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Biodiversity and multiple disturbances: Boreal forest ground beetle (Coleoptera:

Carabidae) responses to wildfire, harvesting, and herbicide

Article in Canadian Journal of Forest Research · August 2007

DOI: 10.1139/X06-310


93 507

3 authors:

Tyler P. Cobb David Langor

University of Alberta Natural Resources Canada


John R Spence
University of Alberta


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Biodiversity and multiple disturbances: boreal

forest ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
responses to wildfire, harvesting, and herbicide
T.P. Cobb, D.W. Langor, and J.R. Spence

Abstract: Rising societal demands for forest resources along with existing natural disturbance regimes suggest that sus-
tainable forest management will increasingly depend on better understanding the cumulative effects of natural and anthro-
pogenic disturbances. In North America, for example, there is increasing economic pressure to salvage log burned forests,
although the ecological consequences of combining fire and harvesting on the same sites are unclear. We examined the
short-term (2 year) responses of boreal forest ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to the individual and combined ef-
fects of wildfire, harvesting, and herbicide. Ground beetle responses to wildfire and forestry-related disturbances differed
strongly and suggested that, although some species may appear to benefit from disturbance combinations (e.g., Sericoda
quadripunctata (DeGeer)), these effects are detrimental to others (e.g., Sericoda bembidioides Kirby). Species composi-
tional variability was significantly reduced by disturbance combinations suggesting that multiple disturbances may lead to
a simplification of this entire assemblage. In addition, ground beetle responses were correlated with changes in several key
habitat parameters such as amount of woody debris, exposed ground, and plant species richness suggesting avenues for fu-
ture study. Overall, however, our results suggest that efforts to avoid compounding disturbances on any site should be con-
sidered when developing current and future forest management guidelines.
Résumé : Les demandes croissantes de la société pour les ressources forestières, combinées aux régimes de perturbations
naturelles, laissent entrevoir que l’aménagement forestier durable dépendra de plus en plus d’une meilleure compréhension
des effets cumulatifs des perturbations naturelles et anthropiques. En Amérique du Nord, par exemple, il y a de plus en
plus de pressions économiques pour récupérer le bois dans les brûlis, même si les effets combinés du feu et de la récolte
dans un même site ne sont pas clairs. Nous avons examiné les réactions à court terme (2 ans) des carabes de la forêt bor-
éale (Coleoptera : Carabidae) aux effets individuels et combinés du feu, de la récolte et de l’application d’herbicide. La ré-
action des carabes au feu et aux perturbations liées à la récolte forestière différait grandement et indiquait que les effets
combinés de ces perturbations sont bénéfiques pour certaines espèces (p. ex. Sericoda quadripunctata (DeGeer)) mais né-
fastes pour d’autres (p. ex. Sericoda bembidioides Kirby). La variabilité dans la composition en espèces était significative-
ment réduite par la combinaison des perturbations, indiquant que les perturbations multiples peuvent mener à une
simplification de tout cet assemblage. De plus, la réaction des carabes était corrélée aux changements de plusieurs para-
mètres clés de l’habitat tels la quantité de débris ligneux, le sol exposé et la richesse floristique, ce qui pave la voie à des
nouvelles études. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que des efforts cherchant à éviter de combiner les perturbations
partout sur le territoire devraient être envisagés lors de la préparation des lignes directrices présentes et futures d’aména-
gement forestier.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction ingly, many boreal species display adaptations to a regime

of regular disturbance by fire. For example, some pine spe-
Throughout the boreal region, wildfires and other natural cies, such as jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and lodge-
disturbances play important roles in shaping the forest land- pole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.), possess
scape and maintaining biodiversity (Bonan and Shugart serotinous cones that are closed with resin and remain in
1989). Variation in the timing and severity of forest fires the crown until opened by extreme heat (Johnson and Gut-
creates a mosaic of different postfire successional habitats sell 1993), whereas other plants like fireweed (Epilobium
that support a diverse assemblage of organisms. Not surpris- angustifolium L.) are able to quickly disperse into burned
areas to take advantage of increased nutrient availability
Received 10 May 2006. Accepted 24 November 2006. Published (Rowe 1983). Several bird species, including black-backed
on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 30 August
(Picoides arcticus Swainson) and American three-toed (Pi-
coides dorsalis Baird) woodpeckers, are strongly associated
T. Cobb1 and J. Spence. Department of Renewable Resources, with recently burned forests (Hoyt and Hannon 2002; Hutto
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada. 1995; Morissette et al. 2002), presumably attracted by the
D. Langor. Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, increased availability of insect prey. These ‘‘pyrophilous’’
Natural Resources Canada, 5320 122nd Street Edmonton, AB (fire-loving) insects are abundant in early postfire forests
T6H 3S5, Canada.
(Evans 1971), and this group provides some of the most
1Corresponding author (e-mail: striking examples of fire adaptations. The black fire beetle

Can. J. For. Res. 37: 1310–1323 (2007) doi:10.1139/X06-310 # 2007 NRC Canada
Cobb et al. 1311

Melanophila acuminata (DeGeer) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), in severe crown fire behaviour that left very few unburned
for example, has a pair of specialized infrared-detecting residual patches and little to no remaining duff layer in
metathoracic organs enabling it to rapidly colonize fire- many areas (Quintilio et al. 2001). Prior to the fire, the area
killed trees (Evans 1971; Schmitz et al. 1997). was a boreal mixedwood forest with both pure and mixed
The knowledge that many boreal forest organisms are stands of white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), black
adapted to regular disturbances has led to development of spruce (Picea mariana (P. Mill.) BSP), trembling aspen
the ‘‘natural disturbance model’’ as a guide to more sustain- (Populus tremuloides Michx.), balsam poplar (Populus bal-
able forest management (Hunter 1993; Attiwill 1994). This samifera L.), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana, with minor el-
model suggests that biodiversity and continued function of ements of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) P. Mill.), larch
poorly understood boreal forest ecosystems will be best pre- (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch), and paper birch (Betula
served by forest management activities that emulate natural papyrifera Marsh.). This landscape also encompassed a wide
disturbances. However, given the complexities of natural range of managed forest stands (e.g., harvested areas and
disturbances and species responses to them, there remain white spruce plantations) as well as unmanaged forest stands
many unanswered questions about what exactly to emulate of varying ages and types.
(Spence 2001). Moreover, in addition to natural disturban-
ces, boreal ecosystems face many simultaneous, and poten- Experimental design
tially interacting environmental stressors with uncertain We focused on mixed stands of mature (100–120 years
ecological consequences (Schneider 2002). In western North old) white spruce (60% of canopy composition) and trem-
America (and elsewhere), industrial forest management, fire bling aspen (40%). To address the objectives outlined above,
suppression, global climate change, and increasing economic we selected sites according to five different stand treat-
demand for both timber and nontimber resources (e.g., oil, ments: (i) green reference sites that had not been burned or
natural gas, and mineral deposits) have become important harvested in >100 years (GREEN); (ii) unburned, harvested
components of the disturbance regime. Combined effects of sites that were clear-cut logged in 2001 (HARV); (iii) burned
these anthropogenic disturbances with wildfire and other sites that were consumed by the Chisholm fire (BURN);
natural disturbances will undoubtedly be complex and diffi- (iv) sites that were burned by the Chisholm fire and then
cult to ascertain for many species. Generally, responses to salvage logged during the winter of 2001–2002 (SALV);
disturbance combinations will most likely depend on the and (v) heavily disturbed ‘‘herbicide’’ sites that had been
spatial and temporal scales at which studied organisms oper- harvested in 1999 replanted with white spruce in 2000,
ate. Nonetheless, simultaneous goals for conservation of bor- burned by the Chisholm fire, and then treated with a
eal ecosystems and their constituent biodiversity and for broad-spectrum herbicide (Vision1) at an application rate
sustainable forest management will depend on gaining a bet- of 1.5 kgha–1 (HERB). The application of herbicide to
ter understanding of the ecological consequences of combin- conifer plantations to kill competing hardwoods is widely
ing natural and anthropogenic disturbances. used in Canadian boreal forests and elsewhere (Sullivan
In this study, we examined the short-term response of bor- and Sullivan 2003) to reduce competition with naturally re-
eal mixedwood ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to generating trembling aspen in freshly harvested sites. For
the individual and combined effects of wildfire, forest har- the purpose of our study, BURN and HARV sites repre-
vesting, and the silvicultural application of herbicide that sented singly disturbed sites, whereas SALV and HERB
was used to reduce competition in replanted areas. sites represented multiply disturbed sites. For each of these
Ground beetles were selected for this investigation because stand treatments, we selected six sites (30 total) on the basis
the group is diverse and abundant in boreal ecosystems, tax- of both pre- and post-disturbance stand characteristics (age,
onomically well known, relatively easy to sample (Spence tree species composition, stem density, soil characteristics,
and Niemelä 1994), and previous work has shown that many and accessibility) determined from forest inventory maps
species are responsive to habitat changes (e.g., Holliday (Alberta Vegetation Inventory) followed by ground verifica-
1991; Niemelä et al. 1993; Wikars 1995; Work et al. 2004; tion. Sites consisted of individual stands of trees (3–30 ha)
Saint-Germain et al. 2005). Using both community- and spe- separated by a minimum of 1 km.
cies-level analyses, our objectives were to (i) compare the ef-
fects of forestry-related disturbances (anthropogenic) with Ground beetle sampling
those of wildfire (natural), (ii) determine if the combined ef- Ground beetles were sampled by continuous pitfall trap-
fects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances were greater ping during the summer months (1 May – 28 August) of
than either disturbance type alone, and (iii) relate changes in 2002 and 2003. Pitfall traps (Spence and Niemelä 1994)
ground beetle assemblages to changes in key habitat parame- consisted of an outer sleeve constructed from 1 L white
ters that may differ among disturbance types. plastic containers (11.2 cm diameter) placed flush with the
surface of the ground, and a tight-fitting, plastic inner cup
Materials and methods (0.5 L). Traps were charged with ~150 mL of silicate-free
ethylene glycol (ACDelcoTM Dex-cool1 extended life
Study site antifreeze–coolant) and covered by a plywood roof
This study was conducted in and around a large-scale (15 cm  15 cm) elevated (2–3 cm) on two nails to reduce
wildfire (~120 000 ha) that occurred 23 May – 4 June 2001 the amount of rain and debris entering the trap. Near the
approximately 200 km northwest of Edmonton, Alberta, near centre of each site (estimated from forest inventory maps),
the hamlet of Chisholm (54855’N, 114810’W). Extreme we placed four pitfall traps at the corners of a 25 m  25 m
weather conditions and drought-related fuel levels resulted square (120 total traps). This intertrap distance was chosen
# 2007 NRC Canada
1312 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 37, 2007

to reduce depletion effects and increase the independence of estimated top diameter assuming a taper function of 1.2 cm
samples (Digweed et al. 1995). No pitfall trap was <50 m per metre of height (Spies and Franklin 1991).
from any discernable edge or waterbody. Ground beetles
(and other arthropods) were removed biweekly from all Data analysis
traps and then preserved in 70% ethanol. Species-level iden- Ground beetle species richness for each stand treatment
tifications were made using keys provided in Lindroth was estimated by rarefaction (Gotelli and Colwell 2001).
(1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969), and nomenclature follows Rarefaction accounts for variable sampling effort (i.e., num-
that of Bousquet (1991). Voucher specimens are deposited ber of individuals or samples) by estimating species richness
in the E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum (University based on random subsamples of individuals drawn from the
of Alberta) in Edmonton, Alberta. original data set. Rarefaction curves were generated using
Many studies have examined the advantages and disad- nonstandardized catches of each species. For all other analy-
vantages of sampling ground beetles using pitfall traps (see ses, ground beetle catch data were standardized by sampling
Luff 1975; Spence and Niemelä 1994 for a general discus- effort (total individuals/trap  days of trapping effort) to ac-
sion). Although all sampling techniques are biased in one count for occasional sample loss (*3%) due to trap disturb-
way or another, there are no reasonable alternatives to pitfall ance by animals and to limit the potential influence of
trapping for many studies of epigaeic arthropod assemblages seasonal and yearly variability (i.e., life history).
(Spence and Niemelä 1994). Here, we use pitfall traps as We compared overall ground beetle catch rates across stand
recommended by Niemelä et al. (1990) to compare the rela- treatments using one-factor ANOVA. To examine species-
tive catch rates of ground beetle species across a range of level responses to the stand treatments, we used a separate
disturbed and undisturbed forest habitats. We have attempted, one-factor ANOVA for each species because multivariate
as much as possible, to account for additional factors that data did not meet the ‘‘variance–covariance’’ assumption re-
may bias ground beetle catch data by using the same quired for MANOVA (Box’s M = 321.46, p < 0.0001) (Nor-
method across all stand treatments, sampling continuously man and Streiner 2000). Therefore, species-level ANOVAs
during the summer months, and providing detailed habitat were performed on the 12 most abundant species (>95% of
measurements. the total catch) using a Bonferroni correction ( = 0.05/12).
Where ANOVAs were significant, Tukey’s HSD post hoc tests
were used to compare stand treatment means. Catch rates of
Habitat measurements individual species were log10(x + 1) transformed when neces-
To assist with the interpretation of ground beetle data, we sary to meet the ANOVA assumptions of normality and homo-
recorded a range of different environmental parameters. scedasticity (Norman and Streiner 2000).
During biweekly visits to each site, we recorded the maxi- To compare ground beetle species assemblages across
mum and minimum temperature (maximum–minimum ther- stand treatments, we used nonmetric multidimensional scal-
mometer placed 1 m above the ground) and collected a ing (NMS). This nonparametric, unconstrained ordination
small (~5 g) sample of mineral soil (0–3 cm depth) to obtain technique is effective for revealing gradients in ecological
a soil moisture estimate. Thermometers were left out be- data with complex species responses and has the advantage
tween sample years so that the minimum winter temperature of avoiding the assumption of linear relationships among
could also be recorded. variables (McCune and Grace 2002). For this analysis, we
In addition, we obtained site-level estimates of ground used Sørensen (Bray–Curtis) dissimilarity as the distance
characteristics (percent cover by plants, litter, or bare ground), measure and pitfall trap data consisting of standardized
understorey plant species richness, and woody debris. catch rates for all species. Similarity in species composition
Around each pitfall trap, we established a 1 m2 plot in which among stand treatments was evaluated using multiresponse
we identified all understorey plant species using Johnson et permutation procedures (MRPP) and rank-transformed Sør-
al. (1995) and determined plant species richness, as well as ensen (Bray–Curtis) distance (Mielke et al. 1976). Disper-
percent cover by plants, litter (organic debris), and bare sion (the amount of scatter) within each stand treatment
ground (exposed mineral soil). Three replicate samples of grouping in the NMS was determined from the dissimilarity
fine woody debris (FWD; pieces of dead wood <5 cm diam- matrix by calculating the mean dissimilarity in species com-
eter) were collected from each site using a randomly placed position between all traps within a given site. Stand-level
0.25 m2 quadrat and collecting all surface woody debris dispersion for each treatment was then evaluated using one-
pieces within the quadrat. These samples were then brought factor ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD post hoc tests.
back to the laboratory, oven-dried at 70 8C to a constant Effects of measured habitat characteristics on beetle spe-
mass, and then weighed to the nearest 1 g. Coarse woody de- cies composition were evaluated using multivariate regression
bris (CWD; pieces of dead wood >5 cm diameter) volume tree (MRT) analysis (De’ath 2002). This multivariate version
estimates were obtained by recording the type (snag, stand- of classification and regression tree analysis (Breiman et al.
ing dead tree >1.5 m height; stump, vertical piece <1.5 m 1984) models the relationship between multiple species
height; or log, fallen or leaning >458), diameter, and length data and environmental characteristics and has been shown
(or height) for all pieces found within two 5 m radius plots to be particularly useful in ground beetle studies (e.g., Work
centred on two pitfall traps at each site. Volume estimates et al. 2004). MRT progressively splits species data to form
for stumps and logs (or portions) within each plot were clusters of sites that are related by multiple regression to a
calculated as the volume of a cylinder using diameter and set of measured environmental variables. Each binary split is
length measurements. Snag volume was calculated using chosen to minimize the dissimilarity among sites within clus-
base diameter, height (measured with a clinometer), and an ters, and each cluster represents a particular assemblage of
# 2007 NRC Canada
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Fig. 1. Rarefaction estimates of ground beetle species richness for Fig. 2. Standardized catch (individuals/trap-day) of all ground beetles
control (GREEN; &), harvested (HARV; &), burned (BURN; ~), across the five stand treatments (GREEN, control; HARV, harvested;
salvage logged (SALV; ~), and herbicide (HERB; *) stand treat- BURN, burned; SALV, salvage logged; HERB, herbicide). Bars with
ments. different lowercase letters are significantly different among stand
treatments (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.05). Error bars are SEs (n = 6 sites).

species. Starting with a split that divides the entire data set
into two clusters, the process continues until an overly
large dendrogram or ‘‘tree’’ is grown. The size of this tree
is then reduced or ‘‘pruned’’ based on a cross-validation (1212 individuals, 6.4%). Sericoda quadripunctata (DeGeer)
stopping rule determined by the goals of the analysis (i.e., was the most commonly collected species (7036 individuals,
exploration, description, or prediction). For this analysis, 36.9% of total catch) followed by Pterostichus adstrictus
we again used Sørensen (Bray–Curtis) dissimilarity as the Eschscholtz (6425 individuals, 33.7% of total catch) and
distance measure, and the final tree was selected by cross Sericoda bembidioides Kirby (1236 individuals, 6.5% of to-
validation using the 1 SE rule (Breiman et al. 1984), which tal catch).
selects the smallest tree within one standard error of the
most predictive tree (i.e., the smallest predicted mean Species richness and abundance
square error). Species richness, as estimated by rarefaction, was higher
Finally, we used indicator species analysis (Dufrêne and in disturbed sites than in control sites (Fig. 1). Based on a
Legendre 1997) to further describe the ground beetle species subsample of 1200 beetles, sites within the SALV stand
assemblage associated with each stand treatment (NMS) and treatment had the highest mean species richness (27.2) fol-
node (MRT). This analysis generates an indicator value for lowed by HERB (26.7), BURN (26.3), HARV (25.0), and
each species based on its catch rate and relative frequency GREEN (19.1). This pattern was also reflected in the overall
in a particular set of sites (i.e., stand treatment for the NMS abundance of ground beetles as catch rates were higher in
and cluster of sites for the MRT). Indicator values range from burned than in unburned sites (Fig. 2). More specifically,
0 (no indication) to 100 (perfect indication) and were eval- the effect of stand treatment on catch rates of the entire
uated against a Monte Carlo test statistic (1000 permutations). ground beetle assemblage was significant (ANOVA, F[4,25] =
Several different software packages were used to run the 19.161, p < 0.001) with BURN, SALV, and HERB having
above analyses. Rarefaction curves were generated using greater catch rates than GREEN and HARV sites (Tukey’s
EstmateS 7.5 (Colwell 2005). ANOVAs and Tukey’s HSD HSD).
post hoc tests were performed using SPSS for Windows ver-
sion 11.5 (SPSS Inc. 2002). NMS ordination and indicator Species responses
species analyses were performed using PC-Ord (McCune Despite the highly conservative Bonferroni adjustment to
and Mefford 1999). R 2.0.1 (R Development Core Team the alpha level ( = 0.0042), the effect of stand treatment
2004) was used for the MRT. For all analyses, except spe- on catch rates of the top 12 most abundant species was sig-
cies-level ANOVAs (see above), we employed a rejection nificant for all but 3 species (ANOVA; Table 1). Examina-
coefficient of 0.05. tion of the mean catch rates for each species across stand
treatment revealed several distinct response patterns (Tukey’s
HSD; Fig. 3). First, Sericoda quadripunctata, Bembidion
Results grapii Gyllenhal, and Pterostichus adstrictus responded
We collected a total of 19 050 ground beetles representing positively to the effect of fire as their mean catch rates
55 species during this study (Appendix A). SALV sites were significantly greater in burned treatments (BURN,
yielded the largest catch of ground beetles (6672 individu- SALV, and HERB) than in unburned treatments (GREEN
als, 35.0% of total catch) followed by BURN sites (5295 in- and HARV). For these three species, the multiple disturb-
dividuals, 27.8%), HERB sites (3855 individuals, 20.2%), ance treatments (SALV and HERB) did not dramatically
GREEN sites (2016 individuals, 10.6%), and HARV sites alter their mean catch rates, although Sericoda quadripunc-
# 2007 NRC Canada
1314 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 37, 2007

Table 1. Summary of ANOVA results for the effect of stand treatment on the top 12 most
abundant species.

Species F[4,25] MS p
Sericoda quadripunctata (DeGeer) 39.40 40.930 <0.0001
Pterostichus adstrictus Eschscholtz 26.69 19.620 <0.0001
Sericoda bembidioides Kirby 7.24 3.390 0.0005
Calathus ingratus Dejean 3.36 0.592 0.0250
Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim) 47.21 0.143 <0.0001
Platynus decentis (Say) 4.20 0.019 0.0097
Stereocerus haematopus (Dejean) 8.93 0.159 <0.0001
Patrobus foveocollis (Eschscholtz) 4.79 0.011 0.0005
Calathus advena (LeConte) 1.99 0.058 0.1274
Bembidion grapii Gyllenhal 8.55 0.005 <0.0001
Calosoma calidum (Fabricius) 7.84 0.011 0.0003
Amara obesa (Say) 6.93 0.006 0.0006
Note: Bonferrroni adjusted p values <0.0042 are considered to be significant.

tata showed a significantly positive response to SALV and considerably more overlap (MRPP; T = –9.319, A = 0.160,
Pterostichus adstrictus responded negatively to HERB. p < 0.001).
Second, Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim) Indicator species analysis revealed a total of 19 species as
and Platynus decentis (Say) responded negatively to all significant indicators of stand treatment (Table 2). Scaphino-
disturbance treatments, whereas Patrobus foveocollis (Es- tus marginatus was the strongest indicator of the GREEN
chscholtz) responded negatively to all burned treatments stand treatment followed by Platynus decentis, Carabus
(BURN, SALV, and HERB). Although this effect was not chamissonis Fischer von Waldheim, Agonum retractum Le-
statistically significant for Platynus decentis (p = 0.0097) Conte, and Trechus apicalis Motschulsky. For the HARV
given the Bonferroni adjusted level, its response pattern treatment, only Stereocerus haematopus was a significant
suggested that it was negatively affected by any disturbance indicator, whereas Sericoda bembidioides was the strongest
type we investigated. Sericoda bembidioides and Stereocerus indicator species for the BURN stand treatment followed
haematopus (Dejean) exhibited a third pattern of response as by Harpalus laevipes Zetterstedt and Elaphrus americanus
both responded negatively to the multiple-disturbance treat- Dejean. Sites within the SALV treatment had the largest
ments. Catch rates for these two species were highest in number of significant indicators (seven), with the strongest
the sites with a single disturbance (BURN for Sericoda being Amara obesa followed by Agonum placidum (Say),
bembidioides and HARV for Stereocerus haematopus) and Bembidion quadrimaculatum dubitans (LeConte), Sericoda
were significantly reduced in sites with multiple disturban- quadripunctata, Bembidion mutatum Gemminger & Harold,
ces (SALV and HERB). No significant effect of stand Amara torrida (Panzer), and Pterostichus adstrictus. For
treatment was found for Calathus ingratus Dejean and Cal- sites within the HERB treatment, Calosoma calidum was
athus advena (LeConte). Finally, catch rates of Calosoma the strongest indicator followed by Calosoma frigidum
calidum (Fabricius) were highest in HERB sites, and catch Kirby and Syntomus americanus (Dejean).
rates of Amara obesa (Say) were highest in SALV sites, The amount of dispersion (or mean dissimilarity) in spe-
suggesting that both of these species responded positively cies composition varied significantly among stand treat-
to the effects of multiple disturbances. ments (ANOVA; F[4,25] = 20.207, p < 0.001) (Fig. 5).
Comparison across stand treatments (Tukey’s HSD) showed
Species composition that intrastand variation in species composition did not differ
Ground beetle species composition varied significantly significantly between BURN, HARV, and GREEN sites. In
among stand treatments in the NMS ordination (MRPP; T = contrast, dispersion was significantly lower in sites that had
–34.233, A = 0.631, p < 0.001) (Fig. 4). The NMS solution received more than one disturbance (SALV and HERB).
was achieved after 100 iterations and had a final stress of
10.259. The variance explained by the ordination was Habitat and ground beetle assemblage structure
89.8% (axis 1, 78.9%; axis 2, 10.9%). Separation in species Cross-validated MRT analysis of all 55 ground beetle spe-
composition was greatest between burned (BURN, SALV, cies (Fig. 6) and 13 measured habitat parameters (Table 3)
and HERB) and unburned (GREEN and HARV) stand consistently produced a tree with 5 terminal nodes (groups
treatments (MRPP; T = –61.275, A = 0.558, p < 0.001), A–E). This tree explained 93.6% of the total variance in the
suggesting that fire had the strongest effect on the overall ground beetle data set, and the cross-validated relative error
species composition. Among the unburned sites, there was value was 0.277, indicating that the model had some predic-
significant separation in species composition between tive power (0: perfect predictor; ~1: poor predictor; De’ath
GREEN and HARV stand treatments (MRPP; T = –13.758, 2002). The first split (bare ground) explained 47.7% of the
A = 0.204, p < 0.001). Among the burned sites (BURN, variance, followed by 23.1%, 11.4%, and 11.4% for amount
SALV, and HERB), separation in species composition of CWD, plant species richness, and amount of FWD, re-
among stand treatments was still significant, but there was spectively.
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Cobb et al. 1315

Fig. 3. Standardized catch (individuals/trap-day) of the 12 most abundant ground beetle species across the five stand treatments (GREEN,
control; HARV, harvested; BURN, burned; SALV, salvage logged; HERB, herbicide). Bars with different lowercase letters are significantly
different among stand treatments (Tukey’s HSD; p < 0.05) for each species. Error bars are SEs (n = 6 sites).

Ground beetle species compositional structure, illustrated clearly dominated by Sericoda quadripunctata and Pterosti-
by proportion of total catch for the 12 most abundant spe- chus adstrictus. Group B contained three sites (all BURN)
cies, varied strongly across the 5 groups in the MRT that, in addition to having no bare ground, had CWD vol-
(Fig. 6, groups A–E). The first group (group A) included 13 umes in excess of 184.6 m3/ha. This group was also domi-
sites (3 BURN, 5 SALV, and 5 HERB) that had some (>1%) nated by Sericoda quadripunctata and Pterostichus
exposed bare ground and indicator species analysis revealed adstrictus, although no significant indicator species were de-
that Amara obesa was a significant indicator of this group, tected. Groups C (two sites; one HERB and one SALV) and
even though the species assemblage at these sites was D (three sites; all HARV) both had CWD volumes less than

# 2007 NRC Canada

1316 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 37, 2007

Fig. 4. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination of trap-level ground beetle catch rates. Data are coded to show the effects of
stand treatment (GREEN, control, &; HARV, harvested, &; BURN, burned, ~; SALV, salvage logged, ~; HERB, herbicide, *) on carabid
species assemblages. Confidence ellipses (95%) for each stand treatment are provided to illustrate groupings.

Table 2. Significant indicator species for each stand treatment (GREEN, control; HARV, harvested; BURN, burned; SALV, salvaged;
HERB, herbicide).

Stand Observed Indicator value from

Species treatment indicator value randomization (mean ± SE) p
Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim) GREEN 87.8 28.1±0.31 0.001
Platynus decentis (Say) GREEN 62.9 36.2±0.29 0.007
Carabus chamissonis Fischer von Waldheim GREEN 56.1 21.6±0.33 0.012
Agonum retractum LeConte GREEN 53.6 28.9±0.28 0.017
Trechus apicalis Motschhulsky GREEN 50.2 31.4±0.31 0.042
Stereocerus haematopus (Dejean) HARV 63.8 34.6±0.23 0.002
Sericoda bembidioides Kirby BURN 59.3 29.7±0.32 0.015
Harpalus laevipes Zetterstedt BURN 52.6 27.1±0.27 0.010
Elaphrus americanus Dejean BURN 41.5 17.8±0.31 0.041
Amara obesa (Say) SALV 62.8 28.6±0.27 0.002
Agonum placidum (Say) SALV 50.2 26.3±0.22 0.003
Bembidion quadrimaculatum dubitans (LeConte) SALV 46.4 17.5±0.27 0.025
Sericoda quadripunctata (DeGeer) SALV 41.0 26.8±0.15 0.004
Bembidion mutatum Gemminger & Harold SALV 40.3 23.1±0.26 0.042
Amara torrida (Panzer) SALV 38.0 15.3±0.27 0.024
Pterostichus adstrictus Eschscholtz SALV 34.9 27.2±0.10 0.021
Calosoma calidum (Fabricius) HERB 68.6 28.0±0.28 0.002
Calosoma frigidum Kirby HERB 63.0 18.2±0.30 0.004
Syntomus americanus (Dejean) HERB 45.7 20.2±0.27 0.013
Note: Indicator values are percentages of perfect indication (Dufrêne and Legendre 1997), and significance (p < 0.05) was determined using Monte Carlo
randomization (1000 permutations).

184.6 m3/ha and fewer than 5.5 understorey plant species/m2 ripunctata and Calosoma calidum emerged as significant
on average but were divided on the basis of group D having indicators of group C. The remaining nine sites (group E;
more FWD (‡1.94 kg/m2) than group C. No significant indi- six GREEN and three HARV) were characterized as having
cator species were detected for group D, but Sericoda quad- lower volumes of CWD (<184.6 m3/ha) and higher mean

# 2007 NRC Canada

Cobb et al. 1317

Fig. 5. Mean dispersion (or dissimilarity) in ground beetle species as- 1991; Wikars 1995) show that their presence declines dra-
semblages between sites within each stand treatment (GREEN, con- matically 2–4 years after a fire.
trol; HARV, harvested; BURN, burned; SALV, salvage logged; HERB, In addition to Sericoda, we also found that Pterostichus
herbicide). Bars with different lowercase letters are significantly adstrictus and Bembidion grapii were strongly and positively
different (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.05). Error bars are SEs (n = 6 sites). affected by fire. Neither of these two species has been de-
scribed as pyrophilous, although Muona and Rutanen (1994)
also noted an increase in the abundance of Pterostichus ad-
strictus and Bembidion grapii after prescribed burning of
coniferous forests in Finland. Both of these species prefer
open areas with sparse vegetation and moderately dry soil
(Lindroth 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969), which may help
to explain their preference for the burned sites in our study as
these sites had reduced plant cover and lower mean soil mois-
ture (Table 3). In addition, increased volume of CWD in
burned sites (BURN; Table 3) may also help to explain the
increased catch rates of Pterostichus adstrictus, because the
first two instars of this species inhabit logs (Goulet 1974).

Effects of forest harvesting

At the community level, effects of forest harvesting on
ground beetle assemblages were similar to effects of fire in
that both disturbances led to an increase in species richness
and significantly altered species composition relative to the
controls. However, fire led to a much greater increase in
species richness than harvesting, and the species assemb-
lages found in harvested and burned stands were distinct at
least during the first 2 years after disturbance. In a study
understorey plant species richness (‡5.5 species/m2). The comparing the short-term response of ground beetles to fire
ground beetle assemblage in group E was dominated by Sca- and clear-cut harvesting of black spruce forests of Quebec,
phinotus marginatus and Calathus ingratus, which both Saint-Germain et al. (2005) also noted strong differences in
were identified as significant indicators of this set of sites. species composition especially with respect to species domi-
nance. At present, it is not clear how long differences in
Discussion ground beetle species composition between burned and har-
vested boreal forests may last, although previous studies in-
Effects of wildfire dicate that assemblages of ground-dwelling spiders (Buddle
Studies on the effects of fire on forest arthropods suggest et al. 2000), beetles (Buddle et al. 2006), and songbirds
that assemblages may be altered by direct mortality of resi- (Hobson and Schieck 1999) converge in species composition
dent species (Paquin and Coderre 1997), an influx of 30 years after disturbance.
disturbance-adapted colonizers (Evans 1971), and indirect The differences we found in species composition between
effects of habitat succession (Holliday 1991; Buddle et al. undisturbed and harvested sites were driven by several spe-
2000). In our study, we found that burned sites had greater cies. For example, catch rates of Scaphinotus marginatus and
species richness and higher overall catch rates than unburned Platynus decentis were reduced in harvested sites, suggesting
sites regardless of what other treatments were applied. We that both species were negatively impacted by forest harvest-
also found that species composition patterns were clearly do- ing. Niemelä et al. (1993) and Spence et al. (1996) noted that
minated by the effects of fire. These results were largely at- both of these species were scarce in or absent from sites re-
tributable to the response of three species: Sericoda covering from forest harvesting even after 27 years, suggest-
quadripunctata, Sericoda bembidioides, and Pterostichus ad- ing that the short-term negative response we detected may
strictus. These three species accounted for over 75% of the to- persist over a longer period of time. Although both species
tal catch, and all three responded positively to the effects of are considered to be forest specialists (Lindroth 1961, 1963,
fire. 1966, 1968, 1969), the reduction in Platynus decentis may be
Both Sericoda quadripunctata and Sericoda bembidioides linked to its preference for resting in moist leaf litter or under
have previously been described as pyrophilous (Evans decayed logs, and the reduction in Scaphinotus marginatus is
1971), requiring burned substrates for at least part of their likely linked to decreased availability of its mollusc prey (Hy-
life cycle (Lindroth 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969). Exactly lander et al. 2004). Interestingly, both Platynus decentis and
what attracts Sericoda to burned forests remains unclear, Scaphinotus marginatus catches were also reduced in burned
although Koivula et al. (2006) showed that the presence of sites, suggesting that disturbance of any kind may be detri-
both Sericoda quadripunctata and Sericoda bembidioides mental to these two species.
was strongly linked to increased fire severity. Whatever at- Several less commonly collected species also appeared to
tracts these species to burned areas, the response appears to be negatively impacted by harvesting. Carabus chamissonis,
be short lived, because our data (Appendix A; also presented Agonum retractum, and Trechus apicalis accounted for a
in Koivula et al. 2006) and that of other studies (Holliday meagre 1.4% of the total ground beetle catch; however, we
# 2007 NRC Canada
1318 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 37, 2007

Fig. 6. Multivariate regression tree for standardized ground beetle data (individuals/trap-day). Sorenson (Bray–Curtis) distance was used for
splitting. Histograms at each node show the proportion of total catch (0%–50%) for the 12 most abundant species, and the numbers of sites
are shown in parentheses; cyclical bar patterns (solid, shaded, open) indicate the various species and run from left to right across each
histogram. Stars show significant indicator species (p < 0.05) for groups A–E.

found that all three species were significant indicators of the found to be the only significant indicator of the harvested
undisturbed stand treatment (Table 2), and we collected stand treatment. Previous work has shown that this species
fewer individuals in harvested sites than in undisturbed sites is not detrimentally affected by clear-cut logging (Niemelä et
(Appendix A). Spence et al. (1996) also noted the negative al. 1993), but the reason for its tolerance is not clear. Little
effect of forest harvesting on Carabus chamissonis and a re- is currently known about the habitat requirements of this
lated species of Trechus. According to descriptions in Lin- species, although Lindroth (1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969)
droth (1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969), these species appear noted that it is abundant on the tundra and associated with
to be true forest specialists associated with damp, somewhat dry, sandy soils. Our analyses may offer additional insight,
shaded areas among dead leaves. Although catches of these because we found that this species was most common in
species were too low to permit direct statistical comparisons sites that had little (if any) exposed bare ground, relatively
in our study, the role that they play in determining patterns low plant diversity, moist soils, and large amounts of FWD
of overall species composition should not be overlooked. (Fig. 6; Table 3). Furthermore, we collected several teneral
Such rare or uncommonly collected species may indeed be individuals in harvested stands, suggesting that Stereocerus
those that are most sensitive to habitat change. haematopus was also breeding successfully in this habitat.
In our study, not all species were negatively affected by
harvesting. One species, Stereocerus haematopus, showed a Effects of multiple disturbances
significant and positive response to forest harvesting and was Finally, we compared ground beetle assemblages in sites
# 2007 NRC Canada
Cobb et al. 1319

Note: Values are means ± SEs (n = 6 sites). The five most common understorey plant species within each stand treatment are listed in order of decreasing dominance. CWD, coarse woody debris; FWD,
rose, bunch berry,
raspberry, prickly
that had been either burned or harvested (single disturban-

trembling aspen
ces) with those that had been disturbed by both fire and

Grass (various),
85.27±27.1 forestry-related disturbances (multiple disturbances). Specif-





ically, we examined ground beetle responses to postfire

salvage logging and a herbicide treatment, which had been

harvested prior to the fire, replanted with white spruce, and
Table 3. Summary of habitat conditions recorded for each stand treatment (GREEN, control; HARV, harvested; BURN, burned; SALV, salvaged; HERB, herbicide).

then treated with herbicide to reduce competition with nat-

urally regenerating trembling aspen.

Bicknell’s geranium
Fireweed, trembling
aspen, raspberry,
Recently, there have been increasing efforts to examine

grass (various),
the ecological effects of postfire salvage logging on boreal


forest biota (Morissette et al. 2002; Nappi et al. 2004; Do-





25.00±5.6 nato et al. 2006; Koivula et al. 2006; Lindenmayer and


Noss 2006; Phillips et al. 2006). Studies of the effects of

this practice on ground beetles emphasize the unique nature
of this disturbance relative to harvesting unburned stands
geranium (Geranium bicknelli
trembling aspen, Bicknell’s and suggest that populations of pyrophilous species may be
particularly sensitive (Phillips et al. 2006). In our study, spe-
Fireweed, moss (various),

cies responses to postfire salvage logging were variable.

Britt.), prickly rose

Catch rates of Sericoda quadripunctata and Amara obesa

were significantly greater in SALV sites than in BURN

sites. In addition, Pterostichus adstrictus, Bembidion muta-






tum, and Bembidion quadrimaculatum dubitans also ap-


peared to prefer SALV sites, because all emerged as

significant indicators of salvage logging in our analysis.
One common element among all of these species is that
they are associated with open areas, with sparse or no vege-
raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.), fireweed
(Epilobium angustifolium L.), moss

tation, and with moderately dry soil (Lindroth 1961, 1963,

1966, 1968, 1969), suggesting that they may all benefit
(Populus tremuloides Michx.),
Grass (various), trembling aspen

from the creation of these conditions in salvage logged sites

(Table 3). However, we also found that catch rates of an-
other pyrophilous species, Sericoda bembidioides, were sig-
nificantly reduced in SALV sites, which suggests a negative
response to the combined effects of fire and harvesting. The
degree to which such negatively affected species may be







able to withstand widespread salvage logging efforts by


seeking refuge in unsalvaged stands or fire residuals remains


Effects of herbicide treatments, such as the competitive
fine woody debris; Tmax, maximum temperature; Tmin, minimum temperature.

release treatment investigated here, on nontarget organisms

nudicaulis L.), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis

L.), moose berry (Viburnum edule (Michx.)

Lindl.), bunch berry (Cornus canadensis

have been studied extensively (for a general review, see Sul-

Moss (various), wild sarsaparilla (Aralia

livan and Sullivan 2003). In an experimental study, Duchesne

et al. (1999) reported that the application of herbicide in
areas replanted with white spruce did not affect the overall
catch of ground beetles but reduced the abundances of Platy-
nus decentis, Pterostichus adstrictus, and Agonum retractum
while increasing the catch of other species, such as Calosoma
calidum. Response patterns for these species were identical in
Stand treatment

our study (Fig. 3; Appendix A); however, in addition to Calo-



soma calidum, we also found Calosoma frigidum and Synto-





mus americanus to be significant indicators of the HERB


sites. Although the occurrence of Syntomus americanus in

these sites is likely due to its preference for sunny areas with
sparse low vegetation (Lindroth 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968,
Plant richness (species/m2)

1969), the increase in Calosoma calidum and Calosoma frig-

idum seems perplexing. Both Calosoma species are well-
known predators of herbivorous Lepidoptera (Lindroth 1961,
Summer Tmax (8C)
Summer Tmin (8C)

Soil moisture (%)

Bare ground (%)

Dominant plants
Winter Tmin (8C)

Plant cover (%)

1963, 1966, 1968, 1969), and the herbicide application has

CWD (m3/ha)

FWD (kg/m2)

been reported to reduce the abundances of herbivorous insects

Stump (%)

Litter (%)

Snag (%)
Log (%)

(Sullivan and Sullivan 2003). However, similar to the Duch-

esne et al. (1999) study, we found that 1 year after the treat-
ment was applied, plants like raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)
# 2007 NRC Canada
1320 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 37, 2007

and prickly rose (Rosa acicularis L.) had partially recovered partially attributable to changes in several key habitat pa-
(Table 3), suggesting that the Lepidoptera community may rameters that suggest avenues for mitigating the effects of
have recovered as well. In addition, Stereocerus haematopus forestry-related practices. Specifically, the presence of ex-
was also significantly reduced in the HERB sites. Because posed bare ground, understorey plant species richness, and
Stereocerus haematopus appears to benefit from the effects amounts of both CWD and FWD explained a substantial
of forest harvesting, its lower catch rates in both SALV portion of the total variability in ground beetle species com-
and HERB sites suggest that the effects of multiple distur- position. For example, 47.7% and 23.1% of the total var-
bances may be detrimental for this species. iance in ground beetle species composition was explained
At the community level, the overpowering effect of fire by the presence of exposed bare ground and the amount of
was such that we detected no difference in species richness CWD, respectively. Although these findings may be inter-
or total ground beetle catch rates between sites that had sim- preted as a potential mitigation ‘‘thresholds’’ for forest man-
ply been burned and those that had been multiply disturbed. agement strategies aimed at conserving ground beetle
This effect was also apparent in comparisons of species species composition, they should be interpreted with caution
composition, because our ordination analysis showed consid- for two reasons. First, our study was limited temporally to
erable overlap between BURN, SALV, and HERB stand the first 2 years after disturbance, suggesting that more
treatments (Fig. 4). Interestingly, differences in the order of work needs to be done to determine whether such differen-
disturbance (SALV, burned then harvested; HERB, harvested ces in habitat characteristics may persist over longer time
then burned) were not apparent in the compositional re- scales. Second, we have presented results for a particular
sponse. However, the amount of dispersion or compositional ground beetle assemblage, namely the assemblage associated
variability in the SALV and HERB sites was significantly with boreal white spruce – trembling aspen mixedwood for-
lower than in sites disturbed only by fire or harvesting alone. ests of a particular age and density, so it is difficult to gen-
This result suggests that the combined effects of fire and eralize our findings to other organisms, other forest types,
forestry-related disturbances may simplify and, to some ex- and across wider spatial scales. Nonetheless, our results in-
tent, homogenize the ground beetle assemblage not through a dicate that more detailed studies of these particular habitat
reduction in overall catch or species loss but rather through a variables may provide considerable insight into how to best
reduction of the amount of compositional variation between conserve this and other portions of boreal forest biodiversity.
sites (or even between traps within sites). Until the effects of disturbance combinations on boreal for-
est biota are better understood, efforts to avoid compounding
Implications for biodiversity conservation and disturbances on any given site should be considered in the
sustainable forest management development of forest management guidelines.
Rising societal demands for timber resources combined
with current and predicted increases in wildfire activity as- Acknowledgments
sociated with many parts of the circumpolar boreal forest We thank A.D. Déchêne, I.D. Phillips, M. Blank, B. Kish-
(Flannigan et al. 1998) suggest that the frequency of disturb- chuk, and K. Cryer for field assistance and help with sorting
ance combinations such as the ones investigated in this and identification of beetle specimens, and we gratefully ac-
study will continue to rise. Given the relative novelty of in- knowledge the statistical advice of M.J. Koivula and J.M.
dustrial forestry in North American boreal ecosystems com- Jacobs. For their taxonomic expertise, we thank D. Shpeley
pared with wildfire, we reasoned that boreal mixedwood and G.E. Ball. Valuable comments on the manuscript were
ground beetles would be better adapted to fire than to har- provided by G.E. Ball, C. Bergeron, M.J. Koivula, J.L. Mor-
vesting and that the combined effects of these disturbances issette, S. Bourassa, and two anonymous referees. This re-
could be cumulative. In general, our analyses showed re- search was funded by the Sustainable Forest Management
markable differences in ground beetle responses to wildfire Network, the Foothills Model Forest Chisholm-Dogrib Fire
and forestry-related disturbances and suggest that, although Research Initiative, Alberta Conservation Association sup-
some species may appear to benefit from the combined ef- ported Biodiversity Challenge Grants Program, the Canadian
fects of multiple disturbances, these effects may be detri- Forest Service, a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
mental to others and may simplify the entire assemblage. Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant to the third
At present, the ecological consequences of biodiversity author, and a Weyerhaeuser Company Canada sponsored in-
loss through reduction in species compositional variability dustrial postgraduate NSERC scholarship to the first author.
remain unclear. Efforts to determine the relationship be-
tween biodiversity and the stability of ecological function References
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# 2007 NRC Canada

Cobb et al. 1323

Table A1. Ground beetle species distribution (total catch) across all stand treatments (GREEN, control; HARV, harvested; BURN, burned;
SALV, salvaged; HERB, herbicide) in each collection year.

2002 2003
Agonum cupreum Dejean 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 11 5 18
Agonum cupripenne (Say) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Agonum gratiosum (Mannerheim) 5 0 3 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 26
Agonum placidum (Say) 0 1 10 28 12 0 2 0 3 2 58
Agonum retractum LeConte 24 6 3 8 2 44 16 4 6 1 114
Amara apricaria (Paykull) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Amara erratica (Duftschmid) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2
Amara lacustris LeConte 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Amara latior (Kirby) 1 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 7
Amara littoralis Mannerheim 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 4
Amara lunicollis Schiodte 0 0 2 1 3 0 2 1 2 0 11
Amara obesa (Say) 0 0 23 33 5 0 1 14 76 21 173
Amara patruelis Dejean 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Amara quenseli (Schonherr) 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 7
Amara torrida (Panzer) 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
Badister obtusus LeConte 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Bembidion bimaculatum (Kirby) 0 0 12 6 1 0 0 1 2 1 23
Bembidion grapii Gyllenhal 0 0 25 21 15 2 8 37 57 58 223
Bembidion mutatum Gemminger 0 3 1 8 6 0 0 0 7 2 27
& Harold
Bembidion nigripes (Kirby) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Bembidion nitidum (Kirby) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4
Bembidion quadrimaculatum dubitans 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 7
Bembidion rupicola Kirby 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Bembidion timidum (LeConte) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Calathus advena (LeConte) 41 76 9 10 10 17 33 5 5 45 251
Calathus ingratus Dejean 198 145 41 144 21 202 128 20 79 11 989
Calosoma calidum (Fabricius) 0 1 19 44 119 0 0 3 3 6 195
Calosoma frigidum Kirby 0 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 6 16
Carabus chamissonis Fischer 5 0 2 1 0 15 0 0 0 1 24
von Waldheim
Chlaenius alternatus Horn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Cymindis cribricollis Dejean 2 2 6 4 2 0 0 3 1 7 27
Diceirotrichus cognatus (Gyllenhal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3
Elaphrus americanus Dejean 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 11
Elaphrus clairvillei Kirby 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 6 0 13
Harpalus fulvilabris Mannerheim 1 7 6 3 1 5 11 8 17 4 63
Harpalus laevipes Zetterstedt 0 0 40 39 7 0 0 30 12 5 133
Harpalus lewisii LeConte 0 0 3 5 2 0 0 3 4 1 18
Harpalus somnulentus Dejean 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Loricera pilicornis (Fabricius) 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Notiophilus aquaticus (Linné) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6
Patrobus fovecollis (Eschscholtz) 71 39 11 16 3 55 57 3 6 1 262
Platynus decentis (Say) 84 4 15 61 3 138 29 8 17 2 361
Poecilus lucublandus (Say) 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Pterostichus adstrictus Eschscholtz 104 54 1160 984 516 160 282 1036 1329 800 6 425
Pterostichus brevicornis (Kirby) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
Pterostichus pensylvanicus LeConte 0 1 6 5 3 1 3 3 4 4 30
Pterostichus punctatissimus (Randall) 0 5 0 0 0 11 8 1 0 1 26
Pterostichus riparius (Dejean) 1 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 8
Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer 332 34 0 5 0 335 21 1 8 0 736
von Waldheim)
Sericoda bembidioides Kirby 0 0 659 408 5 0 0 85 78 1 1 236
Sericoda quadripunctata (DeGeer) 2 1 1076 1904 1158 0 4 840 1118 933 7 036
Stereocerus haematopus (Dejean) 33 58 17 12 4 40 127 1 4 5 301
Syntomus americanus (Dejean) 0 0 1 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 12
Tachyta angulata Casey 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Trechus apicalis Motschhulsky 40 22 1 5 0 44 10 0 7 4 33
Total beetles 945 465 3177 3801 1917 1071 747 2118 2871 1938 19 050
Total species 17 19 42 39 27 16 21 25 30 31

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