TP 5to MMO

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5to MMO.



1. They ……………………………. (go) home after they ………………………….. (finish) their

2. She ………………………………….. (just / go) out when I called her.
3. My brother ………………………………. (eat) all the pie before we got back.
4. He wondered why I …………………………………………. (not / visit) him before.
5. She said that she ……………………………………………. (already / see) the Pyramids.
6. The fire ………………………………………….. (spread) to the next building before the
firemen ………………………………………….. (arrive).
7. They drank small cups of coffee, after they ………………………………………. (finish)
8. He told me he ……………………………………………….. (catch) a young lion.
9. His mother …………………………………………. (worry) a lot about him before she
……………………………………… (hear) that he was asfe.
10. He ……………………………………………….. (already / learn) English before he
…………………………………………. (leave) for England, but before he arrived in
England, he ……………………………………… (forget) some.

B) Read the passage and answer the questions:

I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of
France, I drove on to the next town. On the way a young man waved to me. I stopped
and he asked me for a lift. After he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in
French and he replied in the same language.
Except a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the
I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, “Do
you speak English?”
As I soon learned, he was English himself!

1. When did the writer drive on to the next town?

2. When did he say good morning to the man in French?
3. When did the young man say, “Do you speak English?”

C) Complete the following sentences in column A using the correct choice from
column B.

1. Everyone on board the plane would have died a) If I had not been to a doctor.
2. If the officials hadn’t stopped the poor man, b) if you had taken him to the
3. If the climbers had found an easy way, c) if the plane had crashed.
4. I would be in a hospital now d) she could have bought some
5. We would have got wet e) so many people wouldn’t have
6. If he had had enough time last summer, f) he could have built his small
house in
two days.
7. I might have come to your help g) if we hadn’t taken our umbrellas.
8. If the driver had not slept, h) they could have reached the top
9. The young boy would have been very happy i) he would have gone on a
10. If her father had been rich, j) if I had had time last Sunday.

D) Complete each sentence with the appropriate modal and the verb in parentheses.
Past modals.
1. We hadn’t planned we were going to have 5 children. We ………………………….. a
bigger house. (buy)
2. I ……………………… Medicine. I ………………….. really good at it. (study-be)
3. Jack lost his wallet on the way to work. He ………………………….. it on the bus.
4. I have no idea why she married him. He ………………………………. the only man
available. (be)
5. Camila has won every game she’s played today. She ……………………….. a lot.
6. You ……………………….. your dog. He has been hungry all day. (feed)

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