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Republic of Zambia

Ministry of Education
Directorate of National Science Centre

STEM for
Growth and
2024 JETS Concep

“Promoting Innovation, Engineering and
Entrepreneurship: Accelerating STEM Growth and

1. Overview
Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists (JETS), is an initiative of the Ministry of Education
that offers a dynamic platform for students, teachers, and young people to come up with
innovative, human-centered solutions to the challenges facing their communities. The program
operates under the guiding principle of "Think Big Be Innovative," and its participants are
encouraged to address a range of pressing issues, including climate change, medical and
healthcare, renewable energy, water scarcity, and environmental pollution. Solving many of
Zambia's major problems will require long-term, sustained efforts, particularly in the realm of
science. As such, JETS empowers learners, youth, and teachers to develop innovative solutions
that can be refined and showcased at JETS Fair activities held at various levels. These fairs
provide a forum for young scientists to share ideas, identify best practices related to STEM, and
learn from each other's experiences. Moreover, stakeholders with a strong interest in scientific
research can choose to mentor, develop, and commercialize promising innovations, thereby
promoting sustainable development.

2. Overall Theme
The theme for the 2024 JETS fairs has been carefully selected to align with the nation's
development goals, as outlined in the Eighth National Development Plan and other
developmental agendas. The theme, "Promoting Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship:
Accelerating STEM Growth and Development," reflects a broad range of initiatives aimed at
encouraging continuous progress in creativity, resourcefulness, and problem-solving abilities
among the upcoming generation of innovators, engineers, and entrepreneurs. The objective is to
accelerate STEM growth and development across all sectors and promote sustainable

3. Context and Design of the 2024 JETS Fairs

The 2024 JETS Fair is set to introduce few more categories and a thematic approach will still be
enforced. A specific theme will be selected for all participants within a given category to
compete in. The tasks will be designed to encourage participants to develop an innovation that
contributes to solving a practical problem or challenge at the community, regional, national, or
global levels. More information on the proposed themes for each category is provided in Section

4. Proposed Dates for the 2024 Regional and National Fairs

The National JETS Fair will be preceded by the School, District, and Regional Fairs. Capacity
building programs will be held in the Regions and Districts for the Regional and District
Organizing Committees. The training will cover coordination, implementation, and the
importance of quality assurance in JETS activities. Topics to be covered in the trainings include
(a) innovation development criteria, (b) report writing, poster presentation on display boards, (c)
adjudication process, and (d) categories description and characteristics. The Regional Fairs are
scheduled to take place in the Month of April, 2024 during the school holidays. The NSC and
other stakeholders will oversee the regional JETS fairs to ensure the innovations quality
assurance. The National JETS Fair will take place from Sunday August 11th (Arrival) to Saturday
August 17th (Departure), 2024, at the National Science Centre in Lusaka.

5. JETS Fair Objectives

The objectives of the 2024 National JETS Fair are to:
a) Provide a platform for learners and youths, innovators and entrepreneurs to showcase
their scientific knowledge and bring out the best inventions and innovations.
b) Develop in learners and youths, innovators and entrepreneurs a positive scientific
attitude towards problems and challenges that they face in life.
c) Create synergies amongst learners and the youths, the communities and industries in
new inventions and innovations.

6. Expected Outputs
It is expected that the National JETS Fair will produce the following outputs:
a) A platform for learners and youths, innovators and entrepreneurs to showcase, use their
scientific knowledge and bring out the best inventions or innovations provided.
b) A more positive scientific attitude towards problems and challenges that learners and
youths, innovators and entrepreneurs face in life developed.
c) Synergies amongst learners and the youths, the communities and industries in new
inventions and innovations created.

7. Tabulated Categories

The table shows the JETS categories for 2024 with specified targets, number of participants and
Table1: JETS categories
JETS Categories 2024

S/no. Category Target Participants Category Sub-Theme 2024

Agricultural Science (a) ECE & Primary 1 "Innovative Solutions for
Innovations (b) Junior Secondary 1 Sustainable Agriculture in a
Changing Climate."
1 (c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
Chemistry Innovations (a) ECE & Primary 1 "Chemistry for Sustainable
(b) Junior Secondary 1 Solutions"
2 (c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
Physics and Renewable (a) ECE & Primary (i) Applications 1 "Solar Energy innovative
Energy Innovations (b) Junior Secondary (ii) Trapping 1 solutions"
(c) Senior Secondary (iii) Storage 1
3 (d) Out-of-school Youth/students (i) Applications (ii)
Trapping & (iii) Storage
(e) Teachers (i) Applications (ii) Trapping & (iii)
Computer Science and (a) ECE & Primary 1 "Innovative Solutions for
Software Development (b) Junior Secondary 1 Digital Transformation".
4 (c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
Mathematics (a) ECE & Primary 1 "Innovative Solutions through
5 Innovations (b) Junior Secondary 1 Mathematical Modelling"
(c) Senior Secondary 1
JETS Categories 2024

S/no. Category Target Participants Category Sub-Theme 2024

(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
6 Robotics and Artificial (a) ECE and Primary 1 "Robotic Solutions for
Intelligent Innovations (b) Junior Secondary 1 Sustainable Applications in
(c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
Medicine and Health (a) ECE & Primary 1 "Integrating indigenous
Innovations (b) Junior Secondary 1 medicines for Improved
Healthcare in Zambia"
7 (c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students and 1
(e) Teachers 1
8 Food Science, (a) ECE & Primary 1 “Innovative solutions for value
Technology and (b) Junior Secondary 1 addition”.
Hospitality Innovations
(c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
9 Environmental (a) ECE & Primary 1 "Green Innovations for a
Sustainable (b) Junior Secondary 1 Sustainable Future”
Innovations (c) Senior Secondary 1
(d) Out-of-school Youth/students 1
(e) Teachers 1
10 Academics (a) Primary Quiz and Olympiads (Mathematics, "Exploring the Future of
Science, CTS) Zambia through Sustainable
(b) Junior Secondary Quiz and Olympiads (Biology & Solutions: Challenges and
Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics) Opportunities in Science,
(c) Senior Secondary Quiz and Olympiads (Biology & 2 Technology, Engineering, and
JETS Categories 2024

S/no. Category Target Participants Category Sub-Theme 2024

Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics) Mathematics (STEM)".
11 Skills Categories (a) Civil Engineering (Wall & Floor Tiling, Landscape "Skills for Sustainable
& Gardening, Carpentry & Joinery) Development"
(b) Mechanical Engineering (Design & Construction of
Auto machines)
(c) Electronics Services 2
(d) Fashion Technology 1
(e) Cosmetology 1
Regional Total Participants 64
National Total Participants 704
8. Target

The 2024 JETS Fairs will bring on board learners from ECE and Primary Schools, Secondary
Schools, Colleges of Education, Universities and Out-of-School Youths as well as Teachers of
STEM to showcase their inventions and innovations, and compete for awards and honours. The
community, industries as well as line ministries will be invited to exhibit and showcase their
works at the Fair and also to identify and select promising innovative projects for possible
adoption, support and mentoring.

9. Expected number of participants

A total of 704 participants from across the country are earmarked to participate and present at the
National JETS Fair from the categories listed below.

10. Description of JETS Categories in Details

10.1. Agricultural Science Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior, Senior Secondary, Out- of-
school Youth/students and Teachers)
Agricultural Science concerns itself with the application of science to agriculture. It includes the
practice of all kinds of farming. Is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses the parts of
exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of
agriculture. It deals with food, fibre production and processing that includes the technologies of
soil & crop cultivation and harvesting, animal production, aqua-culture, cultivation and the
processing of primary agricultural products for human consumption and use. Participants will
demonstrate and display Agricultural Science projects that provide innovative solutions.
The sub-theme for the Agricultural Science category is "Innovative Solutions for Sustainable
Agriculture in a Changing Climate." This theme will focus on encouraging participants to
develop and showcase new or improved strategies and innovations for improving agricultural
productivity, while also addressing the challenges posed by climate change and limited access to
modern agricultural technologies. Areas of interest may include:
a) Developing of products that are resilient to Zambia’s changing climate such as drought-
resistant crops that require less water.
b) Promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and
inter-cropping, that can help improve soil health and reduce reliance on artificial fertilizers.
c) Creating innovative solutions for improving access to weather and climate information, such
as mobile apps, SMS alerts, or other digital tools that can help farmers make informed
decisions about planting, irrigation, and other agricultural practices.
d) Designing new technologies that can help small-scale farmers increase their productivity and
income, such as low-cost irrigation systems, solar-powered drying machines, or improved
seed storage methods.
10.2. Chemistry Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior, Senior Secondary, Out-of-school
Youth/students and Teachers)

The “Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions” sub-theme invites participants from different
educational levels. This sub-theme encourages individuals to harness the power of chemistry to
develop innovative, human-centered solutions addressing the pressing challenges faced by their

This theme will focus on encouraging participants to:

a) Promote Chemistry Innovation by exploring the diverse applications of chemistry in
addressing real-world challenges,
b) Foster sustainable development and long-term solutions for Zambia’s major problems by
emphasizing the role of chemistry,

The participants will be invited to develop projects that showcase the application of chemistry in
creating sustainable solutions. Projects can range from environmentally friendly chemical
processes to novel materials with positive societal impacts.

10.3. Physics and Renewable Energy Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior and Senior
Secondary and Out-of-school Youth/students and Teachers)

Physics is the science of matter and energy as well as the interactions between the two; theories,
principles and laws governing energy and the effect of energy on matter. Renewable energy
provides reliable power supplies and fuel diversification, which enhance energy security and
lower risk, such as that of fuel spills, while reducing the need for imported fuels. Renewable
energy also helps conserve the nation's natural resources. It is collected from renewable
resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain,
tides, waves, and geothermal heat. The sub-theme for Physics & Renewable Energy category is
"Solar Energy Innovative Solutions". This theme will focus on encouraging participants to
develop innovative solutions for utilizing the abundant energy in Zambia to address the country's
energy needs and promote sustainable development. Some potential areas of focus for the
competition will include among others:
a) Developing new technologies for solar power generation, such as concentrating solar power
systems, floating solar arrays, or solar-powered desalination plants,
b) Creating innovative solutions for energy storage, such as battery technologies, flywheels, or
thermal energy storage systems that can help ensure reliable power supply even when the sun
is not shining.

10.4. Computer Sciences and Software Development Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior
and Senior Secondary and Out-of-school Youth/students and Teachers)
Computer Science is the study of computational systems and information technology,
specifically the theory, design, development, and application of these systems. This includes
artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human-
computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, software systems and languages,
bioinformatics and the theory of computing. The sub-theme for Computer Science and Software
Development Category is "Innovative Solutions for Digital Transformation". This theme will
focus on encouraging participants to develop innovative solutions that leverage computer science
to help drive digital transformation and promote economic development in Zambia. Possible
areas of emphasis for the competition will include:
a) Developing new software applications that can help address key challenges facing Zambia,
such as improving access to healthcare, education, or financial services.
b) Creating innovative solutions for data analytics and visualization, such as machine learning
algorithms, data mining techniques, or interactive dashboards that can help decision-makers
better understand complex data sets.
c) Designing and implementing secure and resilient information systems, such as block chain-
based solutions, that can help protect sensitive information and improve cybersecurity.
d) Developing new approaches for promoting digital literacy and technology skills
development, such as online learning platforms or coding boot camps, that can help build a
more skilled and diverse workforce in Zambia.

10.5. Mathematics Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary and Out-of-
school Youth/students and Teachers)
The study of Mathematics teaches how to use abstract language, work with algorithms, self-
analyse computational thinking, and accurately model real-world solutions. Development of
formal logical systems or various numerical and algebraic computations, and the application of
these principles. This category will help participants focus on the use of mathematical principles
and concepts to model real-world solutions. The sub-theme for Mathematics Category is
"Innovative Solutions through Mathematical Modelling". This theme could focus on
encouraging participants to develop innovative solutions that leverage mathematics to help drive
the architectural space for economic development in Zambia. Focus may be on:
a) Developing new insights in finding solutions to mathematical process using software
applications that can help address key challenges facing Zambia, such as improving access to
healthcare, education, or financial services,
b) Designing resilient models that are time and space-sensitive to balance aesthetics and
functionality with sustainability, artistic work to address local needs and challenges,
c) Developing new approaches or devices for predicting future phenomena based on time and
space that could help maximize benefits from opportunities in Zambia.
10.6. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Innovations - (Junior and Senior Secondary, Out-of-
school Youth/students and Teachers)

Robotics involves building robots whereas Artificial Intelligence involves programming

intelligence. AI helps serve motions a robotic system makes. AI and robotics are a powerful
combination for automating tasks inside and outside of the factory setting. AI has become an
increasingly common presence in robotic solutions, introducing flexibility and learning
capabilities in previously rigid applications. The sub-theme for this category is "Robotic
Solutions for Sustainable Applications in Zambia". The competition will challenge participants
to design and build robotic systems that can assist with improving tasks. This theme will be
particularly relevant for Zambia, by increasing efficiency, reducing labour costs, and improving
productivity. The competition will also focus on using artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize
application processes. AI could also be used to analyse data collected by the robotic systems,
providing valuable insights.

10.7. Medicine and Health Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary and
Out-of-school Youth/students and Teachers)
This category focuses on studies specifically designed to address issues of human health and
disease. It includes studies on the diagnosis, treatment, repair, maintenance and epidemiology of
disease and other damage to the human body or mental systems. Includes studies of normal
functioning and may investigate internal as well as external factors such as feedback
mechanisms, stress or environmental impact on human health and disease (physiology and
anatomy). The sub-theme for this category is "Integrating Indigenous Medicines for Improved
Healthcare in Zambia". In this category, the competition will challenge participants to develop
non-conventional innovative solutions to address healthcare challenges in Zambia. Indigenous
medicine has been used for centuries in Zambia and is often the primary form of healthcare for
many people, particularly in rural areas. The focus will be on a range of healthcare issues in
Zambia, such as infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and non-communicable diseases.
Participants could be tasked with developing new diagnostic tools, treatment protocols, or
preventive interventions that use indigenous medicine. Furthermore, the competition will
encourage the use of modern technologies, such as mobile health (mHealth) and telemedicine, to
support indigenous medicine. For example, participants could develop mHealth apps that provide
information about indigenous medicines and their uses, or telemedicine platforms that enable
indigenous healers to work collaboratively.

10.8. Food Science, Technology and Hospitality Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior and
Senior Secondary)
Food technology involves the application of food science to the selection, preservation,
processing, packaging, and distribution, use of safe food and research and development of the
food products. Food innovations will involve the use of technology to improve food production
processes. New technologies in various food industries improve and enhance customer
experience. The sub-theme for the category is “Innovative Solutions for Value Addition”.
Participants will be judged on their use of local ingredients, sustainability practices, and
creativity in developing new and exciting dishes. Participants will also be challenged to develop
new and innovative food products and processes that are unique to Zambia's culinary traditions
and resources. Participants will also be judged on the feasibility and scalability of their
innovations, as well as their potential to enhance the country's food industry and contribute to
economic growth.

10.9. Environmental Sustainable Development Innovations - (ECE & Primary, Junior and
Senior Secondary)
This category involves innovations that include controlling human impact on and interaction
with the environment in order to preserve natural resources and address the environmental
challenges with innovative effective solutions. Participants are encouraged to use technology
constructively to research environmental issues at depth and to use their acquired knowledge on
the subject to come up with innovative technologies to protect the environment. The sub-theme
is "Green Innovations for a Sustainable Future”. The competition will invite participants to
submit innovative, practical, and scalable solutions to environmental challenges in Zambia, with
a particular focus on managing waste, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable
lifestyles. The innovations will be judged on a range of criteria, including their potential impact
on the environment, their feasibility and cost-effectiveness, their potential for replication and
scalability, and their creativity and originality.

10.10. Academics - Quizzes and Olympiads (Primary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary)
The sub-theme is "Exploring the Future of Zambia through Sustainable Solutions: Challenges
and Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)".
The participants for the quiz will be required to write Olympiad tasks. Biology and Chemistry
shall be written by one (1) participant, Physics and Mathematics one (1) participant, making two
(2) participants for Junior and Senior Quiz and Olympiads category.
For Primary Quiz and Olympiads, there shall be three (3) participants, and each will write one of
the three Olympiads in Mathematics, Science and Creative and Technology Studies.

10.11. Skills Categories – (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics Services,

Fashion Technology, Cosmetology)

Skills create opportunities and connect societies. They are the foundation of economic progress.
A skill is the learned ability to act with determined results with good execution often within a
given amount of time, energy, or both. The sub-theme under the skills categories is "Skills for
Sustainable Development". This competition will enable participants to design and construct
sustainable civil, mechanical, electrical and electronics services, and artfacts that incorporate
environmentally friendly materials and energy-efficient technologies. Participants will be judged
on their ability to balance aesthetics and functionality with sustainability, as well as their
understanding of local building codes, artistic work and regulations as well as their creativity,
functionality, and ability to address local needs and challenges.

10.11.1. Civil Engineering (Wall & Floor Tiling, Landscape & Gardening, Bricklaying and

In Zambia, where practical applications by citizens often fall short of expectations, participants
in Civil Engineering competitions are strongly encouraged to delve into the technical intricacies
of Wall & Floor Tiling, Landscape & Gardening, Bricklaying, and Plastering. These specific
categories provide a platform for individuals to showcase their skills in real-world applications,
reflecting the demands of actual projects such as road construction, drainage design, and the
construction of high-rise structures. Participants are challenged to demonstrate not only creativity
but also technical proficiency in tasks requiring precise tiling techniques, innovative landscaping
designs, meticulous bricklaying methods, and careful plastering applications. The ultimate goal
is to inspire participants to contribute significantly to the improvement and advancement of
practical Civil Engineering practices in Zambia, addressing the specific challenges faced in
projects involving road construction, drainage systems, and high-rise structures. Benefits arising
from this category include but not limited to the following:
a) Skilled Workforce Development
Participants developing expertise in various civil engineering aspects contribute to the creation of
a skilled workforce in Zambia.
b) Infrastructure Enhancement
Application of skills in community road construction, drainage design, and high-rise structure
building leads to improved infrastructure, fostering economic development.
c) Increased Employment Opportunities
Advancements in practical Civil Engineering practices create a higher demand for skilled labour
and entrepreneurship offering increased entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for
d) Innovation and Economic Growth
Emphasis on creativity and technical proficiency fosters innovation, encouraging modern
engineering solutions and contributing to overall economic growth.
e) Community Development and Sustainability
Enhanced civil engineering practices benefit local communities, improve quality of life, and
promote sustainable development aligned with global environmental standards.
10.11.2. Mechanical Engineering (Design & Construction of Auto machines: Welding,
Carpentry & Joinery, Electrical installations, panel beating and stray painting)

Establishing guidelines and criteria that accentuate authentic innovativeness aims to motivate
participants in the Junior Engineers, Technicians & Scientists (JETS) competitions, with a
specific focus on Mechanical Engineering. The designated areas of emphasis include the Design
and construction of Auto machines, Welding, Carpentry and joinery, Electrical Installations,
Panel Beating, and Spray Painting. The provided suggestions are presented to foster creativity
and excellence within the category.
a) Originality and Creativity
Encourage participants to think without a box and come up with original ideas for their projects.
Highlight the importance of incorporating creative solutions that set their projects apart from
conventional designs.
b) Problem-Solving Approach
Evaluate how well participants address real-life challenges in their projects. Accentuate the need
for innovative solutions to common problems encountered in mechanical engineering and
automotive design.
c) Integration of Multiple Disciplines
Encourage projects that seamlessly integrate various disciplines such as welding, carpentry,
electrical installations, panel beating, and spray painting. Stress the importance of a holistic
approach that demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the entire design and construction
d) Efficiency and Sustainability
Consider projects that demonstrate a focus on energy efficiency, resource optimization, and
sustainability. Inspire the use of eco-friendly materials and technologies that contribute to a
greener and more sustainable future.
e) User-Friendly Design
Evaluate the user-friendliness of the auto machines designed by participants. Underline the
importance of creating machines that are not only innovative but also practical and easy to
f) Technological Integration
Recognize projects that incorporate the latest technologies, such as IoT (Internet of Things),
sensors, or automation, to enhance the functionality and performance of the auto machines.
g) Safety Measures
Highlight the importance of safety in design and construction. Press upon participants to
incorporate innovative safety features and measures in their projects, ensuring the well-being of
users and those around the machines.
By focusing on these criteria participants would be encouraged to showcase innovativeness in
their projects, fostering a spirit of creativity, problem-solving, and forward-thinking within the
Mechanical Engineering category of the JETS competitions.

10.11.3. Electronics Services

Electronic services encompass a broad range of goods and services that utilize electronic
technology to enhance communication, entertainment, productivity, and various aspects of daily
life. This industry is characterized by rapid innovation, constant evolution, and a diverse array of
products and services. Here's an overview of key categories within electronics:
a) Wearable Technology
Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers: Monitor health metrics and provide connectivity on the go.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Devices: Used for gaming, education, and
immersive experiences.
b) Communication Technology
Smartphones: Core communication devices with various features.
Networking Equipment: Routers, modems, and networking solutions for connectivity.
Telecommunication Services: Mobile and internet services provided by telecom companies.
c) Industrial and Professional Electronics
Medical Devices: Equipment used in healthcare for diagnostics and treatment.
Industrial Automation: Control systems and sensors for manufacturing processes.
Professional Audio and Video Equipment: Used in broadcasting, filmmaking, and content
d) Repair and Maintenance Services
Services for fixing and maintaining electronic devices as well as assistance for troubleshooting
and problem-solving.
The electronics industry continues to advance with emerging technologies like 5G, artificial
intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The integration of smart technologies and the focus
on sustainability are shaping the future of electronics products and services that JETS is
promoting. As consumer demands evolve, the industry ought to respond with JETS innovative
solutions to meet the needs of a connected and tech-savvy world.

10.11.4. Fashion Technology

Fashion technology, often referred to as "Fashtech," is a rapidly evolving intersection of fashion
and technology that is transforming the way clothing and soft furnishing (linen) are designed,
produced, marketed, and consumed. This innovative field leverages technological advancements
to enhance various aspects of the fashion industry, from design and manufacturing to retail and
consumer experience.
Here are some key aspects of fashion technology and its impact on the industry:
a) Design and Innovation
Fashion designers use 3D printing technology to create intricate and customized designs. This
not only accelerates the prototyping process but also allows for the production of unique and
complex patterns. Therefore, JETS designers could employ advanced software and virtual reality
tools to conceptualize and visualize their creations. This enhances efficiency in the design
process and allows for more experimentation.
b) Sustainable Practices
Technological advancements have led to the development of smart fabrics with embedded
sensors and electronics. These fabrics can monitor body temperature, provide health-related data,
or even change colour based on environmental factors, contributing to sustainable and functional
fashion. Our participants in JETS are encouraged to research, design and develop customer-
specific fabrics.
c) Manufacturing and Production
Robotics and automation are increasingly being integrated into clothing manufacturing
processes, leading to improved precision, efficiency, and reduced labour costs.
Supply Chain Optimization: Blockchain technology is being utilized to enhance transparency
and traceability in the fashion supply chain, helping to combat issues like counterfeiting and
unethical labour practices.
JETS participation is poised to evolve fashion technology among the learners and the youth,
influencing trends and reshaping traditional practices within the industry. As technology
advances further, the fashion landscape is likely to witness even more transformative
innovations, ranging from sustainable practices to enhanced consumer engagement.

10.11.5. Cosmetology

Cosmetology plays a vital role in Zambia's economy, contributing significantly to both

employment opportunities and the overall wellness of its citizens. Cosmetology encompasses a
range of beauty and grooming services, including hairstyling, skincare, nail care, and makeup
application. One of the primary contributions of cosmetology to Zambia's economy is through
job creation. The beauty industry employs a diverse workforce, including hairstylists,
aestheticians, makeup artists, and nail technicians. Many individuals, particularly women, find
meaningful employment and entrepreneurship opportunities within the cosmetology sector. This,
in turn, helps alleviate unemployment rates and fosters economic empowerment. Cosmetology is
a significant contributor to Zambia's economy, providing employment opportunities, driving
consumer spending, and fostering individual well-being. JETS would want to contribute to the
industry by promoting the participation of individuals across the country. The beauty industry's
multifaceted impact highlights its importance in the overall economic and social development of
the country.
11. Duration of the 2024 JETS Fair
The National JETS Fair will run for a period of four (5) working days with addition two days for
travelling. That is, arrival date of the participants is Sunday 11th August, 2024. The event will be
held from 12th to 16th August, before the participants depart for their destinations on 17th August,

After the National JETS Fair, the top three winners in all the categories will remain for the
‘STEM BOOT’ Camp for two weeks to be held from Saturday 17th August – Saturday 31th
August, 2024 to:
a) Capacity-build innovators to fortify their skill sets, encompassing technical proficiency and
innovative ideation,
b) Strengthen collaboration capabilities, fostering an environment conducive to interdisciplinary
cooperation and collective problem-solving and
c) Elevate the quality of showcased innovation novel prototypes at the 2024 National JETS Fair,
emphasizing their practical applicability and market readiness.

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