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d of Y Standard level


Teacher’s notes and answer keys

Listening Writing
1 Listen and number. 5 Look and write.
Track 28
The pupils listen and number the pictures in the order The pupils look at the pictures and complete the
they hear them. Pause the audio after each sentence. sentences.
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) (2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
1 (boy) I’m not very well. I’ve got a broken leg. Key: 1 tidies up (example answer) 2 cook dinner 3 plays
2 (boy) My sister always hoovers the floor. computer games 4 go to bed late 5 feed my pet 6 play football
3 (girl) I prefer spicy food.
4 (boy) You must eat healthy snacks.
5 (girl) Where’s the library?
6 Write true sentences using the words
6 (boy) There’s a bike stand in my school. in brackets.
7 (girl) The shark is heavier than the crab. The pupils use the words in the order they appear in the
8 (boy) Do you lay the table every day?
brackets to write true sentences about sea animals.
9 (girl) My favourite pizza topping is mushrooms.
10 (boy) Are you going to go kayaking? (2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
11 (girl) She rides a horse well. Key: 1 A squid is bigger than a seahorse. (example answer)
Key: 1 k (example answer) 2 c 3 g 4 b 5 i 6 a 7 h 8 f 9 e 10 d 11 j 2 A shark is more dangerous than a crab. 3 A fish is smaller
than a whale. 4 A seal is prettier than an octopus. 5 A turtle is
2 Listen, read and circle. heavier than a starfish. 6 A dolphin is faster than a jellyfish.
Track 29
The pupils listen to the conversation and read the
sentences. They then circle the correct answers. Pause Speaking (optional)
the audio after each speaker.
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.)
(Frank) Hi, Mary. You weren’t at school this morning. Ask the pupil What savoury food can you see in the
(Mary) Hi, Frank. No, I wasn’t. I was at home. I had a picture? (pizza, rice) What plain food can you see?
temperature. (rice) What sweet food can you see? (toffee apples,
(Frank) Oh, I’m sorry. Are you better now? ice cream, cake) What crunchy food can you see?
(Mary) Yes, thanks. (apples, popcorn).
(Frank) What did you do at home? (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 4 points.)
(Mary) Well, I didn’t have any breakfast. But I drank some
orange juice at twenty past ten. I watched TV at five to eleven
and then I phoned my grandma at twenty-five to twelve. Sentences
Key: 1 wasn’t (example answer) 2 was 3 didn’t have 4 orange Say Are these sentences true or false? Read out
juice 5 five to eleven 6 twenty-five to twelve the following sentences. The pupil identifies the true
sentences and corrects the false ones.
Point to the girl rollerblading and say She rollerblades
Reading well. (False. She rollerblades badly.)
Point to the gardener and say He tidies up. (False. He
3 Read and match. plants / is planting seeds.)
The pupils read the words and the categories. They then Point to the rabbit and say The rabbit is slower than the
match each word to the correct category. dog. (True.)
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) Point to the girl opening the envelope and say The girl is
going to go swimming at the weekend. (False. The girl is
Key: Pizza toppings: sweetcorn (example answer), pineapple,
going to go surfing at the weekend.)
olives; Festivals: costume, roller coaster; Fit and healthy: cough,
feel sick; School: corridor, Arts and Crafts; Sea animals: seal, (2 points for each correct sentence. Total: 8 points.)
4 Read and circle. Ask four questions, e.g. How often do you eat sweet
food? How can you be fit and healthy? What are
The pupils read the sentences and circle the correct
you going to do at the weekend? What did you do
last weekend? Encourage the pupil to answer in full
(2 points for each correct answer. Total: 10 points.) sentences.
Key: 1 study (example answer) 2 make 3 go 4 What 5 were (2 points for each correct answer. Total: 8 points.)
6 eat

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