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Author : Harry Minas, Alexandra Wright, Mengxue Zha and Ritsuko Kakuma

Year of publication : Januari 2014

Journal name : International journal of mental health systems: a bibliometric study


the international journal mental health system (ijmhs) was released in August 2007 and has recently
been given a formal impact factor. This study USES a bibliometric indicator to review a journal's
performance on its original purpose and aspirations. The international journal of the mental health
system aims to stimulate greater attention on the importance of building a functioning mental - health
system we intend that this will be a journal in which researchers for the mental health system, health
ministers' advisers, policymakers, mental - health consultants advise countries on the development of
the mental health system, teachers in psychiatry, nurses, psychology, Social work and community health
courses, doctors engaged in reformed mental health systems, and others will turn to the latest research
and policy information on how to build a fair, accessible, efficient and high-quality mental - health


the review uses the bibliometric method to illustrate the impact of journals, maturity, productivity, and
tissue. All articles published in the ijmhs since publications were published (n = 158). The selected
measurement of bibliometric that shows journal productivity, writer's affiliations, impact, geographic
range, and international collaboration is used.


the ijmhs published 158 articles in seven volumes for six years. Articles with three to five writers
constitute the dominant pattern of authorship, and the writer's affiliates vary. Ijmhs has received impact
factors of 1.06 from Thomson Reuters, and scimago journal ranbooks show ijmhs is in good position in
four categories where it is registered, including in comparison with the journal BMC established that has
the same scientific interest. Geographic mastery patterns show contributions from large Numbers of
countries, including many low-income and middle-income countries.


filing scripts from various countries, including low - and middle-income countries, mostly academic
institutions. The writer of some of the world's geographical regions was significantly underrepresented.
Assessments of impact factors and fun ratings on the scimago journal rank index are expected to lead to
increased shipping of high-quality manuscripts.

the ijmhs performance over the first six years promised, and the journal is on its way to achieve the
goals set in the initial editorial. The ijmhs will continue to increase its current impact through a number
of new initiatives, including introduction of the individuals and a broader article category.

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