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Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2009), 11, 143–152 DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-9563.2008.00400.

Evaluation of window flight traps for effectiveness at monitoring

dead wood-associated beetles: the effect of ethanol lure under
contrasting environmental conditions

C. Bouget, H. Brustel*, A. Brin* and L. Valladares*

Institute for Engineering in Agriculture and Environment (Cemagref), Research Unit ‘Forest ecosystems’, Domaine des Barres, F-45290
Nogent-sur-Vernisson, France and *Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Purpan (EIP), 75 Voie du TOEC F-31076 Toulouse, Cedex 3, France

Abstract 1 Subsequent to the diversity of saproxylic beetles being proposed as a manage-

ment tool in forestry, more explicit knowledge about the efficiency and selective
properties of beetle sampling methods is needed.
2 We compared saproxylic beetle assemblages caught by alcohol-baited or unbaited
window traps in different forest contexts. Considering that trap attractiveness
depends on kairomone concentrations, we appraised whether the trap efficiency was
influenced by trap environment (openness and local supply of fresh dead wood).
3 Saproxylic beetles were sampled using 48 cross-vane window flight traps, arranged
in paired designs (alcohol-baited/unbaited), in eight ancient and eight recent gaps
(open stands), and eight closed-canopy control stands in an upland beech forest
in the French Pyrenees.
4 Baited traps were more efficient than unbaited traps in terms of abundance and
richness in our deciduous forests. The ethanol lure did not have any repellent effect
on the individual response of saproxylic taxa.
5 The influence of local environmental conditions on trap attractiveness was observed.
Openness had a significant moderate effect on species richness. Trap attractive-
ness was slightly reduced in the alcohol-saturated environment of recent gaps
probably due to a disruption by local fresh dead-wood concentrations of the
kairomonal response of saproxylic beetles to baited traps (‘alcohol disruption’).
6 Because the ethanol lure enhanced the probability of species detection, it may be
useful in early-warning surveillance, monitoring and control of wood borers,
despite slight influences of local conditions on baited trap efficiency.
Keywords Alcohol bait, efficiency, monitoring, optimization, sampling methods.

Introduction status (Speight, 1989; Nilsson et al., 2001) because they are
highly dependent on dead wood and have been particularly
Forest management practices currently include many measures
affected by forest management practices (Siitonen, 2001).
to conserve fauna and flora. In managed forest ecosystems,
They comprise one of the largest groups of red-listed species,
however, the dead wood component has been severely
and represent many different functional groups (Siitonen,
reduced by intensive forestry and still is under-represented
2001). As saproxylic beetles are diverse, and mainly small
(Siitonen, 2001). Because considerable effort is devoted to
and cryptic, their study is very challenging. If saproxylic
preserving dead wood and the associated fungi and fauna
beetles are to be used as a management tool for evaluating
involved in the wood decaying process, we need an explicit
forestry practices or biodiversity monitoring schemes, more
ecological assessment of the performance of forestry meas-
explicit knowledge about the efficiency and selective proper-
ures designed to increase deadwood.
ties of sampling methods is required.
Saproxylic beetles have been widely studied over the past
Several different methods are generally used to collect
20 years, especially in northern and central Europe, and have
saproxylic beetles. These are: (i) direct active hand-collecting
also been proposed as indicator species of forest conservation
techniques, including peeling, sifting the bark of dead trees
Correspondence: C. Bouget. Tel.: +33 2 38 95 05 42; Fax: +33 2 and beating dead wood; (ii) rearing techniques (log emergence
38 95 03 44; e-mail: traps, Owen traps, eclectors, extraction cylinders); and

© 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society
144 C. Bouget et al.

(iii) trapping methods such as interception or attractive Therefore, the difference between baited and unbaited
(coloured, silhouette, chemo-attractive) traps (Leather, 2005). traps would be expected to be higher in open areas than in
Window-flight trapping [also called flight-intercept trapping, closed-canopy stands. This bias variation between stands
window/barrier trapping or collision trapping, as developed would call into question between-stand comparisons using
by Chapman and Kinghorn (1955) and then Peck and Davies alcohol-baited traps.
(1980)] is currently the most frequently used technique for 2 Was the difference between the two methods unaffected
catching active flying saproxylic beetles ( Økland, 1996; by whether or not the close trap surroundings were poor
Wikars et al., 2005; Alinvi et al., 2007). Window flight traps or rich in naturally emitted ethanol from fresh or decaying
consist of a vertical barrier to insect flight that is considered dead wood?
invisible to the insect. On hitting the barrier, most beetles
drop down and fall into a collection container with liquid We may assume that trap attractiveness is influenced by
preservatives. Although interception traps do not give accu- the alcohol concentration in the atmosphere surrounding the
rate information about the local habitat, they have proved to trap. In recently sun-exposed gaps, the high volumes of fresh
be satisfactory in many respects. Compared with extraction dead wood release a large amount of ethanol, which may lead
methods, they offer reliable means of replication and stand- to a saturated olfactory landscape and therefore to a reduc-
ardization, and give a representative picture of the saproxylic tion in the capture efficiency of the trap attractant. Due to
beetle fauna (Siitonen, 1994). alcohol disruption, we hypothesize that the differences
From the original simple model of flight-interception trap, between paired baited and unbaited traps would be lower in
modifications have been proposed to their dimensions, recent gaps than in old gaps where the local atmosphere is
colour, shape, bait, etc. For example, window-flight traps not alcohol-saturated.
may be fitted with an attractant dispenser to increase catches
of dead wood-associated beetles (Brustel, 2004).
Dead wood-associated species have evolved behavioural
responses to volatile host-plant chemicals that indicate the pres- Materials and methods
ence of a suitable host (i.e. kairomones). It is well known that
ethanol, a volatile compound released by micro-organisms in Study areas and sampling designs
decaying woody tissue, mainly in fresh tissues (Cade et al.,
Investigations were carried out in an upland beech forest in
1970) and stressed plants (Kimmerer & Kozlowski, 1982),
the central French Pyrenees, in the National Orlu Reserve,
acts as a foraging kairomone, used in the context of food
approximately 150 km south of Toulouse. Altitude was in the
location (Döring, 1955; Ruther et al., 2002). It is therefore
range 1600–1750 m. The selected plots were 100–140-year-old
attractive to a wide variety of species of dead wood-associated
beech stands, and had previously been exploited for charcoal
beetles (Montgomery & Wargo, 1983; Lindelöw et al., 1992),
by coppicing.
including early- (Nordlander et al., 1986; Byers, 1989) and
The balanced sampling design included three types of
late-successional saproxylic species (Jonsell et al., 2003),
stands: eight ancient gaps, eight recent gaps (open stands)
and beetles associated with dead wood from deciduous
and eight forest controls (closed-canopy stands). The 16 gaps
(Roling & Kearby, 1975) or coniferous trees (Magema et al.,
were originally dedicated to the monitoring of conservation
1982; Chénier & Philogène, 1989).
measures in favour of the capercaillie Tetrao urogallus ,
Previous studies have already demonstrated the general
L. 1758. Old and recent gaps were created in 1999 and 2004
effects of ethanol as a lure in attractive window flight traps
respectively; they were circular in shape and approximately
( Berti & Flechtmann, 1986; Shibata et al. , 1996 ). In the
0.05 ha in area. The distance between gaps was in the range
present study, comparing two sampling techniques in paired
80–1000 m. Cut trees were left in all gaps but only recent
designs, we first intended to confirm and detail the differ-
gaps had high amounts of recent (freshly-cut) dead wood. In
ences in catches between alcohol-baited and unbaited traps
parallel, a transect of eight forest control plots was set up in
under field conditions.
closed-canopy beech stands, where the cover was quite dense
Second, we aimed to assess whether the catches of dead
(basal area = 23 m 2/ha, stem density = 300 stems/ha, mean
wood-associated beetles in alcohol-baited or unbaited traps
dbh = 25 cm, mean height = 15 m) and the understory very poor.
are influenced by local environmental conditions. Standardized
unbiased methods are needed to study the effects of forest
management practices and compare open (e.g. felling areas)
Beetle sampling
and closed-canopy stands; ideally, saproxylic beetle detecta-
bility should not change with habitat structure. We thus asked Beetles were sampled with a multidirectional Polytrap™
the two questions. (EIP, Toulouse, France) (Brustel, 2004), a cross-vane window
flight trap with a cumulative panel area of 1 m2 (Fig. 1). For
1 Did the difference between the two methods (alcohol- the preservation of insects, containers were half-filled with a
baited and unbaited traps) remain constant in open gaps salt mixture. A detergent was added to reduce surface ten-
or closed-canopy stands? Schroeder and Lindelöw (1989) sion. Two traps were set in each plot: one baited with an al-
demonstrated that release rates of chemicals affect attrac- cohol lure (1 : 10 ethanol released from a dispenser) and one
tion. We may assume that kairomone volatility, and there- unbaited trap. Alcohol lure is known to attract hardwood-
fore trap attractiveness, increases with stand openness. feeding species (Montgomery & Wargo, 1983).

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Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
Baited window flight traps and saproxylic beetles 145

Table 1 Differences between baited (AL) and unbaited (NAL)

traps, in terms of saproxylic beetle abundance, species

Alcohol-baited Unbaited
Taxa traps traps

Abundance 331.417 ± 156.330 143.750 ± 55.155 F1,23 = 66.482**

Species 43.125 ± 9.768 31.458 ± 8.827 F1,23 = 68.649**

Test significance: ** P < 0.01. Differences were tested by linear

mixed-model analysis of variance ( F -tests). Mean values are
expressed ± SD.

classified as a spatial random effect to take the pairing pat-

tern of the sampling design into account. Species and fami-
lies represented by fewer than 30 individuals were not
The effects of the interaction between bait and two fac-
tors on total abundance, abundance of alcohol-attracted taxa
(in our data) and species richness were assessed. The three
stand types of the study were clustered using two different
grouping factors. First, to study the influence of stand open-
ness on trap attractiveness, we compared the difference be-
tween paired baited and unbaited traps in open old gaps or
closed-canopy stands. Recent gaps were not included in the
models to avoid a confusing ‘fresh dead wood’ effect (see
below). We analysed this difference through the interaction
effect in linear mixed-model anovas (bait ´ openness).
Second, to study the influence of local fresh dead wood

Figure 1 Design of the cross-vane window flight trap used during

the study.

Overall, 24 pairs of Polytraps were set up in 2004, from 15

May to 30 August in recent and ancient gaps and closed-can- NAL

opy beech stands. The traps were emptied every 2 weeks.
Collected specimens were stored in alcohol and identified to

species of the families: Anobiidae, Curculionidae, Dasytidae,

Melyridae, Mordellidae, Pselaphidae, Scolytinae, Scraptiidae,
Staphylinidae. The nomenclature follows the online
FaunaEuropaea database ( ). We
pooled the data for the entire sampling period.

Data processing
The two sampling methods were compared in terms of total -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
saproxylic beetle abundance, cumulative species number per Comp.1
trap, family and species abundance per trap (over the entire
trapping periods). Figure 2 Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination plot of
the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix of baited (AL) and unbaited
Linear mixed-model analysis of variance (anova) tests
(NAL) samples. The two axes with highest correlation to bait factor
(Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) were carried out to check for dif- are represented. Four-dimensional stress = 0.153. Analysis of
ferences in abundance and species richness between the two similarities (10 000 permutations) confirmed the difference of
trap types in each paired comparison. The plot variable was assemblages (R = 0.65, P < 0.0001).

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Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
146 C. Bouget et al.

Table 2 Mean abundance per trap of saproxylic beetle species and families in baited and unbaited traps

Taxa Alcohol-baited traps Unbaited traps F1,23

Leiodidae 1.125 ± 1.424 1.625 ± 2.123 F = 1.274NS

Staphylinidae 49.458 ± 28.290 34.667 ± 19.325 F = 15.243**
Aleochara sparsa 1.833 ± 1.711 0.167 ± 0.637 F = 27.688**
Eusphalerum angustum 29.542 ± 26.132 30.500 ± 19.638 F = 1.908NS
Paraphloeostiba gayndahense 9.958 ± 8.175 0.375 ± 0.576 F = 198.854**
Leptusa pulchella 0.958 ± 1.301 0.500 ± 0.780 F = 1.929NS
Lucanidae 0.625 ± 0.824 0.833 ± 1.007 F = 0.512NS
Sinodendron cylindricum 0.542 ± 0.658 0.750 ± 0.847 F = 0.682NS
Eucnemidae 1.250 ± 2.345 0.667 ± 1.049 F = 0.414NS
Melasis buprestoides 1.250 ± 2.345 0.667 ± 1.049 F = 0.467NS
Elateridae 1.667 ± 1.903 2.292 ± 1.944 F = 1.422NS
Idolus picipennis 0.917 ± 1.501 1.375 ± 1.610 F = 2.293NS
Anobiidae 26.500 ± 22.043 24.042 ± 22.160 F = 0.141NS
Grynobius planus 0.917 ± 1.558 1.167 ± 2.160 F = 0.012NS
Hemicoelus costatus 7.292 ± 8.961 7.250 ± 7.731 F = 0.000NS
Ptilinus pectinicornis 16.500 ± 20.061 12.458 ± 15.704 F = 0.280NS
Ptinomorphus imperialis 0.458 ± 0.932 0.958 ± 3.458 F = 0.043NS
Xestobium plumbeum 1.333 ± 1.494 2.083 ± 5.579 F = 0.209NS
Lymexylidae 6.333 ± 10.639 0.375 ± 1.279 F = 38.526**
Hylecoetus dermestoides 6.333 ± 10.639 0.375 ± 1.279 F = 41.528**
Cleridae 0.917 ± 1.283 1.042 ± 1.459 F = 0.053NS
Tillus elongatus 0.917 ± 1.283 1.042 ± 1.459 F = 0.125NS
Melyridae 12.792 ± 12.646 8.875 ± 8.295 F = 0.617NS
Malachiidae 2.000 ± 2.537 3.292 ± 3.196 F = 3.651NS
Monotomidae 2.417 ± 2.263 0.250 ± 0.442 F = 60.460**
Rhizophagus spp. 2.375 ± 2.281 0.167 ± 0.381 F = 57.873**
Cryptophagidae 14.625 ± 14.984 5.917 ± 5.823 F = 17.544**
Cryptophagus spp. 14.125 ± 15.103 5.833 ± 5.880 F = 14.091**
Latridiidae 8.625 ± 6.851 6.000 ± 5.703 F = 3.009NS
Mycetophagidae 1.750 ± 1.539 1.042 ± 1.083 F = 2.757NS
Ciidae 5.667 ± 5.346 5.208 ± 5.073 F = 0.143NS
Tetratomidae 3.583 ± 3.202 2.625 ± 3.609 F = 4.037NS
Tetratoma ancora 3.583 ± 3.202 2.625 ± 3.609 F = 4.037NS
Melandryidae 2.250 ± 2.592 1.542 ± 1.615 F = 1.850NS
Melandrya caraboides 0.958 ± 1.398 0.792 ± 1.285 F = 0.456NS
Mordellidae 1.333 ± 3.199 1.083 ± 1.909 F = 0.337NS
Tomoxia bucephala 0.917 ± 2.586 0.917 ± 1.886 F = 0.316NS
Salpingidae 89.417 ± 44.071 3.417 ± 2.165 F = 162.552**
Rabocerus foveolatus 4.750 ± 3.650 0.208 ± 0.588 F = 82.129**
Rhinosimus planirostris 53.167 ± 25.426 1.583 ± 1.248 F = 486.084**
Rhinosimus ruficollis 31.458 ± 18.967 1.583 ± 1.472 F = 201.812**
Scraptiidae 2.292 ± 2.510 2.458 ± 1.719 F = 1.540NS
Anaspis rufilabris 1.417 ± 1.213 1.792 ± 1.587 F = 0.428NS
Cerambycidae 10.375 ± 7.471 9.792 ± 7.396 F = 0.042NS
Clytus arietis 1.625 ± 2.143 1.042 ± 1.654 F = 2.878NS
Oxymirus cursor 1.625 ± 2.018 1.542 ± 1.250 F = 0.065NS
Rhagium bifasciatum 3.542 ± 3.176 3.958 ± 3.862 F = 0.007NS
Rhagium mordax 1.417 ± 1.349 1.667 ± 2.160 F = 0.005NS
Scolytidae 81.417 ± 127.180 22.583 ± 21.040 F = 23.698**
Ernoporicus caucasicus 18.667 ± 37.632 4.417 ± 4.452 F = 10.469**
Taphrorychus bicolor 53.083 ± 125.971 17.208 ± 20.121 F = 0.586NS
Xyleborus saxesenii 4.792 ± 3.683 0.042 ± 0.204 F = 107.812**
Xyloterus domesticus 2.000 ± 2.284 0.125 ± 0.448 F = 22.674**
Xyloterus signatus 1.792 ± 2.021 0.000 ± 0.000 F = 32.427**

Linear mixed-model analysis of variance: **P < 0.01, *0.01 < P < 0.05; not significant (NS), P > 0.05. Mean values are expressed ± SD.

concentrations on trap attractiveness, we examined the dif- linear mixed-model anova s was followed by a multiple
ference (baited – unbaited) in fresh dead-wood rich (recent comparison post-hoc Tukey test of the mean value of this
gaps) or poor (old gaps) stands. Forest controls were re- difference.
moved from the models to avoid a confusing shade effect. Graphs include multipanel boxplots displaying the distribu-
The F -test of the interaction effect (bait ´ stand type) in tion of data according to the two factors bait ´ environment,

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Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
Baited window flight traps and saproxylic beetles 147

(A) (B)
Mean abundance per trap Mean species richness per trap
ns 60 *
Figure 3 Mean abundance (A) and species 600 50
richness (B) per trap of saproxylic beetles
in baited (AL) and unbaited (NAL) traps in 400
open old gaps (MO) or closed-canopy 30
stands (MF). Linear mixed-model analysis 200 20
of variance (F-test) of the interaction effect
between bait and openness: ** P < 0.01; 0
*0.01 < P < 0.05; not significant, P > 0.05. AL NAL AL NAL AL NAL AL NAL

or simple boxplots showing the numerical difference (baited- Salpingidae (Rhinosimus ruficollis, Rhinosimus planirostris,
unbaited) for different environment types. Rabocerus foveolatus)], significantly more individuals were
Nonmetric multidimensional scaling based on the Bray– caught in baited traps than in unbaited traps ( Table 2 ) .
Curtis dissimilarity was used for pattern recognition in Rhizophagus spp. (Monotomidae) was more abundant in
species composition and the analysis of similarities (anosim) baited traps compared with unbaited traps, whereas Cleridae
procedure was carried out to test for differences in assem- were not affected by trap bait. Amongst xylophagous taxa,
blage composition between trap types (Clarke, 1993). Before Scolytidae (Ernoporicus fagi, Xyloterus signatus, Xyloterus
calculation of the Bray–Curtis distance matrix, species repre- domesticus , Xyleborus saxesenii ) and Lymexylidae
sented by only one individual were discarded and abundance (Hylecoetus dermestoides) were more abundantly caught in
data were (ln + 1) transformed. baited traps, whereas Cerambycidae, Anobiidae, Melyridae
anova, nonmetric multidimensional scaling and anosim were not sensitive to alcohol bait. No species or family was
were performed using S-Plus 7.0 (Seattle, Washington). significantly more abundant in unbaited traps.

Comparison of effectiveness between

Results alcohol-baited and unbaited traps in open or
When baited with alcohol, window flight traps were more se- closed-canopy stands
lective: the number of saproxylic beetles reached 85.8% of The difference between alcohol-baited and unbaited traps in
the total number of beetles in baited traps but was only 69.4% open (old gaps) or closed-canopy stands may be considered
in unbaited traps. A total of 12 211 saproxylic beetles were in terms of abundance or species richness. Saproxylic beetle
identified during the study, comprising 196 species. abundance in both baited and unbaited traps was greater in
open sites than in closed-canopy controls (Fig. 3). The differ-
ence in abundance between baited and unbaited traps was not
Comparison of effectiveness between
greater in open plots (bait – openness interaction effect:
alcohol-baited and unbaited traps
F 1,14 = 2.22, P = 0.158). The difference in species richness
The catches of saproxylic beetles were significantly affected between baited and unbaited traps was slightly but signifi-
by the alcohol lure (Table 1). Overall, more than twice as cantly influenced by the openness of trap environment (Fig. 3;
many saproxylic beetle individuals were captured in alcohol- bait–openness interaction effect: F1,14 = 6.18, P = 0.026).
baited traps than in unbaited traps (Table 1). Similarly, signif- For several taxa noted to be sensitive to the alcohol at-
icantly more saproxylic species were caught in alcohol-lured tractant (see above) (i.e. Monotomidae, Scolytidae and
traps than in unbaited ones (Table 1). The richness per trap Lymexylidae as a whole), no effect of the canopy closure on
was 40% higher in baited traps than in unbaited traps the difference between baited and unbaited traps could be
(Table 1). From the ordination plot of the Bray–Curtis distance detected. Two families (Cryptophagidae, Salpingidae) and
matrix between samples (Fig. 2), the species composition of three species (Cryptophagus spp., R. planirostris, A. sparsa)
saproxylic beetle assemblages caught with or without an were significantly affected by trap baiting, but not in sup-
alcohol lure clearly differed. Samples from baited or unbaited port of the hypothesis of a bait–openness interaction. The
traps were obviously separated in ordination space. This difference was indeed lower in open stands than in closed-
distinction was consistent with the results of the anosim test canopy plots ( Fig. 4 ). Only the bark beetle species
(10 000 permutations, R = 0.65, P < 0.0001). The average X. domesticus and X. saxesenii , and the Rhizophagus sp.
Bray–Curtis dissimilarity between baited and unbaited traps showed a higher but not significant difference between
reached a value of 44%. baited and unbaited traps in open stands.
In accordance with this global dissimilarity, important In summary, there was no difference in total abundance
specific differences were noticed. For several families and and species abundances and a small increase in species richness
species [Cryptophagidae (Cryptophagus spp.), Staphylinidae between alcohol-baited and unbaited traps due to openness
( Paraphloeostiba gayndahensis , Aleochara sparsa ), of the trap environment.

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Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
148 C. Bouget et al.

(A) Difference in family abundance

Staphylinidae Lymexylidae Monotomidae
50 10
60 ns 40 ns 8 ns
40 30 6
20 20 4
0 10 2
-20 0 0

Cryptophagidae Salpingidae Scolytidae

50 150
40 * * 400 ns
30 300
20 200
10 50 100
0 0
-10 0 -100

(B) Difference in species abundance

Aleochara sparsa Paraphloeostiba gayndahense Cryptophagus sp.
5 40 50
4 * ns 40 *
20 20
1 10
0 0 -10

Rhizophagus sp. Rabocerus foveolatus Rhinosimus planirostris

12 90
8 ns ns *
8 70
4 50
2 30
0 0

Rhinosimus ruficollis Ernoporicus caucasicus Xyleborus saxesenii

60 40 12
ns 30 ns 10 ns
40 20
20 0 2
-10 0

Xyloterus domesticus Xyloterus signatus

5 ns 6 ns
2 2
0 0

Figure 4 Mean difference in abundance per trap of saproxylic beetle families (A) and species (B) between baited (AL) and unbaited
(NAL) traps in open old gaps (MO) or closed-canopy stands (MF). Mann–Whitney test: **P < 0.01; *0.01< P < 0.05; not significant, P > 0.05.
Only species and families including more than 30 individuals were tested.

© 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
Baited window flight traps and saproxylic beetles 149

(A) Species richness per trap (B) Abundance per trap

70 800
* *
30 200

20 0

(C) Difference in species richness (D) Difference in abundance

Figure 5 Mean species richness (A) and
abundance (B) per trap of saproxylic beetles 700
in baited (AL) and unbaited (NAL) traps in
fresh dead wood poor stands (AG, old gaps) 500
and fresh dead wood rich stands (RG,
recent gaps). Linear mixed-model analysis 300
of variance: **P < 0.01; *0.01 < P < 0.05; not 10
significant, P > 0.05. Mean difference in 100
richness (C) and abundance (D) between 0
baited and unbaited traps in fresh dead
wood poor stands (AG) and fresh dead -10
wood rich stands (RG). AG RG AG RG

Comparison of effectiveness between tissues, strongly attracts some beetles associated to dead
alcohol-baited and unbaited traps in fresh hardwood (Montgomery & Wargo, 1983) and suggests that
dead wood poor or rich stands an ethanol lure strengthens the effectiveness of window-
flight traps in deciduous forests. Indeed, more than two-fold
Similarly, the difference between alcohol-baited and unbaited
more saproxylic beetles, representing a 40% increase in spe-
traps was only slightly influenced by the local volume of
cies richness, were captured in alcohol-baited traps com-
fresh woody debris (low in old gaps, high in recent gaps).
pared with unbaited traps. Assemblages were globally
In Fig. 5, the difference between baited and unbaited traps
dissimilar between baited and unbaited traps, mainly be-
in terms of abundance and species richness was slightly lower
cause more species were caught in baited traps. It is very
in recent gaps rich in recent fresh dead wood than in ancient
important to stress that we did not detect any species or fam-
gaps. This bait–environment interaction effect was slightly
ily significantly more abundant in unbaited traps. We could
significant on saproxylic beetle abundance ( F 1,14 = 6.90,
not determine whether the ethanol lure had any inhibiting or
P = 0.019). The relative abundance of saproxylic beetles was
repellent effect.
two (baited/unbaited) in old gaps, but only 1.3 in recent gaps.
The individual responses of dead-wood taxa to alcohol
This bait–environment interaction also slightly and signifi-
lure were heterogeneous in our methodological approach in
cantly affected species richness in traps ( F 1,14 = 5.59,
beech forests. As previously demonstrated by Byers (1992),
P = 0.033).
significantly more individuals of Rhizophagus spp.
A bait–environment interaction effect was observed on the
(Monotomidae) were caught in baited traps than in unbaited
abundance of several families and species known to be sensi-
traps. Host tree chemicals are known to be important to
tive to the ethanol attractant (Fig. 6). The baited–unbaited
Rhizophagus species in finding their habitat (scolytid gal-
differences were lower in recent gaps than in ancient gaps for
leries). Conversely, natural enemies such as Cleridae were
the abundance of Salpingidae (the species R. ruficollis and
not affected by trap bait in our study. Likewise, Schroeder
R. planirostris in particular). No difference was measured for
(2003) pointed out that two Thanasimus clerid species prey-
Scolytidae as a whole (and X. domesticus , X. signatus ,
ing on several bark beetle species differ in their response to
Ernoporicus caucasicus , X. saxesenii in particular),
␣ -pinene and ethanol. Our results showed that the abun-
Lymexylidae, Cryptophagidae, Staphylinidae (particularly
dance of ambrosia and bark beetles was approximately four-
A. sparsa and Paraphloeostiba gayndahense ) and
fold higher in alcohol-baited traps, in agreement with
Monotomidae (Rhizophagus spp. in particular).
previous findings (Magema et al., 1982; Berti & Flechtmann,
1986; Poland et al., 2004). Amongst the other wood-feed-
ing taxa, Cerambycidae were not sensitive to alcohol bait,
as shown previously by Sweeney et al. (2004). Conversely,
Döring (1955) demonstrated that ethanol acts as a kairom-
Alcohol lure effect
one for the longhorned beetle Cerambyx cerdo. Among the
The results from the present study confirm that ethyl alco- fungus feeders, unlike Tetratomidae, Melandryidae and
hol, acting as a kairomone released from decaying woody Ciidae, only Cryptophagidae were significantly attracted by

© 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
150 C. Bouget et al.

(A) Difference in family abundance

Staphylinidae Lymexylidae Monotomidae
50 10
80 ns 40
ns 8 ns
40 30 6
20 4
0 10 2
0 0

Cryptophagidae Salpingidae Scolytidae

20 ns 120 400 ns
15 * 300
10 80 200
5 100
0 40 0
-5 -100

(B) Difference in species abundance

Aleochara sparsa Paraphloeostiba gayndahense Cryptophagus sp.
ns ns 15 ns
30 10
2 20 5
0 10
-2 -10

Rhizophagus sp. Rabocerus foveolatus Rhinosimus ruficollis

10 ns ns 60
8 50 **
8 40
4 20
2 10
0 0 0

Rhinosimus planirostris Ernoporicus caucasicus Xyloterus signatus

80 190 4
* 140
ns ns
60 3

40 90 2
40 1
-10 0

Xyloterus domesticus Xyleborus saxesenii

8 12
ns 10 ns
4 6
2 4
0 2

Figure 6 Mean difference in abundance per trap of saproxylic beetle families (A) and species or genera (B) between baited and unbaited
traps in fresh dead wood poor stands (AG, old gaps) and fresh dead wood rich stands (RG, recent gaps). Linear mixed-model analysis of
variance: **P < 0.01; *0.01 < P < 0.05; not significant, P > 0.05. Only species and families including more than 30 individuals were tested.

© 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 143–152
Baited window flight traps and saproxylic beetles 151

the alcohol lure, as was the tenebrionid studied by Jonsell wood borers, aim at maximizing detection probability. We
et al. (2003). have demonstrated that the ethanol lure did not have any
repellent effect but significantly attracted several wood feed-
ers. Like the New Zealand monitoring programme for inva-
Interaction effects between trap attractant
sive wood-feeders ( Brockerhoff et al. , 2006 ), effective
and trap environment
sampling designs may use the large spectrum of ethanol
By contrast to our hypothesis about bait-openness interac- attractiveness.
tion, three species showed a significant lower baited-unbaited The second type (i.e. biodiversity surveys of saproxylic
difference in open than in closed-canopy areas. Moreover, beetle diversity in monitoring networks or evaluation studies
the baited-unbaited difference in total saproxylic beetle abun- of forest management practices) implies distinct constraints.
dance and in abundance of the other alcohol-attracted taxa To compare the biodiversity between stands or to assess
was not significantly influenced by the openness of trap envi- trends in saproxylic beetle diversity over broader landscapes,
ronment. Only the saproxylic beetle species richness was in saproxylic beetle detectability should not change with habitat
accordance with the hypothesis of an increased baited- structure. A variation in trap efficiency as a function of any
unbaited difference in open areas compared with closed- stand environmental parameter would call into question an
canopy stands. In other words, trap attractiveness appeared to inter-site comparison. For example, a relation between trap
slightly increase with stand openness, probably through the efficacy and stand openness would prevent the comparison of
influence of canopy cover on kairomone volatility and, per- open (e.g. felling areas) and closed-canopy stands with alcohol-
haps, beetle activity. However, such an interaction effect on baited traps, or studies on the influence of shading for the
catches of epigaeic arthropods was reported by Honek (1988) attractiveness of dead wood (Hjältén et al., 2007). The results
between crop density and an attractant in pitfall traps. obtained in the present study showed slight interaction ef-
Apart from openness, another environmental factor sepa- fects between trap attractant and trap environment. A moderate
rated the plots into groups. The high volume of fresh dead bait–openness interaction effect was measured, whereas trap
wood in recent sun-exposed gaps is expected to release a attractiveness appeared to be reduced in an alcohol-saturated
large amount of ethanol. This could saturate the olfactory environment through a disruption by local fresh dead-wood
landscape of the beetle around the traps and therefore re- concentrations of the kairomonal response of saproxylic beetles
duce trap attractiveness. In accordance with this hypothesis, to baited traps (‘alcohol disruption’).
the baited – unbaited difference was lower in the recent In accordance with these results and although alcohol-
gaps for some assemblage parameters. Although this bait– baited traps appeared to be more efficient than unbaited traps,
environment interaction was slight, it significantly affected we recommend the use of baited window-flight traps for
the total abundance and species richness of saproxylic bee- biodiversity monitoring because the ‘neutrality’ of brine or
tles, with the abundance of several families and species glycol solution used as a preservative fluid does not vary
known to be sensitive to the ethanol attractant (Salpingidae, with forest stands.
R. ruficollis , R. planirostris ). Conversely, the response in Beside the attractant, other trap parameters, such as colour and
abundance of the other families (such as Scolytidae) to shape, should be assessed for optimization and standardization
traps was not influenced by the local volume of fresh (Bouget et al., 2008).
dead wood.
The alternative hypothesis of a ‘mass effect’ (i.e. a stronger
attractiveness of baited traps in the alcohol-rich atmosphere Acknowledgements
of recent gaps) was thus invalidated. These results may be
related to a phenomenon that could be called ‘alcohol disrup- We would like to thank the French National Forest Service
tion’ (similar to ‘mating disruption’; Ruther et al. , 2002 ) (ONF) for funding a part of the analytical work. Victoria
(i.e. the disruption by local fresh dead-wood concentrations Moore and three anonymous reviewers greatly improved the
of the kairomonal response of saproxylic beetles to baited initial drafts of the manuscript. Many thanks to Hélène
traps). Nonetheless, even though trap attractiveness appeared Barbareau for technical assistance. We are also grateful to
to be reduced in an alcohol-saturated environment, baited several amateur entomologists who helped with beetle identi-
traps remained more efficient than unbaited traps in terms of fication. This research was mainly funded by the European
abundances and richness. They have the capacity to sample Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the French National
the pool of saproxylic beetles in recent gaps. Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS).

Conclusion: implications for saproxylic beetle

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© 2009 The Authors

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