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Please tell us how you have or are currently creating positive

change in your community. Use concrete impact numbers or

examples where possible.

Durante mi tiempo como estudiante, me desempeñé activamente como activista en favor

de la educación inclusiva. Trabajé incansablemente para facilitar el acceso de estudiantes
pertenecientes a comunidades étnicas a la educación superior. En mi rol como secretaria
de la organización a la que pertenecía, logramos que más de 300 jóvenes provenientes
de estas comunidades lograran ingresar a instituciones de educación superior.

Además de mi labor en la organización, he desarrollado y ejecutado diversas estrategias

orientadas a que los jóvenes adquieran un proyecto de vida sólido antes de graduarse de
la escuela secundaria. A través de talleres, charlas motivacionales y programas de
orientación, busqué que los estudiantes comprendieran la importancia de la educación
superior y se motivaran a continuar sus estudios. Estos esfuerzos han sido fundamentales
para que muchos jóvenes visualicen un futuro prometedor y se animen a alcanzar sus
metas académicas y profesionales.

During my time as a student, I was active as an activist for inclusive education. I worked
tirelessly to facilitate access to higher education for students from ethnic communities. In
my role as secretary of the organization to which I belonged, we were able to get more
than 300 young people from these communities into higher education institutions.

In addition to my work in the organization, I have developed and implemented various

strategies aimed at helping young people acquire a solid life project before graduating
from high school. Through workshops, motivational talks and orientation programs, I
sought to make students understand the importance of higher education and motivate
them to continue their studies. These efforts have been instrumental in helping many
young people visualize a promising future and be encouraged to achieve their academic
and professional goals.

After my graduation, I have had the opportunity to be involved at the governmental level in
a higher education project so that the department's ethnic students can access, remain in
and graduate from higher education.

Considero que esta oportunidad sería invaluable para conocer y aprender de otros líderes,
así como para adquirir nuevas herramientas que fortalezcan mi propio liderazgo. Este
espacio representa una plataforma excepcional para la conexión, el aprendizaje y el
reconocimiento de la importancia que tenemos los líderes juveniles a nivel global.

Soy una jóven comprometida con ser agentes de cambio, no solo para mis comunidades
locales, sino también para influir positivamente en las futuras generaciones. Participar en
este entorno me permitirá intercambiar experiencias, innovar en mis metodologías y
reforzar mi capacidad para enfrentar los desafíos actuales. En definitiva, este es un
espacio donde considero que se valora y potencia nuestro papel como líderes juveniles,
destacando nuestra responsabilidad y capacidad para generar un impacto significativo y
duradero en la sociedad.

I believe that this opportunity would be invaluable to meet and learn from other leaders, as
well as to acquire new tools to strengthen my own leadership. This space represents an
exceptional platform for connecting, learning and recognizing the importance of youth
leaders globally.

I am a young woman committed to being agents of change, not only for my local
communities, but also to positively influence future generations. Participating in this
environment will allow me to exchange experiences, innovate in my methodologies and
strengthen my capacity to face current challenges. In short, this is a space where I believe
that our role as youth leaders is valued and empowered, highlighting our responsibility and
ability to generate a significant and lasting impact on society.

Considero que esta oportunidad me permitiría establecer conexiones cruciales que

mejorarían significativamente mis procesos. Al generar estas conexiones, podría plantear
cooperaciones internacionales, brindando a otros jóvenes la oportunidad de participar en
espacios tan significativos como este. Además, desarrollaría herramientas que facilitarían
la creación de lazos de colaboración, mejorando mi gestión a nivel gubernamental y
permitiendo la movilización de más estudiantes.

Participar en este entorno me proporcionaría una plataforma para aprender de las mejores
prácticas globales, integrando conocimientos y estrategias innovadoras en mi trabajo.
Esto no solo optimizaría mi capacidad de liderazgo, sino que también abriría nuevas
avenidas para iniciativas conjuntas con líderes y organizaciones internacionales. Así,
podría implementar programas y proyectos que beneficien a nuestra comunidad,
promoviendo la educación, el desarrollo profesional y la participación activa de los jóvenes
en la sociedad.

I believe that this opportunity would allow me to establish crucial connections that would
significantly improve my processes. By generating these connections, I would be able to
propose international cooperations, giving other young people the opportunity to
participate in meaningful spaces such as this one. In addition, I would develop tools that
would facilitate the creation of collaborative ties, improving my management at the
governmental level and allowing the mobilization of more students.

Participating in this environment would provide me with a platform to learn from global best
practices, integrating knowledge and innovative strategies into my work. This would not
only optimize my leadership capacity, but also open new avenues for joint initiatives with
international leaders and organizations. Thus, I would be able to implement programs and
projects that benefit our community, promoting education, professional development and
the active participation of young people in society.

 Por favor, diganos en qué problema u objetivo de desarrollo sostenible está trabajando.

The problem I am working on is directly linked to Sustainable Development Goal 4 “quality

education” and Goal 10 “reduction of inequalities”, as it aims to enable young people from
historically vulnerable ethnic communities to have access to quality higher education.
 Cuéntanos algo sobre tu trabajo para crear un cambio positivo. Esto puede ser sobre su
activismo, experiencia en campaña y defensa, trabajo comunitario, actividad empresarial
o voluntariado. ¿qué haces? ¿Cómo se relaciona con el problema en el que estás

During my time as a student, I was active as an activist for inclusive education. I worked
tirelessly to facilitate access to higher education for students from ethnic communities. In my
role as secretary of the organization to which I belonged, we were able to get more than 300
young people from these communities into higher education institutions.

In this moment I am working as a leader of the higher education project in the government of
Valle del Cauca, which also seeks that young people belonging to ethnic communities have
access to higher education, in addition to providing funding opportunities for these young
people to stay in higher education and graduate.

 ¿Cómo crees que esto cambiará las cosas para mejor en tu comunidad?

Becoming a Global Changemaker will improve my community by implementing sustainable

solutions to local problems such as inequality and climate change, and by inspiring and
mobilizing others to engage in social change projects. I will introduce innovative methodologies
learned from other changemakers and access a global network of support and resources. In
addition, I will increase civic engagement and create constructive opportunities for young
people, reducing school dropouts and juvenile delinquency. In short, my involvement will bring
innovative solutions, strengthen leadership and promote positive and lasting change in my

 ¿Cuáles son sus planes para el futuro en relación con su trabajo en la comunidad?

In the future, I aim to emerge as an exemplary role model committed to the advancement of my
communities. My vision encompasses the creation and execution of strategies that empower a generation
of young people, facilitating their path to professional fulfillment. My desire is to be a catalyst of
opportunities and a mentor to guide those who wish to reach their full potential, thus contributing to the
development and well-being of our communities.

 ¿Por qué quieres convertirte en un Global Changemaker?

I want to become a Global Changemaker because I strongly believe in the power of

individuals to create meaningful change in their communities and in the world. Being part
of this global network will give me the opportunity to connect with other passionate and
dedicated young people, learn from their experiences and collaborate on innovative
projects that address social, economic and environmental issues. I am committed to
creating a better future and am convinced that through collaboration, continuous learning
and leadership, we can achieve meaningful and lasting change.

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