveness in showcasing how Sprih
addresses sector-specific sustainability needs.
● Presentation Skills: Clarity, persuasiveness, and professionalism in the presentation
● Relevance and Accuracy: Ensuring all content is accurate, relevant, and coherent in
communicating Sprih's value proposition.

Best of luck!


In case of any questions or clarifications, you may reach out to hr@sprih.com with the
subject line “IIT Jammu - Business Analyst | Assignment Brief”

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