The Role of Price Taste and Brand Image in Purchas

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Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis

Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68

ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

The Role of Price, Taste, and Brand Image in Purchasing Decisions

Moch Roziqi Yahya1, Rita Ambarwati*2

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia1*2

Abstract: Each company innovates its product as a result of developing food varieties
that produce similar goods. This study aims to determine the effect of price, taste, and
brand image on purchasing decisions for Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau located in
Sidokerto Village, Sidoarjo Regency. This exploration uses quantitative techniques.
information collection technique using a Simple Random Sampling Technique. the
sample in this study amounted to 100 respondents. Collecting data used in this study
using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data analysis used is the classical
assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing uses the F,
t, and R2 tests. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously price, taste, and
brand image have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Fcount is
160.249 > Ftable 2.699 and a significance value of 0.000b <0.05. Partially the price is a
very positive and significant effect. Taste has a positive and significant effect. Brand
image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for Mie Sedaap Ayam
Bakar Limau.
Keywords: Brand Image; Price; Purchase Decision; Taste

Each company innovates its product as a result of developing food varieties that
produce similar goods. Producers are required to be able to produce a product that is
different from the others because this innovation arises due to very diverse consumer
needs (Amalia, 2019). In addition, the number of competitors that will become a separate
obstacle for producers to be able to compete in marketing and selling products is another
critical factor that requires a company to be able to carry out product variations. In
essence, the more competitors, the more choices consumers have. to be able to choose
products according to what is usually expected (Amalia, 2019). Thus, due to this
competition, consumers become more thoughtful and more careful when interacting with
every product on the market. One of the brand images that will be considered is the
WingsFood product brand, incredibly delicious instant noodles. Mie Sedaap is a
competing brand that is most likely to challenge Indomie's position as a market leader
(Lestari & Elwisam, 2019).
During the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, the pandemic shocked the entire
world community and intensified the existence of Covid-19. Now, during the pandemic,
an instant noodle manufacturer, PT. Wingsfood / PT. Karunia Alam Segar (Driyorejo
Factory, Gresik), PT. Sayap Mas Utama (Cakung Factory, East Jakarta) launched a
product with innovation, namely Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau. The presence of Mie
Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau in the form of fried noodles is a new and unique taste
innovation. Manufacturers now charge the same market prices as instant noodles in
general, although with new flavors and innovations but at affordable prices. The price
depends on what is seen from the goods offered, then when comparing prices and
different goods, consumers decide to buy at a low price (Ashari et al., 2023). The
presence of Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau immediately changed the business map of
the Instant noodle industry, not even two years after its launch, they have managed to
erode Indofood's market share, which has dominated instant noodle products for 30
years. All the achievements achieved by Mie Sedaap are due to the spices and flavors
that managed to meet consumer expectations so that little by little market share can be

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

achieved, even though the variety of flavors is indeed not as large as Indomie's strongest
competitor, Mie Sedaap is also aggressively advertising on various media to increase
market awareness (Lestari & Elwisam, 2019).
Over time, instant noodle products are also increasing. The development of the
home instant noodle industry shows a very rapid turn of events, in 2020 there are instant
noodle makers with various brands such as Sedaap, Indomie, Intermie, Sarimi,
Lemonilo, and others. From the consumer's point of view, this shows that the products
meet the demand for instant noodles, and from the manufacturers' point of view, the
instant noodle market is full of competition, resulting in many alternative products and
flavors to offer consumers. This indicates that there has been a change in the search for
instant noodle products, from a tough seasonal market where there is only one trader
surrounded by many customers, to a fast-moving business sector where there are buyers
who are currently surrounded by many makers.
Price (monetary unit) or other non-monetary factors needed to obtain a product
including certain utilities or uses (Kertajasa & Sukmono, 2022). According to (Samsudin
Arif, 2020), the price paid by the customer must be following the perceived quality. Price
is the amount of money charged for a good or service. It represents the value that
consumers are willing to trade in return for the benefits of owning or using these goods
or services (Mariska, 2021). This is relevant to the results of previous studies (Hidayat,
2020), (Okta & Ambarwati, 2022) and (Alkautsar, 2020) which state that price has a
positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Nasution et al. (2019) state
that partially the price variable has no positive and insignificant effect on consumer
purchasing decisions. Management must pay attention to price as a marketing variable
because it has a direct impact on sales volume and profits (Shafira et al., 2021).
According to Shafira et al. (2021), producers and sellers set prices based on the benefits
of the product or the benefits that can be obtained from the product. This means that
producers and sellers set different prices for the same product and compete. The type
of product purchased from the retailer by the buyer.
The presence of Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau as the main maker offers instant
noodle items with a citrus leaf flavor that describes this item. The strong perception that
instant noodle products have among consumers as distinct instant noodle products
shows this. Taste is a property of food that combines appearance, smell, taste, surface,
and temperature. Taste is an important factor in making a food product because
consumers will prefer to buy food products that taste good, are delicious, are delicious
when consumed, and are addictive (Arifin & Setyaningrum, 2022). Everyone's tastes are
of course different from other people's (Maimunah, 2019). The consumer's ability to
detect flavor (odor) mixed in water, usually at very low concentrations, and the visual
appearance of food are two important indicators of taste. The smell is a very personal
and difficult-to-measure aspect of many food and beverage products. When the taste
buds on the tongue are stimulated by chemicals, they will experience taste, especially
the three basic tastes: sweet, salty, and bitter. Texture describes the physical quality of
the food or drink, such as whether it is solid, soft, liquid, and so on. In the case of food
products, especially instant food, the taste of a product influences purchasing decisions
(Bintarti, 2021). In this case, it is relevant to the results of previous studies by (Dini Aulia
Fasya, & Rahwana 2020) and (Suherman & Hongdiyanto, 2020) which state that taste
has a positive and significant influence partially or simultaneously on purchasing
decisions. However (Iqram, 2022) states that partially the taste variable has no positive
and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions.

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

A brand description that also includes brand information is called brand image.
Belief in and evaluation of the brand itself is what contributes to the positive image of
the brand (Gunawati, 2022). Brand image is a representation of the overall perception
of the brand and is formed from information and past experiences with that brand
(Ashari et al., 2023). Building a product's brand image in the eyes of consumers is very
important because this brand image is the basic criterion for consumers in choosing a
product (Amalia, 2019). Corporate image, user image, and product image are the three
elements that make up a brand image (Fakhrudin, 2020). To leave a good first
impression on customers, businesses must address the three elements of a brand
image. Consumer perceptions of a company's brand influence their final purchase
decision (Pasaribu, 2022). Brand reputation can be evaluated in several ways. Strength
Something that gives a product a real advantage over competitors' products. The
advantage in branding refers to the tangible qualities of the brand, whereas uniqueness
describes how the brand stands out in the market. This distinctive impression is
reflected in the product's characteristics; such qualities differentiate one product from
another. These features and benefits are what differentiate the brands we build from
the competition and stick in the minds of consumers. Groups in this category include
the positives of ease in pronouncing product names, brand recall, and alignment
between consumers' and customers' mental images of the brand and the image the
company wants to project. The presence of a brand should not only familiarize potential
customers with the goods provided but also generate consumer confidence in the
product (Lestari & Elwisam, 2019). Proximity to consumers makes Mie Sedaap market
power during intense competition. This is relevant to the results of previous researchers
Gunawati (2022) and Arifin & Setyaningrum (2022) which state that the brand image
variable partially has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. And
Anggraeni & Sabrina (2021) state that brand image has no positive and insignificant
effect on purchasing decisions. So, there are differences in the results of the research
in each of the researchers.
Purchasing decisions are actions taken by consumers to purchase a product
(Indrayani & Syarifah, 2020). Purchasing decisions are related to conveying wishes to
recipients of wishes, with the aim that recipients of wishes can make decisions that are
by the wishes of the givers (Alfian & Nainggolan, 2022). Purchasing decisions are a
problem-solving approach to activities to buy an item or service to meet their wants and
needs (Waluyo et al., 2023). Amalia (2019) Says Consumers make decisions about
what products to buy based on their perceptions of brand image and price. This is done
by examining the marketing mix which includes products, prices, distribution channels,
and promotions, as well as consumer behavior which includes cultural, social, and
psychological factors. The actions of a customer or consumer can have an impact on
the likelihood that a business will make a sale. To be precise. Several indicators can be
used to evaluate buyer actions and behavior, including Customers making purchases
after considering various media before settling on a particular brand. Customers will
choose one brand over another based on their predicted purchase intention. Customers
decide to buy a product or service based on whether or not they feel they want and
need it, regardless of whether it is part of the brand's core offering or not. The condition
of wanting something is called wanting. Therefore purchasing decisions are directly
related to the stimuli accessible to consumers before purchase (Seko et al., 2020).
Purchasing decisions explain that consumer behavior is not only influenced by
consumer characteristics but can also be influenced by the marketing mix which
includes product, price, distribution, and promotion.

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

The following studies show the relationship between variables such as price,
taste, brand reputation, and consumer choice. Price is an important factor in consumer
choice in some studies. (Ashari et al., 2023), (Alkautsar, 2020), (Amalia, 2019),
(Wiranata, 2021), (Indrayani & Syarifah, 2020), (Listiana & Aida, 2021), (Nedian &
Bustami, 2023), (Hidayat, 2020). Taste is an important consideration for consumers in
making purchases. References: (Fasya & Rahwana, 2020), (Suherman, 2020),
(Darmayanti & Indayani, 2023). Brand perception is one of the factors in consumer
choice (Arifin & Setyaningrum, 2022), (Gunawati, 2022), (Pasaribu, 2022), and (Waluyo
et al., 2023). This study aims to determine the relative importance of price, taste, and
brand image in consumer decisions to buy Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau (Figure 1).
About these observations, this study seeks to answer the question of to what extent
and in what combinations of price, taste, and brand image factors influence consumer
tendencies to make purchases.

Price (X1)

Purchasing Decision
Taste (X2)
H4 H2 (Y1)

Brand Image

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Source: Processed data (2023)

The hypothesis in this study is as follows:

H1: "There is a price effect on the purchasing decision of Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau
H2: There is an influence of taste on the purchasing decision of Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar
H3: There is an influence of brand image on purchasing decisions for Mie Sedaap Ayam
Bakar Limau”
H4: "There is an influence of price, taste, and brand image on the purchasing decision
of Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau"

The location of this research was conducted in the District of Buduran, Sidoarjo
61252. The population used in this study was the people of the District of Buduran. The
sample in this study is the people who buy Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau, totaling 100
respondents. This study uses quantitative information collected from questionnaires filled
out by respondents with a Likert scale.
This research technique uses a simple random sampling technique, which means
taking samples from the population, and each member of the population has the same
opportunity to be sampled. Data collection in this study also utilizes primary data sources,
namely by visiting the Buduran sub-district area and making observations, especially
those who are research subjects. And secondary data from this study were obtained by

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

reading, studying, and understanding sources from linear structures, as well as

documents, and journals. And finally, the data analysis method used in this review is
multiple linear regression analysis, and data analysis testing using the IBM Statistics
SPSS 26 application program.


Validity test
Data validity can be assessed by using measuring tools to quantify the range in
which an attribute can be measured (Maryati, 2022). To determine the reliability and
validity of the questionnaire, researchers also used several tests. If rcount is greater than
0.05, then rcount > rtable, and the question items are valid for that indicator, then they
are declared according to the validity test. On the other hand, if the opposite occurs, then
the item is considered invalid. Calculation of the validity test shows that the variable price
(x1), taste (x2), brand image (x3), and purchasing decisions (y) with rcount> 0.200. All
variables and statement items used for measurement have statistical significance at the
0.000 level <0.05 (table 1).

Table 1. Validity Test

Variables Indicators r-count r-table sig. (2-tailed) Description

Price (X1) X11 0,655 0,196 0,000 Valid
X12 0,746 0,196 0,000 Valid
X13 0,662 0,196 0,000 Valid
X14 0,644 0,196 0,000 Valid
Taste (X2) X21 0,750 0,196 0,000 Valid
X22 0,741 0,196 0,000 Valid
X23 0,624 0,196 0,000 Valid
X24 0,660 0,196 0,000 Valid
Brand Image (X3) X31 0,710 0,196 0,000 Valid
X32 0,754 0,196 0,000 Valid
X33 0,742 0,196 0,000 Valid
Purchasing Decision
Y1 0,443 0,196 0,000 Valid
Y2 0,535 0,196 0,000 Valid
Y3 0,436 0,196 0,000 Valid
Y4 0,488 0,196 0,000 Valid
Source: Processed data (2023)

Reliability Test
Cronbach's alpha for the price variable (X1) is rcount > rtable, 0.608 > 0.60, which
determines its validity and reliability. Cronbach's Alpha for the variable X2 on taste shows
valid and reliable because r-count > r-table, or 0.644 > 0.60. Cronbach's Alpha for the
brand image variable (X3) is r-count > r-table, 0.572 > 0.60, meaning that the variable is
valid and reliable. It can be concluded that the reliability test results are valid and reliable
because the value of Cronbach's Alpha for the purchasing decision variable (Y) is r-count
> r-table, 0.565 > 0.60 (table 2).

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

Table 2. Reliability Test Results

N of Cronbach's Koefisien
Variable Description
Items alpha result Cronbach's alpha

Price (X1) 4 0,608 > 0,60 Reliable

Taste (X2) 4 0,644 > 0,60 Reliable
Brand Image (X3) 3 0,572 > 0,60 Reliable
Purchasing Decision (Y) 4 0,565 > 0,60 Reliable
Source: Processed data (2023)

Normality test
The results of the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test corroborate the findings
of the normality test. It is said to be valid and significant if the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) >
0.05. This study shows the results of the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test on
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.200 > 0.05 and is said to be valid and normally distributed (table
Table 3. Normality Test Results

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 100

Normal Mean 0,0000000

Parametersa,b Std. 1,59084201
Most Extreme Absolute 0,056
Positive 0,056
Negative -0,054
Test Statistic 0,056

Asymp. Sig. (2- ,200c,d

a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
Source: Processed data (2023)

Multicollinearity Test
The VIF values for the three variables (price, taste, and brand image) indicate that
there is no multicollinearity problem in the distribution. These values are 3.729, 4.820,
and 4.581 respectively. The price variable value in the Tolerance column is greater than
0.10, the taste variable value is greater than 0.10 and the brand image variable value
is greater than 0.10, meaning that it is free from multicollinearity effects (table 4).

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

Table 4. Multicollinearity Test Result

Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig. Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance Vif

1 (Constant) 10,856 0,236 46,070 0,000

Price 0,176 0,029 0,494 6,138 0,000 0,268 3,729
Taste 0,071 0,032 0,206 2,250 0,027 0,207 4,820
Brand Image 0,115 0,039 0,265 2,972 0,004 0,218 4,581
A. Dependent Variable: Purchasing_Decision
Source: Processed data (2023)

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

The regression coefficient values for each variable can be compiled using the
regression equation after applying the results of unstandardized coefficient data
processing part B:

Y = b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e1 atau Y = 10,856 + 0,176X1 + 0,071X2 + 0,115X3 + 0,236e1

The equation is obtained:

If the values for price, taste, and brand perception are each one unit, then the
number of units involved in the purchase is 10,856. Price (X1) has a regression
coefficient of 0.176, taste (X2) has a regression coefficient of 0.071, and brand image
(X3) has a regression coefficient of 0.115 meaning that there is a price increase of 0.176,
0.071, and 0.115 causing an increase in the likelihood that consumers will make a
purchase (table 5).

This test is used to determine how much influence one independent variable has
on other independent variables. To check whether this is true, tcount and ttable values
are compared. If the final tcount is more than ttable, then H1 is true and H0 is wrong.
Accepting H1 and rejecting H0 is possible depending on whether there is a significance
value <0.05.

Table 5. T-Test Results

Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 10,856 0,236 46,070 0,000
Price 0,176 0,029 0,494 6,138 0,000
Taste 0,071 0,032 0,206 2,250 0,027
Brand Image 0,115 0,039 0,265 2,972 0,004
a. Dependent Variable: Purchasing Decision

Source: Processed data (2023)

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

The results of the t-test of this study in Table 5 show a positive partial significance
level between the three independent variables (price (X1), taste (X2), and brand image
(X3)) and the dependent variable (purchasing decision) in terms of the significance test
on the influence of variables as following:
H1 Price Variable (X1)
Because the price variable (X1) has a significant and positive effect on the
purchasing decision variable (Y) Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau, it is concluded that the
null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted (tcount
> ttable = 6.138 > 1.661).
H2 Taste Variable (X2)
Reject H0, accept Ha; meaning that the taste variable (X2) has a significant and
positive distribution effect on the purchase decision variable (Y) Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar
Limau (tcount = 3.805, ttable = 1.661, tcount > ttable = 2.250, significance = 0.027 0.05,
effect = 0.071).
H3 Variable Brand Image (X3)
Because the brand image variable (X3) has a tcount of 2.972 a ttable of 1.661, a
significance level of 0.004 <0.05, and an effect of 0.115, H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted. This means that X3 has a significant and positive effect. distribution to Y, which
is the purchase decision variable.

F test
To find out whether X1, X2, and X3 have a significant effect on Y (purchasing
decision), the F test is used (table 6)

Table 6. F Test Results

Model Sum Of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regression 40,078 3 13,359 160,249 ,000b

Residual 8,003 96 0,083

Total 48,081 99
A. Dependent Variable: Purchasing Decision
B. Predictors: (Constant), Brand Image, Price, Taste
Source: Processed data (2023)

The hypothesis used in this test is:

H0: The independent variables, namely price, taste, and brand image, have no significant
effect on the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions.
Ha: The independent variables, namely price, taste, and brand image, have a significant
effect on the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions.

H4 Variable Price, Taste, Brand Image

Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected if the F-count value is 160.249, greater than the
Ftable value of 2.699, and the significance value is less than 0.05. The results of the
analysis show that consumer purchasing decisions are significantly influenced by several
factors, including taste, cost, and brand image.

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

Multiple Determination Coefficient Test

To account for shifts in the dependent variable as a result of shifts in the
independent variables, a regression model must be calculated. The R2 value is close to
1 or 100% indicating that the regression model is getting better at explaining the
variability of the independent variables.
Table 7. Multiple Determination Coefficient Test Results

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error Of
Square The Estimate
1 ,913a 0,834 0,828 0,28873

A. Predictors: (Constant),
B. Dependent Variable: Purchasing_Decision
Source: Processed data (2023)

Based on Table 7 presented above, the coefficient of determination (Adj R2) is

0.828, while the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) is 0.834. Because the R2
value is close to 1, it is concluded that the price, taste, and brand image variables
explain the purchasing decisions of each individual by (R) 91.3%, R2 83.4%, and (Adj
R2) 82.8%, while the remaining 16.6 % explained other variables.

The Effect of Price on Purchasing Decisions

Data analysis illustrates that price is a determining factor in consumer buying
habits. This shows that consumers are not disappointed with the price tag of Mie
Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau, and Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau is very competitive in
terms of price, meaning customers can find similar products at lower prices elsewhere.
Consumers will not be disappointed with the price or the money they spend on Mie
Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau products due to the company's fair pricing and an extensive
list of benefits. This is also supported by the results of the respondents' answers,
especially on the indicator of conformity of price with product quality with the statement
"The price of the Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau product can compete with other instant
noodles, and the price of the Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau product is by the quality
of the product provided". As a result, the research results have a significant and positive
impact on consumer choices in purchasing decisions. As a result, the results of this
study are in line with other studies namely "Price Analysis, Product Quality, Brand
Image, and Purchase Decisions for Xiaomi Smartphone Products" (Listiana & Aida,
2021), then entitled "The Influence of Price, Promotion and Brand Image on Purchase
Decisions ( Study on Gp Semeru Coffe Consumers in Pasrujambe Village, Pasrujambe
District, Lumajang Regency)” (Ashari et al., 2023), hereinafter entitled “The Influence of
Taste and Price on Purchasing Decisions (Survey of Mcdonald's Consumers in the
Cipinang Area)” (Alkautsar, 2020), then entitled "The Influence of Brand Image, Price
and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions (Case Study on Endess Noodle Consumers
in Bangkalan)" (Amalia, 2019), entitled "Analysis of Brand Image, Taste, Price and
Media Promotion Social Against Purchase Decisions at Kelana Kopi” (Wiranata, 2021),
entitled “The Influence of Price, Taste, and Location on Purchase Decisions in the Pia
Fatimah Azzahra Cake Business in Tanjung Tiram District” (Indrayani & Syarifah,
2020), entitled “ The Effect of Taste, Price, Product Variation on Consumer Purchase
Decisions at Surya Bakery” (Nedian & Bustami, 2023), and the last one entitled

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

“Analysis of the Influence of Products, Prices, Promotions, and Locations on

Purchasing Decisions of Koki Jody Restaurant in Magelang” (Hidayat, 2020).

The Effect of Taste on Purchasing Decisions

According to the opinions expressed by the survey participants, instant noodle
products are very dependent on the taste of Mie Sedaap. Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau
stands out both in terms of packaging and the food used. Mie Sedaap Mie Sedaap Ayam
Bakar Limau has a distinctive aroma thanks to the inclusion of lime leaves, judging from
the taste of competing products. The term "taste" refers to a person's innate capacity to
enjoy something through their five senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste). Mie
Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau is bigger than other noodles, which serves to attract
customers and interest them. The results of the analysis of this study illustrate that taste
has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. In addition, it is also
supported by the results of the analysis of respondents' answers on the smell or aroma
indicator with the statement "The aroma of the Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau product
can be a characteristic". The results of this study have a positive and significant effect in
line with research (Ilmi et al., 2020) entitled "Choi Siwon as a brand ambassador, the
influence of brand image and taste on purchasing decisions for Korean products"
Purchasing decisions are significantly influenced by overall and individual tastes, as well
as in research (Janah et al., 2021) entitled "The Influence of Brand Image and Price on
Consumer Satisfaction at Mie Gacoan Gresik", then in research (Fasya & Rahwana,
2020) entitled "The Influence of Packaging and Taste on Consumer Purchase Decisions
Indomie Instant Noodles (Survey of University of Perjuangan Tasikmalaya Students/I)",
in research (Suherman & Hongdiyanto, 2020) entitled "The Influence of Promotion,
Taste, and Price Perceptions on Purchase Decisions for Milkmo Products", and in
research (Darmayanti & Indayani, 2023) entitled "The Influence of Brand Image, Taste,
and Price Perceptions on Purchase Decisions at Momentum Coffee in Sidoarjo", there
is a positive and significant influence on each variable on purchasing decisions.

The Effect of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions

According to the responses of the informants, the brand image of Mie Sedaap
Ayam Bakar Limau is well known to many people in the Puturan District and its
surroundings. Mie Sedaap Ayam Bakar Limau customers trust PT. Wingsfood has an
upstanding reputation and produces high-quality goods that can win the hearts of the
general public. Mie Sedaap products have a distinctive taste that keeps customers
coming back to try again. PT. Wingsfood's customers are consistently identifiable across
all of the company's offerings. This result is also supported by the results of the analysis
of respondents' answers, especially on the reputation indicator with the statement "Mie
Sedaap always releases new products and innovations so I want to always try them". It
is the same with research (Arifin & Setyaningrum, 2022) entitled "Analysis of the
Influence of Halal Labeling, Price, Promotion, Taste, and Brand Image on the Purchase
Decision of Kanzler Sausages by Millennials (Studies on Indomaret Sragen Supermarket
Consumers)", furthermore "The Influence of Advertising Electronic Media, Brand
Ambassador, and Brand Image on Purchase Intention (Case Study of Lemonilo Noodle
Consumers in Surakarta City)” (Gunawati, 2022), on the results (Waluyo et al., 2023)
entitled “The Effect of Product Variants and Brand Image on Decisions Purchasing Pucuk
Harum Tea in Langsa City” and the last one entitled “The Effect of Brand Image and
Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for TVS Motorcycles” (Pasaribu, 2022)
researchers found that brand image variables had a positive and significant effect in this
study. Shared or partial brand image has a significant and positive influence on
consumer choice.

Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

Accepted: March 26, 2024; Published: April 30, 2024;
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
DOI: 10.36555/almana.v8i1.2347

The Effect of Price, Taste, and Brand Image on Purchasing Decision

The F-test shows that variables such as price, taste, and brand image all play a
role in shaping the consumer's final decision. The purchasing decision of Mie Sedaap
Ayam Bakar Limau is positively and significantly influenced by the price, taste, and brand
image variables as a whole which play an important role and are directly related to
positive and significant purchasing decisions with a significant value of 160.249 greater
than the table, which is 2.699. With a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05

The results of research and discussion of consumer choices for Ayam Bakar Limau
Mie Sedaap. A total of 100 people from Sidokerto Village located in Buduran District the
population in this study. It can be concluded on each variable. It shows that the three
variables studied, namely price have a partially positive effect on purchasing decisions,
taste also has a partially positive effect on purchasing decisions, and brand image also
has a partially positive effect on buying decisions. Purchasing decisions are strongly
influenced by price, taste, and brand image together or simultaneously. This research
implies that it can provide an increase in marketing strategies to improve purchasing
decisions. This marketing strategy includes improving pricing strategies, improving the
quality of instant noodle flavors, and brand image strategies.

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Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Volume 8, No. 1/ April 2024, p. 56-68
ISSN 2579-4892 print/ ISSN 2655-8327 online
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Submitted: August 08, 2023; Revised: -;

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