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Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 7880–7884

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Investigations of pitting corrosion of magnesium by means of DEIS and

acoustic emission
Juliusz Orlikowski ∗ , Kazimierz Darowicki
Department of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Materials Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Narutowicza Str. 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper presents methodology and results of electrochemical examination of magnesium in 0.1 M NaCl
Received 2 July 2010 solution with different pH. The measurements were conducted under potentiodynamic conditions using
Received in revised form 6 December 2010 Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS). Analysis of DEIS results was performed based
Accepted 6 December 2010
on electrical equivalent circuit. As the result of analysis changes of separate parameters of the equivalent
Available online 15 December 2010
circuit vs. potential for different pH values of the environment were obtained. Simultaneously with DEIS
measurements an investigation using acoustic emission was conducted. The results showed that for pH
higher than 12.50 the properties of layers on the surface of magnesium change significantly. One can
Pitting corrosion
observe a stable passive state that has properties considerably different from those of the layers that
DEIS form in solutions with lower alkalinity. In such conditions the beginning of pitting corrosion process
can be unequivocally determined by the level of acoustic emission and the values of electrochemical
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction possibility of passive state forming on the surface of magnesium in

0.1 M NaCl (for pH = 6.1) [7]. During longer exposition in this envi-
The mechanism of corrosion of magnesium and its alloys has ronment one observes an effect that can be considered the result
been the subject of many investigations that have lately been even of the presence of passive state. This effect manifests itself during
more intensified. In environments that contain chloride ions corro- further polarization measurements as a weak dependence of cur-
sion of magnesium is mostly the result of negative difference effect rent on potential [7]. However, considering a relatively low value
(NDE), which has not yet been fully investigated. It is also consid- of the environment’s pH and relating it do Pourbaix diagram one
ered that the presence of oxide or hydroxide layer is a significant can suppose that the formed film does not have full barrier prop-
factor in corrosion process, since those layers cannot constitute a erties, which are characteristic for passive layers [7]. The layer that
solid barrier protection in neutral or slightly basic environments forms on the surface of magnesium in environments with higher
[1,2]. Currently, the most widely used electrochemical method that pH should have those properties. Potentiodynamic measurements
enables precise evaluation of the state of layers on the surface conducted by Liu et al. in 0.1 M NaCl solution with pH = 12 showed
of magnesium and its alloys, as well as the investigation of cor- that in passive state current is much lower, which indicates that
rosion mechanism, is impedance measurement [2–5]. However, the properties of passive layers are different than those observed
this method cannot be used for examining non-stationary pro- during measurements in environments with lower pH, particu-
cesses, e.g. active–passive states. For investigating basic properties larly that high anodic polarization in strongly basic environments
of surface layers one uses microscopic and ellipsometric methods contributes to improvement of passive layer’s barrier properties
[3,6–10]. The presence of films on the surface of magnesium and [3,5,12].
its alloys contributes to corrosion that has local character [2,9]. Based on the literature overview it can be stated that corrosion
Detailed research showed that the result of corrosion of magne- of magnesium and its alloys in chloride ions environment leads
sium and its alloys are characteristic pits [6,11]. It was also found to pitting corrosion when stable passive layer or porous untight
that evaluation of corrosion processes and thus the forms of cor- layer is present on the metal’s surface. When considering the initi-
rosive attack depend as well on the constitution of the alloy and ation of corrosion process, barrier properties of films formed on the
its microstructure [4,6,8]. The research of Hara et al. indicates the metal’s surface become important. Therefore, it is crucial to estab-
lish how the initiation of corrosion proceeds under conditions of
complete and incomplete passivity. The aim of the work presented
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 583472283; fax: +48 583471092. in this paper is the impedance analysis of magnesium corrosion in
E-mail addresses:,, basic environment and in the presence of chloride ions. A signif- (J. Orlikowski). icant part of this work includes specifying the properties of the

0013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Orlikowski, K. Darowicki / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 7880–7884 7881

layers on magnesium’s surface and their influence on corrosion For high anodic potentials the impedance does not change sig-
process. To obtain this goal, DEIS method was used. The method nificantly. The character of impedance changes plotted in Fig. 1c
was already successfully applied to investigating pitting corrosion and d is similar to those from Fig. 1a and b, however, impedance
of steel and aluminium alloys [13–15]. This relatively new mea- values are higher in plots c and d, which indicates lower kinetics
surement method is highly suitable for investigating active–passive of corrosion processes. The character of impedance changes plot-
states that appear in basic environment in the case of magnesium ted in Fig. 1e differs significantly from the other three. In this plot
and its alloys. the impedance does not change for potentials from −1.3 V to −1 V.
Also, the impedance values are high in this potential range, which
2. Experimental can prove the existence of stable passive state. For polarization
higher than −1 V impedance suddenly decreases, which indicates
Subjected to experiments were specimens of magnesium of the beginning of corrosion process. Impedance spectra presented
3N purity and 1 cm2 surface. Electrochemical measurements were in Fig. 1f do not exhibit any changes with potential and repre-
conducted in 0.1 M NaCl environment for different pH that was sent stable passive state. In order to match an electrical equivalent
changed by adding NaOH. The measurements were held for circuit, two assumptions have been made. They are schematically
pH = 8.50, 9.50, 10.50, 11.50, 12.00, 12.50, 12.66, 12.75, 13.00. presented in Fig. 2.
In order to improve the clarity of presented results only cho- During polarization measurements of magnesium electrochem-
sen measurements results were plotted in figures. Electrochemical ical and physicochemical processes proceed in two ways. When
investigation was conducted in a three-electrode system with the passive layer is stable and tight (Fig. 2a) the overall impedance
calomel electrode (SCE). The electrochemical measurements were of the system is related to resistance (Rf ) and capacitance (Cf ) of
performed by means of the Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance the passive layer. If, however, the layer is untight (Fig. 2b), then
Spectroscopy technique. This method is general and allows the we can expect the corrosion of magnesium to proceed in the spots
analysis of impedance spectra in joint time–frequency domain. The where layer’s defects occur. This process is described by the resis-
analysing window is applied to cut a fragment out of the recorded tance of charge transfer (Rp ) and the capacitance of duble layer (Cdl ).
register. In the next step this fragment is subjected to Regular For intermediate cases the current will be conducted in both ways
Fourier Transformation and instantaneous spectrum is obtained. simultaneously. Considering the limited range of frequencies that
The main advantages of this method compared to the classical can be used in DEIS measurements, the equivalent circuit was fur-
impedance technique are as follow: ther simplified. The final equivalent circuit used for the analysis of
impedance spectra is presented in Fig. 3.
In Fig. 3 R1 represents the resistance of electrolyte, R2 represents
• one can receive instantaneous impedance spectra instead of aver-
the resistance of passive layer or charge transfer resistance and CPE
age ones (“frequency by frequency” technique), which reflect the
element (Q) represents the capacitance of double electrical layer
dynamics of investigated process;
or, in the passive state, the capacitance of passive layer. In Fig. 4
• allows the examinations of non-stationary electrochemical pro-
exemplary plots of R2 vs. potential are presented.
cesses in time domain.
Dependencies involved with R2 changes depiected in Fig. 4 are
presented as a function of potential including ohmic drop. The size
The DEIS measurements were realized using KGLstat v. 2.1 of this correction was determined based on the analysis of elec-
potentiostat and a National Instruments PCI 6120 card that gen- trolyte’s resistance (R1 ) and DC current obtained by filtering DEIS
erated the perturbation signal, as well as registered voltage measurements conducted for different pH values. In Fig. 4 the scale
perturbation and current response signals. Impedance measure- of R2 values is logarithmic. This simplifies the comparison between
ments were executed for the frequency range: 20 kHz–0.3 Hz. The the plots obtained for different pH values.
average number of points per decade in the DEIS measurements If we analyse the changes of R2 vs. potential we will see that for
was 5. Sampling frequency of 100 kHz resulted from the mea- pH = 12.75 the character of these changes differs significantly from
surement card settings being at our disposal. Multi-sinusoidal the plots obtained for lower pH. The values of resistance in this
signal composed of 20 sinusoids was used for the experiments. case are more than 10 times higher than for other measurements.
The applied frequencies were meant to be in a good agreement Moreover, in the initial range of potentials R2 varies only a little
with the ranges of interest for the system under examination. (these variations are not bigger than 10% of the measured resistance
Depending on applied frequency, the amplitudes sinusoids ranged value) whereas for other pH values R2 decreases from the begin-
from 3 to 18 mV. Frequency selection was aimed at elimination ning to the end of the measurement. Furthermore, for pH = 12.75
of overlapping of eventual harmonic components of particular we can observe a drop of R2 that is much more steep than in the
frequencies. Detailed description of this measurement method other three cases. The character R2 changes for pH = 12.75 can be
can be found in the literature [16,17]. Acoustic emission mea- explained by a sudden loss of tightness of the passive layer. In this
surements were executed by means of the two-channel system, case R2 initially represents the resistance of passive layer. After the
Mistras 2001. Analysis of obtained data was performed using layer cracks, the corrosion proceeds and R2 represents the charge
Mistras standard software. Acoustic emission and DEIS measure- transfer resistance, related to the propagation of pitting corrosion.
ments were conducted simultaneously under potentiodynamic More smooth changes of R2 for lower pH values suggest that in
conditions. The measurements were carried out from stationary those cases there is no stable passive state from the beginning of
potential towards negative potentials. Rate of potential changes the measurements. The character of R2 changes indicates that cor-
was 1 mV/s. rosion processes evolve with the increase of polarization. There is
no initiation and fast propagation of pitting corrosion in this case.
3. Results and discussion Local, as well as general corrosion proceed. In the case of measure-
ments realized in the electrolyte solution of pH = 13.00 values of R2
Fig. 1 presents exemplary impedance spectrograms measured resistance do not change as a function of potential indicating stable
using DEIS method under potentiodynamic conditions for different passive state.
pH of 0.1 M NaCl solution. They are related to the incomplete passivation of magnesium’s
In Fig. 1a and b the impedance decreases with the increase of surface. Fig. 5 presents the changes of Q (CPE) vs. potential for
potential that is the result of proceeding corrosion of magnesium. different pH values.
7882 J. Orlikowski, K. Darowicki / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 7880–7884

Fig. 1. Impedance spectrograms vs. potential obtained for selected DEIS measurements in environments with pH = 8.50 (a), pH = 10.50 (b), pH = 12.50 (c), pH = 12.66 (d),
pH = 12.75 (e), and pH = 13.00 (f).

The plots presented in Fig. 5 show that with the increase of pH = 12.75 further measurements with the use of acoustic emis-
polarization level the value of Q also increases for all pH values. sion were conducted. Figs. 6 and 7 present the number of acoustic
However, the dynamics of these changes are lower for higher pH. emission events vs. potential for pH = 12.50 and 12.75, respectively.
For pH = 12.75 and 13.00 the change of Q parameter is almost unno- Acoustic emission is a very useful technique for the mea-
ticeable. In order to confirm the presence of full passive state for surements of active–passive states, related to the initiation and
J. Orlikowski, K. Darowicki / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 7880–7884 7883

Fig. 2. Assumption made for the electrical equivalent circuit used for analysis of impedance spectra obtained with DEIS measurements.

Fig. 3. Electrical equivalent circuit used for the analysis of DEIS measurements.

propagation of pitting corrosion. It has proved particularly useful

for investigating pitting corrosion of stainless steel [15]. In the case
of pitting corrosion initiation acoustic signals’ emission is caused by Fig. 5. Changes of Q vs. potential obtained by analyzing DEIS measurements using
the cracking of passive layer, whereas during propagation stage the the equivalent circuit (Fig. 3) for pH =  9.50, 10.50, × 12.50,  12.66, – – – 12.75,
analyzed acoustic effects are related to hydrogen emission. In Fig. 6 and — 13.00.

we can observe that for pH = 12.50 the number of acoustic events

gradually increases with potential. For pH = 12.75 (Fig. 7) the num- pH = 12.75. In passive state acoustic activity is very low, which can
ber of acoustic events is initially low and does not change with the be observed in Fig. 7 for potentials ranging from −1.39 V to −1.05 V.
increase of anodic polarization. A sudden increase of the number of The sudden increase in the number if acoustic events for −1.5 V is
events appears when the potential exceeds 1.05 V. For deeper polar- the result of the passive layer’s cracking. Further acoustic activity is
ization the number of events stabilizes. Measurements conducted related to the proceeding of pitting corrosion. For pH ranging from
for pH lower than 12.50 showed that the character of changes of the 9.50 to 12.50 we do not observe the presence of full passive state
number of acoustic events is similar to the one presented in Fig. 6, and, therefore, acoustic activity increases steadily with potential.
which indicates that the properties of the layers on magnesium’s Fig. 8 presents a microscopic image of the surface of magnesium
surface are similar for pH ranging from 9.50 to 12.50. Significant specimen after performing measurements for pH = 12.50.
differences in acoustic emission results presented in Fig. 7 indicate The image in Fig. 8 shows a large number of local damages. Size
the presence of a stable passive layer on magnesium’s surface for and depth of the observed corrosion attacks are relatively small.

Fig. 4. Changes of R2 vs. potential obtained by analyzing DEIS measurements using

the equivalent circuit (Fig. 3) for pH =  9.50, 10.50, × 12.50,  12.66, – – – 12.75,
and — 13.00. Fig. 6. The number of acoustic events vs. potential for pH = 12.50.
7884 J. Orlikowski, K. Darowicki / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 7880–7884

rosion, which results in sudden increase of DC current. In the case

of measurements performed in the solution of pH = 13.00 one can-
not observe changes of DC current with potential indicating stable
passive state.

4. Conclusions

Several conclusions can be drawn based on the analysis of con-

ducted measurements:

• Corrosion process detected in environments with pH ranging

from 9.50 to 12.50 can be characterized by local attacks occur-
ring under conditions of partial passivation of magnesium surface
Fig. 7. The number of acoustic events vs. potential for pH = 12.75.
only. It is difficult to observe the passive range in polarization
plots. Charge transfer resistance decreases with the increase of
anodic polarization, whereas the level of acoustic events gradu-
ally increases.
• For pH = 12.75 the proceeding pitting corrosion is related to the
complete passivation of metal’s surface. The passive range is
clearly noticeable in the polarization plot. Value of R2 obtained
by analyzing DEIS measurements drops suddenly for E = −1.05 V,
which corresponds to the sudden increase of acoustic activity.
The observed corrosion pits are deep and considerably large.
• It should be noticed that analyzing the forms of corrosive attacks
based only on the microscopic images of the surface may lead
to incomplete conclusions. It is not a solid rule that attacks in
the form of local corrosion defects are caused by pitting corro-
sion related to stable passive state. The observed attacks may as
well be the result of general corrosion or corrosion related to par-
tial passivation of the surface. This may lead to false conclusions
regarding the mechanism and kinetics of corrosion processes.
Fig. 8. Microscopic image of the surface of magnesium specimen after performing • The methodology used in presented work enables accurate dis-
DEIS measurements for pH = 12.5, 100× magnification. tinction between the barrier properties of the layers based on
electrochemical measurements. This can considerably simplify
further investigations of corrosion mechanism.


This work has been supported by grant no. N N507 452734

financed by Polish Ministry of Education and Science.


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