Comparison of Formulae For Determining Heat Transfer Coefficient of Packed Beds

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Comparison of Formulae for Determining Heat Transfer

Coefficient of Packed Beds*

By Yaradarajan SESHADRI** and Rodrigo Ottoni da SILVA PEREIRA***

Synopsis 1/2
h = d 2+0.6. Rep .(Pr)1/3 .........(8)
Heat transfer coefficient
for packed beds have been evaluated using dif= p ~
ferent correlations available in the literature assuming same process pa-
rameters with respect to temperatureof the gas, temperature of the solid, The above equation has been used by Thurlby
voidfraction of the bed, etc. The values calculated vary depending upon et a1.5)in their mathematical model for the induration
the equation used. As such, when these equations are used in a model
of pellets in pot-grate.
for heat transfer in a fixed bed, for the same conditions, differenttempera- 5) Equation proposed by Furnas4) :
ture profiles are obtained. Equations that give close valuesfor the heat
transfer coefficientgive rise to similar temperatureprofiles in packed beds.
Equations predicting relatively lower heat transfer coefficientsused in a by = As. Ug°.7
d • Tg.3 • M kcal •hr-1, m-3 •°K-1
modelfor describing the induration of pellets in a pot grate gave closer po.s ( )
results to experimentallyobservedbed temperatures. ........................... (9)
The above equation was arrived at on the basis of
I. Introduction extensive laboratory experiments involving heat trans-
A number of correlations are available for the calcu- fer in fixed beds. For iron ore, the value of As was
lation of heat transfer coefficients for packed beds. evaluated as 114 for heating and 137 for cooling.
In the present work the following seven equations for These experiments were conducted with a series of
the computation of heat transfer coefficients under materials such as sinter and iron ore, with the velocity
conditions described subsequently have been analysed. of gas varying between 0.6 mis and 1.8 m/s, the
1) Equation proposed by Rowe and Claxtonl) : diameter of the particles from 4 to 70 mm and the
temperature up to 1 100 °C. The factor M is a func-
tion of e and was given by means of a graph which
h = dp
kg [A+B•(Rep)"•(pr)1/3] ............(1)
can be fitted into the following equation.
M =1n (13.7472-6.8658.eE) 0.25<e<0.50
(6) Equation proposed by Furnas for spherical
2- 3n = 4.65 • (Re )-°.28 ..(4) particles :

by = 12 'dUg' To.3 (kcal •llr-1 •m-3 •°K-1)

2) Equation of Yoshida, Ramaswami and Houghen, p 1.35
et a1.2,3): ........................(11)
h = 0.91 • C1)1).G • (Re')-o.51.(Pr)2/3
-.0 Re' <50 The dimensions of hv, Ug, Tg and dp in Eqs. (9),
...........................(5) (11)and
andm(12) are, respectively, kcal/hr •m3• °K, m/s,
°K .
h = 0.61 • G7,b• G • (Re')-o.41• (Pr)-2/3.0 Re' > 50
7) Kitaev4) summarizing the experimental results
...........................(6) obtained by different workers on heat transfer in
3) Timofeev's equation4) : packed beds suggested the following equation:
h = 0.61 •-kg .(V . Pg)2/3 h As' •Ugo.s•To.3
o= d o.75 , .M' (kcal •hr-1 • m-3 •°K-1) p
pg2/3'dp1/3 1/Bi> 1.0 .........(7)
This equation was arrived at on the basis of experi-
ments in packed beds with gas velocity ranging from As' has a value of 160 for iron ore. In this case
0.30 to 0.57 m/s (NTP) and particle diameter between also M' is a function of void fraction, as proposed by
10 and 40 mm. Furnas and has a value of 0.5 for e=0.2. In fact
4) Ranz-Marshall equation (modified) : the above equation was arrived at mostly by a reinter-

* Manuscript received on December 11, 1985; accepted in the final form on February 7, 1986. © 1986 ISIJ
** Department of Metallurgical Engineering , Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Rua Espirito Santo 35, 30.160-Belo Horizonte
MG, Brasil.
*** Department of Technological Research , Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), Rua Sao Paulo 351, Laboratorio Km 296, Belo
Horizonte, Brasil.

( 604 ) Research Article

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 26, 1986 (605)

pretation of the experimental data of Furnas. How- The extreme values differe by a factor of 3.3. The
ever M' values for other r values have not been given. equation of Rowe and Claxton as well as that of
In the present calculations the value of M' has been Furnas predict higher values in comparison with
taken as 0.5 although E has a value of 0.38. equation proposed by Kitaev4~ and Ranz-Marshall
It must be remembered that ho is volumetric heat equation (modified).
transfer coefficient and is related to the conventional The effect of temperature, velocity of gas as well
convective heat transfer coefficient in the following as diameter of the particles which are the main
manner (for spherical particles) : parameters influencing the calculated values of heat
transfer coefficient is summarized in Table 3. The
by = h.a = h. 6'(1-E)
dp ..................(13) first column gives the values of hr1 573°x/ho3oo as
predicted by the different equations. It can be seen
In the above equations, the temperature was taken that the equations of Furnas and Kitaev (Eqs. (9),
as an average between solid and gas temperatures and (11) and (12)) give the same value of 1.64 whereas
the transport properties were calculated at this Timofeev's equation (7) gives a higher value of 1.71.
temperature. The modified Ranz-Marshall equation and that of
Yoshida et al. predict a value of around 2.0. One
can conclude that the variation with respect to
II. Calculations, Results and Discussion temperature is not very significant. Similarly ho(2Vq) l
1. Values of Heat Transfer CoefficientPredicted by hr (V~j),
calculated using the equations, show a variation
Diferent Equations between 1.4 and 2.0. This means the variation of
velocity by 2 times gives rise to a variation in the value
The seven equations cited above were used for the
of ho from 1.4 to 2 times depending upon the equation
evaluation of mean heat transfer coefficient for packed
used. The influence of diameter of the particle also
beds under the conditions given in Table 1. The
seems to be significant. When the diameter doubles,
values of heat transfer coefficient calculated withh
the heat transfer coefficient changes by a factor of
these parameters using each of the above equations
0.35 to 0.59 depending on the equation used for
are given in the Table 2. For these calculations it
was assumed that the mean gas temperature as well calculation.
as the mean solid temperature in the packed bed 2. Application of the Equationsfor Heat Transfer Co-
amounted to an average between the initial pellet efcient in a Model for Heat Transfer in Fixed Beds
temperature and the gas temperature that enters the Containing Iron Ore Pellets.6~
Under adiabatic conditions neglecting radial and
As can be seen from Table 2, the values of heat
transfer coefficients have the same order of magnitude. axial conduction as well as assuming negligible inter-
nal resistance of pellets, an energy balance in an in-
finitesimal bed volume results in the following differ-
Table 1. Parameters used for the calculation of heat
ential equations.
transfer coefficient.
-For gas

pg pg (t g pg pg ~Sx (Tg - 'I s)

Since pg is inversely proportional to Tg under reason-
ably constant conditions of pressure and specific heat,
the term involving a Tg/dt can be neglected.
-For solid

ps.Cps•(1-s).-Ts =hv.(TTg-Ts) .........(15)

Table 2. Values of heat transfer coefficients calculated

Table 3. Effect of temperature, velocity of gas and
using different equations.
pellet diameter on heat transfer coefficient
calculated by using different equations.
(606 ) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 26, 1986

The above equations were solved using the method 3. Application of Equationsfor Heat Transfer Coefficient
of finite differences using the following boundary in a Model for the Induration of Iron Ore Pellets in
conditions and other parameters. Pot Grate
Tg = 1 320 °C, Ts initial = 27 °C, Ug = 1.5 m/s The above equations (for heat transfer coefficients)
were used in a mathematical model for the simulation
dp=0.012m, =0.38, ps = 3.9x 106g/m3 of iron ore pellet induration in an experimental pot
Equations (1), (6) to (9), (11) and (12) were used grate (Fig. 2). The gas produced in the combustion
for the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient. chamber by burning GLP with air (and oxygen in
Equations (1) and (9) which predict relatively higher the case of pre-firing and firing stages) goes through
heat transfer coefficients, when used in the model the pellet bed and the direction (updraught or down-
for a bed of 40 cm height, gave about 18 min for draught) can be controlled by a set of valves. Ther-
attaining steady state. When Eqs. (6) to (8) were mocouples T1, T2, T3, TT4 and T5 measure respectively
used, the time required for attaining steady state the temperatures of the combustion chamber, 35 cm
increased to 22 min. Equation (8) gave about 25 min above the grate, at the middle of pellet bed, 8 cm
of heating time for attainment of steady state and for above the grate and at the bottom below the grate.
Eq. (12), this time was about 30 min. This is under- On the basis of experimental runs in the pot grate,
standable since the last 2 equations predict relatively a correction factor was used for T1 for computing the
low values of heat transfer coefficient ror the same entry temperature to the bed. This correction factor
conditions. The temperature profile of the bed was varied from 0.842 to 1.0 for entry temperatures
obtained in each case after 5 min of heating time is from 1 600 to 25 °C, to account for the temperature
represented in Fig. 1. It is to be noted that, in the drop between the combustion chamber and the entry
case of equations which predict higher values of heat of the pellet bed. The important parameters for the
transfer coefficient, temperature gradient observed various stages of the thermal cycle are described in
after 5 min of heating time is higher than in the case Table 4. The temperatures indicated by thermo-
of equations predicting lower values of heat transfer couples T2, T3 and T4 embedded in the bed have
Table 4. Parameters of thermal cycle in pot grate.

Fig. 1.
Influence of the type of equation used
for calculation of heat transfer coef-
ficient on the temperature profile of
bed after 5 min heating time.

Research Article
Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 26, 1986 (607)

been taken to be equivalent to pellet temperature of the thermocouples is similar to that of the pellets.
( Ts) as has been considered by Thomas and Clark.7> A typical thermal cycle of the bed as indicated by
This is justified by the fact that the thermal capacity thermocouples T2 and T4 are given in Fig. 3.

Fig . 2. Schematic d iagram of pot grate equipment.

Fig . 3. Thermal cycle in pot grate and temperatures indicated by thermocouples T'4 and T'2 durin g the cycle.

Research Article
(608) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 26, 1986

Considering infinitesimal bed volume, the following The calculated temperatures as a function of time
differential equations can be arrived at for the stage during the induration cycle of the pellets are repre-
of drying of pellets, which involves heat transfer as sented in Figs. 4 and 5. The calculated temperatures
well as mass transfer in terms of elimination of water based on the model naturally are dependent on the
from the pellets. For the rate of elimination of water8~ type of equation used for computing heat transfer
a mixed control was assumed involving an initial coefficient. Equations (6) and (11) should give
step of mass transfer, followed by a step controlled by similar results to Eq. (7) as the values of heat transfer
mass transfer and diffusion and a final stage controlled coefficients predicted by these equations are close one
by heat transfer. to other. Equations (8) and (12) predict relatively
lower values of heat transfer coefficient. Hence
Heat Balance Eqs. (1), (6) to (8) were selected to be used with the
Gas : model to see if the predicted temperatures as a func-
tion of time are in accordance with the observed
a temperatures measured by the thermocouples at
x )
specific points in the bed.
From the figures in can be seen, that Eq. (8) gives
Solid: a better fit relative to Eqs. (1), (6) and (7). Since
the values of heat transfer coefficients predicted by
(psCps+Ws•C,pw)(1-E)TSat =hv(Tg-Ts) Eq. (1) are higher, the calculated temperatures in
respect of these should show a higher negative devia-
-4HvaW tion during the end of the cooling period. As can be
verified from Figs. 4 and 5, the experimentally deter-
Pressure drop along the bed is given by Ergun's mined temperatures appear to be in accordance with
equation the values calculated using modified Ranz-Marshall
equation. Kitaev's equation should also give similar
4P results as the heat transfer coefficient predicted by that
d -150,ugVg(1 -e)2 + 1.75 pgVg2(1-~)
x (Odp)2s3 (Odp)E3 equation also gives lower values.
........................(18) Considering that the heat losses mainly occur from
the gas phase and introducing a term in Eq. (16)
Mass Balance to account for the same, (Eq. (25)), a rough estimate
Gas : of heat losses was made for the case of heat transfer
aWg aW 1 (19) coefficient calculated using Eq. (8) (modified Ranz-
ax at Vg Marshall). b' in the term was varied so as to find
the best fit between the observed and calculated
Solid :
values. By this procedure it was found that the heat
DWs -aW 1 losses amounted to around 7 % of the heat content of
at - at (1-E) 20 gases.
For initial mass transfer control,
Tg = -hv(Tg- Ts)
t=km•a•(Wge-Wg) ...............(21) a Vg(Pg+
gdT 298

km is calculated using
Sh = 2+0.6 (Rep)'/2(Sc)1/3...............(22)
a: specific surface area (m-1)
For subsequent mixed control involving mass transfer Bi : Biot number= (h •dp)/ (ks)
and diffusion. Cps: specific heat of pellet (cal • °K-1 • g-1)
Cpg: specific heat of gas (cal •°K-1 • g-1)
aW a(Wge- Wg) 23 Cpb : specific heat of gas calculated at gas tempera-
ture (cal. °K-1.g-')
km 2DeF'/3 Cpw: specific heat of water (cal • °K-1 • g-1)
Cpwg: specific heat of water vapour (cal •°K-1, g-1)
For the last step involving control by heat transfer De : effective diffusivity of water vapour (m2•s-1)
aW ha(Tg-Tw) F D : binary diffusivity of water vapour (m2• s-1)
a ...............(24) dp: diameter of pellet (m)
t - 4Hv
F: fraction of water remaining in the pellet
Equations similar to Eqs. (14) and (15) for firing relative to critical concentration (120 kg/m3)
and cooling stages can be written eliminating terms G: mass flow of gas (g •s-1 •m-2)
for water and water vapour, like Wg, Cpwg, Cpw, h : heat transfer coefficient (cal •°K-1 •m-2 • s-1)
4Hv and a W/at. The equations were solved using by: volumetric heat transfer coefficient (cal • °K-1
the method of finite differences, in an IBM 4341 m-3 •s-1)
Computer. km: mass transfer coefficient (m • s-1)

Research Article
Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 26, 1986 (609)

Fig . 4. Comparison of measured temperature (in dicated by T2) with temperatures predicted by model using
different equations for calculation of heat transfer coefficient.

Fig. 5. Comparison of measured temperature (indicated by T4) with values predicted by model usin g different
equations for calculation of heat transfer coefficient.

Research Article
(610) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 26, 1986

kg: thermal conductivity of gas (cal. °K-1 •m'• ~5': heat loss factor
ks : thermal conductivity of pellet (cal. °K1.
m-1•s-1) The authors wish to thank the Companhia Vale do
Sh : Sherwood number=km dp/D Rio Doce (CVRD) for providing all the facilities for
Sc : Schmidt number= pg/p5D carrying out this work. The authors are thankful
Pr : Prandtl number= (Cpg•pg)/(kg) to Dr. Paulo Pinheiro, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce
4P: for helpful discussions and suggestions during the
pressure drop across the bed
Re': modified Reynold.'s number = (Vg• pg)/(~tg• a • course of work.

Rep: particle Reynold's number= (Vg•pg•dp)/(~ig) REFERENCES

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Research Article

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