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Hansel and Gretel walked and walked through the forest.

Eventually they came across an amazing looking house! It

was made of gingerbread and decorated with sweets, icing
and lollipops.

It looked so good so Hansel and Gretel ate the candy.

Once bitten into the candy there was no taste to it and
felt like plastic. All of a sudden someone came out of the
house. She invited them both inside. Once the children
were inside the old woman changed into a cruel witch.

She wanted to fatten up Hansel so that the witch could

eat him up. The witch forced Gretel to make super
unhealthy, oily and sugary food to feed Hansel. Hansel on
the other hand didn’t eat it. Instead he had kept it in
front of his cage so that Gretel could throw it away.One
day, the witch showed Gretel the oven she was going to
cook Hansel in.

Gretel decided to trick the witch . She told the witch that
Hansel was too big to fit into the oven. The old witch
leaned to take a closer look. The second she did that
Gretel pushed her into the oven and sealed the oven.
Gretel took the key to the cage and unlocked it. They ran
far away from the house and went back home.Their saw
their father and sighed with relief. Hansel and Gretal’s
father were so happy to see them. Soon later their father
had a divorce with his wife and everything was back to

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