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Roll for Type

Roll Armour Type Base AC

0-5 Padded Light 11 + Dex

5-15 Leather Light 11 + Dex

16-25 Studded Leather Light 12 + Dex

26-30 Hide Medium 12 + Dex (2)

31-35 Chain Shirt Medium 13 + Dex (2)

35-42 Scale mail Medium 14 + Dex (2)

43-50 Breastplate Medium 14 + Dex (2)

51-55 Half-plate Medium 15 + Dex (2)

56-60 Ring mail Heavy 14

61-70 Chain mail Heavy 16

71-75 Splint Heavy 17

76-85 Plate Heavy 18

81-100 Shield +2

All magical armours at this tier are +1 Armours, and in addition they have one additional
magical property.
Roll 1d100 and it has this additional Property
Roll Type Bonus whilst wearing

Advantage on STR contests to avoid Grapple and

1 Of Might
similar effects

2 Of Speed Advantage on DEX saving throws that are made to

avoid enemy attacks

Advantage on CON saving throws against and

3 Of Resilience
creature abilities

Advantage on Intelligence saving throws against

4 Of Intellect
harmful spells

Advantage on Wisdon saving throws against

5 Of the Wise
harmful spells

Advantage on Charisma checks against effects that

6 Of the Vain
would Charm, Possess, or Frighten the wearer

7-8 Of the Eagle Advantage on Perception Checks that rely on Sight

When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with an

attack, you may make a bonus attack against an
9-10 Of the Vulture
enemy who is adjacent to you (you cannot move

Leap: With a 10 foot running start, you can jump

11-12 Of the Lion
an additional 10 feet

You have advantage in contests or saving throws if

13-14 Of the Bear a failure would lead to you being Grappled or

If you moved 20 feet in a straight line towards an

enemy before attacking them and have not moved
15-16 Of the Boar
away from them this turn, your first attack this
round deals +3 damage.

You have Darkvision to 60 feet if you do not

17-18 Of the Owl
already have it.

You suffer 1 less damage from non-magical attacks

19-20 Of the Heron
whilst at least partially immersed in water

21-22 Of the Eel You cannot be grappled by enemies

You can move through water at your normal

23-24 Of the Dolphin
movement rate

25-26 Of the Pirhana If you damaged an enemy during your last turn,
your next attack deals 1 bonus damage

Your maximum jump distance increases by 5

27-28 Of the Toad
whilst wearing this armour.

Cursed item: you grow fur all over your body and
all food other than raw fish tastes like sewage to
29-30 Of the Otter you. You cannot remove the armour without a
Banishment spell or something more powerful,
followed by Greater Restoration to remove the fur.

You have advantage on saving thows against poison

31-32 Of the Viper

Cursed item: instead of doing a shit, lay eggs. The

33-34 Of the Python eggs will hatch into small, harmless snakes if kept
warm for 3 days.

The armour has one charge. Once per day you may
expend the charge to emit a wolf like howl as a
bonus action, granting one ally a fresh saving
35-36 Of the Wolf
throw against a negative effect that is affecting
them, if they would normally be allowed a saving
throw during their next turn.

Cursed item: You emit an annoying buzzing sound.

You suffer Disadvantage on Stealth checks. The
37-38 Of the Bee
curse cannot be removed except by a Wish, but if
you eat honey it stops for 12 hours.

39-40 Of the Dragon Whilst attuned, you can read and speak Draconic

41-42 Of the Weasel Whilst attuned, you understand Thieves Cant

43-44 Of the Mammoth You cannot be Shoved

Attacks you make with Piercing Weapons deal an

45-46 Of the Sabretooth additional +1 damage. This does not make them

47-48 Of Acid Resistance You suffer 1d6 less damage from acid damage

49-50 Of Thunder Resistance You suffer 1d6 less damage from thunder damage

51-52 Of Fire Resistance You suffer 1d6 less damage from fire damage
53-54 Of Cold Resistance You suffer 1d6 less damage from cold damage

55-56 Of Poison Resistance You suffer 1d6 less damage from poison damage

57-58 Of Force Resistance You suffer 1d6 less damage from force damage

When you are reduced to 0hp from a piercing,

slashing or bludgeoning attack, you drop to 1hp
59-60 Of the Day
instead. The effect works once per day, and only
during the day.

When you are reduced to 0hp from a piercing,

slashing or bludgeoning attack, you drop to 1hp
61-62 Of the Night
instead. The effect works once per night, and only
during the night.

When reduced to 0hp, you have advantage on your

63-64 Of the Dusk
first death saving throw in the next turn.

If an attack would deal enough damage to kill you

65-66 Of the Dawn outright in a single hit, you are reduced to 0hp

Good Alignment only. When you suffer damage

from a spell attack cast by an Evil aligned being,
the armour retains some of the power. If you make
67-68 Of the Heavens
a ranged or melee attack in the next turn it will
deal a bonus 1d6 damage. The effect can only apply
once per turn.

Evil Alignment only. When you suffer damage

from a spell attack cast by a Good aligned being,
the armour retains some of the power. If you make
69-70 Of the Hells
a ranged or melee attack in the next turn it will
deal a bonus 1d6 damage. The effect can only apply
once per turn.

71-72 Of Garvin Your reading speed is doubled

If you have Inspiration and roll a 6 on the die when

73-74 Of Omen
using it, you retain Inspiration.

75-76 Of Pepestrel Cursed item: You cannot get drunk, no matter how
much you drink. If you do not drink at least one
alcoholic drink every 12 hours you suffer
disadvantage on attack rolls and concentration
checks. You cannot remove the item without a
Wish spell.

You have advantage on Stealth checks whilst in a

77-78 Of Merneth
forest, wood or jungle.

79-80 Of Hallion Once per day you can cast the Disguise Self spell.

You have advantage on saving throws against spells

81-82 Of Valass and effects that would limit your movement in the
next turn.

You suffer 1 less damage from non-magical

83-84 Of Sauvaign
piercing, slashing and bludgeoning attacks.

Only Good characters gain the benefits of this

85-86 Of Araklion armour. Once per day you may cast the Light spell
at first level.

Only Evil characters gain the magical benefits of

87-88 Of Oblivion this armour. Once per day you may cast the
Darkness spell at first level.

89-98 Of Slaying Roll 1d10 and consult the table below

Once per day you can cast the Heroism spell on

99 Of Heroism

100 Of Glory The magical bonus of this item is +2 rather than +1

Slaying Table
Roll 1d10 Type Effect

When you suffer damage from a Dragon you

1 Of Dragon Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Giant you

2 Of Giant Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

3 Of Aberration Slaying When you suffer damage from an Aberration you

regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Beast you

4 Of Beast Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Celestial you

5 Of Celestial Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Elemental you

6 Of Elemental Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Fey you

7 Of the Fey Slayer regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Fiend you

8 Of Fiend Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from a Monstrosity you

9 Of Monstrous Slaying regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

When you suffer damage from an Undead creature

10 Of Undead Slaying you regenerate 3 hit points at the beginning of your
next turn.

Not all weapons appear here, as wizards just don’t bother creating magical clubs, whips and the
like unless they have additional special properties
Roll Weapon

1-5 Dagger

6-7 Javelin

8-12 Mace

13-15 Quarterstaff
16-21 Spear

22-23 Light Crossbow

24 Darts (10)

25-30 Shortbow

31-35 Arrows (20)

36-37 Crossbow Bolts (20)

38-42 Battleaxe

43 Flail

44-45 Glaive

46-50 Greatsword

51-52 Halberd

53-54 Lance

55-65 Longsword

66 Maul

67-68 Morningstar

69-72 Rapier

73-77 Scimitar

78-85 Shortsword

86 Trident

87-91 Warhammer

92 Hand Crossbow
93-96 Heavy Crossbow

97-100 Longbow

Roll Type Bonus Whilst Wearing

Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 2

1 Of Might

You gain a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls whilst this

2 Of Speed
weapon is on your person.

3 Of Resilience You cannot be disarmed of this weapon

The weapon inflicts an additional 1 damage to

4 Of Brilliance
creatures that have lower intelligence than you.

The weapon inflicts an additional 1 damage to

5 Of the Wise
creatures that have lower Wisdom than you.

The weapon inflicts an additional 1 damage to

6 Of the Vain
creatures that have lower Charisma than you.

7-8 Of the Eagle Advantage on Perception Checks that rely on Sight

When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with an

attack, you may make a bonus attack against an
9-10 Of the Vulture
enemy who is adjacent to you (you cannot move

Leap: With a 10 foot running start, you can jump

11-12 Of the Lion
an additional 10 feet

You have advantage in contests or saving throws if

13-14 Of the Bear a failure would lead to you being Grappled or

If you moved 20 feet in a straight line towards an

enemy before attacking them and have not moved
15-16 Of the Boar
away from them this turn, your first attack this
round deals +3 damage.
You have Darkvision to 60 feet if you do not
17-18 Of the Owl
already have it.

You suffer 1 less damage from non-magical attacks

19-20 Of the Heron
whilst at least partially immersed in water

21-22 Of the Eel You cannot be grappled by enemies

You can move through water at your normal

23-24 Of the Dolphin
movement rate

If you damaged an enemy during your last turn,

25-26 Of the Pirhana
your next attack deals 1 bonus damage

Your maximum jump distance increases by 5

27-28 Of the Toad
whilst holding this weapon

Cursed item: you grow fur all over your body and
all food other than raw fish tastes like sewage to
29-30 Of the Otter you. You cannot remove the weapon without a
Banishment spell or something more powerful,
followed by Greater Restoration to remove the fur.

31-32 Of the Viper The weapon deals a bonus 1d4 Poison damage

Cursed item: instead of doing a shit, you lay eggs.

33-34 Of the Python The eggs will hatch into small, harmless snakes if
kept warm for 3 days.

The weapon has one charge. Once per day you may
expend the charge to emit a wolf like howl as a
bonus action, granting one ally a fresh saving
throw against a negative effect that is affecting
35-36 Of the Wolf
them, if they would normally be allowed a saving
throw during their next turn. If this is ammunition,
you howl when you loose it and instead of (10) you
have (3), with no charges.

Cursed item: You emit an annoying buzzing sound.

You suffer Disadvantage on Stealth checks. The
curse cannot be removed except by a Wish, but if
37-38 Of the Bee
you eat honey it stops for 12 hours. If this is
ammunition, instead a target struck by the
ammunition suffers a further d6 piercing damage.

39-40 Of the Dragon Whilst attuned, you can read and speak Draconic
41-42 Of the Weasel Whilst attuned, you understand Thieves Cant

The weapon has 3 charges. You may expend a

charge to deal an additional d8 bludgeoning
43-44 Of the Mammoth
damage. After the third charge is used, the weapon
is a +1 weapon.

The weapon has 3 charges. You may expend a

charge to deal an additional d8 piercing damage.
45-46 Of the Sabretooth
After the third charge is used, the weapon is a +1

47-48 Of Acid’s Bite The weapon inflicts an additional 1d4 acid damage

The weapon inflicts an additional 1d4 Thunder

49-50 Of Thunder Power

51-52 Of Flame The weapon inflicts an additional 1d4 Fire damage

53-54 Of Frozen Night The weapon inflicts an additional 1d4 Cold damage

The weapon inflicts an additional 1d4 Poison

55-56 Of the Wyvern’s Sting

The weapon inflicts an additional 1d4 Force

57-58 Of Baleful Force

When you reduce an enemy to 0hp with an attack,

59-60 Of the Day you heal for 2d6 hit points. The effect works once
per day, and only during the day.

When you reduce an enemy to 0hp with an attack,

you may cast the Chill Touch spell as a Bonus
61-62 Of the Night Action using either STR or DEX as your attack
modifier. The effect works once per day, and only
during the day.

If an attack would reduce you to 0hp, you may

63-64 Of the Dusk immediately use your reaction to make an attack
with this weapon.

65-66 Of the Dawn If an attack or spell reduces you to 0hp, the

weapon blazes with a blinding light. The creature
that hit you must succeed on a DC15 Dexterity
saving throw to look away or be Blinded until the
end of its next turn.

Good Alignment only. You deal a bonus d6 damage

67-68 Of the Heavens
against Devils and Demons.

Evil Alignment only. You deal a bonus d6 damage

69-70 Of the Hells
against Celestials and Fey.

Your reading speed is doubled (reroll for

71-72 Of Garvin

If you have Inspiration and roll a 6 on the die when

73-74 Of Omen using it, you retain Inspiration. (reroll for

Cursed item: You cannot get drunk, no matter how

much you drink. If you do not drink at least one
alcoholic drink every 12 hours you suffer
75-76 Of Pepestrel
disadvantage on attack rolls and concentration
checks. You cannot remove the item without a
Wish spell. (reroll for ammunition)

You have advantage on Stealth checks whilst in a

77-78 Of Merneth
forest, wood or jungle. (reroll for ammunition)

Once per day you can cast the Disguise Self spell.
79-80 Of Hallion
(reroll for ammunition)

You have advantage on saving throws against spells

81-82 Of Valass and effects that would limit your movement in the
next turn. (reroll for ammunition)

Creatures with resistance to the weapons damage

83-84 Of Sauvaign
type do not have resistance against this weapon.

Only Good characters gain the benefits of this

85-86 Of Araklion weapon. The weapon shines as if under a Light

Only Evil characters gain the magical benefits of

87-88 Of Oblivion this weapon. Once per day you may cast the
Darkness spell at first level.

89-98 Of Slaying Roll 1d10 and consult the table below

Once per day you can cast the Heroism spell on
99 Of Heroism

100 Of Glory The magical bonus of this item is +2 rather than +1

Slaying Table
Roll 1d10 Type Effect

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

1 Of Dragon Slaying
own type against dragons

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

2 Of Giant Slaying
own type against giants

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

3 Of Aberration Slaying
own type against aberrations

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

4 Of Beast Slaying
own type against beasts

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

5 Of Celestial Slaying
own type against celestials

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

6 Of Elemental Slaying
own type against elementals

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

7 Of the Fey Slayer
own type against fey

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

8 Of Fiend Slaying
own type against fiends

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

9 Of Monstrous Slaying
own type against monstrosities

The weapon inflicts an additional d6 damage of its

10 Of Undead Slaying
own type against undead

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