GEE338 Problem Set #1 Solution Modeling of LTI Systems

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Misr International University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electronics and Communication
Course: GEE338 Linear Control System
Instructors: Prof. Fawzy Ibrahim

Problem Set #1 Solution

Mathematical Modeling of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
Question #1.1
Find and plot the poles and zeroes of the following functions in the s-Plane (include the
ones at infinity):
5( s  1) s 2 ( s  1)
a) G( s )  2 b) G( s ) 
s ( s  2)( s  5) ( s  2)( s 2  3s  2)
Solution a)
Poles at: s = 0 (double pole), s = -2 and s = -5, so # of poles, nP = 4.
Zeros at: s = -1, so # of zeros, nZ = 1.
Because nP > nZ and nP - nZ = 4 -1 = 3 so, we have three zeros at s  .
s 2 ( s  1) s 2 ( s  1) s2
b) G( s)   
( s  2)( s 2  3s  2) ( s  2)( s  2)( s  1) ( s  2)( s  2)
Poles at: s = -2 and s = -2, so # of poles, nP = 2.
Zeros at: s = 0 (double zero), so # of zeros, nZ = 2.
Because nP = nZ and nP - nZ = 2 -2 = 0 so, we have no poles or zeros at s  .

Poles and Zeros plot of part a) Poles and Zeros plot of part b)

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Question #1.2 [HW]
Find and plot the poles and zeroes of the following functions in the s-Plane (include the
ones at infinity):
K ( s  2) 5( s  6 )
a) G( s )  b) G( s ) 
s( s 2  s  1) s ( s  1)( s  3)

Solution a Question #1.1 with some roots are imaginary.

Question #1.3
Determine the initial value of c(t) where the Laplace transform of C(s) is given by:
(4s  1)
C (s) 
s ( s 2  2s  1)
The initial value in s domain is defined as:
(4 s  1)
C (0)  Lim sC ( s )  Lim s 0
s  s  s ( s 2  2 s  1)

Question #1.4 [HW]

Determine the initial value of c(t) where the Laplace transform of C(s) is given by:
(2s  1)
C (s) 
s ( s 2  3s  2)
Solution a Question #1.3
Question #1.5
Determine the final value of c(t) where the Laplace transform of C(s) is given by:
10(2 s  2)
C ( s) 
s ( s  2)( s 2  2 s  10)
The final value in s domain is defined as:
10(2 s  2) 10(2)
C ()  Lim sC ( s )  Lim s  1
s 0 s  s ( s  2)( s  2 s  10) (2)(10)

Question #1.6 [HW]

Determine the final value of c(t) where the Laplace transform of C(s) is given by:
26.8 ( s  1) (s  10)
C(s) 
s (s  2.8) (s  3) (s  2) (s  26.8)
Solution a Question #1.5
Question #1.7
A Linear Time Invariant (LTI) control system described by the following differential
d 2 c(t ) dc(t )
7  10c(t )  15r (t )
dt dt
Where r(t) is the system input and c(t) is its output, for this system derive:
a) The transfer function G(s) and draw its corresponding block diagram.
b) The impulse response g(t) and draw its corresponding block diagram..
c) The frequency response G(j) and draw its corresponding block diagram.
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a) Take the Laplace Transform of both sides of the D.E. assuming zero initial conditions
we have:
s 2C ( s)  7sC ( s)  10C ( s)  15R( s)
So, the transfer function G(s) is given by:
C (s) 15 15
G(s)   2  The system block diagram in s-plane.
R ( s ) s  7 s  10 ( s  2)( s  5)
b) The impulse response function g(t) is the response of the input, r(t) = (t), therefore,
then output, C(s) can be determined:
If r (t )   (t ) and R( s )  1  C ( s )  G ( s)
C ( s)  R( s)G ( s)
Impulse response function g(t) is the inverse Laplace transform of G(s) as:
15 15 A B
G(s)    
s  7 s  10 ( s  2)( s  5) ( s  2) ( s  5)

15 15 15 15
A  ( s  2)G( s) s2   5 B  ( s  5)G( s) s5    5
( s  5) s2 3 ( s  2) s5  3
5 5
Then G ( s )   so,
( s  2) ( s  5)
g (t )  5(e2t  e5t )u(t )
The system block diagram in time domain.
c) The frequency response G(j) is defined as G(s) as s  j:
15 15
G ( j )  G ( s ) s  j     G ( )  ( )
( s  2)( s  5) s  j ( j  2)( j  5)

where |G()| is called the amplitude response

and () is the phase response.
Question #1.8 [HW]
Repeat Question #1.7 if the system is described by the following differential equation:
d 2 c(t ) dc(t )
9  18c(t )  10r (t )
dt dt
Solution: Refer to Question 1.7.

Question #1.9
A Linear Time Invariant (LTI) control system described by the following transfer function
G( s) 
( s  2)( s  3)
For this system derive:
a) The differential equation.
b) The impulse response g(t) and draw its corresponding block diagram.

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c) The frequency response G(j) and draw its corresponding block diagram.
Solution: a) The system D.E. is calculated as follows:
C ( s) 10 10
G(s)    2
R ( s ) ( s  2)( s  3) s  5s  6
Then s 2C ( s)  5sC ( s)  6C (s)  10R(s)
Take the inverse Laplace Transform for both sides, we have:
d 2c(t ) dc(t )
5  6c(t )  10r (t )
dt dt
b) The impulse response function g(t) is the response of the input, r(t) = (t), therefore,
then output, C(s) can be determined:
C ( s )  R ( s )T ( s ) R(s)  1 C ( s)  G ( s)
Impulse response function g(t) is the inverse Laplace transform of T(s) as:
10 10 A B
G(s)    
s  5s  6 ( s  2)( s  3) ( s  2) ( s  3)

10 10 15 10
A  ( s  2)T ( s) s2    10 B  ( s  3)G( s) s5    10
( s  3) s2 1 ( s  2) s3  1
10 10
Then G ( s )  
( s  2) ( s  3)
2t 3t
so, g (t )  10(e  e )u (t )
c) The frequency response G(j) is defined as G(s) as s  j:
10 10
G ( j  )  G ( s ) s  j    G ( )  ( )
( s  2)( s  3) s  j ( j  2)( j  3)

where |G()| is called the amplitude response

and () is the phase response.

Question #1.10 [HW]

Repeat Question #1.9 if the system is described by the following transfer function G(s):
G ( s) 
( s  1)( s  3)

Solution: Refer to Question 1.9.

Question #1.11
Find the transfer function, G(s) = VL(s) / V(s) for the network shown in Fig. 1.11.

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Fig. 1.11
Writing mesh equations
(2s+2)I1(s) –2 I2(s) = V(s)
-2I1(s) + (2s+4)I2(s) = 0
But from the second equation, I1(s) = (s+2)I2(s). Substituting this in the first equation
(2s+2)(s+2)I2(s) –2 I2(s) = V(s)
I2(s)/V(s) = 1/(2s2 + 4s + 2)
But, VL(s) = sI2(s).
Therefore, G(s) = VL(s)/V(s) = s/(2s2 + 4s + 2).

Question #1.12 [HW]

Find the transfer function, G(s) = Vo(s) / Vi(s) for the network shown in Fig. 1.12.

Fig. 1.12
Writing mesh equations,
(2s + 1)I1(s) – I2(s) = Vi(s)
-I1(s) + (3s + 1 + 2/s)I2(s) = 0
Solving for I2(s),
Solving for I2(s)/Vi(s),
I 2 ( s) s
 3
Vi ( s) 6s  5s  4s  2

But Vo(s) = I2(s)3s. Therefore , G(s) = 3s2/(6s3 + 5s2 +4s + 2).

Question #1.13
Find the transfer function, G(s) = Vo(s)/Vi(s), for the circuit shown in Fig. 1.13.
The transfer function of the operational
amplifier circuit is given by:
C s  Z
G (s)   2
R s  Z1
Since the admittances of parallel components
add, Z1(s) is the reciprocal
of the sum of the admittances, or:

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Fig. 1.13

For Z2(s), the impedances add, or:

Substituting for Z1(s) and Z2(s) then simplifying, we get:

Question #1.14 [HW]

Find the transfer function, G(s) = Vo(s)/Vi(s), for the circuit shown in Fig. 1.14.
The transfer function of the operational amplifier
circuit is given by:
C (s)  Z 2 
G s    1  
R( s )  z1 
Z1(s) is given by:

Z2(s) is given by:

Fig. 1.14

Substituting for Z1(s) and Z2(s) then simplifying,

we get:

Question #1.15
Find the transfer function, G(s) = X1(s)/F(s), for the translational mechanical system
shown in shown in Fig. 1.15.
Writing the equations of motion, where x2(t)
is the displacement of the right member of

Fig. 1.15

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Adding the equations,

The transfer function, G(s) is:

Question #1.16 [HW]

Find the transfer function, G(s) = X2(s)/F(s), for the translational mechanical system
shown in shown in Fig. 1.16.
Writing the equations of motion,

Solving for X2(s)

Fig. 1.16

The transfer function, G(s) is:

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Question #1.17
For the block diagram shown in Fig. 1.17, obtain the total transfer function, T(s) =
C(s)/R(s) by using block diagram reduction method.

Fig. 1.17
Step #1 Combing G2 and G3 in parallel, we get:

Step #2 Combing G1 and G4 in Cascade, we get:

Step #3 Eliminating the feedback loop G1G4 and H1 we get:

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Step #4 Combing the two blocks in Cascade, we get:

Step #5 Eliminating the feedback loop of the two blocks we get the total transfer function,
T(s) as:
G1G4 (G2  G3 )
C ( s) 1  G1G4 H 1 G1G4 (G2  G3 ) G1G4 (G2  G3 )
T ( s)    
R( s) G G (G  G3 ) 1  G1G4 H 1  G1G4 H 2 (G2  G3 ) 1  G1G4 H 1  G1G2G4 H 2  G1G3G4 H 2
1 1 4 2 H2
1  G1G4 H1

Question #1.18 [HW]

For the block diagram shown in Fig. 1.18, obtain the total transfer function, T(s) =
C(s)/R(s) by using block diagram reduction method.

R(s) + G1 G2 + G3 G4 C (s)
- -



Fig. 1.18
Solution as Question #1.17

Question #1.19
For the block diagram shown in Fig. 1.19, do the following:
a) Obtain the total transfer function, T(s) = C(s)/R(s) by using block diagram reduction
b) From this block diagram signal obtain and draw Signal Flow Graph (SFG).
c) Obtain the total transfer function T(s) = C(s)/R(s) by using Masons’s gain formula.

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Fig. 1.19
Part a)
Step #1 Eliminating the three feedback loops we get:
1 1
G1 ( s )  s 
1 G2 (s)  s  G3 ( s )  s 
1 s 1
1  x2 s  2
1 s 1 1
1 1
s s s

Step #2 Combing the two blocks in Cascade, we get: G4 ( s)  2G4 ( s) 
s 1

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Step #3 Combing the blocks G2 and -1/2 and in parallel, we get:
1 1 1 2  ( s  1)  s  1  ( s  1)
G5  G2      
2 s 1 2 2( s  1) 2( s  1) 2( s  1)

Step #4 Combing the two blocks, G4 and G5 in Cascade, we get:

2  ( s  1)  2( s  1)  ( s  1)
G6  G4G5  x  
( s  1) 2( s  1) 2( s  1)( s  1) ( s  1)( s  1)

Step #5 Combing the blocks G3 and G6 in parallel, we get the total transfer function, T(s)
C ( s) 1 ( s  1) ( s  1) 2  ( s  1)( s  2) s 2  2s  1  s  s  2 s3
T ( s)      
R( s) ( s  2) ( s  1)( s  1) ( s  1)( s  1)( s  2) ( s  1)( s  1)( s  2) ( s  1)( s  1)( s  2)

b) From this block diagram Signal Flow Graph (SFG) is shown below:

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c) Mason’s Signal Flow Graph Gain Formula to determine the transfer function T(s) of a
closed loop control system is:
Y (s) k p k  k
T (s)  
R(s) 
∆ = 1 – Σ(All different loop gains)
+ Σ(Gain products of all combinations of two non-touching loops)
- Σ(Gain products of all combinations of three non-touching loops)
+ …
Pk : The paths connecting the input R(s) and the output Y(s)
∆k : is ∆ with the loops touching the kth path removed
1. Calculate forward path transfer function Pk for each forward path k.
1 1 1  1
P1  (2) (1)  1  2 , P2  (2) (1)   1  
2 1
s s s  s  2 s
1 1
P3  (1) (1) 
s s
2. Calculate all loop TF’s as:
1 1 2
L1  , L2  , L3 
s s s
3. There is no nontouching loops at a time.
4. Calculate Δ as:
  1  L1  L2  L3   ( L1 L2  L1 L3  L2 L3 )  ( L1 L2 L3 )
 1 1 2  1 2 2   2  4 5 2 s 3  4 s 2  5s  2
 1        2  2  2     3   1  2  3 
 s s s s s s   s  s s s s3
5. Calculate Δk for each forward path as:
 2 s2
1  1  L3  1     
 s s
 1 2  2  3 2 s 2  3s  2
 2  1  ( L2  L3 )  ( L2 L3 )  1        2   1   2 
 s s s  s s s2
 1 1  1  2 1 s 2  2s  1
 3  1  ( L1  L2 )  ( L1 L2 )  1        2   1   2 
 s s s  s s s2
6. The TF of the system is calculated as:
 2  s  2   1  s  3s  2   1  s  2 s  1 
2 2
 2      
   
 
C ( s ) P11  P2  2  P3  3  s  s   s  s2   s  s2 
T ( s)   
R( s)  s  4 s  5s  2
3 2

(2s  4)  ( s 2  3s  2)  ( s 2  2s  1) s 2  s 2  2 s  3s  2 s  4  2  1 s3
   3
s  4 s  5s  2
3 2
s  4 s  5s  2
3 2
s  4 s 2  5s  2

( s  1) 2 ( s  2)
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Question #1.20 [HW]
For the block diagram shown in Fig. 1.20, do the following:
a) Obtain the total transfer function, T(s) = C(s)/R(s) by using block diagram reduction
b) From this block diagram signal obtain and draw Signal Flow Graph (SFG).
c) Obtain the total transfer function T(s) = C(s)/R(s) by using Masons’s gain formula.

Fig. 1.20

Question #1.21
For the control system described by Signal Flow Graph (SFG) shown in Fig.1.21, perform
the following:
a) Obtain the total transfer function C(s)/R(s) by using Masons’s gain formula.
b) From this signal flow graph (SFG), obtain and draw the equivalent block diagram.
c) Using block diagram reduction method, obtain the total transfer function C(s)/R(s).

Fig. 1.21 A Control System SFG

a) Mason’s Signal Flow Graph Gain Formula to determine the transfer function T(s) of a
closed loop control system is:

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Y (s) k p k  k
T (s)  
R(s) 
∆ = 1 – Σ(All different loop gains)
+ Σ(Gain products of all combinations of two non-touching loops)
- Σ(Gain products of all combinations of three non-touching loops)
+ …
Pk : The paths connecting the input R(s) and the output Y(s)
∆k : is ∆ with the loops touching the kth path removed
1. Calculate forward path transfer function Pk for each forward path k.
1 1 1
P1  5   2  2 and P2  20 (3) 
40 60
ss s s s
2. Calculate all loop TF’s as:
4 5  1  1   20 1  60
L1  , L2  , L3  20  2 1  2 and L4  20 (3) 1 
s s  s  s  s s s
3. L1 and L2 are nontouching loops.
4. Calculate Δ as:
 4 5 20 60   4 5
  1  L1  L2  L3  L4   ( L1 L2   1      2      x    1 
69 80

 s s s s   s s s s2
5. Calculate Δk for each forward path as:
1  1 and  2  1
6. The TF of the system is calculated as:
40 60

C ( s ) P11  P2  2 2
s  60s  40  20(3s  2)
T ( s)    s
R( s)  1
69 40 s 2  69s  40 s 2  69s  80

s s2
b) The equivalent block diagram is shown below:

c) Using block diagram reduction method

1. Moving a pickoff point behind the block

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2. Eliminating the feedback loops: (1/s and 2), (1/s and 3) and Parallel (s and 5) we get:

3. Combing the four blocks in Cascade, we get:

4. Similarly eliminating the third feedback loop we get:

20(3s  2)
( s  4)( s  5) 20(2s  3) 20(2s  3)
T ( s)     2
20(2s  3) ( s  4)( s  5)  20(2s  3) ( s  69s  80)
( s  4)( s  5)

Question #1.22 [HW]

For the signal flow graph (SFG) shown in Fig. 1.20, do:
a) Obtain the total transfer function C(s)/R(s) by using Masons’s gain formula.
b) From this signal flow graph (SFG), obtain and draw the equivalent block diagram.
c) Using block diagram reduction method, obtain the total transfer function C(s)/R(s).

Solution as
Fig. 1.22 A system Signal Flow
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