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Results: Provide your assessment results, be sure to include your scores for each of the 5
2. Explanation of the results including:
a. Using your own words supported with external resources, cited and referenced,
provide a brief explanation of whether you agree or disagree with your results.

Those who adopt a collaborative conflict-resolution style work to understand the deeper
needs behind other parties’ demands and to express their own needs. They see value in
working through strong emotions that come up, and they propose trade offs across issues
that will give each side more of what they want. (Katie,2021, para. 7).
I concur with the assessment's findings that I fall under the "Collaborating" approach to
conflict resolution.

Collaborating (12) – I agree with this score as I'm really concerned about both pursuing my
own objectives and maintaining relationships. I always want to discuss any disagreements
with all parties involved, analyze them, and reach an amicable resolution. A win for each side
in the battle is what I consider to be the best outcome.

Competing (8) – I slightly disagree with this assessment because I defend my rights and
morality, make swift decisions that force people to agree with me, always work to resolve a
heated argument before a bad decision is made, and I always strive to avoid starting a fight.

Avoiding (9) – I agree with this score as those who avoid conflict tend to be unassertive and
uncooperative while diplomatically sidestepping an issue or simply withdrawing from a
threatening situation. “Use this when it is safer to postpone dealing with the situation or you
don’t have as great a concern about the outcome, such as if you have a conflict with a co-
worker about their ethics of using FaceTime on the job.” (Barbara,2017, para.7).

Accommodating (10) – I agree with this score. The opposite of competing, there is an
element of self-sacrifice when accommodating to satisfy the other person. While it may
seem generous, it could take advantage of the weak and cause resentment. “You can use
accommodating when you really don’t care a lot about the outcome but do want to preserve
or build the relationship,” Dr. Benoliel says, “such as going out for lunch with the boss and
agreeing, ‘If you want to go for Thai food for lunch, that’s OK with me.’” (Barbara,2017,

Compromising (9) – I agree with this score. This style aims to find an expedient, mutually
acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties in the conflict while maintaining some
assertiveness and cooperativeness. “This style is best to use when the outcome is not crucial
and you are losing time; for example, when you want to just make a decision and move on
to more important things and are willing to give a little to get the decision made,” Dr.
Benoliel says. “However,” she adds, “be aware that no one is really satisfied.” (Barbara,2017,

b. Provide an example of a past experience when you have worked in a team and
explain using examples if your conflict resolution style results correlated with your
behaviour when you worked together. This can include working in groups with other

I was working for the customer IDBI bank in India as a backend engineer. Together with our
manager, our team size was six people. My teammates and I were under pressure because
the product release was coming up soon and some of our team members were off sick for
personal reasons. There were numerous requests for changes coming from the client. We
were forced to work longer hours due to a last-minute scramble, which was frustrating for
all of us and had an impact on our mental health. So, we all got together and decided that
the best course of action was to ask the customer to push out the release date so that we
could work efficiently and get things back on track. We all worked together and our
collaborative conflict style helped us to work effectively to accomplish the client's change
requests, and every scenario passed the QA review. It was therefore a huge relief for all of

i. Explain if you would do anything different now, why or why not?

Since we were able to fix the problem quickly by working as a team and we had positive
client feedback, I would follow the same course of action. Additionally, I think that working
collaboratively will increase productivity. Collaboration is an effort to work with others to
find a solution that fully addresses everyone's concerns. Collaboration is a blend of being
assertive and cooperative. Both parties can receive what they want in this approach, which
is the antithesis of avoiding, and uncomfortable feelings are reduced. When a long-term
connection and outcome are crucial, such as when planning to merge two departments into
one, collaboration works best. In this situation, you want the best qualities of both
departments to exist in the new department.

c. Provide two strengths of your style and explain how they relate to leadership
concepts discussed in the course material, cited and referenced.
The primary advantage of collaborating conflict management is that it makes all parties
involved in the dispute feel valued and understood. When you critically listen to the
concerns people in conflict have with each other, you diffuse the hostility by allowing free
expression. Many conflicts are generated because the sides aren’t listening to each other,
so they tend to misunderstand the source of the other side’s reasons for not giving in.
When everyone in a dispute expresses the totality of their concerns, it can foster
understanding, empathy and mutual respect. Another advantage is that it sets the tone
for future conflict resolutions, and it gives those involved the shared responsibility to
resolve the problem. (Sampson,2019, para.4).

d. Provide two weaknesses of your style and explain how they relate to leadership
concepts discussed in the course material, cited and referenced.

The main disadvantage of collaborating conflict management is that it takes a lot of time, energy
and effort to achieve a resolution. The reason is that because the desired outcome is a “win-win,”
a mediator must sift through multiple solutions before achieving compromise. This delay can
affect workplace productivity, and may increase tension and resentment.

Another disadvantage is that there may not be a solution that provides a victory for all parties
involved, and if all parties are not committed to compromise, collaboration conflict management
will fail. (Sampson,2019, para.7).

Sampson,Q.(2019,March,5). The Advantages & Disadvantages of Collaborating Conflict


Katie,S.(2021,October,25). Conflict-Management Styles: Pitfalls and Best Practices.

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