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Score Writing Issues

84 70 70
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 84%

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Writing Issues
2 Clarity
2 Wordy sentences

Unique Words 26%

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percentage of words used only once in your

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Rare Words 34%

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that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.7

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 18
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By: Muh. Syabri, S.Pd.I., M.Pd., Gr
SMAN 1 Wajo
Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province
Education is the main key to the progress of a society. Amid increasingly fierce
global competition, the challenge for educational institutions to continue to
improve the quality of learning is becoming increasingly urgent. To improve the
education system, there's no harm in looking towards South Korea, which is
known for its amazing educational innovation.
SMAN 1 Wajo, as one of the educational institutions in Indonesia, can take
great inspiration from various educational innovations implemented in South
Korea. One of the main aspects worth paying attention to is flexibility in
curriculum implementation. South Korea gives schools the freedom to adapt
the national curriculum to local needs. This approach allows SMAN 1 Wajo to
develop a curriculum that is more relevant to the environment and student
needs, thereby increasing student interest in learning and involvement in the
learning process.
In addition, South Korea also has a strong focus on developing students' skills
and competencies outside the classroom. Diverse extracurricular programs and
support for students' talents and interests are one of the advantages of South
Korean education. SMAN 1 Wajo can adopt a similar approach by providing

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sufficient space for students to develop their potential in various fields, both
academic and non-academic.
The application of technology is also one of the keys to the success of South
Korean education. South Korea has utilized information and communication
technology (ICT) very well in the learning process. SMAN 1 Wajo can strengthen
ICT infrastructure and integrate technology in every aspect of learning, from
presenting material to evaluating learning outcomes. This will not only increase
students' interest in learning but also prepare them to be part of a technology-
based society in the future.
However, behind all of South Korea's educational innovations and
achievements, there is a deep awareness of the importance of character and
ethical values ​in the educational process. SMAN 1 Wajo can take an example
from South Korea in strengthening student character formation, such as the
values ​of discipline, hard work, and cooperation.
By adopting various educational innovations that have been proven effective in
South Korea, SMAN 1 Wajo can improve the quality of learning and create a
more inspiring and inclusive learning environment. The more ideas and
practices are adopted from other countries, the greater the opportunity to
create a better education system and better prepare the younger generation to
face future challenges. With a spirit of innovation and commitment to
continuous development, SMAN 1 Wajo has great potential to become an
educational institution that is highly competitive and capable of producing the
next generation who are superior and competent in various fields.
There are 3 important aspects that need to be implemented in improving the
quality of learning at SMAN 1 Wajo through South Korean educational

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1. Technology Integration
One of the innovative strategies implemented by South Korea is integrating
technology into learning. Through the "Smart Education" program, the South
Korean government has implemented information and communication
technology (ICT) at all levels of education, from elementary school to college. By
using interactive learning software and online platforms, students can access
learning materials more dynamically and participate actively in the learning
process. According to a UNESCO report, the integration of technology in
education has increased students' learning motivation and improved their
digital skills, which are important competencies in this digital era (UNESCO,
Online-based learning is a practice that is growing rapidly in the world of
education. This involves the use of digital platforms to deliver learning
materials, assignments, and interactions between teachers and students. With
this innovation, students have flexibility in accessing learning materials, can
study independently, and engage in discussions and collaboration with
One of the main innovations in Korean education is a technology-based
learning approach. In the current digital era, Korea has succeeded in
integrating technology in every aspect of learning, from the use of online
platforms to the use of interactive learning software. This practice not only
increases student engagement but also helps improve the overall quality of
Current learning strategies include student-centered learning approaches,
promoting problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration between
students. This includes the use of collaborative projects, guided discussions,
and the use of technology to support inquiry-based learning.

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To study these innovations and good practices, a holistic and sustainable

approach is needed. Teachers and school staff need to engage in
comprehensive training on the use of technology in learning, the latest learning
strategies, and the application of pedagogy that supports active and
collaborative learning. This training can be provided through workshops,
seminars, or online courses provided by schools in collaboration with
educational institutions or educational technology companies.
After studying innovation and good practices, the next step is to implement
them at SMAN 1 Wajo. Effective strategies include developing a clear
implementation plan, involving all school staff in planning and implementation,
and ensuring adequate technical support for the use of online learning
platforms. In addition, developing an adequate curriculum to support the latest
learning strategies also needs to be considered.
Implementation of this innovation will be carried out in stages. First, we will
start with a pilot project in one particular class or subject to test its
effectiveness. After that, we will conduct a thorough evaluation to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of this approach. Based on the results of this
evaluation, we will make necessary adjustments before implementing this
innovation widely across schools.
To spread the advantages of Korean education to other teachers at SMAN 1
Wajo, a comprehensive dissemination plan needs to be developed. This can be
done through organizing workshops, seminars, or Learning Community
activities (KOMBEL) that showcase good practices in online-based learning and
learning strategies.
2. Project Based Learning
Apart from that, South Korea has also adopted a project-based learning
approach to stimulate students' creativity and problem-solving. In this

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approach, students are given real projects relevant to everyday life or a specific
industry, where they have to work together to solve problems or create
innovative solutions. A study by Kim and Park (2020) shows that this approach
has succeeded in improving students' problem-solving abilities and preparing
them to face challenges in the real world.
To learn a project-based learning approach, we can adopt the following
1) Literature Study: Conduct a literature study to understand the concepts,
theories, and basic principles of the project-based learning approach.
2) Observation: Observe directly the implementation of this approach in schools
that have successfully implemented it, either directly or through video
3) Training: Participate in training and workshops held by educational experts
who are experienced in implementing a project-based learning approach.
After studying the project-based learning approach, the following steps can be
taken to implement it at SMAN 1 Wajo participants:
1) Curriculum Development: Integrate a project-based learning approach into
the school curriculum according to the level and subjects taught.
2) Teacher Training: Conducting training and coaching for teachers so they
understand the concepts and methods of project-based learning, and are able
to apply them in daily learning.
3) Provision of Learning Resources: Ensure the availability of learning resources
that support the implementation of a project-based learning approach, such as
technological devices, teaching materials, and necessary infrastructure.
3. Character building
Furthermore, South Korea also pays attention to the importance of character
education in forming a generation with integrity and responsibility. Through the

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"Character Education" program, schools in South Korea integrate moral and

ethical values ​into their curriculum. Research by Lee and Choi (2018) shows
that character education can help reduce deviant behavior and increase
student involvement in positive activities at school.
Character education refers to systematic efforts to develop positive moral,
ethical, and leadership values ​in individuals. According to Lickona (1991), the
goal of character education is to form good character, which consists of six key
qualities: wisdom, courage, justice, simplicity, loyalty, and compassion. In an
educational context, this approach can be applied through special curricula,
extracurricular activities, and the habit of positive values ​in everyday life.
To study innovations and good practices in character education, it is important
to use a holistic and sustainable approach. One effective strategy is to involve
the entire school community, including students, teachers, parents, and school
staff. Group discussions, character training, and case studies are methods that
can be used to explore the concept of character education.
Implementation of character education at SMAN 1 WAJO requires a strong
commitment from all related parties. Teachers can play a key role in developing
character education programs that are integrated into the curriculum. In
addition, establishing a school character committee, implementing
extracurricular activities that support positive values, and coaching students in
ethical behavior are also important strategies for implementing character
education in schools.
To spread the advantages of Korean education to other teachers in the SMAN 1
Wajo area, steps that can be taken include holding workshops or seminars on
successful character education practices in Korea. Collaboration with Korean
educational institutions and local governments can also expand the reach of
dissemination. In addition, publishing articles, practical guides, and online

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training materials can be an effective means of sharing knowledge and

experience in implementing character education.
Thus, character education is not just a concept, but a commitment to forming
future generations who are morally and intellectually superior.
By adopting innovative principles from South Korean education, SMAN 1 Wajo
has taken steps towards a significant transformation in improving the quality of
learning. Flexibility in curriculum implementation, emphasis on developing
skills outside the classroom, use of information and communication
technology, and the formation of student character are at the core of this
Through these efforts, SMAN 1 Wajo not only increases students' interest in
learning and involvement but also prepares them to become highly competitive
individuals in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing society. This
transformation is not just about improving academics, but also about forming
strong character and moral values ​that will bring long-term benefits to
students and society.
Thus, the transformation of South Korean education has made a major
contribution to enriching the quality of learning at SMAN 1 Wajo, and this has
become a solid foundation for realizing the vision of inclusive, inspiring, and
competitive education in the future.
Choi, M., & Park, S. (2018). The Role of Character Education in Korean
Education: A Focus on Moral Education. International Journal of Educational
Management, 32(1), 124-136.
Lee, S., & Choi, M. (2018). The Role of Character Education in Reducing School
Bullying and Improving Student Engagement. Journal of Moral Education.

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Lickona, T. (1991). Educating for character: How our schools can teach respect
and responsibility. New York: Bantam Books.
Kim, S. J. (2019). Education Innovation in South Korea. The Journal of Korean
Studies, 24(2), 401-425.UNESCO. (2019). Future of Education: Learning to
Become. UNESCO Publishing.

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1. 3 important aspects need Wordy sentences Clarity

2. are able to → can Wordy sentences Clarity

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