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Performance of sustainable mortars containing

blast furnace slag and fine concrete waste: an
environmental perspective

Eric A. Ohemeng, Molusiwa S. Ramabodu, Tholang D. Nena & Yana Kancheva

To cite this article: Eric A. Ohemeng, Molusiwa S. Ramabodu, Tholang D. Nena & Yana
Kancheva (2024) Performance of sustainable mortars containing blast furnace slag and fine
concrete waste: an environmental perspective, Cogent Engineering, 11:1, 2313053, DOI:

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2024, VOL. 11, NO. 1, 2313053


Performance of sustainable mortars containing blast furnace slag and fine

concrete waste: an environmental perspective
Eric A. Ohemenga, Molusiwa S. Ramabodua, Tholang D. Nenaa and Yana Kanchevab
Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa;
Department of Applied Geodesy, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria


About 9% of the globe’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are attributed to cement produc- Received 7 November 2023
tion. The replacement of cement with blast furnace slag and fine concrete waste (FCW) Revised 27 January 2024
could reduce the CO2 emissions associated with the construction sector. Consequently, the Accepted 27 January 2024
main objective of the current study is to examine the combined effect of blast furnace slag
and FCW on mortar manufacturing. The experimental study was conducted in three stages. Fine concrete waste;
In stage I, mortars were prepared using cement-to-sand ratio of 1:3. The cement was substi- sustainable mortars; slag;
tuted with FCW at 0.00, 0.30, 0.60 and 0.75 fractions. From the Stage I results, a mortar mix- cementitious materials
ture prepared with 60% FCW and 40% cement was chosen for the Stage II study. In place of
cement, slag was used in fractions of 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25. The strengths of REVIEWING EDITOR
the mortars were significantly enhanced when slag was employed as a replacement for Ian Phillip Jones; University
cement. In the final stage of the study, the environmental impact (EI) of producing FCW was of Birmingham; UK
evaluated. The results show that the EI values for producing FCW are far below those of SUBJECTS
cement and slag. For instance, the global warming potentials of producing cement, slag, Testing; Materials Science;
and FCW were 0.951 kgCO2eq, 0.0188 kgCO2eq and 0.0169 kgCO2eq, respectively. In conclu- Civil, Environmental and
sion, the produced mortars provided the specified strength requirements for masonry works Geotechnical Engineering
as well as environmental and economic benefits, making them sustainable.

1. Introduction control mortar was decreased from 6.4 N/mm2 to

4.3 N/mm2 upon 30% substitution of cement with
The employment of supplementary cementitious
FCW. Amar (2021) examined the impact of FCW on
materials (SCMs) as a partial replacement for cement
in mortar production is highly recommendable. From mortar’s performance. The author mentioned that
the literature, about 9% of the globe’s carbon diox- the flexural strength of the control mortar was low-
ide (CO2) emissions are attributed to cement produc- ered from 9.5 N/mm2 to 7.7 N/mm2 when 20% of the
tion (Boden & Andres, 2017; Mehta & Monteiro, cement was replaced with FCW. The mechanical
2014). The substitution of cement with SCMs could properties of cement mortars containing FCW were
reduce the CO2 emissions associated with cement investigated by Moon et al. (2005). The compressive
manufacturing. Consequently, several studies involv- and flexural strengths of the control mortar were
ing the utilization of fine concrete waste (FCW) or reduced by 19.8% and 11.4%, respectively, when
slag in cement mortars have been conducted. one-fifth of the cement was replaced with FCW.
The effect of FCW on the strength properties of Wu et al. (2021) examined the impact of FCW on
recycled mortars was examined by Xianwei and recycled mortars. They reported that the compres-
Zhenyu (2013). The performance of the mortars was sive strength of the mortar mixture made with 100%
reported to decrease as the percentage of the FCW cement and 80% cement þ 20% FCW were 42.3 N/
increased. The control mortar’s compressive strength mm2 and 31.5 N/mm2, respectively. Kim and Choi
declined by 5.9% when 20% of the cement was (2012) studied the properties of mortars made with
replaced with FCW. Also, the flexural strength of the cement and FCW. The control mortar’s compressive

CONTACT Eric A. Ohemeng Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of
Johannesburg, Johannesburg, P.O. Box 17011, South Africa
ß 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow
the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

strength was reduced by 54.1% upon 30% replace- mm2 and 54.7 N/mm2 were obtained for mortar mix-
ment of the cement with FCW. Similarly, Thays et al. tures prepared with 100% cement and 50% cement
(2020) reported that the mortar mixture prepared þ 50% slag, respectively. Alakara et al. (2022) pre-
with 100% cement was reduced from 49.0 N/mm2 to pared geopolymer mortars by substituting FCW with
30.0 N/mm2 when 30% of the cement was substi- slag at 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%. It was men-
tuted with FCW. tioned that the strength properties of the mortars
The percentage reductions in compressive increased as the replacement content of slag
strength and flexural strength of 10% and 20% FCWs increased. Mortar mixtures made with 100% slag and
mortars experienced by various authors are pre- 60% slag þ 40% FCW experienced 28-day compres-
sented in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Evidently, the sive strength values of 53.4 N/mm2 and 59.6 N/mm2,
percentage decrease in both properties went up as respectively.
the FCW content rose. The average percentage Ngo et al. (2022) prepared sustainable mortars by
reduction in the compressive strength and flexural replacing cement with slag at various ratios. The 28-
strength of the 10% FCW mortars increased from day compressive strength of the control mortar was
5.5% and 6.1% to 15.6% and 14.2% for the 20% FCW increased by 11.3% when 15% of the cement was
mortars, respectively. substituted with slag. Likewise, Sambowo et al.
Thakur et al. (2016) assessed the effect of slag on (2021) reported that the 7-day compressive strength
the mechanical properties of mortars. Mortars were of the control mortar was increased by 58.7% when
prepared by replacing cement with slag at 0%, 10%, 20% of slag was added to it.
20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70%. It was reported The above information shows that experimental
that the compressive strength of the mortars studies on cement mortars containing FCW and slag
increased for the replacement level of slag up to are available in the literature. However, studies on
50%. The 28-day compressive strength of the control the combined effect of FCW and slag on cement
mortar increased from 45.3 N/mm2 to 47.7 N/mm2 for masonry mortars are yet to be found. Also, studies
a mortar mixture made with 60% cement and 40% on the environmental impact (EI) of producing FCW
slag. In an investigation by Oleiwi (2021), mortars are unavailable in the literature. Therefore, the pre-
were produced by substituting cement with slag at sent study seeks to fill these gaps in the literature.
0%, 20%, 30% and 40% contents. It was mentioned
that the 28-day compressive strength of the control
1.1. Purpose and process of the study
mortar increased from 35.0 N/mm2 to 44.0 N/mm2
when 30% of the cement was substituted with slag, The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the
representing an increment of 33.3%. combined effect of FCW and slag on mortar produc-
Awang and Aljoumaily (2017) conducted a study tion. Figure 3 outlines the research process. The materi-
to examine the influence of slag on mortars. Mortars als required for the mortar production were collected
were prepared by replacing cement with slag at 0% and prepared. Testing and characterization of the
and 50%. Compressive strength values of 53.1 N/ materials were done to ascertain their suitability.

Figure 1. Percentage reductions in 28-day compressive and flexural strengths of 10% FCW mortars.

Figure 2. Percentage reductions in 28-day compressive and flexural strengths of 20% FCW mortars.

Table 1. Physical properties of the mortar elements.

Type of test Fine aggregate FCW Slag
Silt and clay content (%) 3.05 – –
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1678.50 879 1100
Moisture content (%) 2.29 – –
Fineness modulus 2.78
Specific gravity 2.77 2.65 2.93
Blaine fineness (cm2/g) – 2818.20 4000.00

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials
The mortars were made using FCW, slag, river fine
aggregate and water. The fine aggregate’s grade
was consistent with (ASTM C144, 2003). Water
employed for the mortar’s preparation conformed to
BS EN 1008 (2002). The waste concrete used for the
study was secured from a construction site in
Gauteng Province, South Africa. The waste concrete
was broken into smaller pieces using a hammer. The
fine particles of the waste concrete were obtained
by using a sieve size of 0.30 mm. The collected fine
particles were further ground using a ball mill and
sifted through a 0.075 mm sieve. The obtained pow-
ders, which are referred to as FCW in this study,
were put in plastic bags and sealed until the time
for the preparation of the mortars. The physical
properties of the mortar elements are presented in
Table 1.
Figure 3. Flowchart of the research process.

2.2. Methods
Mortar mixtures were designed. The mixing, casting 2.2.1. Analytical techniques
and curing of the mortar specimens were carried out. Microscopic examination was conducted using
The properties of the mortars were determined using TESCAN VEGA3 scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
the appropriate standards. The EI of the mortar’s ele- while laser diffraction particle size analyser Malvern-
ments was evaluated. Finally, the obtained results were Mastersizer 2000 Hydro-G was employed to conduct
discussed, and conclusions were drawn. the particle size distribution (PSD) analysis. The oxide

Table 2. Mixtures of mortars containing cement and FCW. Table 4. Standards for testing the mortar specimens.
Mortar elements (g) Test Standard
Specimen type Cement FCW Fine aggregate Water Flow ASTM C1437 (2007)
Setting time ASTM C191 (2019)
Mix-1 586.0 0.0 1758 351.6 Apparent porosity BS EN 1015-10 (1999)
Mix-2 410.2 175.8 1758 351.6 Dry bulk density BS EN 1015-10 (1999)
Mix-3 234.4 351.6 1758 351.6 Water absorption ASTM C1403 (2000)
Mix-4 146.5 439.5 1758 351.6 Density BS 1881-114 (1983)
Compressive strength ASTM C109 (2013)
Flexural strength BS EN 1015-11 (1999)
Table 3. Mixtures of mortars containing FCW, cement and Splitting tensile strength (St) St ¼ 2 F/pdl
Mortar elements (g)
Prosek et al., 2019). In the case of slag, it can be
Specimen type FCW Cement Slag Fine aggregate Water seen that Al2O3, CaO, MgO and SiO2 account for
Mix-A 351.6 234.4 0.0 1758 351.6
Mix-B 351.6 222.7 11.7 1758 351.6
94.1% of the total oxide.
Mix-C 351.6 211.0 23.4 1758 351.6
Mix-D 351.6 199.2 35.2 1758 351.6
Mix-E 351.6 187.5 46.9 1758 351.6
3.1.2. Microstructure and particle size distribution
Mix-F 351.6 175.8 58.6 1758 351.6 of the materials
The microanalysis of the materials is shown in Figure
composition of the raw materials was determined 5(a–c). Clearly, the cement particles have angular
using a Malvern panalytical spectrophotometer. shapes and smooth surfaces. The FCW particle has
less angular shape compared to that of the cement.
2.2.2. Mortars mixtures, preparation and testing Also, the slag particles consist of several irregular
Tables 2 and 3 show the various mortar mixtures in shapes with smooth surfaces. Figure 6 presents the
Stages 1 and 2, respectively. In Stage 1, the FCW PSD of the materials used to prepare the mortars.
was used to replace cement in the following propor-
tions: 0.00, 0.30, 0.60 and 0.75. For the Stage 2 mor- 3.1.3. Microanalysis of the specimens in Stage 2
tars, the cement was replaced with slag at 0.00, 0.05, Figure 7 shows the microstructure of the mortar
0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 fractions. Steel moulds with specimens prepared in Stage 2. Clearly, the spaces in
dimensions of 50 mm  50 mm  50 mm, 40 mm  Mix-A specimen decreased as the slag level
40 mm  160 mm and 100 mm  200 mm cylinders increased up to 15%. However, when the substitu-
were used for casting the mortar specimens for com- tion ratio of slag surpassed 15%, the pores of the
pressive strength, flexural strength and splitting ten- mortar specimens began to increase when compared
sile strength tests, respectively. Three (3) specimens to that of Mix-A. Using an appropriate replacement
were cast for each test. The mortar specimens were level of slag enhanced the bonding ability of the
removed from the moulds 24 h after casting and mortars, while high-volume replacement of slag
cured in water. The specimens were tested on the adversely affected the mortar bonding.
3rd, 7th, 28th and 90th days of curing. Table 4
presents the tests conducted and their correspond-
ing standards. Also, Figure 4 shows the compressive 3.2. Influence of FCW on strength performance
strength, flexural strength and water absorption tests in Stage 1
conducted. The compressive strength values of the mortars are
shown in Figure 8. Apparently, the incorporation of
3. Results and discussion FCW into Mix-1 led to a reduction in compressive
strength, regardless of the curing day. The 28-day
3.1. Material characterization compressive strength of the mortar mixtures Mix-1,
3.1.1. Oxide compositions of the materials Mix-2, Mix-3 and Mix-4 were 39.7 N/mm2, 34.6 N/
The oxide compositions of the materials are pre- mm2, 26.8 N/mm2 and 20.1 N/mm2, respectively. This
sented in Table 5. The oxide results of the cement indicates that the compressive strength of Mix-1
are consistent with those reported by Florea et al. declined by 32.5% when 60% of the cement was
(2014), Kim and Choi (2012), Oksri-Nelfia et al. (2016) substituted with FCW. The reduction in compressive
and Prosek et al. (2019). From the table, the FCW strength could be ascribed to the inactive elements
results are in agreement with those found in the lit- found in FCW, which affected the hydration process
erature (Gastaldi et al., 2015; Martinez et al., 2016; of the mortars (Kim & Choi, 2012). The result is

Figure 4. Testing of mortar properties.

Table 5. Oxide composition of the materials. activators such as alkalis react with slag, the glass
Oxide Cement FCW Slag structure is disrupted, resulting in its activation (ACI
Al2O3 5.47 9.05 15.26 233R, 2003; Ohemeng, 2023). The alkalis in cement
BaO 0.00 0.00 0.23
CaO 63.49 23.95 33.35
activate the slag particles for hydration when
Fe2O3 2.98 6.89 0.82 cement is replaced with slag. This chemical reaction
K2O 0.41 0.91 0.95
MgO 1.08 3.21 7.62
causes the early hydration of the mortars containing
MnO 0.12 0.24 1.07 slag to be slowed, thereby retarding the setting
Na2O 0.06 1.55 0.24 time.
P2O5 0.07 0.19 0.00
SiO2 21.05 33.75 37.86
SO3 1.44 1.28 1.91 3.3.3. Influence of slag on density
TiO2 0.64 1.01 0.68
LOI 1.93 17.44 0.00 The effect of slag on the density of the mortars is
shown in Figure 11. Generally, the influence of slag
consistent with other studies found in the literature on the density of the mortars was insignificant. The
28-day density of the mortar mixtures Mix-A, Mix-B
(Moon et al., 2005; Ohemeng et al., 2023).
and Mix-C were 2157.6 kg/m3, 2147.7 kg/m3 and
2148.8 kg/m3, respectively. Nevertheless, the density
3.3. Properties of the mortars in Stage 2 of Mix-A began to decline when the substitution
level of the slag exceeded 15%. This could be
3.3.1. Influence of slag on flow
ascribed to the variations in specific gravity values of
Figure 9 presents the flow of the mortars. The inclu-
the two materials (Table 1).
sion of slag in Mix-A led to an increase in the flow
values. The flow results of the mortar mixtures Mix-
3.3.4. Influence of slag on strength properties
A, Mix-D and Mix-F were 110 mm, 115 mm and
The effect of slag on the strength properties of the
124 mm, respectively. This means that the flow of
mortars is shown in Table 6. Evidently, the employ-
Mix-A was increased by 12.7% when 25% of the
ment of the slag had significant impact on the
cement was replaced with slag. The increase in flow mechanical properties of the mortars, regardless of
could be due to the smooth and hard surface of the the curing day. For instance, the 28-day compressive
slag particle, which reduces its absorption capacity strength of Mix-A was increased from 15.8 N/mm2 to
during initial mixing (Liu et al., 2022). 16.9 N/mm2, 18.3 N/mm2 and 16.7 N/mm2 for mix-
tures Mix-B, Mix-C and Mix-D, respectively. This indi-
3.3.2. Influence of slag on setting time cates that the compressive strength of Mix-A was
Figure 10 depicts the effect of slag on the mortars’ improved when the cement content was replaced
setting times. The replacement of the cement with with slag up to 15%. However, the compressive
slag led to an increase in setting time of the mortars. strength of Mix-A reduced when the content of slag
For instance, the final setting time of Mix-A surpassed 15%. Using an appropriate replacement
increased from 565 mm to 578 mm for Mix-D, repre- ratio of slag enhances mortar strength, but a high-
senting an increment of 2.3%. Slag has latent volume addition of slag leads to a significant reduc-
hydraulicity, which must be activated. When tion in hydration products and strengths (Prosek

4.7 N/mm2 were recorded for Mix-A, Mix-B and Mix-

C, respectively, at curing day 28. The produced mor-
tars have the potential to be used for masonry mor-
tar types M, S, N and O, which require 28-day
compressive strength values of 17.2 N/mm2, 12.4 N/
mm2, 5.2 N/mm2 and 2.4 N/mm2, respectively (ASTM
C270, 2014; Ohemeng & Ekolu, 2019; Ohemeng &
Naghizadeh, 2023).

3.3.5. Significant effect of slag on strength proper-

ties of the mortars at 28 days of curing
Table 7 shows how much slag explains the variations
in compressive strength of the mortars. A coefficient
of determination (R2) ¼ 0.775 was obtained, which
indicates a strong correlation between the compres-
sive strength and slag content. The table also exhib-
its the conventional statistical report comprising an
adjusted R2 ¼ 0.745, F(2, 15) ¼ 23.786, p < .001.
Thus 74.5% of the variation in compressive strength
of the mortars could be explained by the slag con-
tent. It is evident from the table that the effect of
slag content on the compressive strength of the
mortars is statistically significant, since p < .05. Based
on the coefficients given in B-column of Table 7, the
model for predicting the compressive strength of
the mortars is given in Equation (1).
Cs28 ¼ 0:312x − 0:017x2 þ 15:940 (1)
where Cs28 is the 28-day compressive strength and x
is the slag content.
Table 8 illustrates the extent to which slag
accounts for the variation in the mortar’s flexural
strength. The results show a good correlation
between the flexural strength and slag content, with
a coefficient of determination (R2) ¼ 0.701. The
standard statistical report with an adjusted R2 ¼
0.661, F(2, 15) ¼ 17.582, p < .001, is also displayed in
the table. This suggests that the slag content
accounts for 66.1% of the change in the mortars’
flexural strength. The table shows that the influence
of slag content on the mortars’ flexural strength is
statistically significant, since p < .05. Equation (2)
provides the model for determining the mortar’s
flexural strength based on the coefficients provided
in the B-column of Table 8.
Fs28 ¼ 0:063x − 0:003x2 þ 4:246 (2)
Figure 5. (a) Particle morphology of the cement obtained where Fs28 is the 28-day flexural strength and x is
by SEM. (b). Particle morphology of the FCW obtained by
the slag content.
SEM. (c). Particle morphology of the slag obtained by SEM.
The degree to which slag content explains the
et al., 2019). Similar trend of results was observed changes in the splitting tensile strengths of the mor-
for the other strength properties. For instance, flex- tars is shown in Table 9. The coefficient of determin-
ural strength values of 4.2 N/mm2, 4.5 N/mm2 and ation (R2) ¼ 0.797 indicates a strong correlation

Figure 6. Particle size distribution of the materials.

Figure 7. Microstructure of the mortar specimens prepared in Stage 2: (a) Mix-A, (b) Mix-B, (c) Mix-C, (d) Mix-D, (e) Mix-E and
(f) Mix-F.

Figure 8. Influence of FCW on the compressive strength of the mortars.

Figure 9. Influence of slag on the flow of the mortars.

Figure 10. Influence of slag on setting time of the mortars.

between the splitting tensile strength and slag con- significant effect on the splitting tensile strength of
tent. Additionally shown in the table is the conven- the mortars. Equation (3) gives a model for estimat-
tional statistical report with an adjusted R2 ¼ 0770, ing the splitting tensile strength of the mortars using
F(2, 15) ¼ 29.429, p < .001. This indicates that 77.0% the coefficients provided in the B-column of the
of the variation in the splitting strength of the mor- table.
tars may be attributed to the slag content. p < .05 St28 ¼ 0:028x − 0:002x2 þ 1:656 (3)
suggests that the slag content has a statistically

Figure 11. Influence of slag on the density of the mortars.

Table 6. Strength properties of the mortars.

Compressive strength (N/mm2) Flexural strength (N/mm2) Splitting tensile strength (N/mm2)
Specimen type 3 days 7 days 28 days 90 days 3 days 7 days 28 days 90 days 3 days 7 days 28 days 90 days
Mix-A 7.70 10.58 15.75 19.30 1.90 3.30 4.22 5.16 0.45 0.92 1.66 2.19
Mix-B 6.95 10.25 16.94 19.48 1.85 3.20 4.45 5.18 0.43 0.87 1.69 2.24
Mix-C 6.50 10.05 18.25 22.35 1.78 3.12 4.69 5.63 0.41 0.83 1.91 2.56
Mix-D 6.21 9.45 16.65 19.89 1.69 3.05 4.36 5.22 0.38 0.80 1.68 2.22
Mix-E 5.87 9.12 14.17 16.58 1.41 2.98 4.01 4.75 0.35 0.78 1.49 1.99
Mix-F 5.32 8.92 13.57 15.92 1.17 2.81 3.75 4.32 0.32 0.74 1.39 1.86

Table 7. Regression coefficients of compressive strength of the mortars at 28-day curing.

Unstandardized coefficients
Standardized coefficients
Model B SE b t Sig.
Slag content .312 .086 1.585 3.625 .002
Slag content 2 −.017 .003 −2.281 −5.218 .000
Constant 15.940 .457 34.886 .000
R2 ¼ 0.775 (adjusted R2 ¼ 0.745); F(2, 15) ¼ 25.786, p < .001.
 represent exponent or power.

Table 8. Regression coefficients of flexural strength of the mortars at 28-day curing.

Unstandardized coefficients
Standardized coefficients
Model B SE b t Sig.
Slag content 0.063 0.020 1.555 3.088 0.007
Slag content 2 −0.003 0.001 −2.207 −4.384 0.001
Constant 4.246 0.109 39.132 0.000
R2 ¼ 0.701 (adjusted R2 ¼ 0.661); F(2, 15) ¼ 17.582, p < .001.
 represent exponent or power.

Table 9. Regression coefficients of splitting tensile strength of the mortars at 28-day curing.
Unstandardized coefficients
Standardized coefficients
Model B SE b t Sig.
Slag content 0.028 0.008 1.471 3.544 0.003
Slag content 2 −0.002 0.000 −2.204 −5.310 0.000
Constant 1.656 0.043 38.832 0.000
R2 ¼ 0.797 (adjusted R2 ¼ 0.770); F(2, 15) ¼ 29.429, p < .001.
 represent exponent or power.

where St28 is the 28-day splitting tensile strength mixtures Mix-A, Mix-B, Mix-C and Mix-D recorded dry
and x is the slag content. bulk density values of 1906.01 kg/m3, 1910.53 kg/m3,
1914.61 kg/m3 and 1908.55 kg/m3, respectively. Also,
3.3.6. Influence of slag on dry density and appar- the apparent porosity of the mortar mixtures Mix-A,
ent porosity Mix-B, Mix-C and Mix-D were 19.6%, 19.2%, 18.8%
The dry bulk density and apparent porosity results and 19.5%, respectively. Clearly, the incorporation of
of the mortars are shown in Figure 12. Mortar slag up to 15% in Mix-A had no adverse effect on its

Figure 12. Influence of slag on dry bulk density and apparent porosity of the mortars.

Table 10. Relative share of energy used for processing 1

tonne of the material.
Process %
Sorting process 3.54
Primary crushing 33.22
Conveyor 0.89
Magnetic separation 19.54
Secondary crushing 33.22
Washing or air-sitting 6.64
Screening 2.95

However, as the replacement content of slag

exceeded 15%, higher water absorption values were
recorded when compared to the control mortar. The
trend of the results is supported by the microstruc-
ture analysis of the mortar specimens (Figure 7).
Figure 13 further shows that the specimens experi-
enced rapid water absorption rate beyond 4 h of
immersion (approximately 61% of the total water
Figure 13. Water absorption of the mortar mixtures at dif-
ferent durations. 4. Environmental impact of producing fine
concrete waste
porosity and bulk density. However, lower bulk den-
sities and higher apparent porosity values were The EI analysis of FCW was done from the angle of
experienced when the substitution level of slag sur- commercial production. Three (3) stages were con-
passed 15%. sidered in the analysis. In the first stage, the EI of
transporting waste concrete from demolition site to
3.3.7. Influence of slag on water absorption recycling plant located in the Gauteng Province of
The effect of slag content on water absorption of South Africa was calculated. Average distance of
the mortars is shown in Figure 13. Evidently, the 58 km and transportation type (a truck of Euro 2
amount of slag incorporated in Mix-A has a signifi- class) were used. For the second stage, the EI for
cant impact on its water absorption rate. The water processing the FCW at the recycling plant was con-
absorption of Mix-A declined for slag content up to sidered. A dataset for average use of diesel fuel
15%. For 4-h immersion, water absorption values of machine operations was used to model the work of
37.43 g/100 cm2, 36.63 g/100 cm2, 35.76 g/100 cm2 the equipment at the recycling plant. The total
and 36.92 g/100 cm2 were recorded for Mix-A, Mix-B, energy of 2.258 kWh/ton was considered based on
Mix-C and Mix-D, respectively. This indicates that the the collected information about the capacities and
water absorption of Mix-A was decreased by 4.5% working regimes of the machines. The distribution
when 10% of the cement was substituted with slag. among processes is shown in Table 10. In the third

Figure 14. Environmental impact of processing fine concrete waste.

Table 11. Environmental impact for producing fine concrete waste without calcination (1 tonne of material).
GWP-fossil ODP POCP Elements Fossil AP Freshwater Marine Terrestrial
Process (kg CO2 eq) (kg CFC11 eq) (kgC2H4eq) (kg Sb-Eq) (MJ) (kgSO2eq) (kgPO4eq) (kgNeq) (molcNeq)
Transport of waste concrete to 15.74 0.000 0.043 0.000 250.533 0.053 0.004 9.04E − 03 0.094
recycling plant
Recycling plant processing: sorting, 0.75 1.61E − 07 0.002 1.14E − 06 10.14 1.28E − 03 2.71E − 05 1.65E − 04 1.83E − 03
crushing, separation,
washing, screening
Sieving of FCW 0.42 4.36E − 09 0.002 4.83E − 07 8.10 5.67E − 03 3.00E − 04 7.50E − 04 7.76E − 03
Total 16.91 1.65E − 07 0.047 1.62E − 06 268.77 0.060 4.33E − 03 9.96E − 03 0.104

stage, the EI for sieving the 75 mm FCW was mod- cement and slag found in the literature (Blengini,
elled by the consumption of electrical energy. Also, 2006; Chen et al., 2010). Figure 15 shows the EI of
the EI for the calcination of the FCW at 500  C for the cementitious materials employed in this study.
4 h was determined at this stage. The average elec- Obviously, cement has the highest EI values, fol-
tricity mix for South Africa from the Ecoinvent data- lowed by slag and FCW. For instance, the GWPs of
base was used. The EI indicators were determined in producing cement, slag, and FCW were 0.951
accordance with (EN 15804, 2012). The Ecoinvent kgCO2eq, 0.0188 kgCO2eq and 0.0169 kgCO2eq,
database version 3.6 and the openLCA software respectively. The partial replacement of cement with
were used to model the processes. All calculations slag and FCW for the manufacturing of mortars leads
were done for 1 tonne of material. The different to a reduction in the EI values of the produced mor-
environmental elements considered were: abiotic tars, making them eco-friendly.
depletion potential (ADP), global warming potential
(GWP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), photochem-
5. Conclusions
ical ozone creation potential (POCP), acidification
potential (AP) and eutrophication potential (EP). The present study evaluated the effect of FCW and
Figure 14 and Table 11 show the results for the vari- slag on cement mortars. The FCW and slag were
ous environmental elements. used to partly replace cement in the mortar produc-
tion. Also, the EI of producing FCW was assessed in
this study. The following major findings are given:
4.1. Comparing the environmental impact of
producing the various binders
i. The strength properties of the mortars were
The EI values for producing 1 kg of FCW determined enhanced when slag up to 15% was employed.
from the current study were compared to those of For instance, the 28-day compressive strength

Figure 15. Environmental impact values of producing 1 kg of the various binders.

of the control mortar was increased from 15.8 – original draft preparation, and editing. Molusiwa S.
N/mm2 to 18.3 N/mm2 when 10% of the Ramabodu: conceptualization, review, editing, and supervi-
sion. Tholang D. Nena: conceptualization, review, and edit-
cement was replaced with slag.
ing. Yana Kancheva: conceptualization, review, and editing.
ii. The produced mortars met the criteria for All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
masonry mortar types M, S, N and O, which
have a minimum 28-day compressive strength
of 17.2 N/mm2, 12.4 N/mm2, 5.2 N/mm2 and 2.4 Disclosure statement
N/mm2, respectively. Also, the mortar mixture The authors declare that we have no potential conflict of
containing 60% FCW, 30% cement and 10% interest.
slag was identified as the optimum proportion.
iii. Based on the obtained results, it is recom-
mended that the replacement of cement with
slag in mortars containing high volume of FCW The authors received no direct funding for this research.
should not exceed 15%.
iv. The study has shown that the EIs of producing Data availability statement
FCW are far below those of slag and cement.
The datasets used and/or analysed during the current
For example, the ADP of producing cement,
study are available from the corresponding authors upon
slag and FCW were 0.00399 kgSbeq, 0.00032 reasonable request.
kgSbeq and 1.62  10−9 kgSbeq, respectively.
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