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Duties of
Instrument Technician
Instruemnt Supervisor
What are the duties of an Instrument Technician, Senior Technician & Supervisor?
(T=Tasks & ST=Sub-Tasks)

1. Daily Routine Checks.
2. Identifying the Problems and preparing to work.
3. Maintenances (Emergency / Daily - Unplanned & Annual Maintenance - Planned)
4. Performing Up-Grading and Modification work.
5. Follow up the Health & Safety Procedures.
6. Carry out administration work.
7. Carry out training and re-training.
8. Awareness of Hazards and Safeties.
9. Education and Salary package.


 T1: Checking Operation Log book.

ST1-1 Checking remarks written in daily operation log book.
ST1-2 Checking of daily work cards.

 T2: Carryout Activities.

ST2-1 Discuss and coordinate with operation.
ST2-2 If required discusses and coordinates with safety department.

 T3: Documents & Readings.
ST3-1 Changing of Charts / printer papers.
ST3-2 Checking Trends & Reading of different type processes.
ST3-3 Changing of Ink pads, Cartridges & Memory Cards.

 T4: Checking of Annunciation Panels / Window.

ST4-1 Checking of annunciation loops / window.
ST4-2 Replacing of Faulty & Burnt LED / Fuse.
ST4-3 Replacing of faulty annunciation PCBs / Digital I/O cards.

 T5: Repairing of Daily Recording Equipments.

ST5-1 Servicing & Repairing of Faulty printers.
ST5-2 Servicing & Repairing of Counters & Integrators (If Old).

 T6: Checking of abnormal sounds.

ST6-1 Checking of abnormal Sound of High Pressure Steam local instruments.
ST6-2 Checking of abnormal Sound of water flow & air flow.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008
 T7: Checking of leakage in field equipments.
ST7-1 Checking of water leakage in local instruments.
ST7-2 Checking of Gases leakage. (Fuel Gas & Chlorine Gas).
ST7-3 Checking of instrument air leakage.
ST7-4 Checking of fuel oil leakage.
ST7-5 Checking of chemical leakage.

 T8: Checking of high heated areas.

ST8-1 Checking of wiring condition in instrument panels.
ST8-2 Checking of smoke in instrument Cabinets.



 T1: Checking of tripping signals and alarms.

T1-1 Find the reasons of tripping and alarms.
T1-2 Checking timing of tripping and alarms.

 T2: Discuss, Action Taken by Operator.

T2-1 Discuss what happened before tripping and what indications appeared.
T2-2 Discuss technical actions taken against the problem faced by operator.

 T3: Discuss the problem with Inst. Supervisor / Inst. Engineer.

ST3-1 Discuss and review the trends of recording system before tripping.
ST3-2 Discuss the alarms appeared on enunciator before and after tripping.
ST3-3 Take the permit from operation to check & test the trouble.

 T4: Obtain relevant information from drawings.

ST4-1 Check the annunciation drawing in case of falls alarm.
ST4-2 Check the analog drawing and analyze the analog signals.
ST4-3 Check the logic / interlock diagrams related to the trouble.

 T5: Pre-Diagnosing technical test with standard test procedures.

ST5-1 Check and test the annunciation circuit related to the problem.
ST5-2 Check the field equipment response related to the trouble.
ST5-3 Check the air related field equipment related to the trouble.
ST5-4 Check the leak test of air operated equipment related to trouble.
ST5-5 Check the relay contacts or D/O contacts related to the problem.
ST5-6 Check the analog signal from the field equipment’s and analog
modules or A/I cards.

 T6: Area of trouble after conclusion of the technical test.

ST6-1 Trouble record in the control room equipments.
ST6-2 Trouble record in the field equipment.
ST6-3 Trouble record in the pneumatic equipment.
ST6-4 Mechanically trouble in the field equipment.

 T7: Type of maintenance required to work.

ST7-1 Discuss with maintenance Engineer; the work should be completed in
emergency / short term maintenance.
ST7-2 Discuss with maintenance Engineer; the work should be completed in annual
maintenance / long term maintenance.

 T8: Preparation to work and ready for maintenance.

ST8-1 Prepare the work plan.
ST8-2 Prepare the team to work.
ST8-3 Prepare the tools required for maintenance.
ST8-4 Prepare the spares to be used for maintenance.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008
ST8-5 Request the work permit for maintenance.
ST8-6 Request the safety clearance from safety department (If required).
ST8-7 Check the hazards and dangers during maintenance.
ST8-8 Take precautions and preemptive actions against hazards and dangers.
ST8-9 Use protective clothes (PPE) during maintenance.
ST8-10 Put warning signs and tags and cordon off area by tape.
ST8-11 Put “OFF” the Mobile Telephones, Pagers or Wireless before starts work.


DYTY (3) MAINTENANCE. (Emergency / Daily & Annual)

(Emergency/Daily - Unplanned & Annual Maintenance - Planned)

 T1: Obtain relevant information.

ST1-1 Referring to log book. (Defect reports & history)
ST1-2 Referring to the service manuals & Drawings.
ST1-3 Check the availability of spares parts related to the maintenance.
ST1-4 Getting maintenance schedule or work permit.

 T2: Carry out maintenance survey.

ST2-1 Obtain work plan for survey.
ST2-2 Insure the availability of tools / Equipments for survey.
ST2-3 Arrange the man power required for Survey.
ST2-4 Follow the survey procedures.
ST2-5 Daily maintenance progress Reports.
ST2-6 Differentiate the type of maintenance (Short Term / Major Maintenance.)

 T3: Carry out work preparations.

ST3-1 Estimate man power requirement.
ST3-2 Arrange the different type tools, equipments & Spare parts.
ST3-3 Use the safety equipments related to the work.

 T4: Carry out emergency maintenance.

ST4-1 Respond to emergency as quick as possible.
ST4-2 Obtain detailed information of emergency.
ST4-3 Obtain work permit & Safety clearance.
ST4-4 Obtain isolation or put the system on manual (As required)
ST4-5 Carry out the emergency maintenance and complete the work.
ST4-6 Normalize the system and cancel the work permit.
ST4-7 Record the work activities in record book.

 T5: Carry out maintenance by Local staff.

ST5-1 Obtain work permit A/M schedule .
ST5-2 Obtain safety clearance certificate. (If required).
ST5-4 Isolate concerned instrument (Electrically & Mechanically).
ST5-5 Allocate the technical teams on different works.
ST5-6 Perform the maintenance work according to procedure.
ST5-7 Normalize the instrument / system after completion the work.
ST5-8 Record the maintenance activities and compile.

 T6: Contractor maintenance work. (Annual Maintenance).

ST6-1 Check the test equipments and work procedures having by contactors.
ST6-2 Check the company safety rules.
ST6-3 Check the copy of annual maintenance schedule and work permit.
ST6-4 Co-Ordinate maintenance works with contractor.
ST6-5 Give assistance to the contractor maintenance team.
ST6-6 Insure that Standard procedures are followed.
ST6-7 Quality of work should be maintained.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008
ST6-7 Inform daily progress to supervisor.
ST6-8 Check the test equipment certification from standard testing company.
ST6-9 Checks the error of each instrument should be minimum or less than
standard error.

 T7: Commissioning & Sequence Test after completion of maintenance.

ST7-1 Inform concern department, the completion of maintenance.
ST7-2 Put all the instruments in service (Electrically & Mechanically).
ST7-3 Start the commissioning with help of Operation & other sections.
ST7-4 Perform on line function test.
ST7-5 Carry out sequence test with co-operation of operation & other sections.
ST7-6 Co-operate to start up the system in sequence.
ST7-7 Obtain formal approval to handover.

 T8: Documentation of completed maintenance work.

ST8-1 Compiles calibration sheets / check sheets.
ST8-2 Prepare the quality assurance reports.
ST8-3 Confirm the correctness of billing documents.



 T1: Discuss the reasons, why need to upgrade / modify the system.
ST1-1 Check the conditions of old instruments.
ST1-2 Check the errors showing more than standard error.
ST1-3 Spare parts obsolete and not available in market.
ST1-4 Complete system is obsoleted.

 T2: Collect relevant information.

ST2-1 Logging of defect reports & history.
ST2-2 Collect engineering data of the defective instrument.
ST2-3 Refers to minutes of meeting.

 T3: Define nature of work.

ST3-1 Software related work.
ST3-2 Hardware related work.
ST3-2 Estimate duration of the work (Short term / Long term)
ST3-4 Estimate plant shut down losses

 T4: Suggestions to determine of more appropriate approach / Technology.

ST4-1 Suggest suitable and reliable technology.
ST4-2 Recommend new or alternate instruments / System.
ST4-3 Recommend appropriate procedures / methods.

 T5: Carry out work preparations.

ST5-1 Estimate man power requirement.
ST5-2 Arrange the different type of tools and equipment.
ST5-3 Arrange the material to be in install.
ST5-4 Arrange the relevant manuals and drawings.
ST4-5 Carry out the site inspection.

 T6: Carry out Up-Grading / Modification work as per Schedule.

ST6-1 Refer to work schedule.
ST6-2 Allocate work activities to the team members.
ST6-3 Obtain authorization (Work permit & Safety clearance)
ST6-4 Carry out work as work plan.
ST6-5 Record the work progress on daily bases.
ST6-6 Follow up the standard procedure of installation.
ST6-7 Follow up the company safety / health rules.
ST6-8 Maintain cleaning and tiding work place.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008
 T7: Carry out performance of the team.
ST7-1 Check progress of the team.
ST7-2 Consult with team on daily bases.
ST7-3 Check the quality of work done.

 T8: Commissioning the completed projects.

ST8-1 Commissioning team should check the hardware of the system.
ST8-2 Change the parameters is required for system.
ST8-3 Complete the sequence test and record activities.
ST8-4 Put the system in service & performs the reliability test.
ST8-5 Hand-over the responsibilities to the relevant section.

 T9: Documentation of finished Upgraded / Modified project.

ST9-1 Request to modify the Drawings, Diagrams.
ST9-2 Provide the explanation to the other departments of there comments.
ST9-3 Update the annual maintenance schedule.
ST9-4 Prepare activities report and compile them.
ST9-5 Hand-over the as built all documents to authorities.



 T1: Obtain the relevant health and safety procedure.
ST1-1 Request and obtain the health & safety regulations from company.
ST1-2 Request and obtain the safety legislations.

 T2: Attend safety training course.

ST2-1 Attend in-service course.
ST2-1 Attend external training course.
ST2-3 Attend first aid training course.
ST2-3 Should participate in safety drills.

 T3: Identify the safety requirements for the specified job.

ST3-1 Specify the nature of job.
ST3-2 Refer and study the safety regulations.
ST3-3 Arrange the required safety equipments.

 T4: Ensure that subordinates follow the safety procedures.

ST4-1 Ensure the subordinates have knowledge of safety procedure.
ST4-2 Observe the correct and wrong safety behavior.
ST4-3 Request to training department for special training if required.

 T5: Maintain work environments in safe conditions.

ST5-1 Maintain cleanliness and tidiness of work place.
ST5-2 Mark the dangerous area and cordon it.
ST5-3 Place the warning signs in work area.

 T6: Attend the victims of miner accident.

ST6-1 Provide the “First Aid” to the victims.
ST6-2 Inform the safety department.
ST6-3 Inform the emergency services.
ST6-4 Inform the Inst. Engineer and Inst. Section Head.

 T7: Prepare the accident report.

ST7-1 Prepare the near miss (before accident) report.
ST7-2 Compile the comprehensive accident report.
ST7-3 Submit report to safety department.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008


 T1: Organize the office work.

ST1-1 Observe the filling structure in office.
ST1-2 Maintain the stationary for office use.

 T2: Carry out correspondences.

ST2-1 Respond the phone calls.
ST2-2 Communicate the Faxes, E-mails, what’s App messages.

 T3: Skill of computer applications.

ST3-1 Have knowledge of computer applications.
ST3-2 Can operate and understands the ms office.
ST3-3 Can prepare different reports on computer.
ST3-4 Understand the system software application of the plant.
ST3-5 Understand the graphic applications on HMI.

 T4: Prepare the reports.

ST4-1 Regular works plane reports.
ST4-2 Recoding of daily log book.
ST4-3 Preparing daily work reports.
ST4-4 Preparing incident and accident reports.

 T5: Attending meetings.

ST5-1 Attending the section meetings.
ST5-2 Attending departmental meetings.
ST5-3 Preparing the minutes of meetings.

 T6: Assists in planning.

ST6-1 Assists in schedule planning for work.
ST6-2 Assist in efficiency and productivity planning.

 T7: Organizing work activities.

ST7-1 Allocate work activities to team.
ST7-2 Logistic sports to the team.

 T8: Assist in stock control.

ST8-1 Check the available spares parts quantities in store.
ST8-2 Check the conditions of equipments.
ST8-3 Prepare request for replacement if required.
ST8-4 Check the “NIL” balance in the store.
ST8-5 Prepare the Request for Material (RFM) to purchase.



 T1: Intact about latest technology developments.

ST1-1 Should to read professional magazines.
ST1-2 Can search by computer through internet.
ST1-3 Stay in-contact with manufacturers.

 T2: Participate in training courses

ST2-1 Attend employer organized training courses.
ST2-2 Attend brand manufactured training course.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008
 T3: Attend Works Shops / Seminars / Exhibitions
ST3-1 Obtain relevant information.
ST3-2 Request and take approval from seniors to attend relevant events.
ST3-2 Attend professional relevant events.

 T4: Share knowledge with colleges

ST4-1 Discuss latest technical developments in the market.
ST4-2 Perform technical professional presentations.
ST4-3 Exchange information’s by CDs, Manuals or Internet.

 T5: Identify that training need junior staff

ST5-1 Observe the work performance of each technician.
ST5-2 Consult with concern person.
ST5-3 List them and suggest training need.

 T6: Perform training of junior staff

ST6-1 Carry work place oriental training.
ST6-2 Carry out site training.
ST6-3 Provide the sport and assistance.

 T7: Request for Further Retraining / Upgrading

ST7-1 Compile training program with the help of seniors.
ST7-2 Request to participate in training / retraining program.




 T1: Incase of Fire.

ST1-1 Evacuate the peoples.
ST1-2 Check the causalities.
ST1-3 Call emergency services.
ST1-4 Extinguish fire if possible.

 T2: Incase of Gas Leakage
ST1-1 Evacuate the peoples.
ST2-2 Use gas mask.
ST2-3 Activate alarms & siren.
ST2-4 Call the safety and operation departments.

 T3: Incase of accident

ST3-1 Check the type of injury (Miner / Major)
ST3-2 Administrate fist aid if possible.
ST3-3 Call emergency services.

 T4: Incase of electric shock

ST4-1 Disconnect the power supply.
ST4-2 Attend to victim and provide first aid (if possible).
ST4-3 Call the safety and electrical departments.

 T5: High pressure Facilities

ST5-1 In case of leakage, Evacuate the peoples.
ST5-2 Call the operation department to isolate.

 T6: High Temperatures Facilities.

ST6-1 Evacuate the peoples from dangerous area.
ST6-2 Check the insulation of local piping (May be damaged)
ST6-3 Call the concern department.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008


 Workers should have knowledge about dangers and hazards.

 Hazards areas clearly High-Lighted with signs.
 Workers should have knowledge about commonly used warning labels and signs.
 Workers should get First Aid training.
 Emergency services should be available at sight.
 Practical Safety Drill should be hold time to time.
 Instrument Engineer & Supervisor should calculate Risk Assessment against dangers and save all
staff in the instrument sections even contractor staff.

 T1: Industrial or site work safety facilities.

T1-1 Plant related fire fighting system should be available.
T1-2 Plant related fire extinguishers should be available.
T1-3 Gas alarm system should be available.
T1-4 Portable gas detectors and tester should available.
T1-5 Gas masks should be available.
T1-6 Oxygen Cylinders should be available.
T1-7 Safety suits should be available. (In case of chemical leakage)

 T2: Fire preventing control measures.

T2-1 Fire extinguishers should be located at different places in the plant
and should be maintained regularly.
T2-2 Labels & warning signs should be in placed.
T2-3 Gas area restricted to use lighters, Mobile phones & sparking tools.
T2-4 Use special tools in critical area (non sparking tools like brass tools)
T2-5 Standard safety procedures should be available.
T2-6 Working area should be clean and tidy.
T2-7 Protective clothes (PPE) should be used during work.

 T3: Electrical shocks preventing measures.

T3-1 Electrical appliances & devices must be well earthed.
T3-2 Electrical cables insulation must be in good conditions.
T3-3 Antistatic belts to be used where necessary.
T3-4 Specially insulated tools to be used where necessary.

 T4: High Pressure Facilities

ST4-1 Must wear protective clothes.
ST4-2 Pressure gauges must be installed.
ST4-3 Emergency shutdown system should be installed.

 T5: High Temperatures Facilities.

ST5-1 Use high temperature resistance gloves / clothes.
ST5-2 Temperature measuring instruments must be installed.
ST5-3 Insulate the high heated equipments.

 T6: High Magnetic Field

ST6-1 Keep the people away.
ST6-2 Put the warning signs.
ST6-3 Use the anti magnetic equipments.

 T7: High Sound Area.

ST7-1 Evacuate the peoples.
ST7-2 Use the ear mask / ear plugs.

 T8: In case of Accidents.

ST8-1 First Aid Kit must be available and well maintained.
ST8-2 Work in teams where necessary.
ST8-3 Must know the relevant Phone Nos. to safety section & First Aid section.
ST8-4 Emergency exits must be clearly marked in different areas.
ST8-5 Maintain cleanliness and tidy at work place.

Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008

(9) Salary package for Instrument Technician

1. Education
(a) 3 Year Diploma of Associate Engineering in Instrument Technology.
(b) 3 Year Diploma of Associate Engineering in Electrical or Electronics Technology.
(c) 3 Year Diploma of Associate Engineering in Mechatronic Technology. (Mechanical
engineering with electronics, computer systems) Combined Technology of Mechanical,
Electronically & computerized operated instruments.
(d) 3 Year Diploma of Associate Engineering in Computer Since.
(e) Or Equivalent education.
 Attested by Board of Technical Education.
 Attested by ministry of foreign affairs. (If required)
 Attested by embassy of the foreign country. (If Required)
 Attested by ministry of foreign affair. (If Required).

(f) Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) + Minimum 2 years’ practical

experience in Instrument field.
(g) Secondary School Certificate. (SSC) + 2-year certificate in Instrument technology
from polytechnic institute + 2years practical experience in instrument field.
(h) Or Equivalent Education.
 Attested by Board of Intermediate & Secondary School Education or Board of
Technical Education.
 Attested by ministry of foreign affairs. (If required)
 Attested by embassy of the foreign country. (If required)
 Attested by ministry of foreign affair of the foreign country. (If Required)
 Having good knowledge and skill in his practical field.

2. Salary.
(a) Should starts from Basic: --------------- / Month + Allowances
Details of allowances: 1- House Allowance.
2 - Medical Allowance.
3 - Food Allowance.
4 - Transport allowance.

(NOTE: Salary will depend on the Technical Knowledge, Skill and Capability)

(b) Increment: ----------- / YEAR


Prepared by: Farooq Ali Chaudhry (Senior Instrument Supervisor (DEPS) MEW Kuwait.
Duties of Instrument Technician Senior Technician & Instrument Supervisor.
Completed on 29/05/2008

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