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The construction industry is one catalyst Ior the economy. However, there are many problems
that occur in the construction industry. This problem has always been a source oI delay in the
work - work at the site. There are several causes oI problems in the construction industry that
contributed to delay the work on site. Among them are:
1.The use of poor quality and according to specifications.
2. Employees and management who lack experience.
3. Interference from external parties

1. The use of poor quality and specifications

The use oI the material speciIication is important because it ensures the soundness oI a building.
Selection oI a substance made by the client must have studied earlier by environmental Iactors
and their use in building structures. II a contractor chooses to use material that is not according to
speciIications and guidelines, then the probability oI the building Ior damage and no sound is
Problems arise when the materials chosen by the contractor Iails to work on the structure. The
selection oI materials by the contractors usually rely on Iactor prices and the convenience to
obtain such materials. Contractors in this problem is usually not concerned about quality and
quality oI materials selected.
When quality oI materials selected by the contractor as opposed to the client's needs, there will
be mismatches in the construction oI a structure. For example, when a client set oI materials Ior
construction oI a structure, the selection oI these materials has been approved and proven
eIIectiveness. And when the contractor to avoid to use the materials speciIied in the
speciIications, then the structure is likely to Iail to Iunction properly and optimally. In addition, iI
the contractor is Iound guilty oI using materials that are not according to speciIications, the suit
may be submitted by the client. Here, the contractor may suIIer losses as well as to bear the Iull
Iinancing oI the reconstruction oI the structure.

2. Employees and management are lack of experience

In the construction industry is an important experience to ensure a smooth project. The absence
oI extensive experience in the Iield oI construction diIIiculties in construction work. At present a
person with experience in construction is very important and is one oI the key Iactors in the
selection or job interviews. Employees and management experience will always be able to solve
problems that occur at the construction site during construction work in progress. The
experienced management also supply building materials easily than the less experienced
management. In addition, the credit Iacility will also be given to companies that have long been
in the construction industry over the newly Iormed company.
Less experienced workers as well, less skilled in doing the work. This is in contrast with
employees who are experienced, they are much more skilled and quality oI work quality than
less experienced workers. But, usually experienced workers should be paid in wages or salary.
This is one reason why less experienced workers are used Ior construction work Ior cheap wages
or salary. The management should look into this matter, to ensure the quality oI work.

Inexperienced management is also diIIicult to get experienced and skilled workers. This is
because usually skilled workers will choose to work in a strong company. The management also
should take care oI the workers. This is important to ensure smooth running oI a construction
project. For example, salaries must be paid in time be agreed between both parties. The
management should also provide Iacilities to the workers by providing equipment such as
accommodation, telephone and so on.

3. Interference from external parties

In an eIIort to complete a construction project there are still many obstacles and barriers that
must be Iaced by the contractor during construction work in progress. Cases oI loss oI important
material in the construction process oIten occurs in the midst oI this construction. This scenario
oIten occurs in the presence oI third parties themselves did not know its origin or in other terms
the parties are not invited to be the perpetrator in cases like this. However, there are oIten such
cases are masterminded by the inner selI already knows about the level oI security in the
construction area, where the materials have a high level oI value is kept or stored, and a variety
oI inIormation can be known to Iacilitate the process to smuggle the materials out oI the
construction site.
In the construction industry is also Iaced with the risk oI being intruded by the parties wish to
obtain conIidential inIormation Ior personal use that will bring harm to the contractor carrying
out the construction project. In addition to conIidential inIormation which is secret in the
construction process there are also cases where a project is to keep the technology used in public
Ior some reason. Among the most important reason is that the technology used at construction
sites is not copied by others and become an important asset oI a company. Invasion was meant to
enter the an area which is under the control oI a party without the permission oI the owner is also
true among small children playing in the area oI construction may result in an accident and this
will worsen the reputation oI the contractors work. Harassment oI wildliIe is oIten the Iactors
that cause delay work on construction sites because oIten times intimidating construction
Besides vandalism problems also oIten occur on construction sites by outside parties and not
least the inner selI. Vandalism problems will require repair work in an area that was damaged by
a Iew irresponsible people to act themselves. Repair work will require additional time Ior repair
work that has been damaged by the unscrupulous. There will directly result in work delays will
occur at the end oI construction work in progress. To overcome this problem the contractor
should take precautionary measures to enhance saIety within the construction site.


The main Iactors that should be given attention and consideration in planning oI projects are:
W Financial Factor
To note the Red Line (the CPM)

Financial Factor

According to project manager, Iinance is one oI the important aspects oI the construction
work. At present, all matters to be accomplished requires an orderly Iinancial system.
This is due to the economic crisis that occurred.

The main provider (supplier) would like to cash payments when dealing with any
contractor. This is can caused adequate Iinancial operations oI the project will be able to
smooth out
Providing care at the Red Line in CPM

According to project manager, the red line in the CPM is to mean that I do not have a
Iloat. It had to be given serious attention in the course oI construction.

It should be looked into and considered in planning the project. It is capable oI better
results Ior the construction work

Measures implemented by the main contractor Ior the project to avoid slow or delayed
completion is

W Accelerate the Super Structure Project
W Construction Work by CPM Schedule

Project Accelerate superstructures

According to the opinion oI the project manager, super-structure work should be
addressed early, because it is the main structure and take a long time to complete. II the
super-structure construction work can be cut or shortened. It can save time Ior other work.

Large structures had great work very much. It took some time Ior the build. SpeciIic
concentration should be given to allow them to save time to build other structures

Construction Work by CPM Schedule

Construction work carried out to the CPM schedule. It ensures that construction work is
not delayed. II the contractor is able to build the project work plan schedule. It provides
the accuracy oI time there in the contract.

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