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FIB-R 整理

1 Fossil fuels 化石燃料

But look beyond fossil fuels for the most intriguing trends. One is that the energy intensity of the
world economy — the amount of energy it takes to produce one dollar’s worth of outcome—
keeps falling, at a rate of about 2 percent. What this means is that even without any change in
the relative shares of fossil-based and fossil-free sources in the world’s energy mix, we could
have 2 percent annual economic growth without increasing carbon emissions from energy use.
Of course that is not enough to address climate change and we need more economic growth
than that. It is nonetheless a stunning number, which refutes the claim by some
environmentalists that permanent economic growth is fundamentally incompatible with finite
physical resources.
入 income】所需的能源量——以大约 2%的速度持续下降。这意味着,即使化石能源和无
化石能源在世界能源结构中 in the world’s energy mix 的【相对份额 in the relative shar
es】没有任何变化,我们也可以在不增加能源使用的碳排放的情况下实现 2%的年经济增长。
当然,这不足以【应对 address】气候变化,我们需要更多的经济增长。【然而 nonethel
ess】,这是一个惊人的数字 stunning number,驳斥 refutes[rɪˈfjuːts]了一些环保人士的说
法,即永久性经济增长【与 with】有限的 finite[ˈfaɪnaɪt]物质资源根本不相容 incompatible。

2 Helping others 助人为乐

There are many different ways to help other people. Perhaps the most common of these i
nvolves giving others help. In our society, there are many individuals who sp
ontaneously help others in this way. Additionally, there are others who belong to organiza
tions which have been set up to provide help to specific groups, such as the elderly, the d
isabled, and those with serious physical or health problems. Most importantl

y, there are many , such as nursing, occupational therapy and social work, w
hich involve professionals who are trained to provide or organize practical help for other
s. And, helping other people in a practical way, many volunteer and professi
onal helpers also make use of some counseling skills. These skills can be very useful i
n enabling people to feel better as described in this book and our book, Counseling Skill
s in Everyday Life. However, it needs to be that just being able to make us
e of some counseling skills does not qualify a person as a counselor.
我们的社会中,有许多人以这种方式自发地 spontaneously 帮助他人。此外,还有一些其他

3 management 管理
Event management is particularly from an operational viewpoint. In many ca
ses, events are staged on sites where everything has been set up over a 24-hour perio
d, with all elements carefully . In contrast, many events are years in the plan
ning: large convention bids are often won five years before the event is held. For the ver
y bidding process, budgets need to be developed and prices quoted, requiri
ng a good understanding of market, economic and political trends, as well as consumer c
hoices. This long-term view is the basis of strategic management, which is covered in Par
t 1, and focuses on the event concept, feasibility of the event, legal compliance and finan
cial management. Marketing is a critical factor and other important topics of t

his first section, many events involving long-term sponsorship with key indus
try players. Relationship building is particularly challenging since there are so many stake
holders involved in events, including government agencies at many levels. Part 1 will loo
k at all these aspects, including strategic risk, before moving on to the second part wher
e operational planning and implementation will be covered in detail.
从操作角度看 operational viewpoint,事件管理尤其具有【挑战性 challenging】。在许多
情况下,活动都在 24 小时内设置好的所有内容的站点上进行 staged on sites,所有元素都
要仔细【同步 synchronized[ˈsɪŋkrənaɪzd]】。相反,许多活动都是规划中的几年:大型会
议投标 large convention bids 往往在活动举行前五年获得。对于【竞争性很激烈 very co
mpetitive】的投标过程,需要制定预算 budgets 和报价 prices quoted[ˈkwəʊtɪd],需要对
市场、经济和政治趋势以及消费者选择有很好的了解。这一长期观点是战略管理的基础 str
ategic management,第 1 部分介绍了战略管理,重点介绍了事件概念、事件可行性 feasi
bility[ˌfiːzəˈbɪlɪti]、法律合规性 legal compliance[kəmˈplaɪəns]和财务管理。营销是【关键成
功因素 critical success factor】和其他重要课题的第一节,许多活动涉及与关键行业参与
者的【长期赞助安排 long-term sponsorship[ˈspɒnsəʃɪp] arrangements】。由于参与活动
的利益攸关方 stakeholders 如此之多,包括许多级别的政府机构,建立关系 relationship
building 尤其具有挑战性。第一部分将在继续到第二部分之前,详细介绍业务规划和实施 o
perational planning and implementation 的所有这些方面,包括战略风险。

4 Carbon prices 碳价
Carbon prices in the European Union also reached their highest level in a decade this su
reforms credits
mmer following a series of meant to limit the oversupply of an
d expand many industries subjected to the cap. The biggest development of all may be i
n China, the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter, which has taken steps toward its ow
emissions potential
n trading program. China's move has the to narrow the gap bet
ween global carbon prices and climate costs to 63 percent in the early 2020s, OECD fou
今年夏天,欧盟 EU 的碳价格也达到了 10 年来的最高水平。此前,欧盟进行了一系列旨在
meant to 限制【信贷供应过剩 oversupply of credits】的【改革 reforms】,并扩大了许
多受上限限制 subjected to the cap 的行业。最大的发展可能是在中国,世界上最大的温
室气体排放 emitter 国,中国已经采取了 take steps 自己的【排放 emissions】交易计划。
经合组织 OECD 发现,中国此举 move【有可能 potential】在 2020 年代初将全球碳价格
与气候成本之间的差距缩小 narrow the gap 到 63%。

5 Plasmonic materials 电浆材料

One of the best-studied applications of plasmonic materials is sensors for ch
emical and biological agents. In one approach, researchers coat a plasmonic nanomateri
al with a substance that to a molecule of interest, say, a bacterial toxin. In th

e absence of the toxin, light shining on the material is at a specific angle. Bu
t if the toxin is present, it will alter the frequency o the surface plasmon and, thus conseq
uently, the angle of the reflected light. This effect can be measured with great accurac
y, even trace amounts of the toxin.
等离子体材料 plasmonic materials 研究得最好的应用之一是【探测 detecting】化学和生
物制剂 agents 的传感器 sensors。在一种方法中,研究人员在等离子纳米材料上涂上 coat
一种能与感兴趣的分子【结合 binds to】的物质,比如细菌毒素 toxin。在没有毒素的情况
下,照射在材料上的光线会以特定的角度【重新发射 reemitted】。但如果毒素存在,它会
改变 alter 表面等离子体的 plasmon 频率,从而改变反射光的角度。这种效果可以非常精确
地测量,甚至【可以 enabling】追踪 trace 出微量的毒素。

6 London Zoo 伦敦动物

It was a busy old time at London Zoo this week, reports the Daily Mail, where over 19,00
0 animals were having their annual weight and height . Some creatures, suc

h as rhinos, tigers, and okapis, had to be on to specially constructed larger s

cales. The are shared with other zoos across the world to allow keepers to c

ompare information about species. The zoological manager named Mark Ha
bben said: "We have to know the vital statistics of each animal at the zoo, however big o
r small."
据英国《每日邮报》报道,本周,伦敦动物园迎来了一段忙碌的时光,这里每年有超过 19
000 只动物接受体重和身高【检查 checked】。有些动物,如犀牛、老虎和霍加狓 okapis[ə
ʊˈkɑːpi],必须【哄骗到 be coaxed on】特殊建造的大型称上去。这些【统计数据 statisti
cs】与世界各地的其他动物园共享,以便管理员比较【濒危物种 endangered species】

7 Communicating with patients 与病人交流

British doctors have been to use simple language when communicating wit
h their patients, says the BBC. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges says very often c
orrespondence contains complex medical jargon rather than plain and simple English. Us
ing of phrase "twice daily" to explain the of a medicine is better than Latin ab
breviation "bd". The Please Write to Me initiative is aimed basically at doctors working i
n clinics, although it is the best practice for all clinicians who need to write cli
nical letters and they are being asked to write directly to patients, rather than sending the
m a copy of a letter to their GP. The Academy suggests any medical word

s should be in plain English.
英国广播公司说,已经敦促(urged)英国医生在与患者交流时使用简单的语言。 皇家医
学院医学院说,函授经常包含复杂的医学术语,而不是简单明了的英语。 使用短语“每天两
次”来解释药物的剂量(dosing)要比拉丁语缩写“bd”更好。 “请写信给我”计划主要针对门
要求他们直接给患者写信,而不是给他们发送一份医疗证明的副本,给他们 GP 写(penn
ed)的信。 该学院建议,任何医学用语都应以普通英语翻译(translated)

8 Trees 树
Trees may have a lot to teach us about being part of a and how cooperatio

n is better for a society than . Scientists are only just beginning to understan

d how it all works, but we now know that trees growing together all of the av

ailable resources with each other. So, trees in a very good position will suppl

y food and water to weaker trees that receive less sunlight. They do this thei
r roots, the soil and also the networks of the tiny fungi that grow in the soil among them.
树木可能有很多东西可以教我们如何成为一个【社区 community】的一部分,以及如何合
作比【竞争 competition】对社会更好。科学家们才刚刚开始了解这一切是如何运作的,但
我们现在知道,一起生长的树木彼此【共享 share】所有可用的资源。因此,在一个非常好
的位置上的【强壮的 strong】树将为那些接受较少阳光的弱小的树木提供食物和水。它们
【通过 through】它们的根、土壤和生长在它们之间的土壤中的微小真菌 fungi[ˈfʌŋgaɪ]网络
9 Air balloons 气球
People used to travel using air balloons although it was not very safe option in the beginn
ing but it was means of transport. There were no roads or quickest means o

f travel for people so they took a risk of in the air using this heated air vesse
l. Helium and hydrogen were used later on as an improvement to the earlier design. Th
e structure was very aerodynamic and it works on the principle of displacement of air. Ma
ny kinds of were used in the beginning, such as paper, plastic and even ani

mal skin. The discovery of hot air balloons was as people were traditionall

y used to flying sky lanterns. Nowadays, the technology is still used in area
s where there are no roads built yet.
人们习惯于使用气球旅行,虽然一开始不是很安全,但这是一种有效的 (efficient)交通方

10 Paris 巴黎
In the preceding hundred years, Paris had been stage for political and socia

l that had deeply affected all of Europe. The many ways in which tradition ha

d already been challenged and during those years helped make it easier fo
r those to achieve a break with tradition art.
在过去的一百年里,巴黎一直是政治和社会【运动 movements】的【中心 cente
挑战和【动摇 shaken】,这使人们更容易突破传统艺术的局限。

11 MPhil 哲学硕士
This MPhil students from a wide range of academic, business and politica

l to the traditions, methods, and state-of-the-art research that shape an adva
nced analysis of human society. The MPhil is an eleven-month course designed for thos
equally simply
e who wish to go on to do doctoral research or for those who w
ant to improve their understanding of methodology and analysis and attain an independe
nt postgraduate degree in its own right.
类社会先进分析的传统、方法和最先进的研究。哲学硕士是一个为期 11 个月的课程,专为

12 Geography 地理
Many famous geographers and non-geographers have attempted to define the discipline in a few
short words. The concept has also changed throughout the ages, making it difficult to create a
, universal geography definition for such a dynamic and all-encompassing subject. Af

ter all, Earth is a big place with many to study. It affects and is affected by the peopl

e who live there and use its . But basically, geography is the study of the

of Earth and the people who live there, and all that encompasses.
也发生了变化,因此很难为这样一个充满活力,包罗万象的主题创建【简洁 concise】,通
用的地理定义。毕竟,地球是一个有很多【方面 facets】需要研究的大地方。它影响到居住
在那里并使用其【资源 resources】的人们并受其影响。但是从根本上讲,地理学是对地球
【表面 surface】以及生活在地球上的人们及其周围所有事物的研究。

13 The wool market 羊毛市场

The wool market was extremely important to the English medieval economy and wool
dominated decline
the English export trade from the late-thirteenth century to its in the
late-fifteenth century. Wool was at the forefront of the establishment of England as a European
and economic power and this volume was the first study of the medieval wool mar

ket in over 20 years. It investigates in detail the scale and scope of advance for the s
ale of wool; the majority of these agreements were formed between English monasteries and Ital
ian merchants, and the book focuses on the data contained within them.
羊毛市场对英国中世纪经济极为重要,从 13 世纪末兴起到 15 世纪末衰落【decline】,羊毛
过程中,羊毛走在了最前列,2007 年的这本书是 20 多年来对中世纪羊毛市场的首次研究。

14 Climate change prediction

to thanks
All kinds of predictions may be about get even more difficult to climat

e change. Though no one is sure what its effects will be, it seems that extreme wea
as likely
ther conditions such storms and hurricanes are to become more com
mon. Such events have far reaching effects on distant weather systems, making general forecastin
g much harder.
由于【thanks to】气候变化,各种各样的预测可能会变得【be about to】更加困难。虽然没
有人确切【exactly】地知道它会产生什么影响,但看起来像【such as】暴风雨和飓风这样的
极端天气状况很可能会变得【are likely to】更加常见。这类事件对遥远的天气系统有着深远

15 Class participation 到课
Because instructional methods, expected class participation and the nature of the courses vary, n
situations instructor
o fixed number of absences is applicable to all . Each is responsible for

making clear to the class at the beginning of the his or her policies and procedures

in regard to class and the reasons for them.
量适用于所有【情况 situations】。 每位【讲师 instructor】有责任在【学期
semester】开始时向全班讲清楚他或她关于上课(出勤)【class attendance】

16 Western firms 西方公司

What such a map would have failed to reveal, however, was the changing nature of the connectio
ns put in place by Western films as they shifted work around the globe. It is often assumed that w
hen Western films, or any film for that matter, reach out across to establish a factor

y outlet here, an assembly plant there or a subsidiary in some far-off , they do so thr
ough directly investing and thereby wholly owning such facilities. In the 1970s and 1980s, among
the low-cost manufacturing overseas operations, this was indeed often the case, but increasingly
Western firms started to conduct their business at-a-distance through a variety of indirect means,
subcontracti arrangemnt
of which became the principle .
Subcontracting is a way of putting out work to partner firms on a defined, contractual basis, wher
e the tasks involved are specified precisely, as are the turnaround times and the quality of the fini
shed goods. As a business arrangement, it is more flexible than owning factories overseas and mo
re enforceable than a straightforward market exchange relationship.
立一个工厂网点,在那里建立一个装配厂,或在某个【遥远的 far-off】【地方 location】建
立【子公司 subsidiary】时,他们是通过直接投资,【从而 thereby】【完全 wholly】拥有
这些设施。在 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代,在低成本的海外制造业务中,这种情况确实经常
发生,但越来越多的西方公司开始通过各种间接手段【进行 conduct】【远距离 at-a-dista
nce】业务,其中【分包 subcontracting】成为【安排 arrangement】原则。分包是在明确
的合同基础上将工作交给合作公司的一种方式,其中【所涉及 involved】的任务是精确指定
的,就像周转时间和成品质量一样。作为一种商业【安排 arrangement】,它比在海外拥有
工厂更灵活,也比直接的市场交换关系更具【可执行性 enforceable】。

17 Secondary school 中学
Secondary school can be a lonely place for who don't have a best friend or a group

of friends. Young people will be more skilled in the art of making genuine friends(a

nd keeping them)if they know how to be , are optimistic about life, have some

social skills and have a relationship with a parent or carer that includes

对于没有最好的朋友或一群【可信赖的朋友 trusted friends】的【青少年 adolescents】来说,
中学是一个孤独的地方。如果年轻人知道如何【自信 assertive】、对生活乐观、具备一些【基
本 basic】的社交技能,与父母或监护人 carer 建立关系,包括【坦诚交谈 honest talk】。

18 Physical activity 体育活动

Participating regularly in physical activity has been shown to benefit an individual's health and
well-being chronic
. Regular physical activity is important in reducing the risk of diseases,
such as heart diseases and stroke, obesity, diabetes and some forms of cancer. The National Physi
cal Activity Guidelines for Adults at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical

preferably obtain
activity, every day of the week, to health benefits.
经常参加体育活动已被证明有益于个人的健康和【幸福 wellbeing】。定期的体育锻炼对于
降低患【慢性 chronic】疾病的风险非常重要,这些疾病包括心脏病、中风、肥胖、糖尿病
和某些癌症。国家成人体育活动指南【建议 recommend】每周每天至少进行 30 分钟中等强
度的体育活动,【最好 preferably】是一周内的每一天都运动,以【获得 obtain】健康益处。

19 Medicare 医保
It is understandable that the government would look outside of Medicare to get the efficiency-rel
wants changes
ated it . If Medicare was capable of delivering those changes, it would
have already done so. The objections to making such a move will be about the potential
loss jobs
of from Medicare. Given how labour-intensive the current system is, t
his will be a genuine concern, but one that is facing all industries dealing with modernisation thro
ugh improved technology.
变化【changes】。changes it wants 它想要的改变
能会导致工作岗位流失【the loss of jobs】。考虑到当前体系的劳动密集型程度,这将是一

20 Scrambled memory 被扰乱的记忆

Memories can become scrambled, sometimes in the process of attempting to some

thing. You might relate a story to a friend but include some mistaken details. Later,

as you attempt to recall the , you might come across your memory of the scrambled

recall attempt instead of your original memory. Memory is malleable. It is not, as t
hought, like a museum piece sitting in a display case.
记忆可能会变得混乱,有时是在试图【找回 retrieve】某些东西的过程中。你可能会将一个
故事与一个朋友联系起来,但【无意中 unwittingly】包含了一些错误的细节。之后,当你试
图回忆某一段【情节 episode】时,你可能会遇到你的混乱回忆,而不是你最初的记忆。记
忆是可塑的。它不像人们【通常 commonly】认为的那样,像陈列柜里的一件博物馆展品。

21 Repetitive syllables 叠音
Assessments of language learning in 18-month-olds suggest that children are better at grasping t
he names of objects with repeated syllables, over words with non-identical syllables. Researchers
say the study may help explain some words or phrases, such as 'train' and 'good nig
ht', have given rise to versions with repeated syllables, such as choo-choo and night-night. The re
searchers say such words are easier for infants to learn, and may provide them with a starter
for vocabulary learning. A team from the University of Edinburgh assessed the infan

visual using
ts' language learning behavior in a series of and attention tests pictur
es on a computer screen of two unfamiliar objects. The two objects were named with made-up w
ords which were to the infants by a recorded voice -- one with two identical syllable
s, for example neenee, and the other without repeated syllables, such as bolay. The infants were t
hen tested for their of each made-up word. Recordings of their eye movements sho
wed they looked more reliably at the object labeled with repeated syllables, than the other objec
t. Researchers validated their results with a control test, in which the infants responded to picture
s of familiar objects -- such as a dog or an apple.
对 18 个月大的婴儿进行的语言学习评估表明,与音节不相同的单词相比,儿童更容易记住
重复音节的物体名称。研究人员说,这项研究可能有助于解释【为什么 why】像“train”和
“good night”这样的单词或短语会出现带有重复音节的版本,比如“啾啾”和“night-night”。
point】。爱丁堡大学的一个研究小组通过一系列【视觉 visual】和注意力测试来评估婴儿的
语言学习行为。他们在电脑屏幕上【用 using】图片展示了两个不熟悉的物体。这两件物品
都是用虚构的词命名的,这些词是通过录音的方式【传达 communicated】给婴儿的 —— 一
个有两个相同的音节,比如 neenee,另一个没有重复的音节,比如 bolay。然后对婴儿们进

22 Temperature 植物降温
Green spaces contribute significantly to a of soil and aerial temperatures during spe

lls of hot weather, so contributing to human wellbeing. In the garden , there is, how

ever, little information as to what extent various types of plants in their cooling pot
ential and how certain planting combinations may maximise cooling under a scenario of
rainfall and minimal water inputs.

23 Citizenship education 公民教育

Civics and citizenship education builds students’ knowledge and understanding of the ways in whi
ch citizens can actively in Australia’s diverse and inclusive society. Students learn ab

out the civic institutions and the through which decisions are made for the commo

community skills
n good of the and they also develop the and understandings that rela
te to the organization of a harmonious democratic society.
和理解。学生们学习公民机构和为了社区【community】的共同利益 common good 而做出决

24 Suez Canal 苏伊士运河

Britain became the largest in the canal in 1875, purchasing its interest from the Egy
ptian khedive. The Convention of Constantinople signed by the major European powers in 1888 k
eeps it open for free to all nations in time of peace or war. Britain became the

of the canal’s neutrality and management was left to the Paris-based Suez Canal Co
.1875 年,英国从埃及的 khedive 购买了其权益,成为运河中最大的【股东 shareholder】。
1888 年,欧洲主要大国签署了君士坦丁堡公约,使之在和平或战争时期免费【通道 passage】
向所有国家开放。英国成为运河中立性的【保证人 guarantor】,管理权交给了位于巴黎的

25 Recommended energy
Recommended energy intakes are difficult to even among individuals of the same a

ge, sex, weight, height and general pattern of . Therefore the energy requirement fo

expressed maintain
r healthy people is often as the amount of energy needed to the stat
us quo.
推荐能量的摄入是很难【计算的 calculate】,甚至是在相同年龄、性别、体重和一般【pattern
of activity 活动模式】的个体之间。因此,能量的需求对于健康的人来说经常【expressed 表
示为】去【maintain the status quo 维持现状】需要的能量的数量

26 Global ecosystem 全球生态系统

Whether measured by greenhouse gas concentrations, deforestation rates or declining fish stocks
, current consumption and production patterns threatened to exceed the capacity o

f global ecosystems and the world community must efforts to pursue environmenta

lly economic growth and “meet our commitments to future generations.

27 Radioactivity V2 放射性版本二
So why the concern? It's partly radioactivity is invisible. If you receive a large dose,

ingest associate
or if you radioactive heavy metals, it is certainly toxic, and we tend to

it with cancer, a great fear in modern . Nuclear waste is also highly concentrated. W
hile this is seen as a "problem" it can be an advantage - it is very localized and its radioactive natu
re, means we can detect easily, the movement of tiny amounts of material.

28 Mathematics and statistics

Mathematics and statistics play a in almost all daily activities. They are at the

heart indispensabl
of advances in science and technology, as well as providing problem-s

olving and decision-making tools in many of life.

29 Electric eels 电鳗
The electric eel’s head is positive compared to its , which is more negative. The fish
has this dipole nature due to the direction of the flow of positive charge through its electric organ
. It places its positively charged head at one end of its prey and its negatively charged tail at the o
ther end, and then sends out its shockwaves. Once the job is done, the eel swallows its prey whol
【hunters】和 These 对应
【tail】和 head 对应

30 Playwright Shakespeare 剧作家莎士比亚

Shakespeare produced most of his between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were co

medies and histories - he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the en
d of the 16th century. He then wrote tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Oth
ello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest in the English language. In his last

phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and with other playwrigh
莎士比亚的大部分作品【work】都是在 1589 年至 1613 年间完成的。他的早期戏剧是喜剧
和历史,在 16 世纪末,他将这两种体裁【genres】的戏剧发展到成熟和艺术性的顶峰。直
到 1608 年,他还在写悲剧,包括《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》、《奥赛罗》和《麦克白》,

31 Concrete jungle 混凝土

Spending too much time in the concrete jungle is bad for city ’ health and could hav

e potentially catastrophic for the environment, conservation biologist Richard Fuller

will argue during a seminar at the University of Canberra today. Dr Fuller, in biodive
rsity and conservation at the University of Queensland and CSIRO, will explore the fact that altho
ugh there’s evidence that the well-being of humans increases with to our surroundi

ng biodiversity, the for people to experience nature are declining rapidly in the mod
ern world.
富勒博士是保护生物多样性和昆士兰大学和 CSIRO 的讲师【lecturer】,他将探索事实,即

32 Dog emotion 狗狗的情绪

Can dogs tell when we are happy, sad or angry? As a dog owner, I feel not only that

I can tell what kind of state my pets are in, but also that they respond to my emotio

ns. Yet as a hard-headed scientist, I try to take a more and pragmatic view. These

observations seem more likely to result from my desire for a good relationship with
my dogs.
狗可以告诉我们什么时候开心,悲伤或生气?作为狗主人,我有【信心 confident】不仅可
以说出我的宠物处于什么样的【情绪 emotional】状态,而且还能回应我的情绪。然而,作
为一个头脑冷静的科学家,我试图采取更加【理性 rational】和务实 pragmatic 的观点。这些
【个人观察 personal observations】似乎更可能是因为我【希望 desire for】与我的狗保持良

33 Economists and ecologists 经济学家和生态学家

There is a pointless argument between economists and ecologists over which is mo

re important - the ecosphere or the economy? The materialist is that their fates are
interlinked. We know the natural world only by interacting with it and transforming it: nature
produced argue
us that way. Even if, as some supporters of 'deep ecology' , the earth
would be better off without us, it is to us that the task of saving it falls.

34 The American People 美国人

The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society examines U.S. history as revealed through t
he of all Americans, both ordinary and extraordinary. With a thought-provoking and
rich presentation, the authors explore the complex lives of Americans of all national
origins regions
and cultural backgrounds, at all levels of society, and in all of the cou
无论是普通的还是非凡的。 作者通过一个发人深省 thought-provoking 和丰富的介绍,
探索了美国所有民族 national 起源【origins】和文化背景、社会各阶层和国家各地区【regions】

35 Low fertility 低生育

Low fertility is a concern for many OECD countries as they face the prospect of population aging.
This article makes between Australia and seven other OECD countries in fertility rat

es between 1970 and 2004. Changing age of fertility are also compared and show t

hat for most of the countries, women are childbirth and having fewer babies. The

of women's education levels and rates of employment with fertility are also


36 Iceland 冰岛
On average, Iceland a major volcanic event once every 5 years. Since the Middle Ag

es, a third of all the lava that has the earth's surface has erupted in Iceland. Howev

er, according to a recent geological hypothesis, this estimate does not include erupt
ions, which are much more extensive than those on the land surface.
平均而言, 冰岛每 5 年经历 【experiences】一次重大的火山活动。 自中世纪以来,

37Leading scientists 顶级科学家们

The Life Science Institute at the University of Michigan achieves in biomedical resea
rch by bringing together the world's leading scientists from a variety of life science disciplines to
breakthroughs and discoveries that will improve human health. With close to 400 s

cientific staff members, the LSI is exploiting the power of a and interdisciplinary ap
proach to biomedical research in an open-laboratory facility.
发现。LSI 拥有近 400 名科研人员,在开放的实验室设施中,利用合作【collaborative】和跨

38 Tidal energy 潮汐能

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has $2.49 million to cover a port
ion of the cost of a collaborative project led by the Australian Maritime College at the University
of Tasmania, in with The University of Queensland and CSIRO. The $5.85 million ‘Ti
dal Energy in Australia – Assessing Resource and Feasibility to Australia’s Future Energy Mix’ proje
ct will map the country’s tidal energy in unprecedented detail before assessing its ability to contri
bute to Australia’s energy needs.

39 Donors 爱心捐赠人士
Americans approached a record level of generosity last year. Of the $260.28bn given to charity in
individual donors
2005, 76.5% of it came from . These people gave across the range of n

organization emphasis
on-profit bodies, from museums to religious , with a heavy on disaster
relief after the Asian tsunami and US hurricanes. In total, Americans gave away 2.2% of their hou
sehold income in 2005, slightly above 40-year .
去年,美国人的慷慨程度达到了创纪录的水平。在 2005 年捐赠给慈善机构的 260.28 亿美元
的救灾工作。2005 年,美国人总共放弃了 2.2%的家庭收入,略高于 40 年平均【average】

40 What is music 何为音乐

What is music? In one sense, this is an easy . Even the least musical among us can r

pieces examples
ecognize of music when we hear them and name a few canonical .

We know there are different kinds of music and, even if our of music is restricted,
we know which kinds we like and which kinds we do not.
乐的人,听到音乐时也能认出来一些节拍【piece】,并举出几个经典的 canonical 例子
41 Reading process 阅读过程
passive specific
Reading is an active process, not a one. We always read within a cont
ext, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in read
ing a text, and this will shape how we it. Our purpose and background knowledge w

ill also the strategies we use to read the text.

42 Biological systems 生物系统

Since biological systems with signs of engineering are unlikely to have arisen from a

ccidents or coincidences, their must come from natural selection, and hence should

have useful for survival and reproduction in the environments in which humans ev
由于具有复杂工程迹象的【the signs of complex engineering】生物系统不太可能源于事故或

43 American executive 美国行政

The American executive, unlike the British, has no connection with the legislature, and this lack of
coordination distinctive
between executive and legislature is one of the features of American

federal government. The Constitution guarded against executive control by federal
officials, whether civil or military, from membership in Congress.

44 Recruitment approaches 招聘方式

The six programs represented here report that word of mouth is by far their most r
ecruitment tool, particularly because it typically yields candidates who are similar to previously s
uccessful candidates. Moreover, satisfied candidates and school systems are likely to
spread effort
the word without any special on the part of their program. Other, less
personal advertising approaches, such as radio and television spots and local newspaper advertis
ements, have also proven fruitful, for newer programs. New York uses a print adver
tising campaign to inspire dissatisfied professionals to become teachers. Subway posters send pro
vocative to burned-out or disillusioned professionals. "Tired of diminishing returns?
Invest in NYC kids" was just one of many Madison Avenue-inspired invitations. News coverage ha
s also proven to be a to alternative programs. When the New York Times, for examp
le, ran a story about the district's alternative route program, 2,100 applications flooded in over th
e next six weeks.
【福音=boon】。例如,当《纽约时报》(New York Times)刊登了一篇关于该地区另类路
线项目的报道后,在接下来的六周内,2100 份申请如潮水般涌来。

45 Network 网络
Researchers suggest the following tips as you begin to network, seek common ground,
engage apply
with your network regularity, and consistently yourself to making you

r network work or it will wither. It is a skill that you need to , not a talent.
当你开始建立人际网时,研究人员有以下几点建议:寻求共识【common ground】,定期
regularity 与你的人际网密切联系【engage with】,并且始终致力于【apply yourself】让关系

46 Linguistic effects 语言效率

An important corollary of this focus on language as the window to legal epistemology is the centr
discourse ideas
al role of to law and other sociocultural processes. In particular, the t

hat people hold about how language works ( ideologies) combine with linguistic stru
cturing to create powerful, often unconscious effects. In recent years, linguistic anthropologists h
ave made much progress in developing more precisely analytic for tracking those ef
这种把语言作为法律认识论的窗口的观点的一个重要推论 corollary 是,话语【discourse】在

47 Lake Turkana 图尔卡纳湖

Lake Turkana is a large lake in Kenya, East Africa. This of Africa was home to some o

f the first humans. Here, archaeologists have found piles of (both human and animal

) and collections of stones that humans used as . By carefully uncovering and

these remains, scientists have started to put together the story of our earliest ance
stors. In 2001, a 4 million year-old skeleton was uncovered in the area. Although a link between it
and modern-day humans has not been established, the skeleton shows the species was walking
最早的祖先的故事。2001 年,在该地区发现了一具 400 万年前的骨骼。尽管它和现代人类
之间的联系还没有建立起来,但骨骼表明该物种是直立行走的 walking upright。

48 Complementary therapies 补充疗法

Complementary therapies - such as those by naturopaths, chiropractors, and acupu

ncturists - have become increasingly popular in Australia over the last few . Interest i

nitially coincided with for alternative lifestyles, while immigration and increased co

ntact and trade with China have also had an . The status of complementary therapie
s is being re-visited in a number of areas: legal regulation; the stances of doctors' associations; th
eir inclusion in medical education; and scientific research into their .

49 Trade-off 权衡取舍
"It appears that in the process of specialized face-recognition abilities to quickly a

nd accurately important information, there has been a trade-off where face-like i

mages in orientations become especially difficult to process," he says. "The
reason relates
for this trade-off is unclear, but it probably to the fact that you rarel
y see inverted faces", says Sheehan

50 London's National Portrait Gallery 伦敦国家画像馆

London's National Portrait Gallery is currently celebrating the fifty-year of photogra

display figures
pher Sandra Lousada. The twenty one portraits on depict key in litera

ture, film and fashion from the early 1960s, to the acquisition of forty portraits by L
ousada, the display at the National Portrait Gallery highlights shots taken between 1960 and 196
4, many of which in Lousada's book Public Faces Private Places(2008). Formal com
missioned portraits are shown alongside behind the scenes photographs taken on films
and unguarded portraits of sitters captured at home.
伦敦国家肖像画廊正在庆祝摄影师桑德拉·卢萨达(Sandra Lousada)50 周年的职业生涯
【career】。展示【on display】的二十一幅肖像画描绘了 1960 年代初文学,电影和时尚界
的关键人物【key figures】,在随后【subsequent to】被卢萨达(Lousada)收购了四十幅肖像
画中,国家肖像画廊的展览【display】重点介绍了 1960 年至 1964 年之间拍摄的照片,其中
许多都是在 Lousada 的书《Public Faces Private Places(2008)》中的重要部分【feature in】。
正式委托(拍摄)的肖像显示在,拍摄于电影场景上【films sets】的场景照片 scenes photographs

51 Ice Age 冰川时代

At the end of the last ice age, the melting ice disrupted the ocean currents in the North Atlantic a
caused though
nd a drop in temperature of almost 5 degrees. Even the rest of the pl

anet was warming , the North Atlantic region remained in a cold period for 1300 yea

rs. The same thing happened 8000 years ago, when the cooling lasted about a hund

red years, and it happen again today. Even a short period of cooling in the North Atl
antic could have a dramatic effect on the wildlife, and the human populations, living there.
在上一个冰河时代末期,融化的冰扰乱了北大西洋洋流,导致(caused)气温下降了近 5 度。
尽管(even though)地球的其他部分正在变暖,北大西洋地区仍然处于 1300 年的寒冷期。
同样的事情发生在大约(around)8000 年前,当时冷却持续了大约 100 年,今天又可能发生。

52 Nutrition 营养
Since nutrition scientists are constantly making new discoveries, we need to revise our
for healthy eating from time to time. However,nutrition is an art as well as a

. It's an art because it requires creativity to develop a healthy eating plan for people
who differ in their food preferences, beliefs and culture, let alone in their nutritional needs accor
ding to their genes and life stage. As we discover more about how our genes and our environmen
t , it's becoming increasingly difficult to provide a single set of dietary recommendat

ions that will be for everyone.

53 Critical thinking 辩证思维

Critical thinking involves looking at something you may have seen many times and examining it fr
angles obvious
om many different and perspectives. It involves going beyond the or

beyond “easy” to seek new understanding and rare . It involves looking at common i
ssues with uncommon eyes, known problems with new skepticism, everyday conflicts with probin
g , and daily challenges with greater attention to detail.

54 New ideas 新想法

wheel stagnation regins
First, new ideas are the of progress. Without them, . Wh

ether you’re a designer dreaming of another world, an working on a new kind of str

ucture, an charged with developing a fresh business concept, an advertiser seeking
a breakthrough way to sell your product, a fifth-grade teacher trying to plan a memorable school
program, or a volunteer looking for a new way to sell the same old raffle tickets, yo

ur ability to good ideas is critical to your success.
首先,新思想是进步的车轮【wheel】。没有了它们,经济就会停滞不前【stagnation reigns】。
年级的老师,试图计划一个难忘的学校集会计划【assembly program】,或者一个志愿者寻

55 Population growth 人口增长

For two decades, leading up to the millennium, global demand for food steadily, alo

ng with growth in the world’s population, record harvests, in incomes, and the dive

prices decline
rsification of diets. As a result, food continued to through 2000. But b
eginning in 2004, prices for most grains began to rise. Although there was an increase in producti
on, the increase in demand was .
nts in incomes)和饮食多样化,全球对粮食的需求稳步(increased)增长。结果,到 2000 年,
食品价格继续下降(decline)。但从 2004 年开始,大多数谷物的价格开始上涨。虽然产量增

56 Breton language 布列塔尼语

It is difficult to tell precisely when the Breton language was born. As early as the VIth century the
new country was and known as "Lesser Britain", but for many centuries its languag

e close to the one of Great Britain - very close even to the dialect spoken in the Sou

th West. The VIIIth century is the milestone where Breton, Cornish and Welsh are a
s different languages.
一 ,甚 至与西 南部 的方言 也非 常接近 。第八 世纪 是布 雷顿、 康沃尔 和威 尔士 被视为

57 The University of Maryland 马里兰大学

The University of Maryland boasts 78 academic programs in the top 25 nationally a
nd 29 academic programs in the top 10 according to U.S. News and World report. By drawing top-
notch faculty, attracting the brightest students and in the quality of our academic p

rograms, we are a force to reckon with on a national .
据《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News and World report)报道,马里兰大学拥有 78 个全国排
名【ranked】前 25 的学术项目,29 个排名前 10 的学术项目。通过吸引一流的师资力量,
national basis】不可忽视的力量 a force to reckon with。

58 AVG 活跃的视频
Currently, there is concern about the increasing amount of time children spend in s

edentary activities, the number of children who fail to achieve daily physical activit
y guidelines (i.e. 60 min of moderate-to vigorous intensity activities every day), and the apparent
increase in obesity prevalence as a result of such sedentary . Screen-based activities
, including television viewing and playing computer games are among the most frequently observ
ed sedentary activities that children partake with children spending 2.5–4 h per day participating
in such activities. The introduction of “active video games” (AVGs) into the gaming market presen
ts an opportunity to convert traditional, sedentary screen-time in to active screen-time and thus i
ncrease total daily energy expenditure (EE). Modern AVGs utilize cameras and motion sensors to
allow the gamer to physically perform a variety of actions, on the console, such as s
winging a tennis racquet or running. The most demanding AVGs provided similar responses to wa
lking and, based on international standards, should be classified as low-intensity activities. Whilst
AVGs may provide children with a better alternative to sedentary gaming, they are not a sufficien
t for normal physical activity, e.g. sports and outdoor play.
人们担心花越来越多的时间投入在【spend engaged in】久坐的活动上,孩子无法达到的最
低的【minimum】日常锻炼。肥胖就是因为久坐行为【sedentary behavior】。现代 AVG 利用
运动传感器使游戏者根据【dependent on】控制台实际执行各种动作,虽然可以为孩子们提

59 Language changes 英语的变化

English has been changing throughout its lifetime and it's still changing today. For most of us, the
se changes are fine as long as they ’
re well and truly in the past. Paradoxically, we can be about word origins and the st
ories behind the structures we find in our language, but we experience a queasy distaste for any
that change might be happening right under our noses. There is a certain

kind convinced
of consistency. There are even language critics who are that English is
dying, or if not dying at least being progressively through long years of mistreatme
只要它们真的发生在过去。矛盾的是 paradoxically,我们可能对单词的起源和在我们语言
化的证据【evidence】,我们都会感到厌恶 a queasy distaste。 存在某种【a certain ki
nd of】一致性。甚至有语言批评家确信【convinced】,英语正在消亡,或者即使没有消亡,
至少在多年的虐待 mistreatment 中逐渐 progressively 受到损害【damaged】。

60 Chemistry 化学
Chemistry is an extremely important topic in physiology. Most physiological processes occur as th
e of chemical changes that occur within the body. These changes include the influx

of ions across a neurons membrane, causing a to pass from one end to the other. O

storage passes
ther examples include the of oxygen in the blood by a protein as it thr

ough the lungs for throughout the body.
化学是生理学中一个极其重要的课题。大多数生理过程都是体内发生化学变化的结果 as th
e [result] of。
这些变化包括离子穿过神经元膜的流入,导致信号 causing a [signal]从一端传到另一端。
其他例子包括氧气在血液中由一种蛋白质储存 the [storage] of oxygen,当它通过肺部供
全身使用 for [usage] throughout the body 时

61 Human's farming 人类农业

When humans began farming some 12,000 years ago, they altered the future of our

forever. Our ancestors were ecological , discovering and cultivating the most valuab
le crops, scaling them up to feed entire communities and transforming wild crops so fundamental
ly that they became dependent on humans for their survival. Farming, in the words of National G
eographic’s Genographic Project, "sowed the seeds for the modern ."
大约 12000 年前,当人类开始农耕时,他们永远改变了人类的未来(species)。我们的祖
“为现代社会(modern age)播下了种子”。

62 Gallery of Canada 加拿大国家美术馆

An exhibit that brings together for the first landscapes painted by French imp

comes gallery
ressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir to the National of Canada thi
s June. The gallery in Ottawa worked with the National Gallery of London and the Philade
pull paintings
lphia Museum of Art to together the collection of 60 Renoir fro
m 45 public and private collections.
今年 6 月,由法国印象派画家皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)首次【time】
创作的风景画将在【comes】加拿大国家美术馆(National gallery of Canada)展出。渥太华的画
廊【gallery】与伦敦国家美术馆和费城艺术博物馆合作,将 45 个公共和私人收藏的 60 幅雷

63 Sharks 鲨鱼
Sharks killed four people and bit 58 others around the world in 2006, a comparatively dull year fo
r dangerous encounters between the two species, scientists said in their annual shark attack cens
us on Tuesday. Sharkbite numbers steadily over the last century as humans reprodu

ced exponentially and more time at the seashore But the numbers have been

stabilized thinned
over the past five years as overfishing the shark population near shor

wading risks
e and swimmers got smarter about the of into certain areas, Burgess
科学家在星期二的年度鲨鱼袭击人口普查中表示,2006 年鲨鱼在世界各地造成 4 人死亡,
58 人死亡,这是两个物种之间危险遭遇的相对沉闷的一年。鲨鱼伤人数量在上个世纪稳步
【grew 增长】,这是因为人口以指数方式增加,并且人们【spent 花费】更多时间在海边。
但是在过去五年中,这个数字已经【稳定 stabilized】下来了,这是因为过度捕捞导致靠近岸
边的鲨鱼数目【减少 thinned】并且游泳者对【涉水 wading】到某些地区的【风险 risks】变

64 International students 国际学生

Work-ready international students are providing greater options for local employers who are havi
finding high
ng difficulties local staff due to employment rates and ongoing labo
r shortages. International students in accounting and information technology take part in a year-l
ong program of classroom work and practical experience, which provides them wit

valuable knowledge
h skills, industry contacts and a working of Australian.
准备就绪的国际学生为当地雇主提供更多选择,因为【高 high】就业率和持续的劳动力短缺
而难以【找到 finding】当地员工。会计和信息技术方面的国际学生参加了为期一年的课程,

65 Electorate 选民
It would be reassuring to think that the electorate choose who to vote for based on the candidate
s' track records and future policy promises. In truth, many of us are swayed simply by the way tha
t politicians look. Consider a 2009 study that asked Swiss students to look at multiple pairs of unf
amiliar French political candidates and in each case to select the one who looked most competen
t. Most of the time, the candidate selected by students looking the most competen
t was also the one who'd had real life electoral success, the implication being that voters too had
been swayed by the candidates' appearance (there's little evidence that appearance and compet
ence actually ). Unsurprisingly, being attractive also helps win votes, especially in wa
r time(in peace time, looking trustworthy is more of an advantage). Other research has shown th
at we're more likely to vote for male and female candidates with deeper voices.
的许多人只是被政客们的外表所左右。想想 2009 年的一项研究,该研究要求瑞士学生看几

66 Anthropologists 人类学家
less individual
It is commonly said by anthropologists that the primitive man is and

more completely moulded by his society than civilized man. This contains an of trut

h. Simpler societies are more , in the sense that they call for, and provide opportunit

ies for, a far diversity of individual skills and occupations than the most complex an

advanced product
d societies. Increasing individualization in this sense is a necessary of
modern advanced society and runs through all its activities from top to bottom.

67 Gun violence 枪支暴力

Exposure to gun violence makes adolescents twice as to perpetrate serious violenc

e in the next two years, according to a University of Michigan . Researchers found th

substantial relationship
ere is a cause and effect between exposure and perpetration of viole
nce. Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, a doctoral student in health behavior and health education, analyze
d five years of data from adolescents living in 78 neighborhoods in Chicago. Bingenheimer is lead
author on a paper in this week's journal Science.
密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的一项 (研究 study) 显示,在未来两年内,青少年遭
受枪支暴力的 (可能性 likely) 会增加一倍。研究人员发现,接触暴力和实施暴力之间存在
着 (实质性 substantial) 的因果 (关系 relationship )。健康行为与健康教育专业的博士
生杰弗里 b 宾根海默(Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer)分析了来自芝加哥 78 个社区的青少年五年

68 Resultant force 合力
The overall result of two or forces acting on an object is called the resultant force. T
he resultant of two forces is a single force, which has the same effect as the two forces combined.
If two forces pull an object in directions, the size of the resultant can be found by

subtracting other equal balance

one force from the . If the forces are , they
each other.
作用在物体上的两个或多个力【more】forces 的总体结果称为合力 resultant force,两个
力的合力是单个力,如果两个力沿相反方向【opposite】directions 拉动物体,则两个力的
组合效果相同。通过从另一个【the other】中减去【subtracting】一个力可以得到合力的

69 Global textile industry 全球纺织

The environmental impact of the global textile industry is hard to overstate. One-third of the wat
er used worldwide is spent fashioning fabrics. For every ton of cloth , 200 tons of wa
ter is polluted with chemicals and heavy metals. An estimated 1 trillion kilowatt-hours of electrici
ty powers the factories that card and comb, spin and weave, and cut and stitch materials into eve
rything from T-shirts to towels, behind mountains of solid waste and a massive carb
on footprint. "Where the industry is today is not really sustainable for the long term," says Shreya
skar Chaudhary, chief executive of Pratibha Syntex, a textile manufacturer based outside Indore, I
ndia. With something of an "if you build it, they will come" attitude, Mr.Chaudhary has steered Pr
atibha the leading edge of eco-friendly textile production. Under his direction, Prati
bha began making clothes with organic cotton in 1999. Initially, the company couldn’t find enoug
h organic farms growing cotton in central India to its factories. To meet production
demands, Chaudhary's team had to convince conventional cotton farmers to change
growing methods. Pratibha provided seeds, cultivation instruction, and a guarantee
of fairtrade prices for their crops. Today, Pratibha has a network of 28,000 organic cotton grower
s across the central states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Orissa.
产【produced】一吨布,就有 200 吨水被化学物质和重金属污染。据估计,有一万亿千瓦时
割和缝合成从 t 恤到毛巾的各种材料,留【leaving】下了堆积如山的固体废物和巨大的碳足
迹。Pratibha Syntex 首席执行官什里亚斯卡尔•乔杜里(Shreyaskar Chaudhary)表示:“从长远来
看,纺织业目前的状况实际上是不可持续的。”Pratibha Syntex 是一家总部位于印度印多尔
以外的纺织品制造商。带着“只要你动手,他们就会来”的态度,chaudhary 先生带领 Pratibha
迈向【toward】环保纺织品生产的前沿。在他的指导下,Pratibha 在 1999 年开始用有机棉
Pratibha 为他们的作物提供种子、种植指导和公平贸易价格的保证。今天,Pratibha 在中央
邦、马哈拉施特拉邦和奥里萨邦拥有 28,000 名有机棉花种植者的网络。
他提出自然选择是这种变化的主要机制。他观察到,个体在遗传特征上存在(差异 differ),
而选择作用于这些差异,导致(进化的 evolutionary)变化。尽管达尔文意识到遗传性状的变
异是(进化 evolution)的先决条件,但他并不确切地知道生物体是如何将遗传性状传给后代

70 Rudman 拉德曼
Rudman looks at how a poor understanding of Maths has led historians to false conclusions abou
t the Mathematical sophistication of early societies. Rudman's final observation - that ancient Gr
enjoyed while failing
eece unrivaled progress in the subject to teach it at sch

ool - leads to a punchline; Mathematics could be better learned after we

Rudman 观察:历史学家对数学的拙劣理解是如何导致他们对早期社会的数学复杂性做出错
误结论的。 Rudman 最终的观察研究出这么一个结论:古希腊人在这门学科上【取得了
enjoyed】无与伦比的进步 unrivaled progress,【但却不会教 while falling to teach】这门学科,
导致成为一个【彻头彻尾的笑话 radical punchline】; 而我们【离开 leave】学校后可以更好

71 The Milky Way System 银河系

Stars and the material between them are almost always found in gigantic systems c
alled galaxies. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way System, happens to be one of the two
systems in the Local Group of two dozen or so galaxies. The other is the Andromed

a galaxy; it more than one hundred thousand light-years from one end to the other,
located distant
and it is about two million light-years from us.
的星系,银河系,恰好是本地 20 多个星系中最大【largest】的两个星系之一。另一个是仙
女座星系;它从一端延伸【stretches】到另一端超过 10 万光年,距离【located】我们大约
200 万光年远【distant】。

72 Preschool education 学前教育

Disadvantage in early childhood poses multiple risks to children ’
s development. Factors such as low socioeconomic status, long-term unemployment of parents, a
nd social isolation may have lasting on a child ’
s chance of reaching their full potential. Whilst not eliminating disadvantage, preschool educatio
n can help to the effects of these risk factors and can provide children with a better

start to school. However, some of these factors may also be to preschool attendanc
e for groups that would benefit most from preschool education. In Australia, the early years of chi
ldren ’
s education is the responsibility of many government and non-government agencies and it occurs
in a range of settings. Preschool is aimed at children around four years of age to th
em for compulsory schooling from the age of six years. In most states and territories, children can
start full-time schooling at five years of age, when they enroll in a kindergarten or preparatory ye
ar. In 2001 Just over half of five-year olds (57%) were at school with about a third (34%) attending
preschool. While in some states and territories children can preschool before they
turn four, participation rates for three-year olds are much lower than four-year olds (24% compar
ed with 56% for four-year olds in 2001). The preschool participation rate of four-year olds in 2001
(56%) was similar to the rate in 1991 (58%).
素可能会对儿童充分发挥潜力的机会 have lasting【impacts on】产生持久影响。虽然
barriers to】,对从学前教育中受益最大的群体来说。在澳大利亚,儿童教育的早期阶段是
使他们准备好【prepare for】从六岁开始接受义务教育。在大多数州和领地,孩子入读幼儿
园或预备课程时,可以在 5 岁开始接受全日制教育。2001 年,五岁以上儿童中有一半以上
开始【commence】学龄前教育,但三岁孩子的入学率要比四岁孩子低得多(24%,而 2001
年为四岁孩子是 56%)。2001 年,四岁儿童的学龄前参与率(56%)与 1991 年的比例(58%)相

73 The sun and the moon 日与月

In these distant times, the sun was seen to make its daily across the sky. At night th
e moon appeared. Every new night the moon waxed or waned a little and on a few nights, it did n
ot appear at all. At night the great dome of the heavens was dotted with tiny specks of light. They
known as the stars. It was thought that every star in the heavens had its own purp

ose and that the of the universe could be discovered by making a study of them. It
was well known that there were wandering stars, they appeared in different nightly positions agai
nst their neighbors and they became known as planets. It took centuries, in fact, it took millennia
, for man to the true nature of these wandering stars and to evolve a model of the

world to accommodate them and to their positions in the sky.
每个新的夜晚,月亮都有一点点变亮(waxed: 被打蜡/被上蜡)或减弱,在几天的夜晚,它根
本没有出现。到了晚上,天堂的穹顶上散布着微小的斑点。他们被称为【became known as】

determine “发现、找出”“查明或确定”有推理的过程;“估量、预测、推断出实际”
Daily Routine 指日常习惯做的事,Daily journey 指日常路线

74 The mind 思想
Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, of all characters, witho

ut any ideas: - How comes it to be ? Whence comes it by that vast store which the b

usy and fancy of man has painted on it with an almost endless variety? Whence has

it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this, I answer, in one word, from .I

founded derives
n that all our knowledge is ; and from that it ultimately itself.
然后,让我们假设思想就像我们所说的白纸,没有【void of】任何字符,没有任何想法:—
想 fancy 在上面描绘了几乎无穷无尽的变化?理性和知识的所有材料从何而来?对此,我的
75 Daniel Harris 丹尼尔哈里斯
Daniel Harris, a scholar of consumption and style, has observed that until photography finally
illustration as the "primary means of advertising clothing" in the 1950s, glamor

inhere less
in the face of the drawing, which was by necessity schematic and gen
eralized, than in the sketch’s attitude, posture, and gestures, especially in the strangely dainty pos
itions of the hands. Glamour once resided so emphatically in the stance of the model that the fac
illustration expressions
es in the cannot really be said to have at all, but angles or tilts. The ch
in raised upwards in a haughty look; the eyes lowered in an attitude of introspection; the head co
cked at an inquisitive or coquettish angle: or the profile presented in sharp outline, emanating po
emvossed coin
wer the severity like an emperor's bust on a Roman .
消费和风格学者丹尼尔·哈里斯(Daniel Harris)观察到,直到 20 世纪 50 年代摄影最终【取
代 supplanted】插图作为“服装广告的主要手段”,在绘画面前,魔法【存在更少 inhered l
ess】,而这种绘画必然是示意性的和概括性的。 在草图的态度,姿势和手势,特别是在
手的奇怪的精致位置。 魅力曾经在模特的立场中如此强调,以至于【插图 illustration】中
的面孔根本不能说是【表达 expression】,而是角度或倾斜。 插图根本不能说有表达,而
是角度或倾斜。 下巴高傲地抬起头; 眼睛以内省的态度降低; 头部以一种好奇或风骚的角
度翘起来:或者轮廓以尖锐的轮廓呈现,散发出的力量就像皇帝的半身像【浮雕 embosse
d】在罗马【硬币 coin】上一样.

76 House agency utility 房屋中介设施

utility costs units
Housing agencies pay the , generally because in deve
lopments don’t have individual meters, some buildings have individual meters, the family pays its
bills company
own to the utility , agencies will deduct a utility from family’s rent.
房屋中介支付【公用事业的费用 utility costs】,一般因为在开发【单位 units】没有个人电
表,有些建筑有个人电表,家庭支付自己的【账单 bills】给公用事业【公司 company】,中

77 Plagiarism 抄袭
How is plagiarism detected? It is usually easy for lecturers to identify plagiarism within students
work. The university also actively investigated plagiarism in students assessed work

electronic detection software called Turnitin. This software students work against t

ext on the Internet, in journal articles and within previously work and highlights any

matches it .
为 Turnitin 的电子检测软件,积极调查学生评估工作中的窃行为。该软件将学生的作品与互
联网上,期刊文章中以及以前提交的【previously submitted】作品中的文本进行比较【co

78 Tropical forests 热带雨林

Charles Darwin knew intuitively that tropical forests were places of intricac

y and energy. He and his cohort of scientific naturalists were by the beauty o

f the Neotropics, where they collected tens of thousands of new to scienc
e. But they couldn't have guessed at the complete contents of the rain forest, and they ha
d no idea of its to humankind.
查尔斯达尔文凭直觉知道热带森林是一个有着【巨大的 tremendous】复杂性和充满能量的
地方。他和他的科学博物学家同伴对新热带地区的美【充满敬畏 be awed by】,在那里他
们收集了数以万计对科学界来说是全新的【物种 species】。但他们无法猜到雨林的全部内
容,也不知道它对人类的【价值 value】。

79 Woman 女性
With the increase in women's in the labor force, many mothers have less time

to undertake domestic activities. At the same time, there has been increasing

recognition relationship
that the father's role and with a child is important.
随着妇女参加【participants】劳动力的增加,许多母亲的家庭活动 domestics activities 时
间减少了【have less time available】。同时,人们越来越认识到【increasing recogniti

80 Revision 复习
Timing is important for revision. Have you noticed that during the school day you get times when
you just don't care any longer? I don't mean the lessons you don't like, but the ones you find usu
ally find OK, but on some occasions you just can't be bothered with . You

have other things on your mind, be tired, restless, or looking forward to what come

s next. Whatever the reason, that particular lesson doesn't get 100 percent from yo

u. The same is true of revision. Your mental and physical are important. If you try to
revise when you are tired or totally occupied with something else, your revision will be inefficien
t and just about worthless. If you approach it feeling fresh, alert and happy, it will be so much eas
ier and you will learn more, faster. However, if you make no plans and just slip in a little bit of revi
sion when you feel like it, you probably won't do much revision! You need a revision timetable so
putting off
you don't keep it .
【may 可能】有其他的事情在你的脑海中,累了,不安,或期待接下来会发生什么。不管
是什么原因,这一课并不是你 100%的【effort 努力】。复习也是如此。你的精神和身体【a
ttitudes 态度】很重要。如果你试着在你累了或者完全被其他事情占据的时候复习,你的复
修改!你需要一个复习时间表,这样你就不会一直【putting it off 拖延】了。

81 Ideas 点子
People modify cultural ideas in their minds, and sometimes they pass on the modified versions. I
nevitably, there are unintentional modifications as well, partly because of straightforward error, a
nd partly because explicit ideas are hard to accurately: there is no way to download

them directly from one brain to another like computer programs. native speakers o

f a language will not give definitions of every word. So it can be only rarely, if

, that two people hold precisely the same cultural idea in their minds. That is why, w

hen the founder of a political or philosophical movement or a religion dies, or even ,
schisms typically happen. The movement's most devoted followers are often shocked to
that they disagree about what its doctrines really are.
修改,部分原因是直接的错误,部分原因是明确的想法难以准确【传达 convey】:无法像电
脑程序那样将它们直接从一个大脑下载到另一个大脑。【即使 even】是母语为一种语言的
念,【如果有的话 ever】,这是非常罕见的。这就是为什么,当政治或哲学运动或宗教的创
始人去世,【甚至在此之前 even before】,分裂通常会发生。该运动最忠实的追随者往往
会震惊地【发现 discover】他们对该运动的教义究竟是什么意见不一。

82 Siblings 兄弟姐妹
No two siblings are the same, not even identical twins. Parents often abou

t why their children are so different from one another. They'll say, 'I them u

p all the same.' They forget that what our behavior isn't what happens to u
s but how we what happens to us, and no two people ever see anything in e
xactly the same way.

83 Soil pollution 土壤污染

Chemicals used to control weeds in crops such as corn and soybeans may sometimes ru
n off farmland and enter surface water bodies such as lakes and streams. If a surface wa
ter body that is used as a water supply receives excess amounts of these he

rbicides, then the municipal water treatment plant must them out in order fo
r the water to be safe to drink. This added filtration process can be expensive. Farmers c
an help control excess herbicides in runoff by choosing chemicals that bind wit
h more readily, are less toxic, or degrade more quickly. Additionally, selectin

g the best tillage practice can help minimize herbicide .
体。 如果用作饮用水【drinking】供应的地表水体接收过量的这些除草剂,那么市政水处理
厂必须将它们过滤【filter then out】掉,以便饮用水是安全的。 这种增加的过滤过程可能
很昂贵。 通过选择与土壤【soil】更容易结合,毒性更小或更快降解的化学物质,农民可以
帮助控制径流中过量的除草剂。 此外,选择最佳耕作方法有助于减少除草剂污染【polluti

84 Plate tectonics 板块结构

In geologic terms, a plate is a large, rigid slab of solid rock. The word tectonics comes fro
m the Greek "to build." Putting these two words together, we get the term pl

ate tectonics, which to how the Earth's surface is built of plates. The theor

states fragmented
y of plate tectonics that the Earth's outermost layer is into a doz

en or more large and small plates that are moving to one another.
成【fragmented 易错】十几个或更多的大小板块,这些板块相对【relative】移动。

85 Moths 蛾子
one solution
Why are moths fatally attracted to the light? is the old glib

explanation this
that the moths are trying to use the flame to navigate. explanation d
oes not tell us, however, why it is that in many species only males are thus attracted, and in a few,
only females. What's , if moths need to navigate, they must be from a migrating spe
cies. Yet most of the time such moths are not migrating. Indeed most species do not migrate at al
l and thus have no need of navigation.
为什么飞蛾 moths 会致命地吸引光?一种解决方案【one solution】是古老的轻率的 glib
解释【explanation】,即飞蛾试图使用火焰来导航。但是,这种解释【this explanation】
而且【What’s more】,如果飞蛾需要航行,它们必须来自迁徙的物种 a migration speci

86 Coffee 咖啡
Coffee is enjoyed by millions of people every day and the 'coffee experience' has become a staple
of our modern life and . While the current body of research related to the effects of

coffee on human health has been contradictory, a study in the June issue of Compr
ehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, which is published by the Institute of Food Tec
hnologists (IFT), found that the potential of moderate coffee drinking outweigh the

risks in adult consumers for the majority of major health considered.
主要内容 has become a staple of。尽管目前的研究有关 related to the effect of coffee
【consumption】 on 饮用咖啡对人体健康的影响一直是矛盾 contradictory 的,6 月号上刊
好处 potential【benefits】大于风险。

87 Folklore 民间传说
A modern term for the of traditional customs, superstitions, stories, dances, and so

ngs that have been adopted and maintained within a given by processes of repetiti

on is not reliant on the written . Along with folk songs and folktales, this broad

of cultural forms embraces all kinds of legends, riddles, jokes, proverbs, games, cha
rms, omens, spells, and rituals, especially those of pre-literate societies or social classes. Those fo
rms of verbal expression that are handed on from one generation or locality to the next by word
of the mouth are said to constitute an oral .
在现代术语里的 传统风俗,迷信,故事,舞蹈和歌曲 的主要部分(body)是通过不断重复
区以口头相传(word of mouth)的方式传递到下一方的那些口头表达的方式,据说构成了

88 Courses in the University of Washington

The UW course descriptions are regularly during the academic year. All announcem

ents in the General Catalog and Course Catalog are to change without notice and d

o not constitute an between the University of Washington and the student. Student

s should assume the responsibility of the appropriate academic unit or adviser for
more current or specific information.
UW 课程描述在学年中定期【更新 updated】。“通用目录”和“课程目录”中的所有【公告 not
ice】如有变更,恕不另行通知,也不构成华盛顿大学与学生之间的【协议 agreement】。
学生应承担向相应的学术单位或顾问【咨询 consulting】更多最新或具体信息的责任。

89 Volcano Eruption 火山喷发

Volcanoes blast more than 100 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ever
y year but the gas is usually . When a volcano erupts, carbon dioxide spread

s out into the atmosphere and isn't in one spot. But sometimes the gas get

s trapped under enormous pressure. If it escapes to the surface in a dens

e , it can push out oxygen-rich air and become deadly.
火山每年向大气中释放 1 亿吨二氧化碳,但这些气体通常是 (无害 harmless) 的。当
火山爆发时,二氧化碳扩散到大气中,而不是 (集中 concentrated)在一个地方。但有时
气体在巨大的压力下被困在 (地下 underground)。如果它以密集的 (云状 cloud)

90 Walt Disney World 沃尔特迪士尼世界

Walt Disney World has become a pilgrimage site partly because of the luminosity of its cross-cult
ural and marketing and partly because its aspects appeal powerfully to real needs i

n the capitalist . Disney’s marketing is unique because it captured the symbolic esse
nce of but the company has gained access to all public communication media. Movi

es, television shows, comic books, dolls, apparels, and film strips all point to the par
ks and each other.
沃尔特迪斯尼乐园之所以成为朝圣地,部分是由于其跨文化 cross-culture 和营
销的光彩 luminosity,部分是因为其乌托邦式的【utopian aspects】面貌强烈
吸引了资本主义社会【capitalist society】的实际需求。迪士尼的行销方式独
树一帜,因为它抓住了童年时代【childhood】的象征意义 symbolic essence,
服装和教育电影【educational film strips】都指向公园和彼此。

90 Consumers' Choices 顾客的选择

Differential rates of price change can also shape consumption patterns. To their nee

ds and wants, consumers sometimes choose to spending on a particular product or

service with spending on an alternative product or service in response to a price m
ovement of the items.

91 Investment 投资
One city will start to attract the of public or private investment. This could be due t

natural stimulate
o advantage or political decisions. This, in turn, will further investmen

t due to the multiplier effect and rural to urban migration. The investment in this cit

y will be at the of other cities.
他城市为代价【at the expense of】

92 Device of Drying Hay 烘干草的设备

A novel for helping farmers to dry out hay more quickly has won a University of Gla
sgow graduate a prestigious design award.Gavin Armstrong, 23, from Kippen, Stirlingshire
the Glasgow 1999 Design Medal for his design for a swath inverter – a device for fli
pping over a hay crop to help dry out the damp underside. Dry hay is an essential farmyard food s
ource for sheep and cows.Gavin came up with the design as part of his Product Design Engineerin
g degree course, run in with Glasgow School of Art.He built a working prototype of
the device which is powered and towed by a tractor and uses a pair of parallel belts to invert the
swath. The rollers are driven from one hydraulic motor and are geared so as to spin at the same s
peed and in opposite directions that the touching inner two faces of the belt that p
erform the inversion move rearwards at the same speed.
一项著名设计奖。来自斯特灵郡基彭的 23 岁的加文·阿姆斯特朗获得【scooped】了格拉斯
哥 1999 年设计奖章,因为他设计了一种 swath 逆变器——一种翻转干草作物来帮助干燥潮

93 China and Japan 中国和日本

At times, a broad stream of knowledge flowed from China to Japan. At other times, this transfer
halted developed
was on one side or the other, and Japan on its own. But whether in is

olation or not, Japan was always itself. Everything that from China was

to suit Japanese tastes and needs.
有时,大量的知识从中国流向日本。在其他时候,这种转移是一边或另一边【停止 halted】
的,而日本【发展 developed】自己。但不管是否孤立,日本始终是自己。从中国【运来 arrived】
的每样东西都是为了【适应 adapted】日本人的口味和需要。

94 Alaska's Aleutian Islands 阿拉斯加阿留申群岛

The few people who live in Alaska's the Aleutian Islands have long been accustomed to shipwreck
s. They have been part of local consciousness since a Japanese whaling ship ran nea

r the western end of the 1,100-mile (1,800-km) volcanic in 1780, inadvertently nam

ing what is now Rat Island when the ship's infestation ashore and made itself at ho
me. Since then, there have been at least 190 shipwrecks in the islands.
阿拉斯加阿留申群岛 Alaska's Aleutian Islands 上居住的人不多,他们对船舶失事 shipwrecks
早已习以为常。1780 年,一只日本捕鲸船搁浅了【ship ran aground】 在最西岸的长达 1100
英里(1800 千米)的火山群岛【volcanic archipelago】旁边,就是现在的老鼠岛 Rat Island
scurried ashore】到岛上,并且定居在这里。从那时起,这座岛已经有至少 190 艘沉船。
95 Votes 投票
It is tempting to try to prove that good looks win votes, and many academics have tried. The
is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you cannot behold a politician's fac

e without a veil of extraneous getting in the way. Does George Bush possess a disar

ming grin or a facetious ? It's hard to find anyone who can look at the president wit

hout assessing him politically as well as .
是存在于旁观者的眼中的,你不可能不带着一层不相关的 extraneous 偏见【prejudice】去看
一个政客的脸。乔治·布什的笑容是让人放松的,还是滑稽的 facetious 傻笑【smirk】?很难

96 Bach 巴赫
Those were his halcyon days when his music was constantly heard in Venice, and his influence
blanketed performing
Europe. He spent much of his time on the road, and overseeing prod
uctions of his music. In Germany, Bach studied Vivaldi's scores, copied them for performance and
some for other instruments.
那是他在威尼斯经常听到他的音乐时的宁静日子,他的影响力【席卷 blanketed】了欧洲。
他大部分时间都在路上,【表演 performing】和监察着他的音乐作品。 在德国,巴赫研究
了维瓦尔第的作品,复制了一些,并【改编 arranged】了一些用在其他乐器里。

97 Ministerial staffing system 部长级人员系统

The contemporary ministerial staffing system is large, active and partisan - far larger and further e
volved than any West minster equivalent. Ministers' demands for help to cope with the pressures
of an increasingly competitive and professionalized political environment have been key drivers o
f the staffing system's development. But there has not been commensurate growth in
arrangements operating
to support and control it. The framework for ministerial staff is

and ad hoc.
当代的部级人员配置系统规模庞大,活跃且具有党派性 - 与任何西方国家的部长相当,其
规模更大,发展更快。 部长们要求帮助应对竞争日益激烈和专业化的政治环境的压力,这
一直是人员配置制度发展的主要动力。 但是在支持和控制它的安排(arrangements)方面没
有相应的增长。 部长级工作人员的运作(operating)框架是零散不完整的(fragmented)和临

Your teenage daughter gets top marks in school, captains the debate team, and volunteers at a sh
elter for homeless people. But while driving the family car, her text-messages her best friend and
rear-ends another vehicle. How can teens be so clever, accomplished, and responsible and reckle
ss at the same time? Easily, according to two physicians at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard
Medical School (HMS) who have been the unique structure and chemistry of the a
dolescent brain. The teenage brain is not just an adult brain with fewer miles on it, says Frances E
. Jensen, a professor of neurology. Its a paradoxical time of . These are people with v
ery sharp brains, but they're not quite sure what to do with them. In animals, the movement is co
ordinated by a cluster of neurons in the spinal cord called the central generator (CP

G). This produces signals that drive muscles to rhythmically in a way that produces r
unning or walking, depending on the pattern of pulses. A simple signal from the brain instructs th
e CPG to switch between different , such as going from a standstill to walking.
一直在(探索)exploring 青少年大脑的独特结构和化学成分。神经学教授弗朗西斯·e·延森(F
rances E. Jensen)说:“青少年的大脑不只是成年人的大脑,大脑的里程更少。”“这是一个矛
盾的(发展)development 时期。这些人都有非常敏锐的大脑,但他们不太确定该如何利用
它们。在动物中,运动是由脊髓中称为中央模式发生器(central pattern generator, CPG)
的神经元群协调的。由此产生的信号,驱动肌肉(收缩)contract 有节奏的方式生产跑步或散
步,取决于脉冲的(方式)patterns。来自大脑的一个简单信号指示 CPG 在不同的(模式)mod
es 之间切换,比如从静止到行走。

99 Sportswomen 女运动员
Sportswomen's records are important and need to be preserved. And if the paper records don't
, we need to get out and start interviewing people, not to put too fine a

on it, while we still have a chance. After all, if the records aren't kept in some form

or another, then the stories are too.
女运动员的记录很重要,需要保存下来。如果纸质记录不在【exist】了,坦白来讲(not to put
too fine a【point】on it),我们需要在还有机会(找回 record)的时候去询问别人。毕竟如

100 Essays 论文
Essays are used as an assessment tool to your ability to research a topic and constr

uct an , as well as your understanding of subject content. This does not mean that e

ssays are a 'regurgitation' of everything your lecture has said the course. Essays are
your opportunity to explore in greater .
论文被用作(评估)evaluate 工具。它们让读者评价你对主题的理解,以及你研究一个主题和
构造(论证)argument 的能力。最好把这篇文章看作是一个机会,去(探索)throughout 课程的
更大(深度)depth 方面

101 Outer space 外太空影响

Researchers already know that spending long periods of time in a zero-gravity ---- s
uch as that inside the International Space Station (ISS) --- result in loss of bone density and
damage mu7cles restricted
to the body's . That's partly why stays aboard the ISS are
at six months. And now, a number of NASA astronauts are reporting that their 20 or 30
vision deteriorated
after spending time in space, with many needing glasses once they re
turned to Earth.
研究人员已经知道,长时间在失重的环境中 a zero-gravity 【environment】——比如在国际
空间站(ISS)——会导致骨密度下降和身体肌肉受损 loss of bone density and 【damage】 to
the body's 【muscles】。这就是为什么在国际空间站停留的时间限制在 6 个月 the ISS are
【restricted / 有出现过 capped】at six months。现在,一些美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的宇
航员报告说,他们在太空呆了一段时间后,20/30 的视力消失了 their 20 or 30 【vision
deteriorated/ 有出现过 faded】,许多人回到地球后需要眼镜 glasses。

102 United Nations 联合国

Founded after World War the second by 51 ‘peace-loving states’ combined to oppose future aggr
ession, the United Nations now counts 192 member nations, its newest member, N
auru, Kiribati, and Tonga in 1999, Tuvalu and Yugoslavia in 2000, Switzerland and East Timor in 20
02, and Montenegro in 2006. United Nations Day has been on October 24th since 1
948 and celebrates the objectives and accomplishments of the organization, which was establishe
engages peacekeeping
d on October 24th, 1945. The UN in and humanitarian missions confli

prevention influence
ct across the globe. Though some say its has declined in recent decad
es, the United Nations still plays a tremendous role in world politics. In 2001 the United Nations a
nd Kofi Annan, then Secretary-General of the UN, won the Nobel Peace Prize ‘for their work for a
better organized and more peaceful world.’ Since 1948 there have been 63 UN peacekeeping ope
rations 16 are currently underway. Thus far, close to 130 nations have contributed personnel at va
rious times; 119 are currently providing peacekeepers. As of August 31, 2008, there were 16 peac
ekeeping operations underway with a total of 88,230 personnel. The small island nation of Fiji ha
s taken part in virtually every UN peacekeeping operation, as has Canada.
第二次世界大战后,51 个爱好和平的国家联合起来反对未来的侵略,联合国现在有 192 个
成员国,其中包括【including】1999 年的瑙鲁、基里巴斯和汤加,2000 年的图瓦卢和南斯
拉夫,2002 年的瑞士和东帝汶,2006 年的黑山。自 1948 年以来,联合国日一直在 10 月 24
日举行【has been observed】,庆祝 1945 年 10 月 24 日设立的本组织的目标和成就。联合
国在全球范围内从事【engage in】维持和平【peacekeeping】和人道主义任务的冲突预防
【conflict prevention】。尽管有人说,联合国的影响力【influence】近几十年来有所下降,
但联合国在世界政治中仍发挥着巨大的作用。2001 年,联合国和时任联合国秘书长的科
1948 年以来,联合国共有 63 次维和行动,其中 16 次正在进行中。到目前为止,已有近 130
个国家在不同时间提供人员;目前有 119 个国家提供维和人员。截至 2008 年 8 月 31 日,
共有 16 次维和行动,共有 88230 人。斐济这个小岛屿国家几乎和加拿大一样参加了联合国

103 Lure New Students 吸引新学生

In an attempt to new students, leading business schools - including Harvard, Stanfo
rd, the University of Chicago and Wharton - have moved away from the unofficial missions and
prerequisite instead
of four years' work experience and have set their sights on recent coll

ege graduates and so-called “early career” with only a couple years of work under t
heir belt.
人员 professionals】

104 Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛

She transformed beauty into big business by cultivating classy sales methods and giving away sa
mples. Leonard Lauder, chief executive of the company his mother founded, says she always thou
ght she “was growing a mice little business.” And that it is. A little business that 45
% of the cosmetics market in U.S. department stores. A little business that sells in 118 countries a
nd last year grew to be $3.6 billion big in sales. The Lauder family's shares are worth more than $
6 billion. But early on, there wasn't a burgeoning business; there weren't houses in New York. Pal
m Beach, Fla., or the south of France. It is said that at one point there was one person to answer t
he telephones who her voice to become the shipping or billing department as need
ed. You more or less know the Estee Lauder story because it's a chapter from the book of Americ
an business folklore. In short, Josephine Esther Mentzer, daughter of immigrants, lived above her
father's hardware store in Corona, a section of Queens in New York City. She started her
by selling skin creams concocted by her uncle, a chemist, in beauty shops, beach cl
ubs and resorts. No doubt the potions were good – Estee Lauder was a quality fanatic - but the sa
les lady was better. Much better. And she simply outworked everyone else in the cosmetics indust
ry. She the bosses of New York City department stores until she got some counter s
pace at Saks Fifth Avenue in 1948. And once in that space, she utilized a personal selling approac
h that proved as as the promise of her skin regimens and perfumes.
雅诗兰黛控制【controls】着 45%的市场,它不是迅速发展起来的,最开始兰黛夫人改变
【changed her voice】声音一人假装一个公司,最开始她的事业【started her enterprise by】
是卖混合面霜,她是个品质控,工作狂,追着【stalk】百货公司老板要摊位 counter space,

105 Planes 航班
By 2025, government experts' say, America's skies will swarm with three as

many thousands
as planes, and not just the kind of traffic flying today. There will be of

tiny jets, seating six or fewer, at airliner , competing for space with remotely operate

d drones that need help avoiding midair , and with commercially operated rockets c

arrying and tourists into space.
政府专家说,到 2025 年,美国的天空将会挤满三倍【times】于飞机数量的飞机,而且不只
是今天这样的交通流量。将有数千架【thousands of】小型喷气式飞机在客机 airliner (飞行)
高度【altitudes】上搭载六人或更少的座位,与需要帮助避免 avoid 空中碰撞【collisions】的
远程操控的无人机,和与搭载 carrying 卫星【satellites】和游客进入太空的商用火箭竞争太

106 Circular table 圆桌

Active learning classrooms (ALCs) are student-centered, technology-rich classrooms. They
are easily identified with their large (circular) tables and movable seating designed to
improve student (engagement) in class. Typically, each table is accompanied by a whiteboard
and flat screen monitor to display student work and larger rooms frequently have miniature
bulb and microphones and at each table. In this way, students are able to (signal) if they have
questions or want to speak to the (entire) room. ALCs provide the hands-on environment that
has transformed old class from passive (lecture) to very active group design work.
主动学习教室是以学生为中心,技术含量丰富 technology classrooms 的教室。他们很容易
辨认出他们的大【圆形 circular】桌子和活动 movable 座位设计,以提高学生【参与 engag
ement】在课堂上。通常 typically,每张桌子都配有 be accompanied by(伴随着)白板 w
hiteboard 和平板显示器,以显示 display 学生的作业,较大的房间通常在每张桌子上都有微
型灯泡 miniature bulb 和麦克风。这样,如果学生有问题或想和【整个 entire】教室讲话,
他们就可以【发出信号 signal】。ALCs 提供了一个实际操作的环境,将旧的类从被动【讲
课 lecture】转变为非常主动的小组设计工作。

107 Ice storm is a type of (【weather】, condition, climate) …. cold/ 【icy】 rain fall down into
the cold air…. From water into ice. When rain drops cool down they will turn into ice, on flat
surface, creating an ice storm. It can be so heavy, and shut down the entire city (or a previous ice
storm has shut down an entire city)
The ice storm is that the ice storm is a weather phenomenon. It is formed by icy/cold rain. What
is the surface of cold? Then, for example, there is a very serious ice storm. 【More】 than how
many residents have no electricity【after】/during the storm hail, because the hail has broken the
cable (probably this means)
Ice storm is a type of 【
( weather】, condition, climate) …. cold/ 【icy】 rain fall down into the cold
air…. From water into ice. When rain drops cool down they will turn into ice, on flat surface,
creating an ice storm. It can be so heavy, and shut down the entire city (or a previous ice storm
has shut down an entire city)
The ice storm is that the ice storm is a weather phenomenon. It is formed by icy/cold rain. What
is the surface of cold? Then, for example, there is a very serious ice storm. 【More】 than how
many residents have no electricity【after】/during the storm hail, because the hail has broken the
cable (probably this means)

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