Chapter 5 Spirituality of Chronically Ill Patient

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Name of Students: _________________________

Subject Code/Block/Time Schedule; ___________

Date of Submission: ________________________

Chapter 5 Activity
Spiritual Need of Chronically Ill Patient

Direction: Write your responses in a yellow pad paper & handwritten. Submit before the
end of our class schedule today.

Critical Thinking Exercise

A 61-year-old female client who was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer over 2 years, had
undergone numerous rounds of chemotherapy treatment. Her husband, 59 years old and a
financial assistant at a local bank. The family have two children, both adults, with one daughter
who is unmarried and living 2 miles away. The other child, a son, lives out of town. The son is
married , he and his wife are about to have their first child. The breast cancer client has numerous
side effects from her advancing disease and chemotherapy. She has ongoing hip pain from the
cancer having spread to the bone. She is also has reduced sensation in the feet, chronic fatigue,
and difficulty sleeping at night. Her husband provides most of her support at home, but this
sometimes interferes with his ability to do the works that he brings home. The client is coming
to the out-patient chemotherapy infusion center to begin yet another course of chemotherapy.
The nurse who has been seeing the client in the center knows that the patient regularly attends
church with her husband.

1. How do perceptions of spirituality affects well-being and quality of life in patients with
chronic illness?
2. Applying Nursing Process, critical thinking and the application of knowledge skills how
will a nurses enhances the spiritual health and well-being of the client and her family?
3. As a nurse you prepare a Nursing Care Plan for the patient and family (spiritual
assessment, nursing diagnosis, plan/expected outcomes, nursing interventions and
expected outcome/evaluation.

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