Thriller Short Film Shot List

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Shot List Film ……………………………………

Number Type of shot Action No. of takes Complete

Establishing Tracking forwards down the
1 shot hallway as the guy is making a
tracking cup of tea
long shot The guy walking over to the
2 kettle

Big close up The guy flicking the kettle on


Mid shot The guy after flicking the kettle

4 on reaching for a mug off the
Big close up Kettle bubbling up

Over the The guy putting the tea bag in

6 shoulder the mug
high angle
Big close up The kettle bubbling up even
7 more

Mid shot The guy waiting for on his

8 phone until the kettle boils

Big close up Kettle reaching boiling point


Long shot As the kettle flicks off, the door

10 long take bell rings and we see the guys
head peer over as he looks
towards the end of the hallway
and starts to walk towards the
Tracking The guy walking towards the
11 forwards door
mid shot
Close up The guy pushing the door
12 handle down as he is about to
Long shot From outside the door, the guy
13 opening the door and looking
down to see a box on the floor
Medium The guy looking left and right of
14 close up the door to see if anyone was
Long shot The guy picking up the parcel
15 and holding it in his hands

Close up Guy looking confused with the

16 box but brings it into the house

Mid shot Guy turning back towards the

17 tracking kitchen and looking confused
backwards and inspecting the box as he
walks back to the kitchen and
sits down on the chair
Medium Guy looking at the box and
18 close up begins to open it

Over the Guy’s perspective as he looks

19 shoulder into the box and sees a letter
high angle and a bloody knife
Medium Guy’s face drops a little bit as
20 close up he picks up the letter and the
phone out of the box and
moves the box out of the way
and puts the knife on the table
Close up Close up of the guys facial
21 expression looking disturbed

Medium Guy’s face still looking

22 close up disturbed as he opens the letter
and read it
Big close up Of the letter as it slowly crabs
23 sideways to connote him skim
reading (voiceover of guy
reading it in his head)
Big close up Of guys eyes as they move
24 side to side

Big close up Of the letter as it comes to an

25 end

Close up Of the guys face as it drops


Medium Guy’s face looking life less as

27 close up he picks up the fnife to inspect
POV looking Looking at the short clip of the
28 down masked figure with a bat in his
hand and the friend screaming
and kicking crying for help tied
on a chair
Long shot Guy standing up from sitting
29 down on the chair and puts his
hands on his head as he starts
to panic
Handheld Guy look really panicked and
30 close up doesn’t know what to do

Medium As guy is panicking he hears

31 close up the door once again and he
stops dead
Tracking Guy’s feet walking slowly
32 forwards towards the door
close up
Tracking Guy looking scared as he
33 backwards edges closer towards the door
mid shot
Long shot From outside we see the guy
34 cautiously peeping his head
over the door to see no one
standing there
POV POV from the guy’s perspective
35 as he looks side to side to see
if anyone is there but then
looks down to see another
High angle Guy picking the letter up

long shot As the guy picks up the letter

37 he quickly shuts the door

Mid shot Guy slides his back on the wall

38 and sits on the floor as he
reads the second letter
Close up The guy reading the letter
39 which has the first riddle to find
his friend
POV close POV close up of the letter
40 up

Medium Guy drops the letter as he

41 close up looks stressed and tries to think
where the first riddle is
Long shot As the guy is standing up he
42 recites the riddle in his head
over and over
Mid shot Guy walking towards his room
43 tracking still reciting the riddle out loud
backward as he gets the idea that the first
clue is at the friend’s house
Close up Guy putting shorts on
44 quick cut

Close up Guy putting top on


Close up Guy putting shoes on


Tracking Guy’s shoes walking to the

47 forwards door

Close up Hand pushing the door handle

48 down

Long shot Guy stepping foot outside the

49 door and walking towards the
Tracking Guy making his way out of the
50 backwards gate and looking stressed as
mid shot he walks
Tracking Close up of the guy’s feet as he
51 backwards walks
close up
close up Guy’s face as he is looking
52 tracking paranoid and looking behind
backwards him to see if anyone is
following him
Cabbing Guy walking past a wall to
53 shot create a transition to connote
masking him moving to a different
transition location
Crabbing Crabbing shot masking
54 shot tranition of the wall to connote
masking transition to new location
Over the As the guy is walking to the
55 should location he sees a hooded
tracking figure ahead
Close up Guy looking nervous as he gets
56 tracking closer to the guy
POV Flashback of the guy looking at
57 the letter and the knife and
being paranoid
POV Hooded figure seeing the guy
58 look nervous

Close up Guy looking more nervous as

59 tracking he gets even more closer
Over the Guy and hooded figure very
60 shoulder close together
Over the From the perspective of the
61 shoulder hooded figure the bump
tracking shoulders and the other guy
forward ends up on the floor
High angle Guy on the floor panicking

POV From perspective of the guy

63 sees the hooded guy look back
at him weirdly as he walks off
Long shot Guy getting up and stressed
64 because he feel’s like he is
going paranoid
Mid shot Guy still looking stressed but
65 tracking dusts himself off then carrys on
backwards to the next location
Cross fade Walking to the location and
66 transition turning to find himself at his
Mid shot friends house
POV Looking at the house

Mid shot Walking towards the house

68 tracking
Close up Feet walking towards the door
69 tracking
Mid shot The guy getting to the door and
70 side angle knocking to see if anyone is in
Medium The guy waiting for someone to
71 close up answer but no reply

Mid shot Guy trying the door and seeing

72 side angle that it is open

Medium Guy walking through the door

73 long shot slowly and shouting hello but
there is no reply
Tracking Guy walking up the staris to try
74 forwards and find the next clue
Tilt up
Mid shot Guy walking towards his mates
75 room

Close up As the guy opens the door and

76 is shocked by what he sees

POV Looking at the state in which

77 his friends room is in

long shot Looking around his room in

78 search of the clue to find his
Long shot Still looking around the room
79 crossfading

Long shot Still in search for the clue

80 crossfading

Long shot Guy walking over to the pile of

81 clothes

Low angle Camera underneath clothing

82 and the guy taking off the
clothes and looking at what’s in
front of him
Over the Guy finding the letter and
83 shoulder holding it in his hand

Close up Guy’s face as he is reading the

84 letter outloud

Mid shot Guy reaching for his phone as

85 he calls his friend
Close up Guy reaching for his phone and
86 crabbing putting it to his ear as he
shot to a answers the phone
close up of
guys friend
Medium Guy at friends house explaining
87 close up whats happened

Medium Guy sits up from lying down on

88 close up his bed and looks shocked and
tells his mate he’ll be there as
quick as he can
Medium Guy at friends house saying ok
89 close up be quick meet me at … and
him putting down the phone
Over the Guy looking at the letter in his
90 shoulder hand with the second clue

POV Looking at the letter


Big close up Guy’s eyes moving left to right

92 as he looks at the letter

Long shot Guy with letter in this hand runs

93 towards the door leaving the
Extreme Guy running out of the house
94 long shot and running to the next clue

Close up Feet running

95 tracking
Mid shot As the guy is running a car
96 tracking pulls up next to him and shouts
backwards “get in” as it is his friend
From inside Guy jumps in and tells the
97 the car two friend to go to the place they
shot always used to meet up
Two shot Guy and his friend start talking
98 about the other friend missing

From behind The guy saying that he doesn’t

99 the seat of know why his friend has been
he driver captured
mid shot
From behind Other guy saying maybe he
100 the seat of messed with the wrong people
mid shot
From behind Main guy saying his friend
101 the seat of woldn’t do that and saying why
he driver would he say things like that
mid shot
From behind Other guy says I don’t know
102 the seat of you didn’t see some of the
the things I saw about him
mid shot
From behind Main guy turns his head and
103 the driver looks out of the window
mid shot
Long shot Car pulling up at the place

Two shot The main guy saying right let’s

105 inside the find this last clue so we can
car save our mate and other guy
reluctantly agrees
Camera As they jump out the car they
106 positioned both rest against the top as the
on top of the main guy goes “how come you
car medium sound like you don’t wanna find
close up our friend”
looking at
main guy
Positioned Other guy saying “Of course I
107 on top of the want to find him, just know the
car looking guy too well to know this is his
towards fault he is in this mess”
other guy
close up
Positioned Main guy says “right let’s just
108 at the back find him so we can go
of the car as
there is a
two shot
Long shot Two guy’s trying to find the final
109 clue

Long shot Two guy’s still trying to find the

110 crossfading letter
with the
Long shot Two guy’s still trying to find the
111 crossfading letter
with the
Medium Main guy walking over to the
112 long shot place they used to sit

Low angle Guy walking towards the bench

113 and finding the letter as he
picks it up
Over the Opens the final letter and reads
114 shoulder it

Extreme Guy’s eyes moving left to right

115 close up

Md shot Guy still looking at the letter

116 then once finishhing, runs
towards the car and tells his
friend to go to the final address
Two shot in Other guy says are you sre
117 the car about this

Positioned Main guy saying “yes of course

118 from the im sure now start driving”
driver side
mid shot
Positioned Other guy saying “ok” as he
119 from the shakes his head and starts
passenger driving
side mid

Long shot Car drives off from the place


Crrossfade Car pulling up at the place

121 into a long
Two shot Both guy’s look outside the
122 inside the front glass and then turn to
car eachother with a scared look
on their face
From the Seeing into the car, the two
123 back glass guys getting out and then
of the car walking towards the
abandoned building where they
two shot into will stop outside and look t the
a long shot terrifying building
Two shot Both of the guys still looking up
124 slight high at the building as the main guy
angle says “ are you ready” to which
the other guy gulps and replies
“yeah i guess so”
Mid shot As they are walking towards
125 tracking the building the main guy says
backwards “ill got this way trying to find a
way in and you go the other
way” then they split off
Medium Main guy walking towards the
126 long shot left and trying to find any ways
Medium Other guy walking towards the
127 long shot door to see if it is open which it
is and shouts main guy to
come over
Mid shot As they both get to the door
128 tracking they push it open and begin to
forwards walk inside
Long shot Both guy’s timindly walkng into
129 side angle the building

Two shot Guy’s standing by the opening

130 mid shot of the door as the main guy
says “we need to split up you
take this room ill try another”
Close up Main guy’s feet as he slowly
131 tracking walks towards the room
Medium Main guy’s face as he looks
132 close up of worried walking towards the
his face room
Mid shot guy walking into the room and
133 having a shocked look on his
POV Seeing his friend tied up on a
134 chair asleep

Two shot Main guy shouting he’s in here

135 medim long as he runs up to his friend and
shot shakes him
Over the Main guy cuts the of the knots
136 shoulder of loose and wakes his friend up
the guy in
the chair
Over the Friend in the chair waking up
137 shoulder of and screaming with tape on his
the main mouth
Over the Other guy getting closer
138 shoulder of towards him
the guy in
the chair
Over the Guy in the chair rips the tape
139 shoulder of off and shouts “look out”
main guy

Medium The main guy narrowly missing

140 long shot the other guy’s swing as they
begin to fight eachother

Handhled Main guy rugby tackles the

141 Mid shot other guy to the ground

Handheld Main guy punching the other

142 low angle guy on the floor

POV from Guys reaction to getting hit

143 guy on the
Two shot Other guy throwing the main
144 guy off him and getting on top
of him
Low angle Other guy putting his hands on
145 the main guy’s neck

POV of the Main guy starting to go red in

146 other guy the face as he tells his other
friend to do something
Mid shot The catured friend looking
147 around for something to use

POV from Looks on the floor and sees a

148 captured knife which he picks up
High angle Main guy going even more red
149 over the in the face as he is about to
shoulder of pass out and says “help me”
the villian
Medium Guy chocking the main guy out
150 long shot but we see the other friend run
up towards the antagonist
Medium Knife going into the side of the
151 close up antagonist

Over the See the colour come back into

152 shoulder the main guy’s face as the grip
high angle of the other guy get’s loose
Long shot Main guy pushes the other guy
153 off him as he bleeds out

POV high Both the main guy and

154 angle captured friend look down at
looking the other guy as he starts to
down lose consciousness
POV low Guy looking up at them one
155 angle from last time before his eyes close
dead guy
Long shot The guys just stood over their
156 once friends body as they turn
and leave
Extreme The two friends walk out of the
157 long shot abandoned building and before
into a the film ends we hear them say
medium “never speak of this again” and
close up the other friend says “agreed”

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