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Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 1(Project Execution (Content Migration) - Part #2)

Date 11-11-2023 Title Project Execution (Content Migration) - Part #2

(12:32PM-1:17PM) Tasks Distribution
Meeting Topics that we discussed in the meeting were:
Agenda  Files Distribution among team members.
 Environment Setup of SharePoint.
 Site Configuration.
 Content Migration.
 Gannt Chart Tasks.
 Client Meeting Notes.
 Document Library permissions.
Tasks We, as a group, assigned tasks to each member.
Assigned Shinku Gupta- Gannt Chart Tasks
Shweta Vijay Shinde- Content Migration Part #1 & #2.
Khushbu Rani- Gantt Chart Tasks, Document formation and screenshots of systems.
Anmol Sharma- Client Meeting Notes.

Syed Mutahir – Changes after client meeting, Assigning admin users to each
document library, Document formation and screenshots of systems.

Jyotish Prabhakaran - Environment Setup, Site Configuration.

These were the tasks that we assigned to each team member.
Outstanding The questions that were not resolved in the meeting were:
 Are there any specific guidelines or preferences for the content
migration process that need clarification?
 What are the specific document library permissions required, and are
there any constraints or limitations we should be aware of?
 Is there a preferred format for client meeting notes, or any specific
information that should be included in them?
 Regarding changes after the client meeting, are there any particular
procedures or protocols we need to follow?
 For the environment setup of SharePoint, are there any specific
configurations or settings that need special attention?
 Do we have a deadline for completing the assigned tasks, especially for
content migration and Gannt Chart tasks?
Table 1: Details for Meeting 1- Project Execution (Content Migration) - Part #2 Tasks
Meeting Minutes 2 ( Solution Presentation and Training - Part #1) :

Date 24-11-2023 Title Solution Presentation and Training - Part #1 Tasks

(10:59AM-11:33PM) Distribution
Meeting Topics that we discussed in the meeting were:
Agenda  Corporate HomePage.
 Department Subsite.
 Sub-department Sub-site.
 Department Processes.
 Gannt Chart Tasks.
 Reporting.
 UAT Presentation.
Tasks We, as a group, assigned tasks to each member.
Assigned Jyothish Prabhakaran - Corporate Homepage
Shweta Vijay Shinde - Department Sub-Site
Syed Mutahir - Sub-Department subsite
Khushbu Rani - Department Procedure 2
Shinku Gupta - Department Procedure 3
Anmol Sharma - Department Procedure 1
Syed Mutahir - Documentation

These were the tasks that we assigned to each team member.

Outstanding The questions that were not resolved in the meeting were:
Questions What specific elements or features should be highlighted on the Corporate
Homepage to align with the project objectives? • Are there any specific requirements
for the design and structure of the Department Subsite and Sub-department Sub-site?
• Regarding the Department Processes, are there any specific workflows or
functionalities that need to be incorporated? • For Gannt Chart Tasks, are there any
dependencies or milestones that need special attention? • What are the specific
expectations for the Reporting module, and what key metrics or data points should be
included? • Regarding UAT (User Acceptance Testing) Presentation, are there any
specific criteria or scenarios that should be covered? • In terms of documentation,
what format and level of detail are expected for the documentation task assigned to
Syed Mutahir?

Table 2: Details for Meeting 2- Solution Presentation and Training - Part #1 Tasks
Meeting Attendance
Meeting 1(Project Execution (Content Migration) - Part #2):
 Microsoft Teams
 11-11-2023 (12:32PM-1:17PM)
 Each member of our team was present in this meeting.
The screenshot below depicts as proof of attendance for the meeting conducted for Project
Execution (Content Migration) – Part #2.

Figure 1: Screenshot depicting attendance details of Meeting #1- Project Execution(Content

Migration) – Part #2.

Meeting 2 ( Solution Presentation and Training - Part #1 ) :

 Microsoft Teams
 24-11-2023 (10:59AM-11:33PM)
 Each member of our team was present in this meeting.
The screenshot below depicts as proof of attendance for the meeting conducted for (Solution
Presentation and Training - Part #1 ) :

Figure 2: Screenshot depicting attendance details of Meeting #2- Solution Presentation and
Training - Part #1).

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