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What strategies can you use to apply over service?

 Serve one drink at a time,

 wait for the customer to reorder,
 pass the table less frequently,
 and offer food, water, and non-alcoholic drinks

Who grants licences for the sale and service of alcohol in Ontario?
Which of the following factors can affect a persons BAC?
 Physical fitness
 Sex
 Weight
 Time between drinks
A customer showing signs of intoxication was refused the sale of alcohol by a cashier.
Twenty minutes later, the cashier notices the same customer trying to purchase alcohol at
another check-out. What should the cashier do?
 Discreetly tell her colleague that a purchase was previously denied due to this
customer showing signs of intoxication.
which of the following statements are true about the ontario health card as a form of
 If the Ontario Health Card is offered voluntarily, it can be accepted at your discretion.
 By law, no one can be required to produce their Ontario Health Card.

 It is illegal to collect or record information from the Ontario Health Card.

For which of the following situations you should write up an incident report?
 A fight broke out
 A customer slipped and injured themselves
 Transportation was arranged for an intoxicated customer
maria is slurring her speech and having difficulty with coordination and balance is she
 Maybe, but Maria may have a medical condition that mimics these signs.

what is not allowed under a special occasion permit (sop) for a private event?

 Advertising the event in the local newspaper

 Allowing entry to anyone under the age of 19
As a responsible server, why is it important to understand the meaning of a standard drink?

 To determine how much alcohol a customer has consumed
Which of the following would suggest that a customers ID is fake?
 Thicker lamination around photo area
 The physical description on the card doesn’t match the person standing infront of
 There are odd sized or mismatched numbers and letters
If the same number of standard drinks are consumed, which guest will most likely have th?
 A young physically fit male
Which of the following is an effective way of slowing down alcohol service?
 Passing the table less frequently
 Offer food, water, and non-alcoholic beverages
 Water down the customers drink
 Adding a coworker to take over for that customer
Which of the following activities could lead the AGCO to suspend a licence?
 Serving customers under the age of 19
What must you do when an intoxicated persons arrive at your bar?
 Refuse them entry to the establishment
What are the ways In which civil liability can arise?
 Under the LLA
 By a court ruling of negligence , or failure to provide “Duty of care”
 Under the occupiers liability act (OLA)
Who must be denied entry to a licenced establishment?
 Underage persons if stated in house policy
 Intoxicated persons
 Any customers arriving after the bar has reached the legal limit capacity
 A customer that was ejected earlier that day
Which of the following statements is true in regards to BAC?
 A BAC chart is the only way to find out how much a person can safely drink
What is the most effective way to determine if your customers have been drinking prior to
 Talk to them and pay attention to what they say and how they say it
 Assess customers for physical signs of intoxication
Which of the following are not allowed under the LLA?
 Offering free food
 Requiring that a minimum number of drinks be purchased
 Offering free soft drinks
 Watering down drinks without a customer’s approval

Which of the following are things that servers could do to help ensure a safe environment?
 Monitor your customers alcohol consumption
 Ask for help from co-workers or your manger if a situation gets out of control
 Use the traffic light system to assess your customers
If a customer is served to the point of intoxication, when does the servers responsibility
 When the customer sobers up
which of the following are requirements under caterer's endorsement
 all of the above
three women of similar size and fitness level drink four standard drinks.Who will likely have
the lower bac?
 Anna, who has one drink an hour over four hours
What are effective ways to monitor a customer’s alcohol consumptions?
 Keep track of the number of drinks that your customer consumes
Heather tells her manger that she is stopping service for two customers who have had too
much to drink. The manger disagrees and tells heather to serve them another round of
drinks. Heather serves the drinks and send the customers home in a taxi. One of the
customers falls and hits his head while getting out of the taxi. He is taken to the hospital
with serious injuries to his head and face. Who can be held responsible? –

 Both manger and heather

In understanding the effects of alcohol which of the following statements is true? –

 Talking to a customer can help you determine if they are intoxicated
 A medical condition may cause a customer too seem intoxicated
 A single drink can affect the way a person behaves
 Tolerance to alcohol does not affect a person’s BAC
Which of following are considered a violation under the LLA? –
 Allowing an intoxicated customer to remain on the licenced premisis
 Subsituting one type of alc for another without a customers approvel
 Serving or selling alc to an intoxicated customer
 Not displaying a sandys law poster

Ajay is playing triva with a couple of friends. In three hours he has had four drinks. On his
way to the washroom he stops to engage in a loud conversation with some strangers. Which
general sign of intoxication is he showing? –
 Loss of self- control and inhibitions
To be acceptable, ID must meet which of the following criteria? –
 Issued by the government –
 Include the persons photo –
 Include the persons date of birth
Under what circumstances could you serve customers who look underage, but have no ID? –
 You can never serve customers who look underage and have no ID
What strategies can you use to prevent over service? –
 Serve one drink at a time –
 Wait for the customer to reorder –
 Pass the table less frequently –
 Offer food, water, non -alcoholic drinks
Which of the following is true about people with a high tolerance for alcohol? –
 They show fewer signs of intoxication at high BAC levels.

Which of the following best describes Blood Alcohol Concentration(BAC)?

 The amount of alcohol in milligrams found in 100 millilitres of blood.

On average it takes approximately how many minutes for alcohol to reach the brain
 30 minutes

It is important to let your co-workers and manager know if you have given a customer which
 Yellow or red
Why is it important to know that caffeinated energy drinks are stimulated that can mask the
effects of alcohol?
 People consuming these drinks may not realize that they are, or becoming
Which of the following best describes civil liability

 You could be sued for damages

Which of the following is not a standard drink?
12 ounces of beer with 8% alcohol

Which of the following is true about sandys law?

 You cannot serve alcohol to a pregnant women
 All licenced establishments and retail stores must display a sign warning about the
dangers of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The liquor license act (lla) outlines which of the following?

 The law and regulations for selling and serving alcohol in Ontario
Which of the following customers will likely have the lowest BAC after consuming the same
number of standard drinks in the same amount of time?
 An older, unfit man
Failure to comply with the liquor license act could result in which of the following?

 Suspension of a liquor license by the AGCO

 Displinary actions by the AGCO
 Monetary penalties imposed by the Alcohol and Gaming Comission of
A customer arrives at your grocery check-out station at 8:15 Tuesday morning He wants to
exchange a bottle of white wine for a bottle of red wine.
 Tell the customers that you cannot exchange the wine UNTIL 9:00 AM or offer to
refund the customer’s money instead.
A group of friends have been drinking at a table for 3 hours. One of the customers orders a
round of whisky shots for the table. What should you do?
 Assess each customer using the traffic light system, and then politely ask each
person if they would like to have the drink.

Which one of the following procedures would be most effective when refusing entry to an
 Be pleasant but firm while calmly stating reasons for refusing entry

Kathy weighs 150lbs, and has consumed three standard drinks in two hours. Her approximate BAC
would be?

 0.06
alcohol slows down the central nervous system and impacts how a person thinks, acts, and
moves. this means alcohol is a:
 Depressant

Angela is handing out sample of alcohal in a grocery store a customer

asks if it is okay to take the sample with her to the next aside can
angela allow this?

 No,grocery store customers must consume the sample in the

area where it is provided.

Serving an underage customer can lead to which of the following?

 Monetary penalties imposed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario


 Liquor Licence being revoked or suspended

Who has consumed the least amount of alcohol in one hour?

 Perry

it is the violation of liquor license and control act, 2019 (llca) to

serve alcohol to which of the following?

 A customer who has arrived with a underage friend

Oscar and flexi both weight about 175 pounds Oscar is in his late 40s and is not in good
physicalhealth, but Felix is a 24-year-old competitive swimmer.

 Felix

Which of the following should you do if you have to stop service to a customer?

Let your co-workers and managers know so they can back you up if needed

Monitor to ensure

Talk …

Julia is a customer is sitting at the bar having a drink. A male customer sits down
and starts talking to her. He gets closer to her and waves you over asking for two
drinks, but you notice that the woman looks uncomfortable. What should you do?

 Make eye contact with her and ask if she is okay Check to see if she
wants the drink

 continue to monitor the situation to

ensure her safety.
Which of the following are illegal under the liquor licence and Control Act 2019 ?

 Allowing guests who smoke to take their drinks outside the licensed area for 5

 Serving or selling alcohol to an already intoxicated guest.

John attends a work reception held at a restaurant. The bartender notices John taking many
drinks from the trays being carried around. When John knocks over a tray of drinks, the
restaurant's manager suggests that John call it a night and offers to get him a taxi. John's boss
intervenes and says that she will make sure that John gets home safely. John somehow leaves
without anyone noticing and crashes his car a few blocks away. Who can be held liable?

-John boss only

Which of the following indicates that an ID may have been tampered with?
- Air bubbles in the lamination

A customer brought a bottle of wine to have with their dinner at a BYOW

(Bring Your Own Wine) restaurant, but drank only half. Under what conditions
can the restaurant allow the customer to remove the remaining wine from the

The customer is not intoxicated

Wine must be resealed, making sure cork is flushed with top of bottle

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