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First I will give you the usual starter tips that I always send to the newcomers to our group.

It's like a
"Starter Kit" for using the Brewer eating plan. And then I will add you to the group.

I’ve made the “Starter Kit” into a document in our Files, so I will give you the link for that now.You
will get the most benefit from reading it if you read the whole thing, including all of the links in
it.“Starter Kit”. (for singleton pregnancies only)

In the above "Starter Kit" you will find several links and texts that explain the root causes of rising
BPs and pre-e and IUGR, and how to prevent them from developing, and how the Brewer eating plan
fits in with all of that. You will also find 3 links to sources that contain suggestions for eating during
those first 10-12 weeks, and suggestions for dealing with nausea.We also highly recommend that
new mothers continue to follow the Brewer eating plan for the first 4 months after the birth — for
helping with healing, and for helping with milk supply.

After I have added you to the group —If you have any trouble with accessing the "Starter Kit"
with the above link, you can try accessing it through a computer instead of a phone. You could
also try accessing it through our main Files, and here is our link for that. The "Starter Kit" is the
second one from the top.

Also, since you've had previous pregnancies with rising BPs and pre-e, it would be good for you
to add the necessary "corrective allowances" that are listed on this page, in the section called
"Corrective Allowances".

Also, we do not allow any advertising, or any politics, or any swear words or put-downs or
name-calling, or any advice to take medications, or any discussion about the use of herbs during
pregnancy, or any discussion of vaccines, or circumcision. We also do not allow any posts that
give advice that is contrary to what we are teaching. So before you post any advice, please check
our main Files, to see if what you want to post is in line with what we are teaching. We also do
not support the practice of posting to other members that they could send you a PM if they want
to get information that is banned from our discussions. We work very hard at keeping the
discussions focused only on the topic of the Brewer eating plan -- what it means, and how it
works, and how to apply it to special situations, and how to use it most effectively, and on
support and suggestions between members, for recipes and travel and other ideas, as needed.

So those are my usual tips for getting started with the Brewer eating plan -- the "Starter Kit".
Please read the whole "Starter Kit", and at least glance through the titles of the articles in our
Files before you post any advice or questions in the group. I will be muting you from posting
in the group for just 3 days, just as I do with all new members, so that you will have a chance to
read all of the information that we are sending you first. And if you develop any questions as
you read, please feel free to ask me.
I do hope that all of the above information will be helpful for you. I will add you to the group
now. If you’re interested, you can go into our main Files and see many documents related to
rising BPs and pre-e and IUGR — the root causes, and how to prevent them, and the symptoms
and how to reverse them.

The only way that that information relates to being a member of this group is that members are
not allowed to discuss the vaccine issues in our discussion threads.


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