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N2 Dr. Cesar Toledo
Anápolis, May de 2023 Série: 7º Turma: Valor: 8,0
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Professor(a): Flávia Soares Nota:
Aluno(a): Nº:

1. Read the text and complete the blanks with the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets: (Leia o texto e complete
as lacunas com o Passado simples dos verbos dos parênteses) Remember: Os verbos são irregulares! e
regulares !

The artist who painted dreams Salvador Dalí

Once there was a boy in Spain who liked to walk in the hills and along the
seashore. He ______________(love) to observe the strange shapes of trees, shells,
and rocks. He always carried a sketch pad and tried to draw all these things that
excited him.
When he was older, he ___________(go) to art school. But he didn’t paint the
way the other artists did. He preferred to paint things from his imagination and
His name was Salvador Dalí. He _________(be) born in Figueres, Spain. He
was born on May 11, 1904. And he __________________(become) a very famous
painter. In the beginning, people laughed at his paintings, but after some time they
appreciated his original work. Dalí said that dreams are real to a person sleeping, so
why can’t an artist paint what he sees in dreams?
He _______________(die) on January 23, 1989.
“ Sleep Salvador Dalí

Vocabulary: once there -uma vez / who- que / strange – estranho / shapes – formas / hill - montanha,/ tree - árvore, /
shell - concha, / rock - rocha, / dream – sonho, / seashore - beira mar / sketch pad- bloco de desenho / things –
coisas / laughed- riram / paintings – pinturas / so – então / sees – ver / sleeping – doormindo.

Answer the questions about the text: (Responda as perguntas sobre o texto)

2. What type of text is it? (Que tipo de texto é esse?)


3. When was Salvador Dalí born? ( Quando Salvador Dalí nasceu?)


4. Where was he born? (Onde ele nasceu?)


5. What did he said about dreams ? (O que ele disse sobre sonhos ?)


6. The correct translation of the sentence “ He became a very famous painter” is:

a) Ele se tornou um cantor muito famoso .

b) Ele se tornou um pintor muito famoso

c) Ele começou a pintar sonhos .

d) Ele começou a pintar famosos quadros .

e) N.D.A.
7. The negative form of “ He painted the way the other artists did ” is correct in:

a) He paint didn’t the way the other artists did.

b) Did he paint the way the other artists did

c) He didn’t paint the way the other artists did.

d) He don’t paint the way the other artists did.

e) N.D.A.

8. The interrogative form of “ He went to art school ” is correct in:

a) He went to art school

b) Did he went to art school

c) Did he go to art school ?

d) He go to art school ??

e) N.D.A.

9. A tradução dos verbos destacados abaixo está correta:

“He was born in Figueres, Spain. He was born on May 11, 1904. And he became a very famous.”

a) Nasceu / tornou-se

b) Mudou / situou

c) Viveu / fez

d) Nasceu / brincou

e) N.D.A.

10) Observe a imagem, em seguida, escreva o nome do esporte representado por ela em inglês.


“Semeando valores e formando o cidadão do futuro”

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