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At + clock time ON + days Everyday: todos los días in the morning/afternoon/evening

In the living room/kitchen/bathroom.

2. Complete the sentences with IN-ON-AT.

a. Vanessa and Tom GET UP____seven o´clock. e. My parents cook ___ the evening.

b. I have classes _____1.30 everyday. f. We play football ___ Mondays and Thursdays

c. Jenny and Charles usually study ___ night. g. The children do the homework _____the living room.

d. You take a shower _____Saturday evenings.



A. Circle the correct option.

1. I study/studies Geography. 4. Charlie and Steve go/goes to school at 7 am. 7. Henry have/has lunch at 1 pm
2. Josh and I eat/eats spaghetti. 5. My dog play/plays in the living room. 8. The sisters love/loves tennis.
3. Bella drink/drinks coffee. 6. You drink/drinks fruit juice.
B. Write “s”-“es” or “ies”
1. read: _________________________ 5. listen: ________________________
2. watch: ________________________ 6. fly: ___________________________
3. go: ___________________________ 7. do: ___________________________
4. relax: _________________________ 8. wash up: ______________________
C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

play plays watch watches eat eats

1. We ________________________ pasta. 4. María ____________________television at 6 pm.

2. They _______________________ a serie on Netflix. 5. He_______________________fish and spaghetti.
3. Pete and George _____________________rugby. 6. Charlie ___________________football and table-tennis.
D. Complete with the verb in the brackets.
1. I _______________(go) to school by car on Mondays.
2. Mary___________(go) to English lessons in the morning.
3. They ___________(have) lunch at home.
4. Sarah and I ___________________play tennis at school.
5. They _______________(get up) at 7, after that they _______(have) coffee for breakfast.
6. Jack and Mary ________(do) their homework after school.
7. Mary and Fred _________(watch) tv in the afternoon.
8. Everyday, Susan _______(drive) from Bath to Bristol city.
9. The school ________(start) at 8.00 AM.
10. The students ________(go) outside every break.
11. We __________(take) a shower in the evening.

NOTA: Revisamos todos los verbos para el próximo examen.


E. Write 3 (three) sentences. Use the adverbs of frequency.


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