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A- Watch “simple past” Video and

paint do see clean

go write listen play study

break smile watch be like

visit send eat have

A. Put the verbs in the correct column.

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

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B. Complete the sentences with past form of the verbs in A.

1. (+) Yesterday I in the park.

2. (+) My mother.................................... a book last year. It’s very interesting.
3. (-) Peter .................................... this colour when he was younger.
4. (?) ……………………. you .............................................. a letter to your grandma?
5. (-) We ................................... TV last weekend.
6. (+) I................................... a pet rabbit when I was a child.
7. (?) ……………………. she .............................................. her room? It was very dirty yesterday!
8. (+) Sarah..................................... two sandwiches yesterday.

9. (-) The children .................................... the window – it was the dog.
10. (+) I....................................for the test last night. I’m not nervous.

B- Watch “simple past” and “past continuous” video again and

do the following exercises.

1. We ------------------- (cycle) when the rain ------------------- (start).

2. He ------------------- (break) the vase while he ------------------- (play) ball at home.
3. My mum ------------------- (come) in while I ------------------- (surf) on the net.
4. The electricity ------------------- (go off) as I ------------------- (bake) a cake.
5. Sandra ------------------- (catch) when her sister ------------------- (fall) down the stairs.
6. I ------------------- (play) golf when it ------------------- (begin) to rain.
7. While she ----------------- (read) a novel, her sister ----------------- (turn on) the CD player.
8. They ----------------- (walk) along the beach when they ------------------ (see) the accident.
9. We ----------------- (study) when we ----------------- (hear) a terrible noise.
10. While she ----------------- (do) the ironing, ----------------- her husband (set) the table.

C- Watch the “past perfect” video and complete the sentences.

1. They _______________ (eat) before he arrived.
2. _______________ (you finish) the report before he asked for it?
3. Jennifer _______________ (buy) the house before the market crashed.
4. What _______________ (she do) that upset him so much?
5. Our boss _______________ (not make) the decision yet when management changed
their mind.
6. The students _______________ (write) the report, but the teacher made them do it

D- Past Simple or Past Perfect? Read the sentences and circle

the correct options.
1. The robbers left / had left the bank when the policemen finally arrived / had arrived.
2. When the rain started / had started, the Atkinsons finished / had finished planting
4. Darcey saw / had seen this castle before she came / had come again last Sunday.
5. Mr.Palmer didn't speak / hadn't spoken any Chinese before he moved / had
moved to Peking.

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