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Lesson Plan

Name:Mahdee Tahmid Date: 9 March 2022 Length of lesson: Level: Upper Intermedi- TP number: 2 Number of students: 10-12
(Hasan) 45 minutes ate (est.)

Main lesson aim: By the end of the lesson, Sts should be able to form questions more accurately and more confidently

Secondary lesson aim: Students will have speaking practice and know some interesting facts about each other.

Professional aims: during this lesson, I will be working on these aspects of my teaching:
a) grading my instructions
b) reducing TTT
c) speaking slowly
d) time management on feedback

CELTA Lesson Plan

Assumptions (What do you expect the students to be capable of already? What knowledge do you expect them to bring to the lesson? - You may find it
helpful to consider recent lessons they’ve had).
They should be able to read for gist from a given text.

Materials / Aids
English File 4e, google images of actors

Anticipated Problems & Solutions

Anticipated problems Solutions

Skills (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing Problems):

students may encounter few difficult words pre-teach the vocabulary

Other e.g. Classroom management, Student Engagement, etc:

students could be on their phone instead of asking them to write in the chat, nominate each student to an-
swer a different question verbally
Name : TP Number:
Timing, Tutor’s Comments (please do not write
Stage & Aims Procedures
Interaction in this column)

lead-in 2-3 minutes 1. show visuals of famous actors Ss might know

T-S 2. ask them to write names of the actors in the chat

main reading 8-10 min- 1. Students will do jigsaw reading in breakout rooms.
activity utes 2. peer checking
S-S 3. They’ll read about actors/singers bios and complete some inter-
view questions.
4. They’ll do some information matching.
5. WC FB -> ask Ss about the completed questions and info match-

secondary 6-7 minutes 1. Students will work in pairs in breakout rooms.

speaking activ- S-S 2. They’ll talk about interesting questions from their reading activ-
3. They’ll ask a few of the interview questions to one another.
4. WC FB -> ask each S(s) to tell one thing they learnt about their
Name : TP Number:
Timing, Tutor’s Comments (please do not write in
Stage & Aims Procedures
Interaction this column)

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