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Topic Sentence :

Islam is a complete religion that not only teaches worship but also practices in the social realm

Supporting Details :

1. Islam has perfectly explained business ethics, such as honesty, openness, and others that will
ultimately benefit all parties.

2. Islam has a diverse range of financial instruments, both for business interests (such as bai', ijarah, and
syirkah) and for solving social problems (such as zakat and waqf).

3. Zakat and waqf in Indonesia are growing rapidly, and public awareness to pay zakat and waqf is also

4. Zakat and waqf focus on meeting the basic needs of the community, which not all elements of society

Conclusion :

The complexity of building public awareness regarding zakat and waqf needs to be done through several
accurate strategies, including applying the concept of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin as the main basis for a
Muslim as a companion to human life in the field of Mu'amalah.

Topic Sentence: The concept of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin in Islam emphasizes the role of wealth as a means
for seeking eternal life and the importance of following syariah rules in managing assets.

Supporting Details:

1. Nur Liviasari Yulma and Sri Herianingrum's research highlights the impact of empowerment training,
such as at Roudlotul Islamic boarding school, on various indicators including availability, relevance,
affordability, utilization, quality, and efficiency.

2. BMT Amanah Ummah's role as a cash waqf fund-raising institution demonstrates success in collecting,
managing, and distributing cash waqf to targeted beneficiaries.
3. The development and implementation of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin through economic fields in Indonesia
can complement conventional economic systems with Islamic economic principles.

4. Deep study of the Philosophy of Islamic Law is necessary to validate the concept within an economic
context based on the triangle concept encompassing God, humans, and nature.

Conclusion: The concept of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin underscores that wealth is a gift from Allah SWT for
human welfare but should not be pursued as an ultimate goal. It also necessitates adherence to syariah
rules when practicing asset management while offering potential to enhance economic development
through its application in Indonesia.

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