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I understand you need a detailed project on “A Daughter’s Thoughts About Her Ageing Parents”
based on Kamala Das’s poem “My Mother at Sixty-Six.” Here is a comprehensive project that you
can use for your assignment:

Page 1: Introduction to Ageing and Familial Bonds

The Inevitability of Ageing Ageing is an inevitable process that every individual and their
family must face. It brings about changes not only in the physical appearance but also in the
dynamics of family relationships. The poem “My Mother at Sixty-Six” by Kamala Das provides a
poignant reflection on this subject through the eyes of a daughter.

Kamala Das: A Poetic Voice on Familial Love Kamala Das, known for her bold and honest
treatment of female sexuality and marital issues, also touches upon the tender relationship
between a daughter and her ageing mother in this poem, offering insights into the emotional
complexities involved.

Page 2: Summary and Analysis of “My Mother at Sixty-Six”

Narrative of the Poem The poem opens with the daughter’s observation of her mother’s pale
and wan face, which triggers thoughts of her mother’s mortality. The drive to the airport
becomes a journey through the daughter’s internal turmoil as she grapples with the fear of
losing her mother.

Exploring the Themes The central theme of the poem is the fear of separation and the
realization of one’s parents’ mortality. The poem also explores the universal theme of ageing
and the role reversal that occurs as parents grow older and children take on a caretaking role.

Page 3: The Daughter’s Emotional Landscape

Contrast Between Youth and Old Age The poem vividly contrasts the energetic, young trees
sprinting outside with the static, aged face of the mother, symbolizing the stark difference
between youth and old age.

The Unspoken Bond Despite the daughter’s fear and concern, the poem ends on a note of
reassurance and love as she smiles and says, “See you soon, Amma,” highlighting the deep,
unspoken bond between them.

Page 4: Societal Perspective on Ageing

Cultural Reflections on Ageing Different cultures have varied perspectives on ageing. In some,
it is revered, while in others, it is feared. The poem subtly touches upon these cultural nuances
and the societal attitudes towards the elderly.

The Role of the Family The family’s role in supporting ageing parents is crucial. The poem
reflects on the daughter’s sense of duty and love towards her mother, which is a sentiment
shared by many in similar situations.
Page 5: Conclusion and Personal Insights

Embracing the Cycle of Life The poem “My Mother at Sixty-Six” is a gentle reminder of the
cycle of life and the inevitability of ageing. It encourages readers to cherish the moments with
their loved ones and to face the future with hope and courage.

Personal Reflection The project concludes with a personal reflection on the poem’s themes,
encouraging the reader to introspect on their relationship with their ageing parents and the
emotions it evokes.


Das, Kamala. “My Mother at Sixty-Six”

Scholarly articles on ageing and familial relationships.

This project provides a detailed exploration of the emotional landscape of a daughter reflecting
on her ageing parents, as portrayed in Kamala Das’s poem. You can use this framework to draft

your project, ensuring to add your own analysis and insights where appropriate. Remember to
cite all references correctly. Best of luck with your project!

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