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A Case Study on Road Safety Plan for NH-65 (Hisar to Kaithal)

Article · April 2022

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2 authors, including:

Vishal Kumar Pal

Lovely Professional University


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A Case Study on Road Safety Plan for NH-65
(Hisar to Kaithal)
Amit Lohan1, Vishal Kumar Pal2
Research Scholar1, 2, M. Tech: Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India

Traffic accidents are people tragedies. They involve more people suffering and monetary costs in terms of untimely
deaths, injuries and loss of potential income. Although we have undertaken many initiatives and are implementing
various road safety improvement programs, the overall situation as revealed by data is far from satisfactory. During
the year 2010, there were close to 5 lakhs road accidents in India, which resulted in death of more than 1.3 lakhs
people. These numbers translate in tone road accident every minute, and one road accident death every 4 minutes.
Unfortunately, more than half of the victims are in the economically active age group of 25-65 years. The loss of the
main breadwinner can be catastrophic.
Road traffic accidents are amenable to remedial action. Many of countries have curbed the menace of road
accidents by adopting a multipronged approach to road safety that encompasses broad range of measures, such as,
traffic management, design and quality of road infrastructure, application of intelligent transport system, safer
vehicles, law enforcement, effective and quick accident response and care etc. The Government alone cannot tackle
road safety problems. There is a need for active involvement of all stake- holders to promote policy reform and
implementation of road safety measures.
Addressing road safety is comprehensive manner underscores the need to involve multiple agencies and sectors like
health, transport and police. The present study provides the magnitude and various dimensions of road accidents in
India. The analysis on road accidents in this study will help to create awareness, guidelines and assist in informed
decision making on road safety.
Key Words: monetary, breadwinner, catastrophic, amenable, addressing.

Traffic and road safety is the one of many factors that affects people’s daily and long term travel choices. Everyone
should have the freedom to travel safely by all means of transport. Accidents on roads are the greatest cause of
accidental death in India, often resulting in unnecessary grief and suffering .A key duty of local authorities is to have
proper provision and maintenance of a safe road network, including footways and cycle ways. This network is
essential to daily lives of our citizens and visitors, and is critical to the delivery of key services, commerce, and
communication and the health and well being of communities.

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Figure 1.The Route Map showing NH-65
The road is usually the first thing the public set foot upon outside their homes and even vital services such as water
and drainage can be delivered by road. While many accidents involve some elements of driver error, it is known that
safer road design and layout can contribute to reducing the number of accidents, particular those resulting in death or
serious injury .Road safety refers to methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using the road network
for being killed or seriously injured. Best-practice of road safety strategies focus upon the prevention of serious
injury and death crashes in spite of human fallibility. Safe road design is now about providing a road environment
which ensures vehicle speeds will be within the human tolerances for serious injury and death wherever conflict
points exist. The basic strategy of a Safe System approach to ensure that in the event of a crash, the impact energies
remain below the threshold likely to produce either death or serious injury. This threshold will vary from crash
scenario to crash scenario, depending upon the level of protection offered to the road users involved. For example,
the chances of survival for an unprotected pedestrian hit by a vehicle diminish rapidly at speeds greater than
30 km/h, whereas for a properly restrained motor vehicle occupant the critical impact speed is 50 km/h (for side

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impact crashes) and 70 km/h (for head-on crashes). As sustainable solutions for all classes of road have not been
identified, particularly low traffic on rural and remote roads, a hierarchy of control should be applied, similar to best
practice. At the highest level is sustainable prevention of serious injury and death crashes, with sustainable requiring
all key result areas to be considered. At the second level is real time risk reduction, which involves providing users
at severe risk with a specific warning to enable them to take mitigating action. The third level is about reducing the
crash risk which involves applying the road design standards and guide lines, improving driver behaviour and

Figure 2. Number of Road Accidents from 2011 to 2013

Crashes on road are one of the world’s largest public health and injury prevention problems. The problem is all the
more acute because the victims are overwhelmingly healthy before their crashes. According to the World Health
Organization, more than 1 million people are killed on the world’s roads each year .A report published by the WHO
in 2004 estimated that some 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million injured in traffic collisions on the roads
around the world each year and was the leading cause of death among children 10–19 years of age. The report also
noted that the problem was severe in developing countries and that simple prevention measures could halve the
number of deaths.


NH-65 is a highway in Haryana and Rajasthan states of India. NH-65 starts from Ambala in Haryana, and ends in
Palli in Rajasthan. The total stretch of this highway is 690 km, of which 240 km in Haryana and 450 km is in
Rajasthan. But this study includes only 110 km of this highway i.e. from Hisar to Kaithal.
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Figure 3. Map showing the area of work/study


It is statistically shown that during the previous five years, the number of fatalities and injuries associated with road
accidents are increasing. Fatalities due to road incidents have now reached a grand total of 184, significantly greater
than its total, 5 years ago, in 1995, which were 105. Since 1995, road deaths have increased by an average of sixteen
people per year. This type of killing impedes the positive growth of our country and needs to be stopped. In my view
the most important factor that needs to be looked at in our goal to sustainable development is social responsibility;
drivers need to have a responsible attitude towards and a level of development when given this privilege. The
attitude of drivers plays a major role in road safety. Drivers need to be attentive, and sensitive to all the rules and
safety measures of the road. Safe habits need to be adopted and practiced daily. Drivers must take responsibility for
their condition at all times. Drivers who feel sick, tired, or upset should also not drive during these periods. Use of
corrective lenses is necessary if driver has weak eyes. All these are elements of "social responsibility". It must be
understood by all drivers that driving is the privilege, responsible individuals who need to recognize that things such
as these are potentially dangerous, if not taken seriously. Road rules such as speed limits and no parking zones also
need to be strictly adhered to by drivers. Due to drivers disobeying these simple rules, they significantly increase the
risk of accidents and make it difficult for other drivers in the process. Typical examples of drivers practicing very
unsafe habits in Trinidad are drivers who cut people off in traffic, because they are in hurry and drivers who make
sudden lane changes or attempt to outrun yellow lights. Drivers however are not the only ones to be blamed. Drivers
cannot effectively drive safely in unsafe conditions. For this reason, next in line of importance when addressing
safety on roads is general infrastructure of the country. Roads should be properly maintained in order to function
safely and efficiently as means of allowing transport to take place. Impediments on roads cause drivers to lose
control over their vehicles and force drivers to make illegal moves. If impediments such as potholes, stones, tree
branches etc. are present drivers would need to infringe upon traffic flowing in the opposite direction in order to

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pass. Should these impediments be remedied, roads will be made safer to a significant degree. Maintenance of
infrastructure should also include properly functioning lights on roadsides for night drivers and properly maintained
street signs and traffic directing arrows. Many accidents are caused due to improperly lighted streets. Drivers are
unable to see oncoming vehicles in time and thus collide. Some streets have improperly functioning lights while
some street have no lights at all. This is a major safety breach. A great many accidents are similarly caused by
vandalized or missing street signs. Drivers who are familiar with single routes will tend to drive at a confident speed
while unsuspecting novice drivers to the same route might turn to go the wrong way on a one way street and this
could result in loss of lives. Good infrastructure is a necessity in the area of safe driving. Areas of congestion are
also common key locations of road injuries. Congestion tempts drivers to make illegal and dangerous turns, violate
road laws and also provides temptations such as overtaking in critical areas, such as intersections, which is definitely
harmful and dangerous.


 The main objective is to investigate the causes of Road Accidents.
 Safe Transport: - To improve road safety and the security protection.
 To carry out research into all factors affecting the safe use of public roads.
 Promote and encourage the safe use of public roads by all classes of road users through the circulation of
advice, information and knowledge gained from research.
 To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of road safety by education, training and publicity (ETP).
 To improve the efficient use of road safety ETP resources.
 To create awareness about Road Safety.
 To create an “accident free India”.

In the past few years, the people safety is driving to more work and has received increasing attention from the
politicans . Professionals are responsible for road safety .
There are two points that should be noted:- First , shifting to normal place of work is not considered as work related
driving , this is the case of most developed countries, although there are exceptions , such as Finland and some of
the Australian states.Second, the privately owned vehicles that make trips are treated as work related driving.For
security and management problems these vehicles are sometimes recognized as special “grey fleet”. There is a
significant role of management because statistics shows a proportion of road injuries is explained by people who
drive for work. The purpose of trip generation since 2005 is included in the process of reporting fatalities on roads in
Britain. The transportation department of Britain show some figures of year 2005 in which 15% of all drivers or the
drivers of age group of 15-20 years are involved in a crash in which one or other is injured during “driving for
work”. The under estimate of this figure is almost certain, giving the recent introduction of the new variable in the
reporting process . Reluctance is given to some drivers of light vehicles in the job of report collisions. In context to
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safety of work, contribution of work related driving is more amazing . Figures shows that more then 1/3 of fatal
work place casualities occur on roads . UK statistics proves that occupational saftey is complex in nature . Evidance
proves that deaths are more related to numbers of fatal accidents which occur in the traditional efficient management
at the work place . Therefore we must have the potential to make a significant contribution in reducing fatal
accidents and road injuries. This process is to assist , the aims of report to make a proper evidance based efficacy. In
the past , it begins watching the work related driving and the chnages that took place in the past 2 decades. Then it
goes on to examine the details of the interventions that have been used to imrove road safety. A critcal assessment is
made of their effectiveness.

Figure 4. Methodology Flow chart


Road Network
Road network comprise of expressways, national highway, state highway, major district and other district roads. The
road network is being developed and maintained by NHAI, PWD, (B&R). In the Hisar region, there are two
National Highways (NH-10 & NH-65). Apart from these highways, some major district roads and other district
roads also serve in strengthening the regional road network. Hisar comprises whole metaled road with total length of
2108 km, according to the PWD and (B&R) branch, Chandigarh.

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Name of the Highway Length of the Highway
National Highways 144 Km
State Highways 193 Km
Major District Roads 91 Km
Other District Roads 1680 Km
Table 1. Road network of Hisar Roads (Source:- PWD, B&R Hisar Provisional Division No.1 )
Year No. of Accidents No. of Deaths Place of Accidents Cause of Accidents
2009 0 0 --------------------- -------------------------
2010 4 2 Jind Byepass, Kaithal Drink and Drive
2011 8 6 In Front of Dera Scha Carelessness
Sauda, Kaithal
2012 15 9 Karnal Chowk, Kaithal Missing of Rules
2013 9 3 Kaithal, Byepass Inattentiveness
2014 16 10 Jind, Byepass Rash Driving
Table 2. Accident Detail of Kaithal City (Source:- RTI -3465-68, Haryana Police)

Figure 5. Accidents on NH-65


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In the present study, various other studies has been carried out for the accident related studies and give the best
possible solutions to improve the accident prone sites so as to decrease the accident occurring on highway NH-65.
With the help of regression analysis, accident prediction model developed and studied various construction failures
or many more.
For the accident analysis on road, it can be concluded that the accidents occurs in day time most as compare to night,
but the accidents severity is very high on NH-65. This may also be recognized to poor illumination during rain, in
fog in winter seasons most and unavailability of road markings and signs also, and absence of waning measures such
as delineation and retro reflective material, it can also be seen from the analysis that growth of motor vehicle is also
contributed to majority accident and two wheelers have more contribution to accidents more, this is because of
discontinuous service road leading to wrong side movement traffic to avoid long detours. Poorly designed roads
from the adjacent area of the highway are also leading to more conflicts between local and heavy traffic like loaded
by goods. From the data, mainly road parameters like shoulders, road markings, median openings and carriage way
conditions are main parameters of causing accidents.
Based on analysis and interpretation, the study revealed that there is strong correlation between the road traffic
accidents and population of NH-65 especially the population growth accounts 59.30% of the changes in number of
accident on NH-65. It shows that as the population increases, the more accidents will occur.
Secondly, an attempt for the relationship was found to be Y= -35.27+0.00005X which is significant at 5%
significant level and has a good fit as a model to help in future to forecast the accident occur with the relation of
population of NH-65. It is recommended that to further refine the model developed in this study with taken as
various other variables to get more realistic image for predicting the road accidents. But we cannot exactly predict
future trends by using model and theories but it is very handy tool for the planners to take remedial measures.


After a thorough study on this report and data collected for NH-65, there are some recommendations to be followed
for road safety so as to minimize the road traffic accidents and also, loss of life.
As far as this study is concerned, we came up with some recommendations and future scope for this report on road
safety of NH-65.
 There should be proper maintenance of road after every five to six months.
 Side by side, there should be proper provision of road markings, kerb markings and object markings so that, it
can help driver to identify the right way of road.
 Fog reflectors in winter seasons or in nights are very helpful and shall be considered for NH-65.
 On intersections, there should be central islands regulating traffic on NH-65.
 Road traffic signs shall be installed on road sides to guide traffic for maintaining proper decorum of NH-65.
 Application of traffic rules for all drivers is essential to be considered.
 Training for driver safety especially for fog seasons are vital because NH-65 have effected by smog weather
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 Alert Today- Alive Tomorrow.
 Normal Speed meets every need.
 Safety is not automatic, think about it.
 Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you.
 Speed thrills, but kills!
 Better late, then never.

[1] World health organization (WHO), 2013, executive summary, global status report on road safety.
[2] Study on road traffic accident in Anand, Gujrat, 2011, vol. 2, issue 2, july.
[3] Road safety in Chennai, 2011, a concern for vulnerable road user.
[4] Dinesh, M.Ramamurthy , (2009), road accident in India, IATSS research vol. 33.
[5] S.K.Dhatterwal, Harman S, 2004, pattern and distribution of injuries in fatal road accidents in Rohtak,Haryana.

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