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A Step-by-Step Guide for

Abida Naseer

The job search process can be challenging

because it involves many steps

Each step requires careful planning and execution to

increase the chances of success.

This eBook will help you understand each step and

learn tips to simplify the process.

Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and career

goals. You should conduct a self-assessment
before starting your job search.

This can help you identify your capabilities and

stand out from other applicants.

Some key questions to ask during this self-

assessment include:

What do you want to do?

What can you do? (Skills and Occupations)
Whom do you want to work for?
What industries interest you?
What type of employer? (Industries and
Employer Preferences) Where do you want
to live and work?
It’s also important to identify your core strengths,
competencies, and interests and how they relate
to your skill sets.

This will increase your motivation and make you

a stronger candidate.

Additionally, understanding your personality

traits, both general and work-related, can help
you focus your job hunt and sell yourself during

Provide exercises and worksheets to help

readers reflect on their skills and interests.

Offer strategies for setting realistic career goals

and identifying transferable skills.

Here are some tips and best practices for writing

a resume that stands out:

Understand what the hiring manager is

looking for:
Review the job posting and the company’s
website to determine what to include in your
Focus on the company’s culture, keywords,
and what’s expected of you in this role.
Tailor it to your industry and the job you’re
applying for: Prioritize employment
experience that showcases applicable
Include only relevant positions that let your
future employer know you understand what
they’re looking for in an employee.
Include a header and summary or objective:

Including a title and summary or objective

can help hiring managers notice your
resume, among others.
Ensure your name is at the top and include
your contact information where the hiring
manager will most likely reach you.
Write a summary or objective below your
header that reviews your relevant experience
and skills.
Ensuring your resume is visually appealing,
well-organized, and easy to read is also
Have someone proofread your resume to
catch any mistakes you may have missed?
Cover letters are important because they serve
as the first chance for the recruiter to see the
qualifications that make you a good fit for the

Not every job application requires a cover letter,

but submitting one is a good idea.

Here are some tips on how to write an

effective cover letter:

Study the job description: Going through

the job description will give you almost all the
information you need to create a compelling
cover letter.
Research extensively: Researching the
company and its culture can help you tailor
your cover letter to the specific job.
Make it personal: Use your cover letter to
introduce yourself and your story before your
first interview.

Make it captivating: Use your cover letter to

demonstrate your passion for their position and
set yourself apart from candidates whose
applications didn’t include one.

Incorporate job-specific keywords: Including

keywords from the original job posting can help
your cover letter stand out.

It’s also important to proofread and format your

cover letter before submission.

A well-written cover letter can help individuals

make a positive first impression on a hiring
manager and get an interview.

Various job search strategies can be effective,

including networking, online job boards, and
working with recruiters.

Here are some tips on how to use each

technique effectively:

Networking: Networking is the top strategy and

the way many people land a new job.
LinkedIn has made networking easier as you can
search all your connections and send them a
message. Inquire about their company, ask for
some insider information, or help with an
opening you want to apply for.

Ask for a referral.

Online job boards: Be selective with your
search and maintain a strong digital presence.

Customise your application and learn a new

skill to make yourself stand out.

Working with recruiters: Working with third-

party recruiters gives you a 5-28% chance of
getting hired.
It’s important to understand the competency of
the recruiter, whether the recruiter has
exclusivity with their client companies, and what
position level and industry the recruiter
specialises in for placements.

It’s also important to have a multi-faceted job

search strategy that includes participating in job
fairs, visiting company websites, leveraging your
current relationships, using a headhunter, and
joining a professional organisation
Here are some tips on how to prepare for

Carefully examine the job description: Use

the employer’s posted job description as a guide.
The job description lists the qualifications,
qualities and background the employer seeks in
an ideal candidate.
The more you can align yourself with these
details, the more the employer will be able to see
that you are qualified

Consider why you are interviewing and your

qualifications: Before your interview, you
should understand why you want the job and
why you’re qualified. It would be best if you were
prepared to explain your interest in the
opportunity and why you’re the best person for
the role
Perform research on the company and role:
Researching the company you’re applying to is
an important part of preparing for an interview.

Not only will it help provide context for your

interview conversations, but it will also help you
when preparing thoughtful questions for your

It’s also important to practice your speaking

voice and body language, prepare thoughtful
questions for the interviewer, conduct mock
interviews, and print hard copies of your resume.

A little practice and preparation always pay off.

Following up after an interview is important
because it shows the interviewer that you are
interested in the position and that you are

Here are some tips on how to follow up after an


Send a thank-you note: You can send your first

note one day after your interview.

Send a quick email thanking the hiring manager

for their time. Keep it short and sweet.

Mention one specific thing about the interview or

what you learned about their organization.
Follow up if you haven’t heard back: If you
don’t hear back from the hiring manager by the
date they said they would make an offer, don’t
send a note immediately.
You may not have been the first choice for the
job, but you’re still in the running.

Stay top-of-mind with the interviewer: A

follow-up call after an interview opens the line of
communication between you and the employer,
allowing you to discover the reason for any
Some employers do not contact rejected
applicants to let them know they didn’t get the
job, so a follow-up call can also help you learn if
they’ve decided not to pursue your application.

It’s also important to demonstrate your continued

interest in the position and handle situations
where you don’t hear back from an interviewer
with professionalism.
Negotiating job offers can be a challenging but
important part of the job search process.

Here are some tips on how to deal with job offers


Understand the job offer: Before you start

negotiating, it’s crucial to have a complete
understanding of the job offer. Review the
compensation package, including the base
salary, bonuses, benefits, and perks.

Determine your worth in the job market:

Research your value in the job market by looking
at salary data for similar positions in your
industry and location
Make a strong case for why you deserve a
higher salary or better benefits: Use your
research and qualifications to make a strong
case for a higher compensation or better

It’s also important to handle multiple jobs offers

with professionalism and to avoid common
negotiation mistakes such as not being prepared
or not being flexible.
Here are the key takeaways from our

Conduct a self-assessment: Jobseekers

should conduct a self-assessment before
starting their job search to identify their
capabilities and stand out from other applicants.

Write an effective resume and cover letter:

Tailor your resume and cover letter to the
specific job and industry, and proofread and
format them before submission.

Use various job search strategies:

Networking, online job boards, and working with
recruiters are all effective job search strategies.
It’s important to have a multi-faceted job search
Follow up after an interview: Following up after
an interview is important because it shows the
interviewer that you are proactive and interested
in the position.

Negotiate job offers effectively: Understand

the job offer, determine your worth in the job
market, and make a strong case for why you
deserve a higher salary or better benefits.

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I hope this ebook is helpful! Remember to

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