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Earthquake Assignment Help

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Assignment on Earthquack


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Definition of an earthquake
Importance of studying earthquakes
Causes of Earthquakes:

Tectonic plate movements

Volcanic activity
Human-induced earthquakes (e.g., fracking)
Seismic Waves:
Types of seismic waves (P-waves, S-waves, surface waves)
How seismic waves are measured (seismometers)
Earthquake Magnitude and Intensity:

Richter scale and moment magnitude scale (Mw)

Mercalli intensity scale
Earthquake Zones:

Ring of Fire
San Andreas Fault
Other notable seismic zones around the world
Effects of Earthquakes:

Ground shaking and surface rupture

Building and infrastructure damage
Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation:

Importance of earthquake drills and emergency plans

Building design and retrofitting
Early warning systems
Notable Earthquakes:

Historical earthquakes (e.g., 1906 San Francisco earthquake)

Recent significant earthquakes
Case Studies:

Highlight specific earthquakes and their impacts (e.g., 2011 Japan

earthquake and tsunami)

Summarize key points

Emphasize the importance of earthquake preparedness and research
Remember to include credible sources and references for your
assignment, and feel free to ask for more detailed information on any of
these topics if needed.

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