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Ecology, 80(6), 1999, pp.

q 1999 by the Ecological Society of America


1School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109, Australia
2 National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1967, Hurstville, New South Wales 2220, Australia
3Institute of Wildlife Research, A12, University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
4National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney,

New South Wales 2000, Australia

54/29 Curacao Street, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales 2450, Australia
6Ecological and Environmental Consultants, 222 North Curramore Road, Jamberoo,

New South Wales 2533, Australia

Abstract. At focal sites within dry sclerophyll woodland and temperate rain forest,
species were identified that were of low local abundance and hence in the tail of the rank–
abundance curve. We then asked the question: What proportion of tail species within a
given community are constitutive members of the tail everywhere throughout their geo-
graphical range, versus what proportion are found as substantially more abundant some-
where within their range? Out of 55 tail species identified from dry sclerophyll woodland
and 116 tail species identified from temperate rain forest, 91% and 95%, respectively, were
significantly more abundant at other locations (‘‘somewhere-abundant’’ species), versus 9%
and 5% ‘‘everywhere-sparse’’ species. Among eight attributes in dry sclerophyll woodland
and nine attributes in temperate rain forest compared between somewhere-abundant and
everywhere-sparse species, none discriminated consistently between the two groups of
species. The size and dispersal morphology of seeds, flowering and fruiting durations and
seasons, regeneration strategy after fire, size of geographical ranges, maximum plant height,
and size class revealed no consistent distinctions. For the small minority of species that
are everywhere-sparse, some general explanation may exist as to why they are in the tail
of rank–abundance curves, though none was located among the attributes compared in this
paper. For the majority of tail species that are somewhere-abundant, any explanation as to
why they are in the tail will need to account for different outcomes in different places.
Key words: abundance; geographical range; macroecology; plants; rain forest; rank-abundance
curve; sclerophyll woodland.

INTRODUCTION and on within-community explanations for their shapes

A fundamental question of ecology concerns the (e.g., Preston 1962, May 1975, Pielou 1975, De Vita
abundance and distribution of species. In particular, 1979, Stenseth 1979, Sugihara 1980, Hughes 1986,
there has been considerable interest in the distribution Wilson 1991, Gregory 1994, Wilson et al. 1996). Em-
of abundance among species within local communities. pirical work on local abundance has focused on fluc-
A common observation is that at a given location some tuations in the numbers of individuals of a species
species will be very abundant, while many species will through time at one location, or among a small number
have small- to moderate-sized populations (Darwin of communities, and has also tried to support or reject
1859, Preston 1948, MacArthur 1960, Whittaker 1965, the various theories regarding curve structure (e.g.,
May 1975). Abundance distributions within commu- Preston 1962, Sugihara 1980, Diamond and Case 1986,
nities have been represented usually as rank–abundance Grubb 1986, Mitchley and Grubb 1986, Chesson and
or dominance–diversity curves, with one axis of the Huntley 1989, Tokeshi 1990, Wilson 1991, Wilson et
curve representing species rank in a community and al. 1996). This work has clarified a number of important
the other representing species abundance. issues; however, broad generalizable patterns between
Both theoretical and empirical studies have inves- particular curve structures and particular underlying
tigated the structure of rank–abundance curves for mechanisms have yet to be found. The present paper
many different communities. Theory has concentrated investigates rank–abundance curves from a different
primarily on the structure of rank–abundance curves perspective, employing a macroecological approach to
explore how the local abundance of species is related
Manuscript received 12 January 1998; revised 25 June to abundance throughout entire geographical ranges.
1998; accepted 3 July 1998.
7 Present address: Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Some empirical studies have investigated species’
CSIRO—Plant Industry, G.P.O. Box 1600, Canberra, ACT abundances across entire or nearly entire geographical
2601, Australia. E-mail: ranges (Hanski 1982, Hengeveld and Haeck 1982, Ra-

FIG. 1. Two alternatives for patterns of

abundance throughout geographical ranges. In
both figures, six hypothetical species are illus-
trated. Solid lines represent species that have
sites of high abundance, while dotted lines rep-
resent species that are everywhere of low abun-
dance. (A) Most species (e.g., five out of six)
have sites of high abundance within their geo-
graphical ranges. (B) Most species are of low
abundance everywhere throughout their geo-
graphical range. In both figures, species 3 be-
haves differently than the other five species.

poport 1982, Brown 1984, Rabinowitz et al. 1986, two groups of species to assess any traits that consis-
Schoener 1987, Maurer 1994, Brown et al. 1995). Gen- tently distinguish somewhere-abundant from every-
erally, it has been observed that species are found in where-sparse species through the ability to achieve high
low abundance at most sites, throughout their respec- abundances given the opportunity.
tive geographical ranges while achieving high abun-
dances only at a small number of sites (e.g., Brown et METHODS
al. 1995). The recurring rank-abundance pattern within
local communities of a small number of abundant spe-
cies together with a long tail of lower-abundance spe- The basic approach was to locate a set of species
cies might be associated with a geographical-scale pat- that contributed low cover, i.e., were in the tail of the
tern whereby most species are of low abundance in rank–abundance curve, within focal communities, and
most parts of their range but of higher abundance at to determine how many and which of these were sub-
some locations (see Fig. 1A). Alternatively, the rank– stantially more abundant at other locations or in some
abundance pattern might be associated with most spe- other environment throughout their geographical range,
cies being of low abundance throughout their geo- versus how many and which occupied low cover wher-
graphical ranges and thus in the tail of rank–abundance ever they occurred. Only species whose entire geo-
curves wherever they occur (Fig. 1B). graphical ranges fell within Australia were considered.
We test which alternative best describes patterns of The methods necessarily made use of two types of ev-
abundance throughout geographical ranges for flowering idence. The study began at the level of the local com-
plant species of dry sclerophyll woodland and temperate munity, first procuring abundance information for all
rain forest. We ask the simple but important question flowering plant species within focal sites by standard
whether most species in the tail of rank–abundance quadrat methods of 1 ha in dry sclerophyll woodland.
curves can be found in high abundance at some other Having identified certain species as being of low abun-
location within their respective geographical ranges. In dance at focal sites, the second phase was to visit other
addition we compare a total of 10 attributes between the communities within the same general vegetation type
1808 BRAD R. MURRAY ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 80, No. 6

where the species were known or thought to occur. At were assigned to three size classes. Species were placed
these secondary sites, similar sampling of abundance in the large size class (size class 1) if their maximum
occurred, which gave an initial listing of species that potential cover exceeded 2 3 2 m (mostly trees such
were low in abundance at the focal sites and distinctly as Eucalyptus spp.), in size class 2 if maximum po-
greater in abundance at the secondary sites. For species tential canopy was between 0.2 3 0.2 m and 2 3 2 m
that still had not been found to be abundant anywhere (mostly shrubs such as Grevillea spp.), and the small
at this stage, no sampling procedure was capable of size class (size class 3) if maximum potential canopy
assessing abundance throughout their geographical never exceeded 0.2 3 0.2 m (mostly herbs, e.g., Lom-
ranges, which for many species extended far beyond andra spp.; and small woody dicotyledons, e.g., mem-
the particular vegetation type in which the focal site bers of the Euphorbiaceae). Given that the present
was situated. Accordingly, the third phase of investi- study compared abundances of species at a particular
gation drew on a different type of evidence, the first- site, between sites for each species, and between spe-
hand knowledge of field-survey ecologists and herbar- cies for geographical ranges, the quantification by size
ium botanists having many years of experience in the class emphasizes the relative nature of comparisons.
relevant regions, including authors D. A. Keith, P. J. For example, some species have very large individuals,
Myerscough, J. Howell, A. G. Floyd, and K. Mills. and thus the smallest percentage canopy cover an adult
These contributors and others (see Acknowledgments) can have is quite large.
were surveyed to find out whether they had seen any Rank–abundance curves were created for each focal
of the low-abundance species from within the focal site (Figs. 2A–D). A species was considered to be of
hectares in high abundance, and if so, where this was low abundance (i.e., in the tail) if it fell below a thresh-
observed. This evidence, drawn from personal knowl- old value of percent cover. Cutoff points were placed
edge, field notes, and unpublished surveys, represented subjectively where the tail section of curves became
cumulatively .200 person-yr of field botanical expe- perceptible. The threshold value was different for each
rience in the region. We consider it the most reliable size class (size class 1 5 1% canopy cover, size class
available with regard to abundance throughout wide 2 5 0.4% canopy cover, and size class 3 5 0.01%
areas and whole geographical ranges. To assess the canopy cover). The average number of all species per
generality of patterns found in dry sclerophyll wood- focal site was 66 (A, 76; B, 51; C, 69; D, 69), with a
land, the relationship between local abundance and total of 43, 20, 26, and 19 tail species at each focal
abundance throughout geographical ranges was also site, respectively. In all, 78 species were identified as
investigated for flowering plant species of temperate being of low abundance across the four focal sites, with
rain forest, using data on species abundance within some species within the tail of the rank–abundance
communities of 15 ha of undisturbed vegetation ob- curve at more than one focal site. Of the 78 tail species,
tained from Turner and Vernon (1994). six were identifiable to genus only; these species were
discarded, as species-level identification was required.
Dry sclerophyll woodland Two of the 78 species were exotics (Chrysanthemoides
Four focal sites, each a replicate of dry sclerophyll monilifera ssp. rotundata and Lantana camara), and
woodland, were situated within the Sydney region, were given no further consideration, as abundances
New South Wales, Australia. Focal sites A, B, and D within the native geographical ranges of species were
were in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, while focal the topic. Two further species, Cassytha pubescens and
site C was in Garigal National Park. All sites were on Themeda australis, were discarded because their geo-
infertile Hawkesbury sandstone. A focal site had to be graphical ranges extended outside Australia, to New
1 ha of vegetation that had not been burned or cleared Zealand and New Guinea, respectively. This left 68
in any manner for a minimum of 10 yr. The site had native species of low abundance to be studied.
to appear homogeneous in the sense that there was no Habitat descriptions and extent of geographical ranges
particular tendency for one side to be different from were obtained for all tail species. Sources included Aus-
the other side. Focal sites were square (100 3 100 m). tralian Government Publishing Service (1981), Harden
Within them were located nine 2 3 5 m quadrats in a (1990–1993), Hnatiuk (1990), Robinson (1991), Benson
3 3 3 grid. Each quadrat was ;30–40 m from the next. and McDougall (1993, 1994, 1995), Carolin and Tindale
The percent canopy cover of all flowering plant species (1994), Fairley and Moore (1995), and species lists ob-
was estimated in each of the nine quadrats within the tained from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney (cour-
hectare. Mean cover was calculated for each species tesy of R. Coveny). From these sources it was possible
across the nine quadrats and used as an estimate of to construct a list of eight prospective locations within
canopy cover over the hectare. The rest of the hectare the Sydney region where each of the focal species might
was searched for species not found in the nine quadrats, occur in high abundance. Abundances of focal species
and canopy cover over the whole hectare was estimated at the eight prospective locations were determined by
for these species. estimating percent canopy cover. All cover values were
Because maximum potential canopy area covered by comparable directly to focal site abundances. A species
an individual varies between plant species, species was considered to be significantly more abundant at a

FIG. 2. Rank–abundance curves for focal sites A, B, C, and D in dry scherophyll woodland. Abundance as percentage
canopy cover is on the y-axis, while species are ranked consecutively on the x-axis. Size classes (see Methods): 1 5 solid
diamonds; 2 5 open squares; 3 5 open circles. The cutoff points for tail species are marked for each size class on each

location compared to its abundance at a focal site if it were termed somewhere-abundant species. If a species
met both of two criteria. First, its abundance had to fall was found to be much more abundant before all eight
above the threshold value established at the focal site locations were visited, it was not necessary to visit re-
for the relevant plant size class. Second, abundance had maining locations, since this indicated that the species
to be at least 10 times greater than that recorded at the could be classified as being more abundant elsewhere
focal site. Tail species that were found to be more abun- (i.e., somewhere-abundant). Species that were abundant
dant somewhere else within their geographical range during early post-fire years (various authorities; B. R.
1810 BRAD R. MURRAY ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 80, No. 6

Murray, personal observation) but not in established Attribute comparisons

vegetation 10 years or more after fire were categorized
Attributes were compared between somewhere-
as sometimes-abundant.
abundant and everywhere-sparse species. Data were
When the eight locations had been visited for all tail
not available for all the attributes that might have been
species where necessary, and any species remained that
desired. Those compared were dispersal morphology
were not found to be more abundant, ecologists and
(dry sclerophyll woodland [W], temperate rain forest
botanists experienced in the Sydney flora (including D.
[R]), flowering length ( W, R), flowering season (W, R),
A. Keith, P. J. Myerscough, and J. Howell) were con-
fruiting period (R), fruiting season (R), geographical
sulted further about remaining species. In particular,
range (W, R), maximum potential height (W, R), plant
people consulted were asked whether they had ever
size class (W, R), regeneration after fire (W), and seed
found the species to be abundant anywhere within its
size (W, R). Attribute information for comparisons for
geographical range according to the criteria described
one or both vegetation types was obtained from various
previously. Given the many combined years of field
authorities and a plant attribute database established
experience of those consulted, this information was and maintained in the School of Biological Sciences at
more reliable than what could have been obtained by Macquarie University. Seed masses were expressed as
any fresh sampling. Species that were not found to be dry mass in milligrams for dry sclerophyll woodland,
abundant in established vegetation (somewhere-abun- and included embryo, endosperm, and seed coat struc-
dant species), nor identified as being abundant only tures, while any dispersal structures (e.g., elaiosomes)
during early post-fire years (sometimes-abundant spe- were removed before weighing. For plants of temperate
cies), were considered to be of low abundance through- rain forest, seed sizes were presented as largest linear
out their geographical range, and were termed every- dimension (millimeters), rather than as mass, since
where-sparse. more data were available in this form from literature
sources. Dispersal morphologies were assessed using
Temperate rain forest vegetation structures present on the seeds indicative of a particular
To provide a further test of the predictions, a second mode of dispersal (e.g., Westoby et al. 1990). Flow-
vegetation type was examined. Turner and Vernon ering information was a broad measure of the months
(1994) provided information on abundances for a large of the year spent flowering. These months were then
area of floristically and structurally well developed, translated into seasons of the year spent flowering (e.g.,
undisturbed temperate rain forest vegetation in New a species that flowers from August to October flowers
South Wales. All flowering plant species at 46 sites in austral winter–spring). Species methods of regen-
(totaling ;850 ha, median area 5 15 ha) were de- eration after fire were recorded as fire-killed and relying
scribed, and their abundances rated as one of four cat- on a stored seed bank (obligate-seed-regenerator) or
egories (very common, common, occasional, and rare) capable of vegetative regeneration (resprouter). For
at each site. These 46 sites were considered equivalent geographical range, the Census of Australian Plants
to the four focal sites of dry sclerophyll woodland, in (Hnatiuk 1990) divides the Australian continent into
that they represented sites at which local abundances 97 regions, based on biogeographical zones recognized
were estimated. We considered a classification of either by the relevant herbaria in each state. Presence or ab-
occasional or rare at any of the 46 sites as denoting sence of all species in each region is listed, so that the
low local abundance (i.e., tail species, in our termi- number of regions occupied provides a broad, conti-
nology) at those particular sites. From the 46 rain forest nental-scale measure of total geographical range.
sites, 116 native species were identified as being tail
species at one site at least. As with the tail species of Data analyses: cross-species and phylogenetic
dry sclerophyll woodland, the next step was to ask approaches
whether the tail species of local sites in temperate rain Data for seed mass (but not seed length), geograph-
forest could be found in much greater abundance in ical range, and plant height were all log-transformed
similar or other vegetation types within their respective for statistical analyses (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). To iden-
geographical ranges. This was assessed from infor- tify which attributes discriminated most strongly be-
mation also provided in Turner and Vernon (1994) (e.g., tween somewhere-abundant and everywhere-sparse
a species of low abundance at one of the 46 sites may species, a stepwise discriminant function analysis
have been abundant at one or more of the remaining (DFA) was employed (Dixon 1992). While DFA was
sites listed) and from referencing other sources of abun- used to look at cross-species comparisons and consider
dance information of temperate rain forest species (e.g., questions about present-day ecological relationships
Mills and Jakeman 1995). Again, the third phase in among species, phylogenetically independent contrasts
distinguishing somewhere-abundant from everywhere- (PICS, Burt 1989) were also used to compare some-
sparse species was consultation with botanists and ecol- where-abundant and everywhere-sparse species. Phy-
ogists (including A. G. Floyd and K. Mills) having logenetic analyses test whether differences in the at-
extensive field experience in this type of vegetation. tributes compared arise consistently across replicated

phylogenetic divergences between somewhere-abun- were found nowhere in high abundance and were con-
dant and everywhere-sparse species or clades. Pairs of sidered everywhere-sparse (Cayratia eurynema, Dy-
species for PICs were selected to be as closely related soxylum rufum, Emmenosperma alphitonioides, Pas-
as possible. In dry sclerophyll woodland, a total of four siflora herbertiana ssp. herbertiana, Sambucus austra-
contrasts was possible, two at species-within-genus lasica, and Symplocos thwaitesii). Of the 110 some-
level, one at genera-within-family, and one at subclass- where-abundant species, 105 could be found in greater
es-within-class. For temperate rain forest, six contrasts abundance in similar vegetation to the original loca-
were established, two at species-within-genus level, tions where they were identified as tail species (i.e.,
one at genera-within-family, two at families-within-or- temperate rain forest). The other five species could only
der, and one at orders-within-subclass. be found in greater abundance in a different habitat.

RESULTS Attribute comparisons

Dry sclerophyll woodland Flowering season duration was the best single dis-
criminator for dry sclerophyll woodland (DFA: F1,51 5
Of the 68 tail species studied, 13 species were found
5.44, P , 0.05). Somewhere-abundant species on av-
to be significantly more abundant only at sites ,10 yr
erage flowered across a longer period of the year than
since fire (e.g., Acacia suaveolens, Cassinia denticulata,
everywhere-sparse species. After this was entered into
Gompholobium glabratum). These sometimes-abundant
the discriminant function, no further attributes were
species are probably abundant within focal site com-
found to be significant discriminators between the two
munities 10 yr after fire, but in the form of a seed bank
groups. The majority of both somewhere-abundant and
rather than as above-ground cover. Of the remaining 55
everywhere-sparse species in dry sclerophyll woodland
species, 50 (91%) were found to be considerably more
were dispersed by ants, were capable of vegetative re-
abundant somewhere within their geographical range
generation, and flowered in winter–spring. For rain for-
(Table 1). Of these 50 somewhere-abundant species, the
est, geographical range was found to be a significant
higher-abundance sites for most (45) were in the same
discriminator between the two groups (F1, 109 5 5.01, P
vegetation type (dry sclerophyll woodland), while the
, 0.05), with somewhere-abundant species having more
other five species had their higher-abundance sites in
widespread distributions. After this was entered into the
habitat that was different from the focal sites. Because
function, no further attributes were found to be signif-
the original search for these species as abundant at some
icant discriminators between the two groups. Both
other location was not aimed at investigating all dry
groups of temperate rain forest species were dispersed
sclerophyll woodland sites first, it is possible that further
primarily by vertebrates, flowered in spring and summer,
searches may find these five species in high abundance
and had their fruit ripe mainly during summer–autumn.
at some woodland sites.
Phylogenetic contrasts were generally consistent
Only five (9%) of the 55 tail species were found to
with the cross-species patterns described by DFA. For
be abundant nowhere (Bossiaea ensata, Bossiaea scol-
dry sclerophyll woodland, there was a not-quite-sig-
opendria, Dampiera purpurea, Hovea linearis, Logan-
nificant trend for somewhere-abundant species to spend
ia albiflora). All of these everywhere-sparse species
a longer period of the year flowering compared with
fell into size class 2, the intermediate-sized species.
everywhere-sparse species (t 5 2.18, P 5 0.058, df 5
Focal sites A, B, C, and D had three, zero, two, and
3). This concurred with cross-species DFA analyses.
three everywhere-sparse species, respectively, within
For temperate rain forest species, the only significant
the hectare, indicating that 96%, 100%, 97%, and 96%
result was for geographical range to be smaller in eve-
of species within the tail of rank–abundance curves for
rywhere-sparse species (t 5 2.92, P 5 0.05, df 5 5),
these four local communities (A, B, C, and D, respec-
again matching cross-species (DFA) comparisons.
tively) could be abundant elsewhere within their range.
For both dry sclerophyll woodland and temperate rain
Temperate rain forest vegetation forest, tables listing species used for phylogentically in-
dependent contrasts and their attributes are available in
The proportion of tail species in temperate rain forest Ecological Archives, along with a table listing all 116
that were found to be in high abundance at other lo- somewhere-abundant and everywhere-sparse species of
cations was similar to the equivalent proportion in dry temperate rain forest (see Appendix).
sclerophyll woodland. In total, 110 temperate rain for-
est species (95%) were found to be abundant at one or DISCUSSION
more locations, and were considered to be somewhere-
Patterns of abundance throughout
abundant (e.g., Acmena smithii, Geijera parviflora, Pit-
geographical ranges
tosporum revolutum, and Syzygium australe). There
was no clear indication that any of the species found How abundance is distributed among species within
to be in high abundance somewhere were actually local communities has been a much-investigated ques-
sometimes-abundant species, i.e., abundant only after tion (e.g., Preston 1948, MacArthur 1957, Cohen 1968,
fire or other disturbances. Only six tail species (5%) May 1975, De Vita 1979, Hughes 1986, Wilson et al.
1812 BRAD R. MURRAY ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 80, No. 6

TABLE 1. Somewhere-abundant species of dry sclerophyll woodland listed by size class. Abundances (percent canopy cover)
recorded at focal sites and abundance at the site where each species was found to be most abundant are shown.

Highest abundance
Abundance (% canopy (% canopy cover) at Vegetation type
Species cover) at focal sites different site at different site
Size class 1
Allocasuarina distyla 0.22 7.44 Woodland
Banksia ericifolia 0.001, 0.29 9.78 Woodland
Banksia integrifolia spp. integrifolia 0.11 9.12 Woodland
Ceratopetalum gummiferum 0.36 7.44 Woodland
Elaeocarpus reticulatus 0.18 k1.0 Woodland
Leptospermum laevigatum
Leptospermum polygalifolium spp. polygalifol- 0.25 k1.0 Heath
ium 0.32 5.0 Woodland
Persoonia pinifolia 0.03, 0.25 4.0 Woodland
Size class 2
Acacia myrtifolia 0.33, 0.06 6.67 Woodland
Baeckea diosmifolia 0.001 0.5 Woodland
Boronia ledifolia 0.01 2.5 Woodland
Bossiaea heterophylla 0.001, 0.17 2.0 Woodland
Callistemon linearis 0.39 k0.4 Heath
Caustis flexuosa 0.001, 0.33 k0.4 Woodland
Caustis pentandra 0.09 2.11 Woodland
Conospermum longifolium spp. longifolium 0.002 1.61 Woodland
Correa reflexa var. reflexa 0.08 k0.4 Woodland
Crowea saligna 0.13, 0.11 4.57 Woodland
Dianella caerulea var. caerulea 0.001 0.04 Woodland
Dianella caerulea var. producta 0.001 2.0 Woodland
Dianella revoluta var. revoluta 0.002 0.33 Woodland
Dillwynia retorta 0.17 7.27 Woodland
Epacris pulchella 0.25, 0.2 2.78 Woodland
Gompholobium grandiflorum 0.31 4.0 Woodland
Gonocarpus teucriodes 0.03, 0.01 0.89 Woodland
Grevillea buxifolia ssp. buxifolia 0.28, 0.11 3.78 Woodland
Grevillea sericea 0.26, 0.02 4.11 Woodland
Hakea dactyloides 0.33 9.78 Woodland
Hakea sericea 0.04 7.24 Woodland
Hibbertia aspera 0.15 k0.4 Woodland
Hibbertia bracteata 0.002 1.14 Woodland
Isopogon anemonifolius 0.17 5.67 Woodland
Lasiopetalum ferrugineum var. ferrugineum 0.34, 0.11 k0.4 Woodland
Leucopogon microphyllus var. microphyllus 0.002 0.44 Woodland
Lomandra longifolia 0.01 10.33 Woodland
Lomatia silaifolia 0.3, 0.01, 0.11 k0.4 Woodland
Micrantheum ericoides 0.01 1.94 Woodland
Monotoca scoparia 0.23, 0.37 k0.4 Woodland
Petrophile pulchella 0.001, 0.06, 0.02 4.5 Heath
Phebalium squamulosum ssp. squamulosum 0.2 k0.4 Woodland
Platysace linearifolia 0.07 2.94 Woodland
Pultenaea daphnoides 0.33 k0.4 Closed-forest
Pultenaea elliptica 0.001 1.11 Woodland
Tetratheca ericifolia 0.01 4.0 Woodland
Size class 3
Cassytha glabella forma glabella 0.001 0.11 Woodland
Hypolaena fastigiata 0.001 k0.01 Heath
Lepyrodia scariosa 0.001 2.94 Woodland
Patersonia glabrata 0.003 0.67 Woodland
Patersonia sericea 0.001 0.93 Woodland
Stipa pubescens 0.001 k0.01 Woodland

1996). Nevertheless, the relationship between abun- wider scales. Yet since around 96% to 100% of species
dance within a local community and abundance else- within the tail of a given rank–abundance curve can
where throughout the complete geographical range of be abundant at other locations or times (as shown for
species has been investigated rarely (see Brown et al. dry sclerophyll woodland in the present study), expla-
1995). Most models that predict species abundance dis- nations as to why species are in the tail that are based
tributions at local scales invoke within-community on within-community interactions without considera-
mechanisms alone, foregoing processes operating at tion of wider-scale patterns will be incomplete for most

species, because any explanation ought to account for in everywhere-sparse species. These two scenarios are
different outcomes in different places. of course extremes of a spectrum, rather than strict
Of the 55 tail species identified in dry sclerophyll alternatives. The real world might be somewhere be-
woodland (and not classified as sometimes-abundant), tween these two extremes, with some sites where a
and the 116 tail species found in rain forest, 91% and species is nearly always abundant, others where it may
95%, respectively, were found to be substantially more become abundant opportunistically quite often, and
abundant at other sites. For the purpose of this study, others where the opportunity for high abundance occurs
substantially more abundant meant that they were at relatively infrequently. In this scheme, sometimes-
least 10-fold more abundant than at the focal site, and abundant species represent a sampling or life-history
also that their abundance exceeded the threshold de- complication: Species conspicuous during early years
fined for their size-class. Under some circumstances, after fire in dry sclerophyll woodland are actually abun-
1% cover could constitute ‘‘substantially more abun- dant in later years, but as a seed bank rather than as
dant.’’ Hence, the results should not be interpreted as canopy cover.
meaning that all these species attained cover of 30– There is some evidence that particular sites within
50% somewhere. the geographical ranges of somewhere-abundant spe-
Mainly, somewhere-abundant species were more cies favor high abundance on a continuing basis. Using
abundant at other locations within the same general long-term data (;30 yr) for North American birds,
vegetation type. Of the two alternatives outlined in the Brown et al. (1995) showed that a few sites supported
introduction, these results support the first (Fig. 1A) as consistently higher abundances of particular species
the best description of patterns of abundance through- than much of the rest of their geographical ranges.
out geographical ranges. If this finding is combined Many other studies, varying from few to many sites
with the results of Brown et al. (1995), then the most and short to long time periods, have similarly indicated
commonly observed distribution of species abundance conservation of high abundance by particular species
at a local scale (i.e., few abundant species and many at certain sites (e.g., MacArthur 1972, Moyle and Von-
species of low abundance) arises as follows. First, it dracek 1985, Mitchley and Grubb 1986, Lawton and
is clear that the majority of species in the tail of rank– Gaston 1989, Bengtsson et al. 1997). On the other hand,
abundance curves have locations where they can be a number of studies have found evidence that high
found in much greater abundance. Second, most if not abundances are not maintained by species at particular
all species are of low abundance throughout much of sites, or have found that differences in site environ-
their geographical range (Brown et al. 1995). Thus, the mental conditions, latitudinal position, and climatic
distinctive distribution of species abundance within lo- conditions determine whether species’ abundances re-
cal communities simply reflects that sampling at any main constant (Coull and Fleeger 1977, Järvinen 1979,
given point within the landscape will capture most spe- Taylor and Taylor 1979, Grubb et al. 1982, Grubb 1986,
cies at low abundance and a few species at high abun- Bethke 1993, Böhning-Gaese et al. 1994, Wilson et al.
dance. The question why certain species are found in 1996). Evidence for high abundance being possible at
the tail of rank–abundance curves, so often asked from a number of locations throughout geographical ranges
a within-community perspective, can now be ap- can thus be found. In these cases, it would appear that
proached from a different perspective. Rather than fo- there was a shifting cloud of abundance (sensu Hubbell
cus on factors constraining abundance of particular spe- and Foster 1986), with opportunities for high abun-
cies within a site, it is more pertinent to ask how species dance being taken as they arose across the landscape.
are able to switch positions in the rank–abundance The concept of a shifting cloud of abundance relies
curve across wider scales. That is, what allows some- heavily on stochastic, or lottery models (e.g., Sale
where-abundant species to become abundant at some 1977, Chesson and Warner 1981, Fagerström 1988, Pa-
sites within their geographical range? Any explanation cala 1996). Rather than particular sites favoring high
should explain also why the few everywhere-sparse abundance by certain species (e.g., Brown et al. 1995),
species are not able to become abundant anywhere ‘‘the relative abundance of . . . species . . . at any site
within their respective geographical ranges. is largely a result of the chance recruitment of young
One can distinguish two ways a somewhere-abun- to that site and will change from time to time’’ (Sale
dant species might achieve high abundance at some 1977:354).
sites but low at many sites: First, particular sites may If continuing high abundance sites do exist for some-
favor high abundance for that species on a continuing where-abundant species, existing evidence suggests
basis (e.g., remnant populations, Eriksson 1996). Sec- they will most likely be found toward the centers of
ond, somewhere-abundant species may achieve high species’ geographic ranges (Grinnell 1922, Bock et al.
abundance opportunistically and temporarily at any of 1977, Hengeveld and Haeck 1981, 1982, Brown 1984,
a range of sites. Under the second scenario, somewhere- Bart and Klosiewski 1989, Hengeveld 1994, Carey et
abundant species would be characterized by attributes al. 1995). Therefore, testing the hypothesis that sites
that permitted them to become abundant given a suit- of long-term high abundance exist for these vegetation
able opportunity, and these attributes would be absent types could be carried out by first establishing long-
1814 BRAD R. MURRAY ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 80, No. 6

term monitoring sites towards the centers of geographic potential for increase in everywhere-sparse species
ranges. It is also worth considering that high abun- compared to somewhere-abundant species.
dances may be expected in conditions that are more
similar to those in evolutionary centers. Conclusion
The proportion of everywhere-sparse species was The principal conclusion reported here is that most
small but not dismissable. Five species of dry sclero- (.90%) species in the tails of local rank–abundance
phyll woodland (9%) and six species of temperate rain curves are substantially more abundant somewhere
forest (5%) were categorized as everywhere-sparse. If else. If this pattern extends to other vegetation types
these percentages can be extrapolated roughly across and to other taxa besides plants, it indicates that models
all species in each different vegetation type, then the of population interactions within communities will not
absolute number of everywhere-sparse species may be by themselves provide a complete account of rank–
quite large. For example, ;2000 species in total are abundance patterns. The second principal conclusion
found in dry sclerophyll woodland on Sydney sand- reported here is that there exists a small but still in-
stone (Carolin and Tindale 1994), so it might be esti- teresting group of species that are everywhere sparse.
mated that around 180 of these (9%) are everywhere- If this conclusion extends to other vegetation types and
sparse. This is a substantial number of species that are taxa, it must be asked what attributes might account
apparently unable to make use of opportunities for high for some species’ reaching high abundance at some
abundance. Note that everywhere-sparse species are times or places, and for others’ being confined to low
not expected to be distinguished by attributes that en- abundance everywhere.
able them to persist at low abundances. Somewhere-
abundant species are similarly at low abundances ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
throughout most of their geographical ranges. There- We are very grateful to other botanists who shared their
fore, the distinction in this study is not centered on the wealth of field information regarding the abundances of nu-
merous plant species: D. Benson, F. Burrows, R. Coveny, A.
persistence of everywhere-sparse species at low abun- Downing, M. Dunlop, L. Rodgerson, L. McDougall, M. Reed,
dances or on possible adaptations for existing at low J. Turner, S. Vernon, and G. Williams. Thanks also to Lesley
abundances, but rather on the potential for becoming Hughes, Carlos Fonseca, Will Edwards, Bill Lee, Jeremy
abundant in somewhere-abundant species versus the Smith, and Rob Whelan for critiquing earlier drafts of this
work and to the Ecology Discussion Group for helpful com-
absence of that potential in everywhere-sparse species. ments. Charles Canham and two anonymous referees provid-
None of the everywhere-sparse species identified in the ed encouraging and helpful advice, for which we thank them
present study are considered rare or threatened (Briggs wholeheartedly. This work was carried out while B. R. Mur-
and Leigh 1996). We have avoided the term rare here ray was in receipt of an Australian Postgraduate Award, and
for this reason, and also because ‘‘rare’’ has been used he would like to thank personally Darryl Nelson, Carlos Fon-
seca, Jake Overton, Chris Chambers, and Susan Murray for
in many different senses (see Rabinowitz et al. 1986, their support and friendship. This is contribution 265 from
Gaston 1994). It is possible that with even more com- the Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources, Macquarie Uni-
plete data about abundance throughout the geograph- versity.
ical range, some everywhere-sparse species might be LITERATURE CITED
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Tables presenting the species used for phylogenetically independent contrasts and their attributes are available in ESA’s
electronic data archive. Separate tables are posted for dry scherophyll woodland (Ecological Archives E080-011-A1) and for
temperate rain forest (Ecological Archives E080-011-A2). A third table, listing all 116 somewhere-abundant and everywhere-
sparse species of temperate rain forest examined is also provided (Ecological Archives E080-011-A3), along with a bibli-
ography (Ecological Archives E080-011-A4).

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