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3 Create the following Sales invoices & Receipt details

Taxable Amount Amount

Date Name Value Date Received Date Received
01.04-2021 ADHIMOOLAM .P 18287 02.04.2021 49689 02.06.2021 41408
01.04-2021 ASHIMA ANJUM.A 20324 01.05.2021 58520 01.05.2021 48767
01.04-2021 BRUNO SNEKA .M 44417 02.05.2021 43172 02.06.2021 35977
01.04-2021 DIVYADHARSHINI. B 15426 31.05.2021 50637 01.07.2021 42198
01.04-2021 FATHIMA BENAZIR T.A 16996 01.06.2021 47069 01.07.2021 39224
01.04-2021 KARTHIK .G. B 18580 02.06.2021 51367 02.08.2021 42806
01.04-2021 GNANAVIDHYA .S 20634 01.07.2021 46661 02.09.2021 38884
02.04.2021 KARTHIKEYAN .D 34300 02.07.2021 53909 01.09.2021 44924
02.04.2021 KARTHIKEYAN .K 22060 31.07.2021 36744 01.08.2021 30620
02.04.2021 MIRUDHULA .K 28909 01.08.2021 32581 01.09.2021 27151
02.04.2021 MONALISA .S 30355 02.08.2021 53769 01.09.2021 44807
02.04.2021 MUGESH KUMAR .J.V 31866 31.08.2021 31415 02.09.2021 26179
02.04.2021 PAVITHRA .C 46304 01.09.2021 42279 02.09.2021 35233
02.04.2021 PRIYADARSHINI .B (CBE) 32111 02.10.2021 32988 01.11.2021 27490
02.04.2021 RAJALAKSHIMI .K 17272 31.10.2021 54373 01.11.2021 45311
02.04.2021 RAMESH .S 44142 01.11.2021 55085 01.12.2021 45904
02.04.2021 REKHA .U 18509 02.11.2021 32519 02.12.2021 27099
02.04.2021 SANDHYA .R 34309 01.12.2021 45369 31.12.2021 37808
02.04.2021 SHARMILA DEVI .S 20109 01.02.2022 57538 01.03.2022 47949
02.04.2021 SIVARANJANI .C 24547 01.03.2022 49998 31.03.2022 41665

5. Following Payments were Made by cash

Date expenses Name Amount

01.05.2021 Rent 40000 FIND GST payable
Salary 240000
EB 30000
Conveyance expense 28000
Repairs and Maintainanc 38000
Printing & Stationary 3780
meals 2500

Show the Opening Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and the sales ledgers
in PDF format and submit the same.
Best wishes
SUNDRY DEBTORS BREAKUP Breakup Inv. No Inv. Date Amount Inv. No Inv. Date Amount Inv. No Inv. Date
ADHIMOOLAM .P 165631 171 01.05.2019 49689 222 01.06.2019 41408 289 01.07.2019
ASHIMA ANJUM.A 195067 627 31.05.2019 58520 815 02.06.2019 48767 1060 02.07.2019
BRUNO SNEKA .M 143906 796 01.06.2019 43172 1035 02.07.2019 35977 1346 02.08.2019
DIVYADHARSHINI. B 168790 308 01.07.2019 50637 400 02.08.2019 42198 520 02.09.2019
FATHIMA BENAZIR T.A 156896 79 01.08.2019 47069 103 01.09.2019 39224 134 31.10.2019
KARTHIK .G. B 171223 287 01.09.2019 51367 373 01.10.2019 42806 485 01.03.2020
GNANAVIDHYA .S 155535 778 01.10.2019 46661 1011 01.05.2020 38884 1314 01.08.2020
KARTHIKEYAN .D 179696 229 01.11.2019 53909 298 01.12.2019 44924 387 01.01.2021
KARTHIKEYAN .K 122479 480 01.12.2019 36744 624 01.01.2020 30620 811 02.02.2020
MIRUDHULA .K 108604 807 01.03.2019 32581 1049 02.03.2020 27151 1364 31.03.2020
MONALISA .S 179229 809 01.04.2019 53769 1052 01.05.2019 44807 1368 01.06.2020
MUGESH KUMAR .J.V 104715 568 01.05.2019 31415 738 01.06.2019 26179 959 01.08.2019
PAVITHRA .C 140931 217 01.06.2019 42279 282 01.07.2019 35233 367 01.08.2019
PRIYADARSHINI .B (CBE) 109960 119 01.07.2019 32988 155 01.09.2019 27490 202 01.11.2019
RAJALAKSHIMI .K 181242 256 01.08.2019 54373 333 01.09.2019 45311 433 01.10.2019
RAMESH .S 183617 111 01.10.2019 55085 144 02.10.2019 45904 187 31.10.2019
REKHA .U 108396 825 01.11.2019 32519 1073 01.12.2019 27099 1395 01.03.2020
SANDHYA .R 151230 862 01.01.2020 45369 1121 01.01.2020 37808 1457 02.02.2020
SHARMILA DEVI .S 191794 692 01.02.2020 57538 900 02.02.2020 47949 1170 01.03.2020
SIVARANJANI .C 166659 167 01.03.2020 49998 217 02.03.2020 41665 282 31.03.2020
3085600 925682 771404

Type Situation What will happen?

New Ref. New Ref: Whenever new purchase or sales entry Ref. no shall create

Against Ref. Against Ref: When amount received or paid against pending money Ref. No, shall be closed

Advance Advance: Amount paid or received in advance. Ref. No shall create

On Account On Account: Amount received but against ref. not known Ref. No. will not come
1. create the company in the name of "Shri Naresh &CO "

From 01/04/2021

Classifications: Advertising charges hsn 4910010 18%

2. Create the Opening balance from the following Trial Balance

Particulars Debit Credit

capital Naresh Capital A/c 580000

s creditors INDUMATHY COMPUTERS 2968005 GST; 33AAAPS5467K1ZK
unsecured CUB LOAN 159500
od INDIAN BANK OD 1966594
fa Land & Building 1646893
deposits POSTOFFICE 43500
deposits RENTAL ADVANCE 145000
* SUNDRY DEBTORS 3085600 See the breakup
deposits Fixed Deposit 116000
scash Cash 34800
bank Punjab National Bank 602306 A/c no: 2510000400157830 & ifsc: PUNB0254300
5674099 5674099

From GOT>Chart of Accounts>Select Multi master by pressing Alt+h> Multi create

3 Create the following Sales invoices & Receipt details
Taxable Amount Amount
Date Name Value Date Received Date Received
01.04-2021 ADHIMOOLAM .P 18287 02.04.2021 49689 02.06.2021 41408
01.04-2021 ASHIMA ANJUM.A 20324 01.05.2021 58520 01.05.2021 48767
01.04-2021 BRUNO SNEKA .M 44417 02.05.2021 43172 02.06.2021 35977
01.04-2021 DIVYADHARSHINI. B 15426 31.05.2021 50637 01.07.2021 42198
01.04-2021 FATHIMA BENAZIR T.A 16996 01.06.2021 47069 01.07.2021 39224
01.04-2021 KARTHIK .G. B 18580 02.06.2021 51367 02.08.2021 42806
01.04-2021 GNANAVIDHYA .S 20634 01.07.2021 46661 02.09.2021 38884
02.04.2021 KARTHIKEYAN .D 34300 02.07.2021 53909 01.09.2021 44924
02.04.2021 KARTHIKEYAN .K 22060 31.07.2021 36744 01.08.2021 30620
02.04.2021 MIRUDHULA .K 28909 01.08.2021 32581 01.09.2021 27151
02.04.2021 MONALISA .S 30355 02.08.2021 53769 01.09.2021 44807
02.04.2021 MUGESH KUMAR .J.V 31866 31.08.2021 31415 02.09.2021 26179
02.04.2021 PAVITHRA .C 46304 01.09.2021 42279 02.09.2021 35233
02.04.2021 PRIYADARSHINI .B (CBE) 32111 02.10.2021 32988 01.11.2021 27490
02.04.2021 RAJALAKSHIMI .K 17272 31.10.2021 54373 01.11.2021 45311
02.04.2021 RAMESH .S 44142 01.11.2021 55085 01.12.2021 45904
02.04.2021 REKHA .U 18509 02.11.2021 32519 02.12.2021 27099
02.04.2021 SANDHYA .R 34309 01.12.2021 45369 31.12.2021 37808
02.04.2021 SHARMILA DEVI .S 20109 01.02.2022 57538 01.03.2022 47949
02.04.2021 SIVARANJANI .C 24547 01.03.2022 49998 31.03.2022 41665
5. Following Payments were Made by cash
Date expenses Name Amount
01.05.2021 Rent 40000 FIND GST payable
Salary 240000
EB 30000
Conveyance expense 28000
Repairs and Maintainanc 38000
Printing & Stationary 3780
meals 2500
Show the Opening Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and the sales ledgers
in PDF format and submit the same.
Best wishes

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