Routine Hand Wash Poster

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Wet hands with running water, apply soap, lather well as per the steps mentioned below
(40-60 seconds for the entire process)

1 2 3

Rub hands palm to palm Rub back of each hand with palm Rub palm to palm with
of other hand with fingers crossed
fingers crossed

4 5 6

Rub with back of fingers to Rub each thumb clasped in Rub tips of fingers in opposite
opposing palms with opposite hand using a palm in a circular motion
fingers linked twisting movement

• Wet hands with water • Rub each wrist with opposite hand
• Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces • Rinse hands with water

Hand washing with soap and running ENSURE THE FOLLOWING

water is mandatory  Nails should be trimmed
• Before and after every procedure  All ornaments (rings, bangles, watch) should
• When hands are visibly dirty be removed
• Contact with body fluids
 Dry your hands in air or with single use towel
(if available)
Version 2022

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