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Social Studies- 10 Name:

DIRECTIONS: Watch the Israel-Palestine Conflict: a brief simple history video posted
on Google Classroom and complete the following:

On the map below, label the following: Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza Strip,
the Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem

Make a timeline below for each year with 1 sentence/bullet point explaining what
happened that year(s): 1947, 1948-49, 1967, 1978, 1993, 2000
1. How is the Holocaust connected to the birth of Israel?

2. Why is 1967 a turning point in the history of Israel?

3. Who are the settlers? Why do their actions cause problems for Israelis and

4. What was the intifada?

5. Give 2 examples of how extremists on both sides have derailed peace:

6. Watch the first 6 minutes of the video Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course
World History 223 and answer the following question:

How did the Balfour Declaration affect Palestine after WW I? What role did Britain play
in Palestine?

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