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International Islamic University Islamabad

Faculty of Social Sciences

Dept. of Pakistan Studies and History
Course: Political Parties and Elections in Pakistan
Course Code: MC-414
Prepared by: AMMARA KANWAL
Instructor: Dr. KUSAM SABA
Assignment 1
Critical Analysis of 1947 to 1985 Elections with Pie-
1970 Election
First direct elections at the federal level held in National Assembly on December
7, 1970 direct provincial elections held on December 17, 1970. The results of 1070
Elections lead towards of separation of East Pakistan from West Pakistan. East
Pakistan become separate Independent state Bangladesh in 1971.

LFO( Legal Framework Order) was issued by Gen. Yahya Khan in 1970 which
provided legal basis for general elections. National Assembly would frame
Constitution within 120 days. Integrated province of West Pakistan established in
October 1955 through One Unit Scheme. East Pakistan demanded maximum
autonomy because federal government dominated by West Pakistani political
leaders and military. Six Point Agenda of Mujeeb ur Rehman reshape relations
between both wings. Awami League blamed West Pakistan civil and military
leadership for the problems of the people of East Pakistan.

In East Pakistan major dominating party Awami League led by Sheikh Mujeeb ur
Rehman. In West Pakistan major dominating party who later came in power after
separation of East Pakistan in 1971 is Pakistan’s Peoples Party (PPP) led by
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Other parties participating in elections ar Awami Party-Wali,
Pakistan Democratic Party (PDP) three factions of Muslim League Council,
Convention and Qayyum. Rightest parties participate in election are Jamaat-i-
Islami (JI), Jamiat-i-Ulema-i-Islam (JUI), Jamiat-i-Ulema-i-Pakistan (JUP).

East Pakistan West Pakistan

Total Seats 300+ 13 Total seats 313
Allocated seats 162+7 (62 Punjab
PPP 18 Sindh
Awami National 1 NWFP)
Party (Sheikh 160/162 9
Mujeeb-ur- (NWFP 7
Rehman) PML Qayyum Punjab 1
Sindh 1)
Pakistan PML Council 7
Democratic 1 JUI 7
NAP(Wali 6
Independent 1
JI 4
Reserved seats 7 won by AL Independent 15
for women seats
Total 169/313 Total 138/313

Total overall voter turnout was 59.8%.

Provincial break-up of voter’s turnout was East Pakistan 56.9%, Punjab 68.7%,
Sindh 60.1%, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 48.4%, Balochistan 40.6%.

PML convention
NAP(W Independent candidate
Council ali)

Awami League


1977 Elections
1977 Elections described as electoral exercise in which Pakistan People’s Party
government and opposition lost to the military as a result Martial Law was
imposed on 5th July 1977. Opposition agitation against PPP as the massive rigging
in the elections. New Constitution was imposed on 14 th August 1973 opposition
wanted fresh elections after enforcement of Constitution but time period of
National Assembly and provincial Assemblies could last till August 14, 1977.
Opposition wanted immediate elections but Mr. Bhutto rejected this demand.
However, on January 10, 1977 Mr. Bhutto decided to dissolve National and
provincial assemblies and hold new elections on March 7 for NA and on March 10
for PA. PPP hoped to sail through the elections on the basis of its performance.

PPP government played success in foreign policy especially return of

Pakistani prisoners of 1971 war from India. Improved relations with Islamic
countries holding 2nd Islamic Summit Conference at Lahore in February 1974.
PNA was extremely critical of the PPP government policies.

After elections result tensions arose in country PNA launched Tehreek-i-Nizam-i-

Mustafa movement was launched against PPP secularism as a result tensions
exceed and on 5th July 1977 2nd Martial law was imposed by COAS Gen.
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq after imposing Martial law Z.A.Bhutto was arrested in
minor case of Ahmad Raza Qasouri. After Elections country was in hands of

TOTAL SEATS=216 200 General+ 10 Women+ 6 reserved seats for Non Muslim
Pakistan People’s party 155
Pakistan National Alliance 36
Independent Candidates 08
PML Qayyum 01
Women 10
Non-Muslims 6
Total 216

Islamic Group Conservative Group Center Leftist

Jamaat-i-Islami PML Pagaro

Jamiatul Ulema-e-Islam Pakistan Democratic Party NAP( National Awami

Jamiatul Ulema-e-Pakistan Tehrik-i-Istiqlal

Khaksar Tehrik Azad Kashmir Muslim

PML Qayyum contested Elections separately.

PML Qayyum; 1 Independent Candidates; 8

Pakistan National Al-

liance; 36

PPP; 155

Voters turnout was 64.1%.

Second elections in the history of Pakistan in which political parties were not
allowed these are party less elections same like 1962 Elections but 1962 elections
were indirect but 1985 were direct but both under military rule. On 5th July 1977
overthrowing PPP government led by Z.A.Bhutto undertaking on the assumption
of power to hold new elections within 90 days but the military government
postponed the election and initiated the accountability of the ousted civilian
government and Islamization of politics and society.

Several groups in the Political right and Islamic orthodox and fundamentalist
groups to mobilize support of the military regime in order to overcut the support of
PPP. Supreme Court of Pakistan gave death sentence to Mr. Bhutto on April 4th

November 17 designated for general elections and November 20 for provincial

elections. President Zia amended political parties Act 1962 to put restictions on
political parties. Like:

(1) registration in Election Commission

(2) Political parties must submit their annual statement of income

(3) Must publish political manifesto

(4) Parties hold internal elections annualy

(5) Must submit list of office bearers to the Election Commission.

Registration of political parties could be declined if these conditions were not

fulfilled. In September 1979 local bodies elections held on non-party basis a lot of
people elected who have political affiliation got PCO( Provincial Constitutional
Order) he inaugurated all nominated 228 members Majlis-i-Shoora in January
1982. On August 12,1983 Gen Zia announced National election and transfer power
to elected representatives by March 23, 1985. In August 1984 he announced he
might continue as President after general election in October 1984 power would be
handed if they guaranteed Islamization would continue week later he announced “
Power Share rather than Power transfer”.

On December 19, 1984 he hold referendum “Kya ap Mulk-i-Pakistan me

Islami Qanoon chathe hain? Kya ap Gen. Zia-ul-Haq ke us amal ki
tahied karte hain jo uno ne Islami Qanoon or nafaz ke leye paish
kiya tha” after that Gen. Zia-ul-Haq continue as president of Pakistan for next
five years. Refrendum law described as positive role. Official results showed that
97.71% official turnout was 62.15%.
After securing political future of Gen. Zia-ul-haq hold general elections on
February 25 for National Assembly and February 28 for Provincial elections.

MRD (Movement of Restoration Democracy) against President Zia in February

1981 led by PPP. MRD reguesd to register in Election Commission.

1400 Persons filled nomination paper for 207 reserved seats for Muslims. 4000
nomination papers were filled for 460 seats in provincial assemblies. Candidates
politically ambitious people who had money to spend and enjoyed some support at
local level tried their luck in electons.

Elections campaigns were strictly banned on public rallies and processions. Could
hold small meetings in walled compunds candidates hardly discussed political and
economic issues foreign policy and security issues did not figure in election
compaign. They raised similar problems like construction of roads, bridges and
streets, better sanitation, promise to build houses for homeless people and better
civic conditions to “Katchi Abadis”.

In absence of Nationwide political and socio-economic themes increased

parochial identities based on ethinicity, language, tribal identities, local community
or “baradari” and Islamic-sect.

Party less elections enabled good number of new comers to enter

National and Provincial elections because political parties were not active since
military government came into power. Those who lost election included five fedral
ministers, one minister and two advisors of Zia ul haq six provincial ministers also
lost 49/104 members of federal council did not win elections On March 2, 1985
Gen. Zia-ul-Haq issued Revival of the Constitution Order (RCO) amended or
substitute 57 articles, added 6 articles and deleted 2 articles in 1973 constitution.
He handpicked Muhammad Khan Junejo a feudal from Sindh have affilations with
PML Pagaro.

RCO were adopted by the Parliament as 8th Constitutional Amendment.

Various personal and like-minded groups that had emerged in the two houses of
the Parliament got merged into political parties in 1986.

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