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The task of public relation officers in Local Government Area in particular

is enormous and demanding. This institution constitutes the pivot with

which the wheel of any government and organization rotate in Local

Government Areas, the duties of these public relations officers are very

complex because the rural masses which is the bane of their duties are found

in the sub-urban towns, and homestead. Some are accessible by road, some

by boats and some impossible to reach. These people in the locating are

largely illiterate, poor and generally disadvantaged in terms of modern living

and working conditions with special regards to communicates unlike their

counterparts, they are not always local and have no television set.

Before a responsible government or organization takes pain to explain its

action and motive, it should be aware of and concern itself about public

opinion and attitude. Unless the government or private organization is

responsible to it public, it will not be able to justify the purpose for which it
has been establish. As result the government should embark on mass

education of the people on the need to develop their rural communities with

government playing some roles. The government should organize seminars,

workshop, symposia and conference at different governmental and

community level to stimulate interest among people.

The result of this sensitization will enhance responsible public relation

officers in the local government which will be able to explain the function

and duties of such organization as NDDC, SPDC, FEPA etc, to the people in

the grass root. This in turn will reduce the incessant strife, arm build up in

the Niger - Delta. Through such enlightenment, these organization will

know their social responsibilities functions to the host. Community in which

they operate.

The enlightenment of the people would be easier for government agencies,

of it develops programmes such as MAMSER, DERRI, if it develops better.

Life for rural women and family support programme for rural women and

other agencies to liaise effectively with public relation advocate, says that

one of the major gains in public relations officers in the Local Government

Areas is that it established a strong community relationship bond within

their communities.

The government in the locality uses the public relations officers to sensitized

the people at the grass roots, to acquaint them with the danger associated

with the dread (AIDS) and plot infection disease. It also encourages the

development of interest groups, public spirited individuals and organization

to give scholarship to the children of Nigeria.


The study observe that one of the major problem noticed during the course

of this study was that the public relations department in Ogwashi-uku,

Aniocha South Local Government is not given proper attention. The public

relations officers in the local government are only needed when the local

government needs to exposed to the public in one way or the other, after

which they are no longer recognized. Public relations practitioners and

management frequently disagree as to its function and objectives.

Public relations officers complained that management does not inform them

on important matters or consult them in policy making plans with significant

aspects. Management content that public relations affairs know little or

nothing about cooperate opinion of the importance of public relation.

In addition to the above problems, they are also some problems in Nigeria.

There is problem of code of professional standards quakes and lack of

adequate educational facilities to train public relation officers.


The general objectives is to examine the role of public relation officers,

especially in Ogwashi-uku, Aniocha South. Specific objectives include:

1. To evolve and execute an executive information flow between the

government and people.

2. To keep the public well informed about the government and their

work, policy, plans and activities, as well as help secure understanding and

cooperative action in furthering government aims.

3. To keep the government informed about the general public relation


4. To identify the public relation techniques currently used by the state

government and information ministry.

5. To evaluate the usefulness of current public relations officers

techniques and communication strategies used and examine the media

available in the local government and their appropriateness for various

segment of the public.


1. What is the relevance of public relations officers in the administration

of an organization and government of Nigeria?

2. What are the various public relations communication techniques and

strategies used by the information ministry of the Ogwashi-uku, Aniocha

South Local Government for reaching its numerous public?

3. What are the traditional functions of the public relations officers

practitioners in the context of cooperate management?


This study is embarked upon to bridge gap of communication between the

local government, the state and the federal government. It will also enhance

and fill the widening gap of perception of public relations, strategies in the

administration of local government in Nigeria and in Ogwashi-uku, Aniocha

South Local Government in particular for the following reasons:

1. The study will help the Aniocha South Local Government

administration and the general public in the locality in the act of deliberate

planning and proper execution of their communication strategies to

achieving the desired result.

2. All the three tier of government that is federal, state and local

government will also benefit from this study by way of their local

government area.

3. This study will also help students and scholars in undertaking courses

in areas of public relations, communication strategies, political campaign

management and acts as a sort of model for image building.

4. The study will help to reveal the services of the public relations

officers which has been neglected over the years in the administration of

most governments establishment in general and Ogwashi-uku, Aniocha

South Local Government in particular. Above all, the study will motivate

other researchers to further on the topic.


The study is concern with role of public relation officers in the local

government administration in Nigeria with particular reference to Ogwashi-

uku, Aniocha South Local Government Area.


Certain intervening factors were envisage and indeed some of them will

experience in this course of this project exercise. This research work has not

been able to go further but beyond this limit due to the following reasons:

i. Financial difficulties

ii. Time factor

iii. Respondents attitudes

iv. Distance

v. Power outrage

Financial difficulties: There are places the researchers ought to retrieve

some information from, but due to financial difficulties, the researchers

consulted diverse books instead of going these places.

Time factor: Time is not enough for this project writing, because of the short

period given to submit the project work.

Respondents attitudes: The respondents attitude towards the research work is

not encouraging because most of them are not ready to give adequate

information as required while others, their level of illiteracy and ignorance.

Distance: As a result of the distance of the research gathering, that is far

from writing of the project, much data is not carried out but books are

consulted in order to write the project.

Power outrage: Persistent power outrage by Benin Electricity Distribution

Company (BEDC) in the study area during the process of putting the

materials together, cumulating various constant power outrage, eyes were

strained by the use of candlelight and local lantern and as a result of that

longer time was spent.


For clarity, the following terms required some explanation.

1. NDDC: Niger Delta Development Commission, to provide

infrastructural basic amenities to the oil producing areas and other remote


2. SPDC: Shell Petroleum Development Company Limited, this

organization is the major oil prospecting company in Nigeria.

3. FEPA: Federal Environmental Protection Agency.

4. DERRI: Directorate of Food Road and Rural Infrastructure.

5. MAMSER: Mass Mobilization for social justice and Economic




Local Government Administration in Nigeria. The term of Local

Government Administration in Nigeria has attracted serious attention both

nationally and internationally since the great reform of 1776. Incidentally it

was this reform in question that opened the rural area to any meaningful

development in terms of in-put that could be gained from the federation

account (Awotokun (2005, p. 129). Studies have identified the various

challenges facing Local Government Administration in Nigeria. For

example, Igbuzor (2007, p 1) says the problem of governance particularly at

the local level has been a recurring decimal in the political history of

Nigeria. Local Government in Nigeria started during the colonial era when it

was vested in traditional rulers and it operated in a very undemocratic

manner. Over the years, effort have been made to democratize Local

Government and make it more response to developmental needs. The

problems of Local Government in Nigeria have been documented and they

include among other things, inadequate planning , poor implementation of

policies, inadequate revenue, corruption and mismanagement, lack of

adequate manpower, lack of autonomy, lack of participation by the people

and intergovernmental conflict. Adeyemo (2005, p.77) has identified lack of

training and retraining of staff. Anele K.A. and Omoro, J.O (2008, p.398)

believe that there are too much unnecessary interferences in the Local

Government Administration especially by the state Government. These

problems showed that there are problems of governance issues. Over the

years, efforts have been made to reform the local government system and

increase the participation of the people. Despite those reforms, the problems

with the local government system persist. However, these problems are not

unique to the local government. They are also prevalent at the state and

federal levels. As a way of recommending solution to these problems,

Igbuzor (2007, p.7) posits that what is needed is expansion of democratic

space, entrenchment of democratic culture and the promotion of good

governance, transparency and accountability. Scholars and practitioners of

Local Government over the years have been confronted with the question of

the desirability or otherwise of Local Government. Various arguments have

been advanced for the need of local government. It has been argued that

local people will understand the problems confronting them more than other

people and will be in better position to address the problems (Igbuzor, 2002,

p.19). in addition, it will well established that people are prone to restoring

imposition from above. Local Government therefore provides opportunity

for people to determine who should govern them at the level. Finally, Local

Government promotes personal liberty and participation of the people in

governance. This is particularly important as it has been documented that

participation by citizens is not only crucial for democracy and development

but also that when citizens participate in the planning, execution, utilization

and assessment of social amenities or facilities designed to improve their

welfare success of those efforts are assured. Closely related to the above is

the need to train people in the act of governance. It has been argued that

Local Government serves as training ground for leaders whom will

subsequently move to state and federal levels. This is why local government

has been described as "nurseries of democracy". This is particularly

important in developing countries like Nigeria, which have been under long

years of colonial and military rule in the very limited experience in

democratic governance (Igbuzor, 2002 p.19). there have been postulation by

schools of thought. On the justification of Local Government creation. There

exist two base classes of thought. The first class, (Democratic participatory

school) attempts to justify the existence or need for local government on the

basis of its being essential to a democratic regime or for practical

administrative purposes like responsiveness, accountability and control.

While the second class (the efficient service school) opined that an effective

local government system contradict the purpose of a democratic regime

(Adeyemo, 2005, p.78).


It is pertinent to note that both government and non-government

organization have all embraced the use of public relations which

encompasses some strategies. These strategies are deliberately planned,

systematic and research based activities of organization, individual marketer

or a nation: they aimed at building and sustaining productive mutual

relations with the public, such as business organizations and others, the

primary function of public relations strategies are sponsorship programmes

in the mass media, press launch, exhibition, bookshops, press reception,

trade fair, facility visit, open day, conference, seminar, aid and grant,

external publicity, cultural relations, programmes, scholarship awards and

advertisement, information centers, meetings and lecture and films (Blacis,

2004, p151, Nworgu and Ekpem, 2011, p.276). these strategies can be

applied to Local Government Administration by the public relations unit, in

furtherance to the above, Black (2004, p150) says the local press is easily

the most effective means of communication between a council and the

citizen and therefore, "it is desirable that everything possible should be done

to establish and maintain good relations with the local editors. "Again, Black

(2004, p.149) believes that the most important single aspect of public

relations will always be the personal contact between the members and

officers of a local authority and the citizens they serve Local Government is

created for administrative expediency. It is a channel through which policies

are communicated and implemented.

Many studies agree that PRS is an indispensable tool for both public and

private sector organization. For instance, a study conducted by Soeze

showed that PRS plays a central role in achieving specific objectives at all

level in tertiary institutions by focusing, reinforcing and communicating

effective message to resolve conflict between government and academic

staff union in Nigeria (Soeze, 2006, p.36). Assay (2010, p.47) also looked at

PRS role in crisis management in tertiary institution in Delta State, Nigeria.

His work showed that many crisis in tertiary institution in Nigeria are a

result of poor handling of PRS practice. However, findings from the study

revealed that negotiation (44%) coercion (40%) and mediation (16%) were

the various strategies employed by institutions in Nigeria to prevent and

managed crisis. In a study of public perceptions of PRS practice in Nigeria

universities, Oboh and Enobakhare (2010, p.316) revealed that 83% Nigeria

university students perceived the practice of PRS in a positive light.

Owolabi (2007, p.243) has a study of professionalism, ethics and public

relations in a depressed economy. He argues that government in part of the

world failed to employ PRS during the depression to help its public

understand the state of the economy. Disiugwu (2011, p49) did an elaborate

work on public relations approach to crisis management. Therein, he argued

that man y organizations (including government/publics ones) are yet to

realize the importance of public relations and the roles its practitioners could

play in the formulation of organization, government policies, and the overall

shaping of organization reputation and outlook. It is for this Black (2001,

p.3) says that the purpose of public relations practice is to establish a two

way communication to resolve conflict of interest by seeking common

ground or areas of mutual interest, and to establish understanding based on

truth, knowledge and full information many organization in Nigeria are

beginning to recognize the rule of PRS as a management function aimed at

creating a favourable image through effective communication and prompt

actions for the purpose of selling company's goods and services to the

various public (Nworgu 2011, p.251) this implies that PRS is a management

function, coming friends for an organization, retaining those friends and

building internal and external goodwill on reasonable assumption that

strongly needed for an organization in whatever business it is engaged in, so

as to grow and prosper in it.

Indeed, these are numerous studies on PRS but much has been done on PRS

and its influence on Local Government Administration in Nigeria.

However, few studies within our reach showed that PRS is effective for

enabling conflict free environment in Local Government Administration in

Nigeria. For instance, Onyenyoli Nnorah (2005, p.45) has identified the
problems of PRS in Local Government Administration in Nigeria. He says

PRS technique is employed in Local Administration only when it is

convergent like in times of crisis. Black (2004, p.24) has identified failure of

the government to provide knowledge and understanding of government

programmes, policies and actions through PRS to the public as one of the

problem affecting PRS in Local Government administration in

administration in addition, lack of accountability, lack adequate resource

transfer to local government to finance their expenditure responsibilities and

over-dependence of local government on federal transfers has undermined

local accountability and created perverse incentives at the local level to

misallocate publics resources. These problems had led to poor health care

service delivery and other services at the local level (Lalemani, 2004, p.2)

failure to understand the functions of local government council sprung from

the misconception and misunderstanding of PRS practice for instance, PRS

practitioners are faced with problem of practicing in an environment where

most people do not understand or have awareness of their functions, neither

are they ready to accept PRS as a professional. The failure of the local

government in the area of service delivery has made the citizens to lose trust

in government as an institution. Arong (2010, p.68) observe acute dearth of

trained local government public relations officers as a problem. He says that

local government has gone on without any specialized agency taking care of

this important aspect of public co-ordinate public relations has been seen as

management functions which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the

policies and procedures of an organization into the public interest and

executes a programme of action and communication (Nworgu, 2011, p.252).

The functions of public relations in any organization including local

government are: information and communication dissemination, advisory or

counseling; corporate strategies and policy formulation; event marketing,

protocol function; community relation; employee relations, marketing

support and financial relations (Nworgu 2011, p.252). These functions are

also important for local government administration.



Like the previous constitutions, that is 1979 and 1989, the constitution is

purely military in terms of its conception. It was not a people's inspired

constitution and that was one point which its detractors nursed against it. It

can be safely said that the said constitution contained the seed of its own

destruction. Be that as it may, in terms of it (1999 constitution) relation to

the local government administration in Nigeria, one can say that the

constitution preserve the tripartite system of government at the grass root

level, that is, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. There is one

important thing to note from the onset, that is, local government as a

political institution has come to stay in the political landscape of Nigeria.

This is because the 1999 constitution has recognized its existence. The 1999

constitution has certain functions to be performed by every local

government in the federation. This is contained in the fourth schedule of the

constitution as follows:

1. The main function of the local government council are as follows:

a) The consideration and the making of recommendation for a state

commission on economic planning or any similar body on;

i. The economic development of the state, particularly in so far as the

areas of authority of the council and of the state are affected; and

ii. Proposals made by the said commission or body.

b) Licensing regulations and control of the sale of liquor.

c) Establishment, maintenance and regulation of slaughter houses,

slaughter labs, markets, motor park and public convenience.

d) Naming of roads and streets and numbering of houses.

e) Construction and maintenance of roads, streets, street lighting, drains

and other public highways, parks, gardens, open squares, or such public

facilities as may be prescribed from time to time by the House of Assembly

of a state.

f) Provision and maintenance of public conveniences, sewage and refuse


g) Out-door advertising and warding.

h) Collection of rates, radio and television licenses.

i) Movement and keeping of pets of all description; is

j) Shops and kiosks;

k) Restaurants, bakers and other places for sales of food to the public.

l) Laundries and licensing regulation and control of the sale of liquor.

2. the functions of a local government council shall include participation

of a such council in the government of a state as respects the following


a) The provision and maintenance of health services and;

b) Such other functions as may be conferred on a local government

council by the House of Assembly of the state.

c) The provision and maintenance of primary, adult and vocational


d) The development of agriculture and natural resources, other than the

exploitation of minerals.



Public relation in local government administration can be viewed as public

relation and community relations because the local government exists in the

community and it is the grass root government. It has been buttressed by

Cutlip, center and Broom (2000, p.496) that government public relations

activities may be embraced by terms such as public affairs, public

information and public communication which have developed as a political

and administrative response to achieving various organizational goals in

effect, citizens need full and accurate information on which to base their

daily lives and ultimately asses government records. However, the

presentation of government information and statics like taxation, crime,

education, health, constructions of roads are often contentions (Nworgu,

2011, p.243). that is, government claims do not always match the public

own experience. Because of the peoples lack of faith and believe in the

government to deliver, government at all levels always canvass for popular

understanding, interest and support for its activities. It is for this reasons that

public relations is needed in local government administration in Nigeria to

survey public opinion and garner support for the government. Elaborating on

this, Black (2004, p.140) believes that local government has a important

function, requiring a working partnership between the citizen, elected

councils and permanent officials. Hence, as Black argues, public relations

provides the most effective means of achieving this cooperation.

Government are known for promises. But public relations is about

performance and recognition, public relations takes its root from the basis

principles of mutual understanding, honesty and two-way communication. It

is therefore needed to ensure government performance even in a complex

challenges. Cutlip et al. (2000, p.489) rate that as government becomes more

complex and ubiquitous, the challenges of making citizens involvement and

ensuring that government is responsive to societal needs becomes more

difficult. As well the complexity of public relation work is very apparent in

our society. There is need therefore for public relations in the environment

of local government complex challenge through communication. Nworgu

(2011, p.245) believe that working with local government, town unions,

non-government organizations and community based organizations, makes

public relations very imperative. Studies have identified communications as

an important instrument for local government administration. Basically, the

world cannot live without communication. Sambe (2005, p.1) for example,

says "communication is an integral part of human interaction that manifest

in symbolic and verbal forms". He says communication serves as an

instrument or vehicle of social interaction and provides a means by which

these in business, politics and other professionals act, exchange information

and ideas, develop plans, proposals and policies, make decisions and

managing relationships corroborating the importance of communication in

testing relationship and easy administrative organization like the local

government management, Gambe and Gambe (2002, as cited in Nworgu

(2011, p.260) observe that opportunities for making understanding,

community relations and conflict management and other discoveries have a

duty to keep the citizens informed, particularly in matters which may have

direct bearing on them. For this, "an efficient public relations unit within an

authority (local government) can provide a comprehensive information

service" (Black as above). A study conducted by vaiciuman showed that the

flow of information to the people from the local government is imperative

for relationship management (vaiciuvene, in 2012, p.2).

He argued that public relations and local government relations can occur

through press conferences, information boards, Local newspaper, television

announcement and alike. The most important features about delivering

information are that it must be honest and truthful. Misleading information

only fosters distrust among the community members and the local

government, for re-emerging democracies, obtaining information from the

community members is a more challenging undertaking. Local government

can use suggestion boxes, conduct surveys, and hold general town hall

meetings to hear concerns and ideas, or hold public meeting on a specific

topic. But perhaps, the most effective techniques in obtaining information

and also strengthening democracy is the strategic planning process. Strategic

planning is the view of (Vaiciunene, in 2012, p.2) is

more than a political or public relations tool. It is comprehensive approach

that makes local government and the public work together regularly to solve

community and neighborhood problems, set priorities, make plans and

decisions, design and implement programmes and the public officials, who

provide them create an environment that invites and enable citizens to

participate. When citizens and local government officers work together to

prepare strategic plans, then community need and priorities can be

identified; local government will be able to design programmes and services

that meet the needs of their consified local government will be given access

to community resources; government can manage conflict in the community

better; public support for local government can be built; long term

community building can be developed; a trusting atmosphere between the

local government and the community could be established and a ground for

future elected officials could emerge. In his submission, vaiciunics (as

above) believes that public participation in the local decision making and

governing process is an essential part of democracy. Government are often

categorized as democratic based upon free and fair elections. But democracy

is much more than people's ability to elect their leaders democracy requires

that citizens should have regular opportunities between elections to

communicate their needs to their government, either as individuals or

through civic organizations. By implication, participation by the citizens in

governance is one of the underlying precepts of democracy and modern day

notion of government. Local Government served as avenue through which

the people participate in governance. This is done through participation in

governance. This is done through participation in electoral process and

decision making in the local communities in harmony with the above views,

Black (2004, p.6) observes that democracy cannot function properly without

good public relations. To him, the electorate requires knowledge on how

government functions, information on decisions being made in its name, and

education in order to take full advantage of the facilities and services


There is clearly need for public relation activities to help citizens understand

their privileges and responsibilities under a democratic form of government.

For this reason Black (2004, p.147) highlights the functions of public

relations in local government to include: to keep the citizens informed of the

councils policy and its day-to-day activities; to give citizens an opportunity

of expressing views on important new projects before final decisions are

taken by the council; to enlighten citizens on the way in which the system of

local government works, and to inform them (citizen) of their right and

responsibilities, and finally to promote a sense of civic pride.


A theory is a set of interrelated principles or observations or put together to

explain or clarity an aspect of reality or a phenomenon. This work is

contingent upon theories namely;

i. Cognitive dissonance theory

ii. Relationship management theory


This theory is based on the work done be Festinger in 1957. Cognitive

dissonance is associated with selective perception. The argument for the

selective perception is that each of us tends to perceive and then decode

communication message in the light of our previous experience and current

dispositions, our mood, need, and memories. If this be the case, PRS

practitioners needs to evaluate this and try to change this predispositions and

current dispositions so as to elicit favourable perception. Retention is a

product of selective perception. Most times, we retain and remember only

those aspects of an issue with which we agree or which we support and tend

to do away with the unfavourable information. Drawing a parallel between

this theory and the research, public relations practitioners in local

government council do everything to put their organization in positive light,

they want the public to perceive their council in good light. On the other

hand, the public are suspicious that the intention of public relations is

deceptive and involves some form of covering up. This situation present a

dissonance between the intentions of the public relations department in local

government and its publics.


Public relation is perceived as relationship management and research that

focus on factors that affect organization in public relationship. Relationship

management is an important change in the primary mission of public

relations. This invariably implies that relationship management is about

building bridges between individuals and between an organization and its

various internal and external publics to achieve the desired goodwill,

understanding and good image ( 2012). Indeed, image

building is an important aspect of relationship management. This is why

relationship management is crucial to local government administration.

Effective communication or bridge building between the public and that of

local government administration is one of the main functions of relationship

management. Relationship management utilizes communication strategy

Hunt and Grunig (1984) highlighted six outcomes of relationship

management to include: control (established) mutuality; trust; commitment;

satisfaction; exchange relationship (benefit to both parties) and communal

relationship. Government maintains relationship with people by being more

accessible, open and providing assurances to people that their thoughts and

feelings and give back their feedback on policies. Relationship management

is one of the channels by which people at eh grass root level can express

their various thoughts about local government administration. Applicably,

relationship management as PRS function enables the local government

administration to establish a relationship with the general public as part of

its management or administrative functions. Through effective

communication or PRS techniques, the public may be able to express their

thoughts about the programmes and policies of the local government.

Relationship management enables a two-way relationship between the local

government and its publics. Citizens need full and accurate information on

which to base their lives and ultimately assess a government records. The

PRI practitioners must do everything possible to balance the inconsistency

by driving towards equilibrium in conjunction and affection, bearing in mind

the selectivity can have favourable perception towards the limitation. In all,

both theories imply that the conception and perception people have about

local government administration in (south-south) Nigeria can be corrected

through effective relationship management postulation. Arising from the

reviewed of relevant literature, it is taken that public relations approach can

assist local government authority to anticipate public reaction to proposed

measures; to answer unfair criticism about the council; or to find a measure

of agreement between local residents and the council on what is seemingly

an intractable problem. There are many strategies of public relations that can

be applied to keep a mutual understanding between the local government

and the people. At the heart of this strategies is effective communication as

all times. Public relations unit in the local government will promote healthy

relationship with the citizens and generate enough goodwill if information

gap is reduced to the bareit minimum.


This position is justified on the ground that local government institutions are

neither democratic in their internal operations nor admit a responsiveness,

accountability and control, the above position can also be amplified into

different schools of thought with emphasis on the functional responsibilities

of local government. The democratic school of thought holds their local

government function to bring about democracy and to afford opportunities

for political participation to the citizens as well as to educate and socialize

them politically. This view point has been corroborating by Bethlucas,

David Buifer and William Machenzei (2003, p.10 as cited in Adeyemis,

2005, p.78) the efficiency school argued that what is central and important

to local government is not the bringing about of democracy but rather that

local government must be judged - by its success in providing services up to

a standard measured by a natural inspectorate. This school of thought is the

developmental school. The school emphasized on how local government i

the developing world can be effective agent of a better life, an improved

means of living, socially and economically and a means to a better share in

the national wealth. In sum, one of the essence of local government creation
is the democratic - participation of the people at the grass root and the

efficiency of natural and human resources. Hence, PR is necessary to help

those at the grass root to participate in governance. There must be mutual

understanding and effective communication systems between the people and

the local authorities of the council. The introduction if constitutional

democracy is 1979 had meant that the functioning of local government in

the federation would be operated along with the constitutions guiding its

existence within the federation system of government. Hence, federalism

from this perception is seen as a mutual agreement between two levels of

government to share power of the state in a formal constitutional or

legislative arrangement. According this context in the 1979 constitution

arrangement, some principles are implied, such as separateness and

independence. This means that the autonomy of each federating unit must be

respected and preserved. Autonomy in this sense presupposes that each

government must exist, not as an appendage in the sense of being able to

exercise its own wills in the conduct of its affairs, free from direction by

another government (Awutokun (2005, p.131). But the local government

administration has never been autonomous from the state and federal




Asika (1991) defines research as any organized inquiry that is aimed at

providing information for solving identified problems. The survey method is

used in this study.

A survey is a social method which focuses on the finding out vital facts of

people, their beliefs, opinion, attitude, motivations and behaviour. It is

defined as a method of collecting primary data, based on communication

with representation sample of the population. Anyanwu (2000).

The survey research method was used in this study. The research describes

and interprets the variable in relation on the study population. The survey

research method was useful in the measurement of public opinions, attitude

among a very large population. Therefore, the survey research method

enables the research to measure respondents opinion or view about the

question asked in the questionnaire.


The population of this study consists of the people in Aniocha South Local

Government. The people in this locality have an estimated population of

161,157 people going by the July 2006 census.


A total number of 400 samples were drawn from the study population, 400

copies of questionnaires were administered to adult teenagers, 200 adults

and 200 teenagers (respondents) making a total of 400 respondents selected.

These respondents comprised different categories of people such as workers,

unemployed and students.


In this study, the random sampling techniques is used; according to Osuka

(1993) the best way to obtain a representative sample is to draw its member

from the population at random.

Ofotokun (2001) says randomization helps social scientists in making

statistical influences about the population under study.


The information and facts were gathered through primary and secondary


i. Primary source: Under this, the researcher collected information

through oral interview.

ii. Secondary source: Through this method, various documents and

texts on rural and community journalism were studied. In the process, the

researcher gained an insight into the contributions or roles of community

media towards rural development.


The analysis of data collected was carried out through the use of percentage

and chi-square test. The formula for percentage is as follows:

A × 100
% = B.1

Where % = percentage A = individual B = sum total of variable


The instrument were given to expert including the project supervisor for

validation. This enables the project supervisor to make some input and

ensure the validity of the questionnaire in order to obtain effective data for

the study.

A test is said to be reliable if its consistency yields the same results when

represented. Measurement of a property is taking of the same entities under

the same conditions. In addition, the reliability of a measuring instrument

can be expressed as the free variance to actual score variance.





In this chapter, the researcher has decided to deal with topic in sections. This

is to facilitate a complete coverage and analysis.

This study is basically devoted to the analysis and interpretation of data

collected. It also shows how data can stimulate of influence the general

behaviour and attitude of the people towards the government.

A total number of 400 copies of questionnaire were administered to adult

and teenagers, 200 adults and 200 teenagers (respondent) making a total of

400 respondents selected.

However, out of the 400 respondents copies of questionnaire distributed,

368 were received from the respondents, adult 195 while teenagers 173

respectively and 355 were correctly answered. The chapter also shows

analytical presentation of tables, discussion follows each tables. The

analysis of data and information gathered during field survey offers answers

to the research questions. This study covers all the villagers of Aniocha

South Local Government of Delta State.

Table 1: Gender Distribution

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Male 244 68.8

Female 111 31.2

Total 255 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

The table above shows that the group of people interbiewed were both men

and women, while (244) or 68.8% respondents were men, (111) or 31.2%

were women respectively.

Table 2: Marital Distribution

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Married 295 83.6

Single 60 16.4

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table shows that out of the (355) respondents (295) or (83.6%)

was married, 60 or (16.4%) was single (unmarried).

Table 3: Educational Distribution

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Tertiary 215 60.8

Secondary 105 29.4

Primary 35 9.8

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table shows that of the (355) respondents (215) or (60.8%) was

graduates and undergraduates of tertiary institutions, (105) or (29.4%)

respondents were secondary school leavers while (35) or (9.8%) respondents

were primary school leavers.

Table 4: Occupation Distribution

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Workers 165 46.4

Unemployed 152 42.8

Students 38 10.8

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

It can be indicated from the above table that (163) respondents or (46%)

were workers (152) or (42.8%) respondents were unemployed while (38)

respondents (10.8%) were students.

Table 5: Age Distribution

Response Category Frequency Percentage

18-28 50 14.4

28-38 120 33.8

38-48 100 28.1

48-58 45 12.6

58 and above 40 11.1

Total 355 100

Source: Field survey, 2020

The table above indicates that 120 respondents or (33.8%) were between the

age of (28-35) years (100) or (28.1%) were between (38-48) years, (50)

respondents or 14% were between (48-58) years, and 40 or 11.1% were

above 58 years.

Table 6: Religion/Belief system distribution

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Christianity 260 73.2

Traditional 80 22.6

None 10 2.8

Islam 5 1.4

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey

This table above shows (260) respondents or (73.2%) were Christianity (60)

respondents or (22.6%) were traditional, (10) respondents or (2.8%) does not

belong to any religion, while (5) respondents or (1.4%) was Muslim.

Table 7: Belief PR Communication Techniques

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Yes 342 96.6

No 13 3.6

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 7 above shows that (342) respondents or (96.6%) believed in public

relations communication techniques while (13) respondents or (3.6%) don

not believe in public relations communication techniques.

Table 8: Medium/Media for reaching the mass audience in the local

government area.

Response Category Frequency Percentage

All the media under 155 43.6

Radio 120 33.9

Television 25 7.1

Newspaper 10 2.8

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey

The above table shows (155) respondents or (43.6%) want all the media

above i.e radio, town crier, television, newspaper, (120) respondents

representing the (33.9%) maintained that the media for reaching the masses

in the local government area is radio. (45) respondents or (12.6%) propose

town crier, (25) respondents or (7.1%) suggested television while 10

respondents or (2.8%) preferred newspaper.

Table 9: Current Effective use of Media

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Not very effective 170 47.8

Very effective 150 42.4

None of the above 35 9.8

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 9 above shows (170) respondents or (47.8%) say public relations

communication in the local government area is not very effective, (150)

respondents or (42.4%) approved the public relations communication

effectiveness in the local government area while (35) or (9.8%) respondents

did not approve its effectiveness.

Table : Those who run the PR Department

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Qualified PR 235 66


Local government

Information officer 68 19.8

Consultant 52 14.2

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

In table 10 above (215) respondents 66% suggested qualified public

relations practitioners to run the PR department in the local government area

(Aniocha South) (68) respondents or (19.8%) prepared local government

information officers to run the department while (52) respondents want

consultants to run the PR department.

Table 11: Size of workers in the department

Response Category Frequency Percentage

15-25 215 60.6

25-35 70 19.7

35-45 49` 13.8

35-45 49 5.9

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

In this table above (215) respondents or, (60.6%) want the size of public

relations officers to be between (15-26) workers, (70) or (19.7%)

respondents preferred the size to be (25-35) workers, (49) or (13.8%)

respondents want the size of public relations department to be between (35-

45) workers while (21) or (5.9%) respondents preferred the size to be less

than (5) workers.

Table 12: The scope of the department

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Research and campaign 175 49.3

Liaison between 43 12-1

government and citizen

Advisory role to the 30 8.5


Mere information tool 22 6.2

Purely research 85 23.

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table shows (175) or 49/.3% respondents suggested the scope of

the public relations department to be reached and campaign oriented, (43) or

(12.1) respondents want liaison (8.5%) respondents preferred the public

relations department to act as an advisory role to the government while (22)

or (6.2%) respondents suggested that the public relations department should

be a mere information tool to the government, (85) or (23.9%) respondents

preferred the public relations department to be purely research department.

Table 13: Realistic budget

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Part of information 245 69.1

Ministry allocation

Separate budgetary 70 19.7


Executive 40 11.2

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 13 above shows (245) or (69,1%) respondents suggesting public

budgeting to be part of information ministry (70) or (19.7%) respondents

preferred separate budgeting allocation while (40) or (11.2%) respondents

suggested executive subvention.

Table 14: Utilization of public recommendation

Response Category Frequency Percentage

Not always 178 50.5

Not aware 124 34.9

Always 33 9.3

None of the above 20 5.3

Total 355 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 14 above shows (178) or (50.5%) respondents say that public relations

recommendation is not always used, (124) or (34.9%) respondents say that

they are not aware whether their recommendation is used, (33) or (9.3%)

respondents admit that the recommendation is used always while (20) or

(5.3%) respondents were neutral.


What is the relevance of public relations officers in the administration of an

organization and government of Nigeria?

Based on the research findings, public relations officers enhance effective

communication, information and dissemination to the grass roots in Aniocha

south Local Government of Delta State, public relations officers help the

government to evaluate and interpret the opinions, attitude and aspirations of

the various publics.

The research findings showed that public relations officers in Nigeria local

government and Aniocha south in particular can combat false information

and propaganda on government and initiate a planned programme of actions

to reverse such negative.

The public relations officer counsel prospecting government on the

development and operations to develop sound relationship with the various

pertinent publics.

What are the functions of the public relations officer practitioners in the

context of corporate management.

The research findings shows that public practitioners build good image

between the government and its publics.

It enhance management of crises other trends that may arise in the day-to-

day operations of government and organization.

The public relation officer practitioners in the context of co-operate have the

ability to plan and execute short medium and long term programme in order

to ensure knowledge and understanding, particularly through dialogue so as

to create an atmosphere of confidence and good will.

The public relations officer know the media best suited to reach the

identified publics.

What are the public relations communication techniques used by the

information ministry of Aniocha South Local Government for reaching its

numerous publics?

The public relation officer techniques used to reach Aniocha South

government and its public are: Radio, Television, Newspaper and town crier



This section evaluate findings gotten from the research. The findings from

this research show the effective public relations officers will enhance growth

in the administrations of local government in Nigeria and particularly

Aniocha South Local Government of Delta State.

Also, the findings indicate that there should be a routine seminars, workshop

and orientation for the public relations officers to enhance their effectiveness

in preventing crisis and through identification and management of issues.

These findings also discharge corruption among the public relations officers.

Furthermore, the various clans of Aniocha South Local Government of Delta

State should adopt the following media in reaching her audience, radio,

television, newspaper and town crier.

Finally, evaluation of the success or failure of public relations officers in

Aniocha South Local Government Area should be done quarterly,

recommending and suggesting areas that need to be improved upon.




This chapter summarize the major findings of the research, make conclusion

and finally make suggestions. It equally discusses area for further research.

The research was designed to critically find at the role of public relations

officers in Nigeria local government areas of Delta State in particular. The

survey research method was used in collecting data for the study. A total

number of 400 copies of questionnaires were administered by hand to both

adult and teenagers in Ogwashi-uku, Aniocha South Local Government


However, 368 were collected from respondents by hand and 355 were

correctly answered to. The questionnaire represents 50% adult, 50%

teenagers simple percentage and table was used for the analysis of the data

derived from the questionnaire.


Based on the findings, it is concluded that:

a) The public relations officers have the capability to inform the public

of government or organizations policies and today activities.

b) That public relations officers in Nigeria local government and

Ogwashi-uku in Aniocha South in particular can combat false information

propaganda around us and initiate planned programme of action to reverse

all negative trends.

c) The public relations officers in Ogwashi-uku South Local

Government should be able to know and decide which forms of message or

language are to be used in communicating with the public.

d) The public relations officers know the media best suited to reach the

identified publics.

e) That the public relations officers determine where and when will be

most suitable to reach particular publics.

f) That the management of crisis and other trend that may arise in the

day to day operations of government and organization lies in the hand of

public relations officers.

g) These officers have been able to plan and execute short, medium, and

long term programme in order to ensure knowledge and understanding,

particularly through dialogue so as to create an atmosphere of confidence

and good will needed for the harmonious co-existence of both the

government and the masses at the grass root.

h) Public relations officers help the government to evaluate and interpret

opinions attitude and aspirations of the various publics.

i) The perception towards public relations by the public is positive.


Following the findings of this research, some pragmatic suggestions are

propounded as a way of enhancing the effectiveness of public relations

officers both at the National, State and Local Government level.

It is suggested by majority of the respondents that two-way communication

between the government and its public be maintained.

There should be routine seminars, workshop and orientations for the

effectiveness in preventing crises, conflicts projection and nurturing as well

as projecting corporate image.

The public rations officers should be able to counsel prospecting

government on the development and operations to develop sound

relationship with the various pertinent publics.

Corruption among the public relations officers should be discouraged, there

is therefore the need to properly educate both practitioners and the general

public on what public relations practice really entails, so that a clear

distinction could be drawn between public relation and bribery.

The research also recommend that the size of the public relation department

should be between 15 to 25 PR experts and their scope should be limited to

researching into public opinions and well planned campaign.

The budget according to a consensus opinion should be part of information

ministry allocation so as to be effectively monitored, though without undue

interference by the ministry but basically to utilize the results of the PR

research and campaign for effective information flow.

Furthermore, the government should adopt following media in researching

her mass audience in the local government area: radio, television, newspaper

and town crier. These media have positive impact and enjoy the public

viewer, listeners as well as readership. Although, it is widely believes that

these media have not been effectively utilized in the past.

To avoid a repeat of this mistake, qualified PR practitioners should be given

the chance to handle the public relations department. Conclusively,

evaluation of the success or failure of public relations officer in Ogwashi-

uku in Aniocha South Local Government, should be done quarterly,

recommending and suggesting areas that need to be improved upon, it is

observed that past public relations recommendations were not always

utilized, that attitude of government would have to change so as to reap the

benefit of this exercise.


The aim of this study is to recommend that researchers should be good

relation managers. Sometimes top or middle managers and conduct among

top or middle managers and if a researcher does not possesses good

relationship and rapport - building skills, gate keepers might stop him/her. It

is best if researchers offers referrals or recommendations to build rapports.

Stagnations is undesirable, so a researcher must be aware of both national

and international research standards. Researchers need to be innovative. The

public relation officers should keep the public informed about Government


The public relation officers (A Case Study of Ogwashi-uku in Aniocha

South Local Government Area) should be able to build and maintain good

relationship between the government and the public.


Adidu, U. (1992), mass media messages: Ibadan, mackey Publishers'


Ajala, V.O (1973) public relations in search of professional

Excellence; Ibadan Maybes publication.

Akande, F.A (1999) in read into PR: Lagos, fest communication.

Babbie, E.R. (1975) the practice of social research: California,

Wadsworth publishing company inc.

Igben, H.G.O. (1997) Public relations fundamental Warri, COEWA


Nwosu, I. (1990) mass communication and National development

perspective on the communication environment of development Nigeria:
Aba Mackey Publishers LTD.

Okunna C.S (1988) the Nigeria mass communications Audience using

the media with a purpose in Gloria Chukukere (ed) Introductory Readings in
the humanities and social sciences: Onitsha university publishing company.

Okunna C.S (1999) Introduction to mass communication: Enugu,

New Generations Books.


Department of Mass Communication

Delta State Polytechnic,

P.M.B 1030


Dear Respondent,

We the final year students of the above mentioned department at the Delta
State Polytechnic Ogwashi-uku, we are carrying out a research on "the role
of public relations officers in the Administration of Local Government
Areas. (A case study of Ogwashi-uku in Aniocha South L.G.A Delta State".

The information collected will be used solely for this academic purpose and
will be treated in strict confidence. You are requested to fill this
questionnaire as appropriates and return it to us.

Your cooperation shall be at immense boost in accomplishing this research


Yours faithfully,

Atayine Bridget

Oturhobore Elizabeth

Onianwa Frank

Jeremiah Keneke-ere Queenet






Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )

Marital status: Single ( ) Married ( )

Level of Education: Secondary ( ) Tertiary ( ) Primary ( )

Occupation: Unemployed ( ) Worker ( ) Student ( )

Age: 18-28 ( ) 28-38 ( ) 38-48 ( ) 48-58 ( ) 58 above ( )

Religion: Christianity ( ) traditional ( ) Islam ( ) none of the above ( )


1. Do you believe in public relation communication techniques?

Yes ( ) No ( )

2. Which of the medium/media should Ogwashi-uku in Aniocha South

Local Government council area, adopt in reaching her mass audience in the
local government?

(a)All the media under ( )

(b) radio ( )

(e) town crier ( )

(d) television ( )

(e) newspaper ( )

3. How effective are the media currently used?

(a) not very effective ( )

(b) very effective ( )

(c) none of the above ( )

4. Who should run the public relation department?

(a) A qualified public relation practitioners ( )

(b) local government information officers ( )

(c) consultants ( ).

5. Should the department be part of ministry of information or separate

independent information?

(a) part of ministry of information ( )

(b) independent department independent ( ).

6. If independent department what should be the size of workers in the


(a) 15-25 ( )

(b) 25-35 ( )

(c) 35-45 ( )

(d) less than 5 ( )

7. What should be the scope of the department?

(a) research and campaign ( )

(b) purely research ( )

(c) liaison between government and the citizen ( )

(d) advisory role to the government ( )

8. What should be realistic budget?

(a) part of information, ministry allocation ( )

(b) separate budgetary allocation ( )

(c) executive subvention ( )

9. How often are the public relation recommendation?

(a) not always ( )

(b) always ( )

(c) not aware ( )

(d) none of the above ( )

10. How effective is the job of the public relation?

(a) very effective ( )

(b) not very effective ( )

(c) none of the above. ( )

11. Is the public relation officer a bridge between the public and its

(a) yes ( )

(b) no ( )

(c) none ( )

12. How many times do the public relation build the image of an

(a) often ( )

(b) always ( )

(c) not always ( )

(d) none of the above ( )

13. How effective is the PRO?

(a) effective ( )

(b) not effective ( )

(c) very effective ( )

(d) none of the above ( )

14. How often does the public relation officer speaks to the public?

(a) often ( )

(b) always ( )

(c) not always ( )


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